.x:7 Final Exam (for everyone) Religious Studies 014 One Hour, Comprehensive R. A. Kraft, 5 May 1994 In each of the following groups of terms, ONE term is intended NOT to fit ("odd one out"). You are asked to do the following, in whatever order makes most sense to you: (1) Identify what you consider to be the "foreign" term and tell why you would exclude it from the remaining group. (2) Identify what the remaining group has in common and (3) tell how each of the remaining terms contributes to the understanding of the larger group. Be precise and concise. There is not necessarily only one "correct" answer for each group, but your defense IN THE CONTEXT OF THIS COURSE will determine the evaluation of your answer. If for some reason you are NOT able to isolate a term that seems extraneous, say so and give brief identifications of as many of those terms as you can. Choose at least 10 groups (you may do more for extra credit), spending about 5 minutes on each. Example: Denny, Kraft, Peters, Peterson, Scheppard, Sigal. While all of these names are associated with resources for the course, you might exclude "Scheppard" as not an author of materials recommended for the course, or you could exclude "Peters" as being "optional" in how the syllabus is constructed and the course was conducted, or you could argue that only "Denny" concentrated on Islam, or only "Peterson" on Christianity or only "Sigal" on Judaism -- or for that matter, you could exclude Kraft on various grounds. Whatever option you take, you would then need to say just what each of the included names has contributed to the way you construe the grouping (text and bulkpack writers, writers on [whatever], etc.). 1. Abbasid, Byzantine, Mughal, Ottoman, Safavid, Umayyad 2. abortion, euthanasia, sodomy, usury (interest), women 3. Afghani, Calvin, Geiger, Luther, Mendelssohn, Wahhab 4. Apocrypha, Hagiographa, Mishnah, Neviim, Torah 5. Aquinas, Averroes, Ghazali, Maimonides, Philo, Plotinus 6. ascetic, gnostic, kabala, monastic, sufi, tariqa 7. Baghdad, Constantinople, Jerusalem, Mecca, Yathrib 8. Baptist, Catholic, Conservative, Reform, Sufi, Sunni 9. bishop, imam, layman, monk, priest, rabbi 10. calif, Lord, messiah, prophet, rabbi, son of Mary 11. conservative, fundamentalist, haskalah, traditionalist, orthodox 12. fiqh, halaka, isnad, nomos, sharia, torah 13. hannuka, hajj, pesach, Ramadan, sabbath  Course Evaluation (required!): Please fill out the following evaluations after you have finished your examination(s) and hand them in at the front table -- (1) SCUE form for the course PLUS the following: Please answer in the two additional slots (lower left box)-- To what extent did you prepare reading assignments PRIOR TO the scheduled class periods to which they pertained? To what extent did the complexity of the subject matter take you by surprise? (2) ADDITIONAL REACTIONS to aspects of the course (circle appropriate number, 1 = poor, 5 = excellent) -- Please rate the effectiveness of the videos: 1 2 3 4 5 Please rate the usefulness of the bulkpack: 1 2 3 4 5 Please rate the effectiveness of the examinations (and research paper): 1 2 3 4 5 (3) Separate EVALUATION OF TEACHING ASSISTANT form. Please hand these three forms in with your exam(s). Thank you for your cooperation, and for an enjoyable course. The Management  STUDENT EVALUATION OF RECITATION TEACHING ASSISTANTS Religious Studies 014 (Spring 1994); TA = Carol Scheppard Student evaluation is an important source of information for the improvement of instruction and for the TA's dossier. This form will provide useful feedback to individual Teaching Assistants in their capacity as recitation leaders. Note that this form is an evaluation of your Recitation TA only, not of the principal instructor or the course itself. Please circle appropriate choices using the scale P = poor, F = fair, G = good, VG = very good, E = excellent, NA = not applicable. Additional comments are also welcome. Please Rate the TA for: 1. Skill in leading discussions. P F G VG E NA comments: 2. Knowledge of course's subject matter. P F G VG E NA comments: 3. Fairness in grading. P F G VG E NA comments: 4. Helpfulness in consultations. P F G VG E NA comments: 5. Availability outside class. P F G VG E NA comments: 6. Overall effectiveness as TA at Penn. P F G VG E NA comments: THANK YOU!