Reference materials for Tamil are problematical, and it is questionable how
much of what is `extant' might be adaptable for web use. Grammars of the
literary language are of course in print form, and can be purchased in some
cases; the only grammar of the spoken language designed for use by students
(Schiffman 1979) is now out of print but has been revised and can perhaps be
put on the web in some kind of retrievable form, perhaps at an ftp site to
accompany the web site. Dictionaries are also problematical; there are
excellent Tamil to English dictionaries available, but practically no useful
English to Tamil dictionaries. An electronic form of An English
Dictionary of the Tamil Verb (Schiffman, forthcoming) would be useful, when
it is finally finished, but in the meantime the only on-line dictionary is one
of questionable legality at an ftp site in Heidelberg, Germany