ERIC titles on CD-ROM, ``Language Policy", 1991 to 1995.

These titles were culled from ERIC CD-ROM using the descriptor ``Language Policy" Many are in unpublished form. The key AV: describes their availability, when unpublished. The key CS: indicates a sponsoring organization.
  1. Mar Molinero, Clare; Stevenson, Patrick ``Language, Geography and Politics: The `Territorial Imperative' Debate in the European Context." (1991.) Language Problems and Language Planning. V15 n2 p162 76 Sum 1991 AV: UMI

  2. Laitin, David; Mensah, Edward ``Language Choice among Ghanaians." (1991.) Language Problems and Language Planning. V15 n2 p139 61 Sum 1991 AV: UMI

  3. Peddie, Roger A. ``Coming--Ready or Not? Language Policy Development in New Zealand." (1991.) Language Problems and Language Planning. V15 n1 p25 42 Spr 1991 AV: UMI

  4. Leal, Barry ``Trends in Language Policy Overseas." (1990.) Babel:Journal of the Australian Modern Language Teachers' Associations. V25 n3 p7 10 Dec 1990

  5. Russell, Joan ``Success as a Source of Conflict in Language Planning: The Tanzanian Case." (1990.) Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. V11 n5 p363 75 1990

  6. Mordaunt, Owen G. ``Swaziland's Language Policy for Schools." (1990.) Educational Studies. V16 n2 p131 40 1990 AV: UMI

  7. Akinnaso, F. Niyi ``Toward the Development of a Multilingual Language Policy in Nigeria." (1991.) Applied Linguistics. V12 n1 p29 61 Mar 1991 AV: UMI

  8. Shonerd, Henry G. ``Domesticating the Barbarous Tongue: Language Policy for the Navajo in Historical Perspective." (1990.) Language Problems and Language Planning. V14 n3 p193 208 Fall 1990 AV: UMI

  9. Lawton, Stephen B. ``Canadian Education: A National Agenda." (1990.) Journal of Education Finance. V15 n4 p517 33 Spr 1990 Available from Journal of Education Finance, Virginia Tech, 238UCOB College of Education, Blacksburg, VA 24061.

  10. Woolard, Kathryn A.; Gahng, Tae Joong ``Changing Language Policies and Attitudes in Autonomous Catalonia." (1990.) Language in Society. V19 n3 p311 30 Sep 1990 AV: UMI

  11. Wilcox, Phyllis; And Others ``A Commitment to Professionalism: Educational Interpreting Standards within a Large Public School System." (1990.) Sign Language Studies. n68 p277 86 Fall 1990

  12. Huss, Susan ``The Education Requirement of the U.S. Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986: A Case Study of Ineffective Language Planning." (1990.) Language Problems and Language Planning. V14 n2 p142 61 Sum 1990 AV: UMI

  13. Dion, Stephane; Lamy, Gaetane ``La francisation de la langue de travail au Quebec: Constraintes et realisations (Francization of the Language of the Workplace in Quebec: Constraints and Achievements)." (1990.) Language Problems and Language Planning. V14 n2 p119 41 Sum 1990 AV: UMI

  14. Pachori, Satya S. ``The Language Policy of the East India Company and the Asiatic Society of Bengal." (1990.) Language Problems and Language Planning. V14 n2 p104 18 Sum 1990 AV: UMI

  15. Eisemon, Thomas Owen; And Others ``What Language Should Be Used for Teaching?: Language Policy and School Reform in Burundi." (1989.) Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. V10 n6 p473 97 1989

  16. Johnston, A. P.; Moore, Joseph B. ``The Wording of Policy: Does It Make Any Difference in Implementation? (1990.) Journal of Educational Administration. V28 n2 p24 33 1990 AV: UMI

  17. Citrin, Jack ``Language Politics and American Identity." (1990.) Public Interest. n99 p96 109 Spr 1990 AV: UMI

  18. Edwards, Viviane ``Bilingual Education at the Post Secondary Level; A Case Study." (1989.) Canadian Journal of Higher Education. V19 n3 p43 52 1989 AV: UMI

  19. Ingram, D. E. ``Language in Education Planning." (1989.) Annual Review of Applied Linguistics. V10 p53 78 1989 AV: UMI

  20. Djite, Paulin G. ``Les langues africaines dans la nouvelle francophonie (African Languages in the New French Speaking Community). (1990.) Language Problems and Language Planning. V14 n1 p20 32 Spr 1990 AV: UMI

  21. Akinnaso, F. Niyi ``One Nation, Four Hundred Languages: Unity and Diversity in Nigeria's Language Policy." (1989.) Language Problems and Language Planning. V13 n2 p133 46 Sum 1989 AV: UMI

  22. Corson, David ``Foreign Language Policy at School Level: FLT and Cultural Studies across the Curriculum." (1989.) Foreign Language Annals. V22 n4 p323 38 Sep 1989 AV: UMI

  23. Cleghorn, Ailie; And Others ``Language Policy and Science Instruction in Kenyan Primary Schools." (1989.) Comparative Education Review. V33 n1 p21 39 Feb 1989 AV: UMI

  24. Djite, Paulin G. ``The Spread of Dyula and Popular French in Cote d'Ivoire: Implications for Language Policy." (1988.) Language Problems and Language Planning. V12 n3 p213 25 Fall 1988

  25. Adcock, C. John ``Maori and English: New Zealand's Bilingual Problem." (1987.) Language Problems and Language Planning. V11 n2 p208 13 Sum 1987

  26. Lightbown, Patsy M. ``Educational Research and Theory in Language Policy: ESL in Quebec Schools." (1988.) TESL Canada Journal. V5 n2 p27 32 Mar 1988

  27. Lickers, Keith ``Native Languages and the Role of Research in Formulating Language Policy." (1988.) TESL Canada Journal. V5 n2 p20 26 Mar 1988

  28. Cummins, Jim ``The Role and Use of Educational Theory in Formulating Language Policy." (1988.) TESL Canada Journal. V5 n2 p11 19 Mar 1988

  29. Reagan, Timothy ``The Role of Language Policy in South African Education." (1986.) Language Problems and Language Planning. V10 n1 p1 13 Spr 1986 Revised version of a paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the South African Association for Language Teaching (Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1985).

  30. Moller, Aquigssiaq ``Language Policy and Language Planning after the Establishment of the Home Rule in Greenland." (1988.) Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. V9 n1 2 p177 79 1988

  31. Roberts, Catrin ``Political Conflict over Bilingual Initiatives: A Case Study." (1987.) Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. V8 n4 p311 22 1987

  32. Lucas, Ceil; And Others ``Bilingualism & Deafness: An Annotated Bibliography." (1987.) Sign Language Studies. n55 p97 139 Sum 1987

  33. Cartwright, Don ``Accommodation among the Anglophone Minority in Quebec to Official Language Policy: A Shift in Traditional Patterns of Language Contact." (1987.) Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. V8 n1 2 p187 212 1987

  34. Crampton, Diana ``Language Policy in Kenya." (1986.) Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata. V18 n3 p109 22 Sep Dec 1986

  35. Cross, David ``A Language Policy for EFL? (1987.) System. V15 n1 p43 45 1987

  36. Russell, Ralph ``South Asian Languages in Britain: A Critique of Safder Alladina's Analysis." (1986.) Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. V7 n6 p443 50 1986

  37. Huebner, Thom ``Vernacular Literacy, English as a Language of Wider Communication, and Language Shift in American Samoa." (1986.) Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. V7 n5 p393 411 1986

  38. Reagan, Timothy; Ntshoe, Issac ``Language Policy and Black Education in South Africa." (1987.) Journal of Research and Development in Education. V20 n2 p1 8 Win 1987 AV: UMI

  39. Markee, Numa ``The Relevance of Sociopolitical Factors to Communicative Course Design." (1986.) English for Specific Purposes. V5 n1 p3 16 1986

  40. Russo, Cos; Baldauf, Richard B., Jr. ``Language Development without Planning: A Case Study of Tribal Aborigines in the Northern Teritory, Australia." (1986.) Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. V7 n4 p310 17 1986

  41. Rubagumya, Casmir M. ``Language Planning in the Tanzanian Educational System: Problems and Prospects." (1986.) Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. V7 n4 p283 300 1986

  42. Smitherman Donaldson, Geneva ``Toward a National Public Policy on Language." (1987.) College English. V49 n1 p29 36 Jan 1987 AV: UMI

  43. Dodson, C. J. ``Second Language Acquisition and Bilingual Development: A Theoretical Framework." (1985.) Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. V6 n5 p325 46 1985

  44. Chamberlain, Alan `` `A National Language Policy: Report by the Senate Standing Committee on Education and the Arts, October 1984." (1985.) Babel: Journal of the Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations. V20 n1 p4 9 Apr 1985

  45. Reagan, Timothy ``Language Policy, Politics, and Ideology: The Case of South Africa." (1984.) Issues in Education. V2 n2 p155 64 Fall 1984 Single copies are available from: American Educational Research Association, 1230 17th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036 ($6.00).

  46. Talbot, Elizabeth ``Teaching about Language Issues in the Soviet Union." (1985.) Social Education. V49 n2 p122 23 Feb 1985 AV: UMI

  47. Baxter, William H., III ``Language and Language Policy in Singapore." (1985.) Social Education. V49 n2 p116 17 Feb 1985 AV: UMI

  48. Silver, Brian D. ``Language Policy and Practice in the Soviet Union." (1985.) Social Education. V49 n2 p107 10 Feb 1985 AV: UMI

  49. Ruiz, Richard ``Orientations in Language Planning." (1984.) NABE: The Journal for the National Association for Bilingual Education. V8 n2 p15 34 Win 1984

  50. Smolicz, J. J. ``Is the Monolingual Nation State Out of Date? A Comparative Study of Language Policies in Australia and the Philippines." (1984.) Comparative Education. V20 n2 p265 85 1984

  51. Ndoma, Ungina ``National Language Policy in Education in Zaire." (1984.) Language Problems and Language Planning. V8 n2 p172 84 Sum 1984

  52. Cordasco, Francesco; Roederer, Louis ``Needed: A New Language Policy in the U.S. (1984.) USA Today. V113 n2470 p67 69 Jul 1984 AV: UMI

  53. Szepe, Gyorgy ``Mother Tongue, Language Policy and Education." (1984.) Prospects: Quarterly Review of Education. V14 n1 p63 73 1984 AV: UMI

  54. Shorish, M. Mobin ``Planning by Decree: The Soviet Language Policy in Central Asia." (1984.) Language Problems and Language Planning. V8 n1 p35 46 Apr 1984

  55. Unks, Gerald ``Practically Speaking: The Perils of a Single Language Policy." (1984.) Clearing House. V57 n7 p317 22 Mar 1984 AV: UMI

  56. McMeniman, Marilyn M. ``The Why and How of a National Policy for Language Education--A Social Perspective." (1983.) Babel: Journal of the Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations. (Special Edition) v18 n3 p43 45 1983

  57. Ingram, David E. ``Aspects of a National Language Policy." (1983.) Babel: Journal of the Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations. (Special Edition) v18 n3 p3 36 1983

  58. Bayer, Ann Shea ``Teachers Talking to Learn." (1984.) Language Arts. V61 n2 p131 40 Feb 1984 AV: UMI (Thematics Issue: Talk)

  59. Edwards, J. David ``National Language Policies and the Future." (1983.) Hispania. V66 n4 p570 73 Dec 1983 AV: UMI

  60. Unks, Gerald ``The Perils of a Single Language Policy." (1983.) Educational Leadership. V41 n2 p18 22 Oct 1983 AV: UMI

  61. Stevens, Paul B. ``Ambivalence, Modernisation and Language Attitudes: French and Arabic in Tunisia." (1983.) Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. V4 n2 3 p101 14 1983

  62. Heath, Shirley Brice ``Language Policies." (1983.) Society. V20 n4 p56 63 May Jun 1983 AV: Reprint: UMI

  63. Smitherman, Geneva ``Language and Liberation." (1983.) Journal of Negro Education. V52 n1 p15 23 Win 1983 AV: Reprint: UMI

  64. Savage, Wilfrid; And Others ``Language in the Classroom: A Discussion Document for Teachers." (1981.) English in Australia. n58 p67 81 Dec 1981

  65. Miller, Errol L. ``From Research to Action: Language Policy in Jamaica." (1981.) Prospects: Quarterly Review of Education. V11 n3 p372 80 1981 AV: Reprint: UMI

  66. Grognet, Allene Guss ``Refugees and the English Language: A Crucial Interface." (1981.) Journal of Refugee Resettlement. V1 n4 p43 50 Aug 1981

  67. Cartagena, Juan ``English Only JAMAS." (1989.) Centro. V2 n5 p65 76 Spr 1989

  68. Barton, David; Hamilton, Mary E. ``Researching Literacy in Industrialised Countries: Trends and Prospects." UIE Reports 2. CS: United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Hamburg (West Germany). Inst. for Education." (1990.)

  69. Ramirez, Arnulfo G. ``Sociolinguistic Considerations in Literacy Planning." PY: [1991]

  70. Fradd, Sandra H. ``An Annotated Bibliography of Research and Professional Publications Relevant to the Education of Handicapped, Limited English Proficient Students and Their Families." CS: Florida Atlantic Univ., Boca Raton. Multifunctional Resource Center." (1990.)

  71. van Els, Theo J. M. ``Foreign Language Policy Making from a Dutch and European Point of View." (1990.)

  72. Lambert, Richard D. ``Language Policy: An International Perspective. NFLC Occasional Papers." CS: Johns Hopkins Univ., Washington, DC. National Foreign Language Center. (1990.)

  73. Halliday, M. A. K. ``New Ways of Meaning: A Challenge to Applied Linguistics." (1990.) Paper presented at the World Congress of Applied Linguistics sponsored by the International Association of Applied Linguistics (9th, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 15 21, 1990).

  74. Fahmy, Jane Jackson; Bilton, Linda ``University Language Policy: Identifying Student Attitudes." (1990.) Paper presented at the World Congress of Applied Linguistics (9th, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 15 21, 1990) sponsored by the International Association of Applied Linguistics.

  75. Paulston, Christina Bratt ``Language Revival: The Case of Irish." (1990.) Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Political Science Association (Limerick, Ireland, June 4 7, 1990).

  76. Ingram, D. E. ``The Case for Italian." (1989.) Paper presented at a Conference on the Teaching of Italian (Queensland, Australia, June 28 29, 1989).

  77. Baldauf, Richard B., Jr. ``New Beginnings for Language Policy: Australia and the United States.;" (1990.) Revised version of a paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Regional Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (January 26, 1990).

  78. Russell, Joan ``The Role of Vernacularization in Tanzania: Swahili as Political Tool." (1988.) In: York Papers in Linguistics 13. Selected papers from the Sociolinguistics Symposium; see FL 018 472.

  79. Chacoff, Ana ``(Bi)literacy and Empowerment: Education for Indigenous Groups in Brazil." PY: [1989] In: Working Papers in Educational Linguistics. Philadelphia, PA, 1989. p43 62.

  80. Tardif, Claudette ``French Language Minority Education: Political and Pedagogical Issues." (1989.) Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (San Francisco, CA, March 27 31, 1989).

  81. Macias, Reynaldo F. ``Official Languages in the United States: Policies, Polemics, and Politics." CS: Tomas Rivera Center, Claremont, CA. (1987.) AV: Tomas Rivera Center, 710 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA 91711 ($2.00). Paper presented at the Annual National Hispanic Media Conference (5th, Los Angeles, CA, April 25, 1987).

  82. Parasher, S. V. ``Language Policy, Language Use and English Language Teaching in India." (1989.) Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (23rd, Warwick, England, March 31 April 3, 1989).

  83. ``Agenda: ``Hispanic Issues Are America's Issues." Quadrennial National Hispanic Leadership Conference (4th, Washington, D.C., April 4 6, 1988). CS: National Hispanic Leadership Conference, Washington, DC. (1988.) AV: Pablo Sedillo, Chairman, NHLC and Director, Secretariat for Hispanic Affairs, U.S. Catholic Conference, 1312 Massachusetts Ave., Washington, DC 20005 or Roger J. Rivera, Conference Coordinator, NHLC, 20 F St. N.W., 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20001.

  84. Stewart, David A. ``A Model Communication and Language Policy for Total Communication Programs for the Hearing Impaired." Occasional Paper No. 125. CS: Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. Inst. for Research on Teaching." (1988.) AV: Institute for Research on Teaching, College of Education, Michigan State University, 252 Erickson Hall, East Lansing, MI 48825 ($3.00).

  85. Nakadate, Neil ``Discourse Communities, Rites of Passage, and the Teaching of English: South Africa and the U.S. (1988.) Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Conference on College Composition and Communication (39th, St. Louis, MO, March 17 19, 1988).

  86. Robinson, David ``Language Policy and Planning." ERIC Digest. CS: ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics, Washington, D.C. (1988.)

  87. Reagan, Timothy ``The `Language Struggle" in South Africa: Emergence and Development in Educational Policy." 1987 1988 World Education Monograph Series, Number One. CS: Connecticut Univ., Storrs. Thut (I.N.) World Education Center. (1988.) AV: The Isaac N. Thut World Education Center, School of Education, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268 ($2.50).

  88. Fehring, Heather ``Language Assessment: Developing a Literacy Profile. Reading Around Series No. 2. CS: Australian Reading Association, Adelaide. (1988.)

  89. Alcorso, Caroline; Cope, Bill ``A Review of Australian Multicultural Education Policy 1979 1986. NACCME Commissioned Research Paper No. 6. CS: National Advisory and Co ordinating Committee on Multicultural Education, Woden (Australia). PY: [1986]

  90. Andreoni, Helen; Ozolins, Uldis ``Three Language Policy Statements: Two Evaluations. NACCME Commissioned Research Paper No. 1. CS: National Advisory and Co ordinating Committee on Multicultural Education, Woden (Australia). (1985.)

  91. ``IFLA General Conference, 1987. Division of Libraries Serving the General Public. Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons Section. Library Services to Multicultural Populations Section. Papers. CS: International Federation of Library Associations, The Hague (Netherlands). (1987.) Papers presented at the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) General Conference (53rd, Brighton, England, August 16 21, 1987).

  92. Rado, Marta; Reynolds, Chris ``Language Curriculum in a Multicultural Society." (1988.) Paper presented at World Congress on Language Teaching of the International Federation of Modern Language Teachers (16th, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia, January 4 8, 1988).

  93. Johannesen, Richard L. ``Responsibility in Governmental Political Communication: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography." CS: Speech Communication Association, Annandale, Va. (1988.) AV: Speech Communication Association, 5105 Backlick Rd., Bldg. E, Annandale, VA 22003 (free).

  94. Ovando, Carlos J. ``English Only Movement: Confrontation with Language Diversity." (1988.) Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for Bilingual Education (17th, Houston, TX, April 27 May 1, 1988).

  95. Delpit, Lisa D.; Kemelfield, Graeme ``An Evaluation of the Viles Tok Ples Skul Scheme in the North Solomons Province." ERU Report No. 51. CS: Papua and New Guinea Univ., Port Moresby. Educational Research Unit. (1985.) AV: Educational Research Unit, Box 320, University P.O., University of Papua New Guinea, Papua New Guinea.

  96. Garcia, Ricardo L. ``Global Perspectives on Language Policy and Education." (1987.) Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Advocates for Language Learning (4th, Washington, DC, October 16 19, 1987).

  97. Sirles, Craig ``Evaluating Language Planning: A Procedural Outline." (1986.) Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (New York, NY, December 28, 1986).

  98. Roberts, Linda P.; Kitao, S. Kathleen ``Language Diversity, Education and Development: Case Studies of the Philippines, India and Nigeria." PY: [1987]

  99. Mery Gorrie, Rose ``Governmental Policy and Languages for Specific Purposes in Canada." (1987.) Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (Washington, DC, April 20, 1987).

  100. Lo Bianco, Joseph ``National Policy on Languages." CS: Australian Dept. of Education, Canberra. (1987.) AV: Australian Government Publishing Service, Mail Order Sales, GPO Box 84, Canberra A.C.T. 2601, Australia ($29.95 Australian currency, including sea mail postage outside Australia).

  101. Ingram, D. E. ``Language Policy and Economic and Social Development." (1987.) Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the RELC Regional Language Seminar on the Role of Language Education in Human Resource Development (Singapore, April 13 16, 1987).

  102. ``Language for All: An Analysis of the Importance of Language in Post 16 Education. An Occasional Paper." CS: Further Education Unit, London (England). (1986.)

  103. Daswani, C. J. ``Aspects of Modernization in Indian Languages." (1985.) Paper presented at a Conference on Vernacular Languages for Modern Societies (Bad Homburg, West Germany, June 11 15, 1985).

  104. Massamba, David P. B. ``An Assessment of the Development and Modernization of the Kiswahili Language in Tanzania." (1985.) Paper presented at a Conference on Vernacular Languages for Modern Societies (Bad Homburg, West Germany, June 11 15, 1985).

  105. Ibrahim, Muhammad H. ``Communicating in Arabic: Problems and Prospects." (1985.) Paper presented at a Conference on Vernacular Languages for Modern Societies (Bad Homburg, West Germany, June 11 15, 1985).

  106. Seyoum, Mulugeta ``The Emergence of the National Language in Ethiopia: An Historical Perspective." (1985.) In: What Are National Languages Good For? Florian Coulmas, (Ed.);

  107. Walshe, R. D. ```Survival English.'" P.E.N. (Primary English Notes) 14. CS: Primary English Teaching Association, Rozelle (Australia). (1979.) Primary English Notes (P.E.N.). n14 1979

  108. Judd, Elliot L. ``TESOL as a Political Act: A Moral Question." (1983.) Handscombe, Jean, (Ed.); And Others. On TESOL '83. The Question of Control. Selected Papers from the Annual Convention of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (17th, Toronto, Canada, March 15 20, 1983); see FL 015 035.

  109. ``Towards Universalization of Primary Education in Asia and the Pacific: Country Studies--Philippines." CS: United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Bangkok (Thailand). Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific. (1984.) In: ``Towards Universalization of Primary Education in Asia and the Pacific: Country Studies."

  110. Odumuh, Adama Emmanuel ``On the Language-Literature Equation: Thoughts on English Language Teaching in Nigerian Universities." (1986.) Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Second Language (20th, Brighton, England, April 1-4, 1986).

  111. ``Regional Education Profile: Asia. China, Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei." CS: Institute of International Education, New York, N.Y. (1986.) AV: Publications Service, Institute of International Education, 809 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017. Essays presented at the Biennial International Education Seminars (4th, conducted in Arkansas, Illinois, Georgia, Utah, October 1985; and New York, Washington, and California, March 1986).

  112. Tam, Peter tim kui ``The Impact of Governmental and Institutional Language Policy and Practices on the Individual's Choice of the Instructional Medium in Schools in Hong Kong." (1986.) Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (67th, San Francisco, CA, April 16 20, 1986).

  113. Hughes, Phillip; And Others ``Interface between Education and State Policy: Australia. Asia and the Pacific Programme of Educational Innovation for Development, Education and Polity, No. 2. CS: United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Bangkok (Thailand). Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific. (1985.) AV: UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific, P.O. Box 1425, General Post Office, Bangkok 10500, Thailand.

  114. De Vries, John ``Towards a Sociology of Languages in Canada." CS: Laval Univ., Quebec (Quebec). International Center for Research on Bilingualism. (1986.)

  115. Tetley, William ``Les droits linguistiques et scolaires au Quebec et au Canada (Linguistic and Educational Rights in Quebec and Canada)." CS: Laval Univ., Quebec (Quebec). International Center for Research on Bilingualism. (1986.)

  116. Tonkin, Humphrey, (Ed.); Johnson-Weiner, Karen, (Ed.) ``Language Planning at the International Level." Report of the Annual Conference of the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems (3rd, New York, New York, December 14, 1984). CS: Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems, New York, NY. (1985.) AV: Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems, 777 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017

  117. Moore, Joseph B. ``The Language and Implementation of State Educational Policy." (1986.) Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (70th, San Francisco, CA, April 16-20, 1986).

  118. Smitherman, Geneva ``Toward a National Public Policy on Language." (1986.) Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Conference on College Composition and Communication (37th, New Orleans, LA, March 13 15, 1986).

  119. ``Erasmus Hall High School Bilingual Program 1983 1984." O.E.A. Evaluation Report. CS: New York City Board of Education, Brooklyn, N.Y. Office of Educational Evaluation. (1986.) AV: Office of Educational Assessment, New York City Board of Education, 110 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201.

  120. Peters, Pamela ``Writing Across the Curriculum in Australia." PY: [1985]

  121. Cobarrubias, Juan, (Ed.) ``Language Policy in Canada: Current Issues." A Selection of the Proceedings of the Papers Dealing with Language Policy Issues in Canada at the Conference `Language Policy and Social Problems" (Curacao, Venezuela, December, 1983). Publication B 150. CS: Laval Univ., Quebec (Quebec). International Center for Research on Bilingualism. (1985.)

  122. Beauchamp, Edward R. ``Bilingual Education Policy: An International Perspective. Fastback 227." CS: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation, Bloomington, Ind. (1985.) AV: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation, Box 789, Bloomington, IN 47402 This fastback was sponsored by the Orange County California Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa.

  123. Chun, Trudie Iuli ``Bilingual Framework in American Samoa 1980-1985." (1985.)

  124. ``Bilingual Pupil Services 1983-1984. OEA EvaluationReport." CS: New York City Board of Education, Brooklyn, N.Y. Office of Educational Evaluation. PY: [1985] AV: Office of Educational Assessment, New York City Board of Education, 110 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11201.

  125. Greenwood, John ``The Case for Content across the Curriculum As Well As Language." (1985.) Paper presented at a regional seminar of the SEAMEO Regional Language Centre (20th, Singapore, April 22 26, 1985).

  126. Sridhar, Kamal K. ``Language Policy for Education in Multilingual India: Issues and Implementation." (1983.) Revised version of paper presented at a colloquium on Language Development: An International Perspective (Urbana, IL, May 19 20, 1983).

  127. Spolsky, Bernard ``Overcoming Language Barriers to Education in a Multilingual World." PY: [1985] Paper presented at the Symposium of Education marking the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the City of Tel Aviv. Document contains light type.

  128. Lessow Hurley, Judith ``United States Language Policy in Micronesia: A Study in Ambivalence." PY: [1984]

  129. ``Australian Family Research Conference Proceedings." (Canberra, Australia, November 23 25, 1983). Volume IV: Policies and Families. CS: Institute of Family Studies, Melbourne (Australia). (1984.) AV: Institute of Family Studies, 766 Elizabeth St., Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3000 ($8.00 each; $50 for seven volumes). For other volumes in the series, see SO 016 321 327. Document contains small print.

  130. Alvarez, Celia; And Others ``Speech and Ways of Speaking in a Bilingual Puerto Rican Community." CS: City Univ. of New York, N.Y. Centro de Estudios Puertorriguenos.; Ford Foundation, New York, N.Y. (1984.) Developed by the Language Policy Task Force.

  131. Portes, P.-R. ``The Role of Language in the Development of Intelligence: Vygotsky Revisited." (1983.) Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association (68th, New Orleans, LA, April 23 27, 1984) and adapted from a presentation at the Forum for Interdisciplinary Studies on Language Policy and Social Problems (Curacao , Netherland Antilles, December 1983).

  132. Jaggar, Angela, (Ed.); Smith Burke, M.-Trika, (Ed.) ``Observing the Language Learner." CS: International Reading Association, Newark, Del.; National Council of Teachers of English, Urbana, Ill. (1985.) AV: National Council of Teachers of English, 1111 Kenyon Rd., Urbana, IL 61801 (Stock No. 33991, $11.00 nonmember, $8.00 member); International Reading Association, 800 Barksdale Rd., Box 8139, Newark, DE 19714 (Book Order No. 890, $11.00 nonmember, $8.00 member).

  133. Cotayo, Armando; Collins, Carla ``George Washington High School Bilingual Academic and Career Orientation Program," 1982 1983. O.E.E. Evaluation Report. CS: New York City Board of Education, Brooklyn, N.Y. Office of Educational Evaluation. (1984.) Published by the O.E.E. Bilingual Education Evaluation Unit. Appendix A

  134. McFerren, Margaret ``Iran: Country Status Report." CS: Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, DC. Language/Area Reference Center. (1984.)

  135. Robson, Barbara ``Tanzania: Country Status Report." CS: Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, DC. Language/Area Reference Center. (1984.)

  136. Robson, Barbara ``Malawi: Country Status Report." CS: Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, DC. Language/Area Reference Center. (1984.)

  137. Bruhn, Thea C. ``Zaire: Country Status Report." CS: Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, DC. Language/Area Reference Center. (1984.)

  138. Reagan, Timothy ``The `Language Question" in the History of South African Education." (1984.) Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association Division F, History and Historiography (New Orleans, LA, April 23 27, 1984).

  139. McGuinness, Karen Lee; Edwards, J. David ``Influence, Effectiveness and Language Policy: A Political Action Workshop." CS: Joint National Committee for Languages, Washington, DC. (1981.) Prepared for the Council for Languages and Other International Studies. Developed for TESOL's (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) Summer Institute (New York, NY, July 24 26, 1981).

  140. Finegold, Lynda ``La Exploracion Del Contexto Social y Sus Efectos en el Programa de Espanol en Mexico Rural. (Exploring the Social Context Affecting a Pre School Spanish Program in Rural Mexico). PY: [1982]

  141. Cartagena, Juan; And Others ``United States Language Policy: Where Do We Go from Here? CS: Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc., New York, N.Y. (1983.) Paper presented at a conference,`El Espanol en los Estados Unidos IV. La Investigacion Comprometida/Committed Research" (Hunter College, New York, NY, October 7 8, 1983).

  142. Falk, Barbara, (Ed.); Harris, Joy, (Ed.) ``Unity in Diversity: Multicultural Education in Australia." CS: Australian Coll. of Education, Carlton, Victoria. (1983.) AV: Australian College of Education, 916 Swanston Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053 ($5.00).

  143. Brown, Kim ``Development Education, Language Planning, and Language Policy: An Overview of the Fields with Respect to the Teaching of English." (1983.) Paper presented at the Annual Convention of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (17th, Toronto, Ontario, March 15 20, 1983).

  144. ``The Provision of English as a Second Language (E.S.L.) Training to Adult Newcomers: Six Principles toward a National Policy. Position Paper." CS: TESL Canada. (1981.) Incorporates a report on the TESL Canada/TESL Ontario Symposium on the Provision of ESL to Adult Refugees from Southeast Asia (December 3, 1980). Prepared by the TESL Canada Action Committee.

  145. Attinasi, John; And Others ``Intergenerational Perspectives on Bilingualism: From Community to Classroom. Final Report." CS: City Univ. of New York, N.Y. Centro de Estudios Puertorriquenos. (1982.) Produced by the Language Policy Task Force.

  146. Ingram, D. E.; Farrell Jones, Mary ``Submission on Aspects of a National Language Policy." CS: Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations, Melbourne. (1982.)

  147. Wildsmith, R. ``English Language Problems of Chinese Students in South Africa." (1980.) Paper presented at the Annual Convention of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (14th, San Francisco, CA, March, 1980).

  148. Tucker, G. Richard; And Others ``Exploring Strategies for Developing a Cohesive National Direction toward Language Education in the United States." CS: InterAmerica Research Associates, Rosslyn, Va.; National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education, Arlington, Va. (1983.) AV: National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education, 1555 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 605, Rosslyn, VA 22209 ($3.90). Collection of papers presented at the National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education seminar (Washington, DC, June 1982).

  149. Mackey, W. F. ``Language Policy in Ireland and Canada: A Comparative Survey." (1981.) Public lecture given under the auspices of Bord na Gaeilge (November 26, 1981). In original publication (ISBN 0-946339 01 5), bound with `Syllabus for Second Language Teaching."

  150. Strevens, Peter; And Others ``On TESOL '82. Pacific Perspectives on Language Learning and Teaching. I: Policy and Planning." (1983.) Papers presented at the Annual Convention of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (16th, Honolulu, HI, May 1 6, 1982).

  151. Clarke, Mark A. (Ed.); Handscombe, Jean, (Ed.) ``On TESOL '82. Pacific Perspectives on Language Learning and Teaching." CS: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. (1983.) AV: TESOL, 202 D.C. Transit Building, Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20057 ($11.50 non members; $10 members). For individual chapters and papers, see FL 013 680 690, Fl 013 692, and ED 219 964. Selected papers presented at the Annual TESOL Conference (16th, Honolulu, HI, May 1 6, 1982).

  152. Paulston, Christina Bratt ``Swedish Research and Debate About Bilingualism. A Critical Review of the Swedish Research and Debate about Bilingualism and Bilingual Education in Sweden from an International Perspective." CS: National Swedish Board of Education, Stockholm. (1982.)

  153. Torres, Judith; Bensimon, Estela M. ``Morris High School Betterment through Bilingualism." O.E.E. Evaluation Report, 1981-1982. CS: New York City Board of Education, Brooklyn, N.Y. Office of Educational Evaluation. (1983.)

  154. Lambert, Richard D., (Ed.); Freed, Barbara F., (Ed.) ``The Loss of Language Skills." (1982.) AV: Newbury House Publishers, Inc., Rowley, MA 01969 ($16.95).

  155. Hatch, Evelyn; Farhady, Hossein ``Research Design and Statistics for Applied Linguistics." (1982.) AV: Newbury House Publishers, Inc., Rowley, MA 01969 ($16.95).

  156. Kaplan, Robert B., (Ed.); And Others ``Annual Review of Applied Linguistics: 1981." (1982.) AV: Newbury House Publishers, Inc., Rowley, MA 01969 ($17.95).

  157. St. Clair, Robert, (Ed.); Leap, William, (Ed.) ``Language Renewal among American Indian Tribes: Issues, Problems, and Prospects." CS: InterAmerica Research Associates, Rosslyn, Va.; National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education, Arlington, Va. (1982.)

  158. Hartford, Beverly, (Ed.); And Others ``Issues in International Bilingual Education: The Role of the Vernacular." (1982.) AV: Plenum Publishing Corporation, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013 ($42.50).

  159. Alatis, James E., (Ed.); Tucker, G. Richard, (Ed.) ``Language in Public Life. Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics (Washington, D.C., 1979). CS: Georgetown Univ., Washington, D.C. School of Languages and Linguistics. (1979.) AV: Georgetown University Press, Washington, DC 20057 ($7.75).

  160. Imhoof, Maurice ``Reading by Radio. A Position Paper on the Use of Radio in Teaching Reading Skills for Educational Development." CS: Academy for Educational Development, Inc., Washington, D.C. (1981.) Radio Language Arts Project, Kenya.

  161. Niebuhr, Mary M., (Ed.) ``Careers in Linguistics: New Horizons. Proceedings of a Conference Held in Conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (56th, New York, NY, December 1981). CS: ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics, Washington, D.C.; Linguistic Society of America, Washington, D.C. (1982.)

  162. Laughlin, Margaret A. ``A Political Focus on Issues in Bilingual Education: Comparative Views from Selected Countries Around the World." (1982.) Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Interdisciplinary and Ethnic Studies (Santa Clara, CA, April 16, 1982).

  163. Pedraza, Pedro, Jr.; Attinasi, John ``Rethinking Diglossia. CENTRO Working Papers 9. CS: City Univ. of New York, N.Y. Centro de Estudios Puertorriguenos. (1980.) Prepared by Language Policy Task Force. Paper presented at the Conference on Ethnoperspectives in Bilingual Education Research (Ypsilanti, MI, June 1980).

  164. ``Social Dimensions of Language Use in East Harlem. CENTRO Working Papers." CS: City Univ. of New York, N.Y. Centro de Estudios Puertorriguenos. (1980.) Study performed by Language Policy Task Force."

  165. Underwood, Robert A. ``Bilingual Education in a Developing Pacific Area: Why?" Asian Pacific American Education Occasional Papers. CS: National Association for Asian and Pacific American Education, Berkeley, (1981.) AV: National Association for Asian and Pacific American Education, 1414 Walnut Street, Room 9, Berkeley, CA 94709 (write for price).

  166. Pedone, Ronald J., (Ed.) ``The Retention of Minority Languages in the United States: A Seminar on the Analytic Work of Calvin J. Veltman." CS: National Center for Education Statistics (ED), Washington, D.C. (1981.) AV: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Seminar held at Hubert H. Humphrey Building (Washington, DC, May 13, 1980).
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