Eric Miller's Penn Folklore dissertation-in-process:

Ethnographic Videoconferencing, as Applied to South Indian Children's Songs/Chants/Dances/Games and Language Learning

(All of the following are MSword or pdf files.)

Chapter 0a  Title Page, Dedication, Acknowledgements
Chapter 0b  Abstract
Chapter 0c   Contents
Chapter 1    Introduction
Chapter 2    Cultures and Locations
Chapter 3    Research Methodology
Chapter 4    Children's Songs/Chants/Dances/Games
    A) Background
    B) Original Data:
         List of Songs/Chants/Dances/Games
         1    Stone
         2    Field
         3    Bucket
         4    Sandalwood Ash
         5    What Kind Of?
         6    What Use?
         7    Comb
         8    Monkey Jumping
         9    Running
         10  Fruit
         11  Bunch
         12  Tiger and Goat
         13  Frog
         14  Tick
Chapter 5    Language Learning, and the Songs
    A) Background
    B) Original Data
Chapter 6    Videoconferencing, and the Songs
    A) Background
    B) Original Data
              Still-images from the 2004 Videoconference
              Still-images from the 2005 Videoconference
Chapter 7    Conclusions
Chapter 8    Epilogue
Appendix    Language-Learning Exercises

Eric Miller,
Ph.D. candidate, Folklore Program,
University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, USA).

To Dissertation-process front page (exams and proposal)   

Last updated: March 2009.