Monographs catalogued in Van Pelt Library, U. Penna, found by searching for the subjects

Standard Language


Language Ideology.

Call numbers are for Van Pelt holdings, where known.

  1. Basumer, Scaglione et. al (eds.) The Emergence of national languages Ravenna: Longo, 1981. P119.3 E51 1981

  2. Boelens, Kr. Frisian-Dutch Bilingual Primary Schools. CS: Netherlands Ministry of Education and Sciences, The Hague. (1976)

  3. Bartsch, Renate Norms of language: theoretical and practical aspects London and NY: Longman, 1987. P368 >B3713 1987

  4. Baum, Richard. Hochsprache, Literatursprache, Schriftsprache: Materialien zur Charakteristik von Kultursprachen. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1987. P368 >b38 1987

  5. Clyne, Michael (ed.) Pluricentric languages: differing norms in different nations. Berlin, NY: Mouton de Guyter, 1992. Contributions to the Soc. of Language 62. P120.V37 P57 1992

  6. Crowley, Tony. Standard English and the politics of language Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1989. P368 .C76 1989

  7. Haarmann, Harald. Soziologie und Politik der Sprachen Europas Muenchen: Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag, 1975. P380 .H32 1975

  8. Haas, W. (ed.) Standard languages: spoken and written Manchester: Manchester U. Press; Barnes and Noble 1982. P368 .s7 1982

  9. Joseph, John E. Eloquence and power: the rise of language standards and standard languages. New York: B. Blackwell, 1987. P358. J6 1987

  10. Khubchandani, Lachman Language Ideology and Language Development: An Appraisal of Indian Education Policy. (1977) Linguistics 193; 33-51

  11. Lester, Mark, et al. ELT Documents. English as an International Language. CS: British Council, London (England). English-Teaching Information Centre. (1978) ELT Documents; 1978

  12. Milroy, James and Leslie Milroy. Authority in language; investigating language prescription London, Routledge 1985 P358.M51 1985

  13. Moeliono, Anton M. Language development and cultivation: alternative approaches in language planning Canberra: Dept. of Linguistics, ANU, 1986. P10.5.L35 M61 1986

  14. Pettigrew, Andrew M. On Studying Organizational Cultures. (1979) Administrative Science Quarterly ; Vol. 2, No. 4 pp. 570-81

  15. Reagan, Timothy Language Policy, Politics, and Ideology: The Case of South Africa. (1984) Issues in Education; Vol. 2, No. 2 pp. 155-64

  16. St. Clair, Robert, Guadalupe Valdes, and J. Ornstein-Galicia. Social and educational issues in bilingualism and biculturalism. Washington, D.C.: Univ. Press of America, 1981. LC3731 .S366

  17. Vinogradov, V. V. Problemy literaturnykh iazykov i zakonomernosti ikh preobrazovania. NY: Mouton de Gruyter, 1992. P368 .V5, P120.V37 P57 1992

  18. von Gleich, Utta and Ekkehard Wolff. Standardization of national languages: Symnposium on Language Standardization. Hamburg: UNESCO Inst. for Education, 1991. P368 >S96 1991

  19. Wyler, Siegfried. Untersuchungen zu einer Kategorie Norm in sprachlichen Systemen, insb. im Englischen. Heidelberg, Winter, 1979. PE25 .A5 hft. 140