fig. 1: Facade, 1909 version; fig. 2: Facade, 1911 version.
fig. 3: Facade, 1910 version; fig. 4: Facade, as built.
fig. 5: Interior, 1910 version; fig. 6: Interior, as built.
fig. 7: Plan of the ground floor, 1910.
fig. 8: Design for the crypt, 1910.
fig. 9: Crypt, plan and elevation of the altar wall, 1911.
fig. 10: Crypt under construction.
fig. 11: Crypt, from an original photograph.
fig. 12: Crypt, column detail.
fig. 13: View to the front of the crypt; fig. 14: view to the rear of the crypt.
fig. 1: "Church of the Holy Spirit, front elevation,
Ottakring, (1909)." Krecic, pl. 40.
plecCHS07.GIF [bw, 3.0x2.0, 26K]; plecCHS07.JPEG [bw, 5.7x3.0, 42K].
fig. 2: "Church of the Holy Spirit and adjacent buildings in
Ottakring, front elevation, (1911);" Krecic,
pl. 21.
plecCHS05.GIF [bw, 3.0x2.0, 33K]; plecCHS05.JPEG [bw, 8.0x5.3, 68K].
fig. 3: "Fassadenvarianten zur Hl.-Geist-Kirche mit dem
Pfarrhaus und dem Zinshaus, (1910);" Prelovsek, pl. 83.
plecCHS10.GIF [bw, 3.0x2.0, 26K]; plecCHS10.JPEG [bw, 7.3x3.7, 57K].
fig. 4: "Hl.-Geist-Kirche in Wien, (1910-1913);"
Prelovsek, pl. 33.
plecCHS11.GIF [co, 2.7x2.0, 27K]; plecCHS11.JPEG [co, 8.2x6.1, 66K].
figs. 5 & 6: "Eglise du Saint-Esprit, Vienne
(1910-1913)," left: Projet (1910), right: Realisation (1913); CCI, portfolio section.
plecCHS03.GIF [bw, 6.0x2.6, 80K].
fig. 7: "Hl.-Geist-Kirche, Grundriss des Erdgeschosses,
(1910);" Prelovsek, pl. 78.
plecCHS08.GIF [bw, 4.4x4.1, 96K].
fig. 8: "Eglise du Saint -Esprit, dessin de la
crypte, Vienne (1910);" CCI, p. 48.
plecCHS01.GIF [bw, 5.2x3.3, 89K].
fig. 9: "Die Krypta der Hl.-Geist-Kirche, Plan
der Altarwand, (1911);" Prelovsek, pl. 81.
plecCHS09.GIF [bw, 5.5x4.0, 59K].
fig. 10: "Eglise du Saint-Esprit, Vienne (1910-1913), La
crypte en chantier (1910);" CCI, portfolio
plecCHS04.GIF [bw, 4.8x3.7, 81K].
fig. 11: "Church of the Holy Spirit, crypt, from an
original photograph, Ottakring, (1911);" Krecic, pl. 42.
plecCHS06.GIF [bw, 3.9x3.9, 96K].
fig. 12: "Eglise du Saint-Esprit, chapiteaux de la crypte,
Vienne (1910);" CCI, p. 104.
plecCHS02.GIF [bw, 3.5x4.6, 84K].
fig. 13: "Hl.-Geist-Kirche in Wien, Krypta, (1910;
Ausstattung 1911/12);" Prelovsek, pl.
plecCHS12.GIF [co, 2.0x2.0, 26K]; plecCHS12.JPEG [co, 8.1x8.2, 107K].
fig. 14: "Hl.-Geist-Kirche in Wien, Krypta, (1910;
Ausstattung 1911/12);" Prelovsek, pl.
plecCHS13.GIF [co, 2.0x2.0, 24K]; plecCHS13.JPEG [co, 8.2x8.3, 105K].