Committee on Chemotherapeutic
and Other Agents
This committee, entitled the Committee on Chemotherapeutic and Other
Agents (COC), was one of the first committees founded by the Division
of Medical Sciences (DMS) of the NRC in May 1940 as part of the army's
program of " 'medical preparedness' " for war (Adams, 1991,
26). The COC members included chairman Perrin Long of Johns Hopkins University
and Chester S. Keefer of Boston University, who was also director of Evans
Memorial at the Massachusetts Memorial Hospitals. Keefer, who served as
information coordinator for the COC's Subcommittee on Infectious Diseases,
replaced Long as chairman in September 1942 after Long accepted a commission
in the U.S. Army Medical Corps. Other COC members were physicians Francis
G. Blake of Yale University, John S. Lockwood of the University of Pennsylvania,
E. K. Marshall, Jr. of Johns Hopkins University, and W. Barry Wood of
Washington University in St. Louis (Hobby, 110; Adams, 1991, 31-32). The
government thus called on university-based scientists, physicians, and
engineers to staff these and other wartime research agencies and committees
in order " 'to utilize to the full potential the resources of the
academic world' " given the threat of war (Adams, 1991, 56). [Although
I have not come across an image of the Committee, this might be useful.
Otherwise, Hobby does have a picture of Keefer on 111-can we find similar
pictures for the other members?]
While the COC's initial responsibilities lay in examining the sulfonamides
and other drugs in battle wound treatment, it later turned to the study
of penicillin. Long recommended the consideration of penicillin in October
1940, perhaps having seen Florey's research in an earlier issue of the
British Medical Journal (Adams, 1991, 29). Due to limited funding and
availability of penicillin at that time, clinical investigation could
not be conducted. The subsequent work of the Columbia group and other
researchers revealed the therapeutic possibilities of penicillin, work
which, along with Florey's visit to Richards in August 1941, contributed
to the CMR's decision to take on the responsibility of examining penicillin's
potential for large-scale production. After it designated the COC in charge
of "[gathering] information on [penicillin] dosage, methods of administration,
duration of treatment, and reactions" in January 1942, the CMR remained
involved in penicillin distribution for the remainder of the war (Neushul,
383; Keefer, 719). [I had difficulty locating the British Medical Journal
article cited above-has it already been scanned?]
Under Long, the COC began its penicillin clinical studies on staphylococcal
infections in the spring 1942, albeit with still limited supplies of penicillin.
The team that initially compiled this research data included Champ Lyons,
who later treated patients after Boston's Coconut Grove Fire and conducted
the Bushnell Hospital study discussed below, Keefer, Blake, Martin Henry
Dawson, and Wesley Spink (Adams, 1991, 31). They continued their studies
through the summer, enlarging the research program to include infections
such as pneumococcal meningitis and empyema. The investigations continued
into the fall, as Keefer transitioned into his role as chairman, and in
mid-October 1942 he relayed to Richards the COC's findings to date. Specifically,
he found that penicillin was particularly effective against "…staphylococcal
infections and hemolytic streptococcal infections with bacteremia, chronic
osteomyelitis, and chronic empyema. It had shown little clinical effect,
however, against subacute bacterial endocarditis [SBE]" (Adams, 1991,
33). He thus recommended that the COC push forward with further studies
on staphylococcal and sulfonamide-resistant gram positive infections.
Further investigations, such as the work of Lyons at Massachusetts General
Hospital under a CMR/OSRD contract in conjunction with the COC, supported
earlier findings of penicillin's effectiveness. He treated over 170 patients,
many of whom were injured during the late 1942 Boston Coconut Grove Fire,
and concluded that penicillin's therapeutic effects were " 'impressive'
" (Adams, 1991, 33). [The results of this investigation under a CMR/OSRD
contract are found in the following document, taken from Adams, 1991,
33, note 29-Champ Lyons, "Committee on Medical Research of the Office
of Scientific Research and Development: Final Report for the 12 Months
Ending December 31, 1942," 17 March 1943, CMR, Record Group 227.]
Although in March 1942 there was only enough penicillin for one case,
supplies had increased to provide enough for ten cases in June 1942 and
for ninety cases in February 1943 (Richards, 442; Hobby, 145). This increase
in supplies, made possible by the afore-mentioned production improvements
at the NRRL and pharmaceutical firms, resulted in an increase in the number
of "accredited investigators" authorized to conduct penicillin
studies. These clinicians, whose number reached 22 in August 1943, included
the U.S.'s leading infectious disease specialists who possessed relevant
clinical investigation skills. They continued "…to test penicillin
in proved cases of the infections then under investigation, [and the]
reports of all cases were forwarded to a central office, so that all investigators,
producers of penicillin, the [COC], and the [CMR] were familiar at all
times with the results being obtained" (Keefer, 719). Keefer's office
at the Massachusetts Memorial Hospitals in Boston served as this central
office, where in the subsequent months Keefer and Donald Anderson, his
assistant who also taught at Boston University School of Medicine, considered
physician requests (Keefer, 720). The accredited clinicians received penicillin
with the understanding that no physician or patient could buy or sell
the penicillin; moreover, the investigators were required to submit progress
reports to the COC for analysis (Keefer, 719). [Keefer fails to cite where
one might find these progress reports-possibly in Record Group 227?]
The penicillin supplied for these tests of just 100 patients between
June 1942 and February 1943 came from pharmaceutical companies free of
charge. Except for the penicillin that the companies needed for their
own investigations, they turned over all of the penicillin to the CMR,
who then gave the supplies to the COC for clinical testing. By February
1943, however, "…the unfairness of this plan was apparent, so
that from that time on the government, [via an OSRD contract with penicillin
producers, on CMR recommendation,] paid for all the penicillin used in
clinical investigation under [the COC's] direction and supervision…"
(Keefer, 719). Expanding these studies, however, required increased penicillin
quantities. While work continued at the NRRL and at pharmaceutical plants,
Keefer stressed that " '[we] must all push its production as hard
as possible [italics in original]' " (Adams, 1991, 35). He wanted
to press forward with penicillin studies, given the potential shown thus
far, and was particularly enthusiastic about extending investigations
to the armed forces-an intention that Keefer shared with Richards in March
1943. [For the document that includes Keefer's above-mentioned quote as
well as his intentions to extend studies to the army, locate Chester S.
Keefer to A. N. Richards, 22 March 1943, CMR, Record Group 227 (Adams,
1991, 35, note 35).]
This desire was in line with COC and wartime bureaucracy's goals of conducting
research studies that supported the war effort (Adams, 1991, 67). The
opportunity to advance knowledge of penicillin's actions, specifically
in battle wounds that were unreceptive to other treatments, presented
itself in the spring 1943. Major Frank B. Queen, a Bushnell Hospital medical
officer in Brigham, Utah, requested that Keefer initiate a pilot study
at the hospital on the "…application of penicillin among military
casualties" (Adams, 1991, 35). Keefer supported the proposal, and
asked Richards to discuss the matter with both penicillin producers and
with the surgeon general in order to gain military approval. Richards
approved the study, believing that Bushnell Hospital served as a terrific
opportunity to advance penicillin study. This decision emphasizes Richards's
ongoing support for the penicillin project as well as his role in COC
activity. Upon hearing from Richards, Keefer informed Major Queen that
the COC's Lyons would be conducting the Bushnell studies beginning in
April 1943. Lyons and the hospital's staff worked well together, and his
initial results, which showed the effective treatment of several patients
with penicillin, demonstrated the importance of the drug to the army.
In June, Lyons began work at Halloran Hospital in New York, where he was
in charge of training medical officers in the use of penicillin; this
program later included other army hospitals as well (Adams, 1991, 36-38;
Keefer, 719-720; and Richards, 443). [For Richards's go-ahead response
to Keefer's inquiry regarding the Bushnell study, find A. N. Richards
to Chester S. Keefer, 24 March 1943, CMR, Record Group 227 (Adams, 1991,
36, note 40). Also, locate Lyons's JAMA progress report, 18 December 1943
(mentioned in Richards, 443).]
"The Bushnell studies represented a turning point in the clinical
evaluation of penicillin by the COC" (Adams, 1991, 38). The army
now recognized the value of penicillin. Not only did it extend its medical
officer training program to nearly a dozen other army hospitals, but due
to the initial observations of John Mahoney of the U.S. Public Health
Service on the applicability of penicillin to syphilis and gonorrhea,
the army also adopted penicillin for the treatment of venereal diseases
(Keefer, 720). The army's decision to use penicillin "…left
accredited investigators with far less of the drug available for civilian
patients" (Adams, 1991, 38). Richards, concerned by this prospect,
announced in JAMA that "[unless] penicillin production increased,…supplies
for civilians would become even more scarce"-a prediction echoed
by Keefer in his memorandum to the accredited investigators (Adams, 1991,
39). [Elder cites a 1943 CMR investigative report entitled "Penicillin
Therapy for Septic Compound Fractures in a Military Hospital," finding
that this report "…was the spark which triggered the accelerated
program" (Elder, 3). He does not, however, provide further information
as to where to find this report. We have Richards' JAMA statement. For
Keefer's statement, locate Chester S. Keefer, "Memorandum on Penicillin
Distribution," 25 May 1943, CMR, Record Group 227 (Adams, 1991, 39,
note 48).]
These supplies began increasing substantially in 1943, for just as the
army was impressed by penicillin's performance at Bushnell and other army
hospitals, so, too, was the WPB, whose involvement in penicillin production
is discussed in detail in The War Department section. Moreover, noting
that in the COC's trials to date penicillin "…not only fulfilled
[its] early expectations but exceeded them, the [WPB] consented in June
1943 to become responsible for the program of commercial production"
(Keefer, 720). Following his May 1943 statement in JAMA, Richards had
asked the WPB "…to assume ownership of all penicillin in this
country and allocate it to the armed services, to the manufacturers for
their own research purposes, to the OSRD for investigations as recommended
by the CMR, and to the Public Health Service" (Swann, 161). This
allocation order, official as of July 16, 1943, although initially reducing
the amount of penicillin available to the COC, as noted in The Public
section, subsequently allowed for larger amounts of penicillin available
for civilian use. Specifically, by mid-1943, the WPB allocated more penicillin
to the OSRD, who then released it to the COC, given the strides in penicillin
production discussed in The Pharmaceutical Companies section (Keefer,
Given these increasing supplies, the COC was able to extend its clinical
testing program. Yet the scarcity of the drug nonetheless remained, requiring
the COC to hold to its rationing policy of "[providing] penicillin
only to patients suffering from illnesses where data could be of potential
benefit to the war effort,…[while age,] gender, or other factors
[continued to have] no effect on rationing decisions" (Adams, 1991,
77). By adhering closely to its rationing policy and by justifying its
actions "…as being in the best interest of the nation"
since its research supported the war effort, the COC "…insulated
itself from legal problems" (Adams, 1991, 67). However, this did
not preclude the COC from criticism-both from politicians, as in an example
described in The Public section, as well as from physicians. For instance,
the Mayo Clinic's Wallace Herrell, who had been studying and treating
patients with penicillin prior to the allocation order's restriction of
supplies, clashed with Keefer. Whereas Herrell believed that the COC's
investigative program "stifled academic freedom," Keefer felt
that an emphasis on "cooperative research" was essential (Adams,
1991, 82, 85). "Cooperative research," reflected in the COC's
rationing policy, called for the study of penicillin "…according
to a predetermined investigative protocol in order to insure uniformity
of research methods and results…[and] helped guard against the possibility
of bias on the part of a single researcher" (Adams, 1991, 85).
Another conflict, centering on physician use of penicillin for untreatable
cases, likewise highlights the logic behind COC rationing policy. Martin
Henry Dawson had " '…treated several [SBE] patients without
first consulting the Committee [COC] and used penicillin which had been
released to him for other purposes….' " (Adams, 1989, 206).
Similarly, Leo Loewe, a New York physician, was studying penicillin's
applicability to SBE patients; he obtained his penicillin supplies from
John Smith, Pfizer's president, who knew of Dawson's work and was touched
by Loewe's efforts to treat children and other patients suffering from
SBE (Hobby, 167-168). Following the allocation order, Smith supplied the
OSRD and WPB with vast quantities of penicillin while giving Loewe the
eight million units permitted for the company's research program. This
cooperation between Loewe and Pfizer in the study and treatment of SBE
patients, while promoting penicillin use in a manner contrary to COC guidelines,
eventually led to Keefer's recognition in 1945 of the applicability of
the drug to SBE. Until this point, however, Keefer maintained that physicians
and accredited investigators must adhere to COC policy in order to ensure
the equitable distribution of penicillin and the "…orderly accumulation
of knowledge" on penicillin (Adams, 1989, 208). Lockwood, who "…
'deplored' any deviation from Committee policy," emphasized this
need for compliance: " 'Although we appear to assume a grave responsibility
in certain individual cases,…it seems to me only by adhering to this
course can we provide 'the greatest good to the greatest number' "
(Adams, 1991, 80). [For this notable quote, locate John S. Lockwood to
Chester S. Keefer, 12 August 1943, CMR, Record Group 227 (Adams, 1991,
80, note 43).]
Richards supported Keefer's decisions, reflecting their cordial relationship
and their parallel thinking. As mentioned above, Richards and the CMR
prompted the COC's involvement in clinical testing on penicillin. When
Keefer became frustrated by his attempts at explaining COC rationing policy
to the press, he turned to Richards for " 'advice and council' about
[how he should handle] lay pressure for the drug" (Adams, 1989, 204).
In addition, when Herrell tried to continue his work with penicillin according
to his own protocol, he appealed to Richards in an attempt to circumvent
Keefer. Richards, however, "…was unwilling to override Keefer's
authority," and he "…fully supported Keefer's belief that
policy should be maintained at all costs" (Adams, 1991, 82). Richards,
in his capacity as chairman of the CMR, reinforced Keefer's decisions,
strengthening the credibility of the COC's rationing policy. [For Richards's
response to Herrell, obtain A. N. Richards to Wallace E. Herrell, 13 August
1943, COMM, National Academy of Science (Adams, 1991, 82, note 51).]
The COC's "…program of clinical investigation was continued
until April 30, 1944, by which time a sufficient amount of information
had been accumulated on the clinical value of penicillin in certain diseases
to justify a revision of the program" (Keefer, 721). Moreover, pharmaceutical
firms were producing enough penicillin to satisfy military needs. In fact,
the amount of penicillin being produced became too large for efficient
rationing by the COC such that the WPB transferred allocation responsibilities
to the OCPD on May 1, 1944. The OCPD, which is discussed in The Public
section and in The War Department section at length, assumed distribution
responsibilities via a nationwide system of "depot hospitals"
(Adams, 1991, 92). This meant that until December 1945, Keefer and the
COC focused solely on clinical research without the distraction of civilian
requests and media attention. [For an article on these "depot hospitals,"
see "Penicillin Comes to City Hospitals," New York Times (11
May 1944): 21, cited in my primary sources bibliography-we have this.]