.x:7 Syllabus for Religious Studies 014 Spring 1994 Living Religions of Near Eastern Origin Robert A. Kraft Judaism - Christianity - Islam 409 Duhring Wing ["The Abrahamic Traditions"] 898-5827 Teaching Assistant (406 Duhring Wing): Carol Scheppard Required "bulkpack" containing: Integrated Glossary (see also individual textbooks) Historical Timeline (see also individual textbooks) Comparative Positions of Classical and Reform Judaism Chart of Christian Denominations and Sub-groups Chart of Islamic Subdivisions Map Collection Miscellaneous other helps Recommended Assignments (coded by religion treated) [Note that what is important is to acquire the appropriate information and impressions about the subject matter, regardless of the source(s) used; the following are recommended as convenient.] J = P. Sigal, Judaism [valuable overall perspective and balance; readable; sometimes overly heavy on detail & Hebrew terms] JS= (Judaism Sourcebook) Philip S. Alexander, Judaism [excellent selections and introductions, by topic] C = R. Dean Peterson, Concise History of Christianity [good balance and general perspective; some problems with details] CS= (Christianity Sourcebook) Bettenson, Documents [extensive but not well balanced selection; poor introductions in general] I = Frederick M. Denny, Introduction to Islam [excellent balance and perspective; highly readable; appropriate level of detail] IS= (Islam Sourcebook) Andrew Rippin and Jan Knappert, Islam [excellent selections and introductions, by topic] Some Supplementary Treatments of Special Value [[marked thus]] JO = Jacob Neusner, The Way of Torah [overview introduction to Judaism, not primarily historical in orientation and presentation] CO = Sandra Frankiel, Introduction to Christianity [brief overview; readable; sometimes very weak on detail] IO = Denny, Islam [shorter version of "I" (above), excellent brief overview] JCI = F. E. Peters, Children of Abraham [deals with various topics common to all three religious traditions; presupposes some background knowledge of the traditions] General Outline of Classes (week by week) follows, with "theme" questions for each week (to help focus discussions) and assignment guidelines from the above books. Main class hour Fridays will normally be used for films and similar supplementary presentations (special lectures, etc.).  Week 01 Theme: How is it possible for someone in a particular religious tradition to recognize what the "mainstream" might be? [Trace the term *orthodox and related ideas through the glossary with the "theme" question in mind; how does *fundamentalism fit in?] 10 Jan -- Orientation: the Course and its Objectives Definitions and Indefinables Religion, -isms, Unity/Diversity, "Essence" In Search of Adequate Understanding The Contexts of Investigation 12 Jan -- The Contemporary Situation Mainstreams, Variations, Innovation Looking at Each Tradition from Within Religion in Societies and Politics Assessing the Impact on the "Outside" Worlds 14 Jan -- "Jerusalem" Video Week 02 Theme: What is the "essence" of Christianity? [Explore, with the help of the glossary, the *classical Christian scene.] 17-21 Jan -- Modern Christianity Classical Forms and Protestant Denominations Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Reformation Christianity as Culture, Religion, Cult Living in a "Christian" Society Visuals on "Christian Fundamentalism" (excerpts) bulkpack on Christian subdivisions C Parts III-IV (chs. 8-12, looking for connections) [ 56pp] CO entire (with a focus on what Christianity is today) [[128pp]] Week 03 Theme: What is the "essence" of Judaism? [Follow the glossary leads regarding *orthopraxy and related terms.] 24-28 Jan -- Modern Judaism Classical Judaism, Enlightenment and Reform Orthodox, Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist Balancing Tradition, Culture and Religion The "Judaeo-Christian" Tradition, Zionism-Israel Visuals on "Jewish Fundamentalism" (excerpts) bulkpack on Reform "Pittsburg Platform" J Introduction, ch 8 [ 35pp] JO entire (with a focus on what Judaism is today) [[162pp]] Week 04 Theme: What is the "essence" of Islam? [Using the glossary, explore how *monotheism is expressed in each tradition.] 31 Jan- 04 Feb -- Modern Islam Defining the Dimensions of Diversity Sunni and Shiite, Wahhabis and Reformers Classical Consciousness, Cultural Adaptability Arabic/non-Arabic Dimensions, Ethics, Secularism Visuals on "Islamic Fundamentalism" (excerpts) I chs 14-16 [ 84pp] IO entire (with a focus on what Islam is today) [[129pp]]  ** 07 Feb -- Exam on Overview of the Three Modern Religions Week 05 Theme: What was the religion of Abraham? of Moses? 09-11 Feb -- The Ancient Near Eastern Heritage: Children of Abraham Shared Folklore and Historical Orientation The God who Acts and Reveals in History Ancient Israel and its Memories Patriarchs, Moses/Exodus, Nationhood, Exile Visuals -- "Israel: The Land" Bible/Genesis 11-36, Bible/Exodus 1-24 J ch 1 [ 25pp] I chs 1-2 [ 29pp] IS sec 3.1 (with 1.2a) JCI ch 2 [[ 36pp]] Week 06 Theme: How does Early Judaism differ from its Predecessors, and in what ways is Early Christianity "Jewish"? 14-18 Feb -- Early Judaism, Early Christianity: The Separation From the Religion of Israel to "Judaism" Dispersion/Return, Isolation/Adaptation, Torah Christianity as an Offshoot of Judaism The Edge of the End leads to New Beginnings Visuals -- "Dead Sea Scrolls" Bible/Nehemiah 8-9 & 13, Bible/Ezra 9-10 J ch 2 [ 56pp] ChristianNT/Paul, Romans 1-4 & 9-11 C chs 1-2 [ 41pp] CS sec 1.1.1-2, 1.7, 1.10 I ch 3 [ 14pp] Week 07 Theme: What accounts for the "Success" of Christianity on the World Scene, relative to Judaism's Development? 21-25 Feb -- The Classical Syntheses: Judaism & Christianity [Purim] Classical Judaism: Building Fences around Torah Rabbinism, Mishna, Talmud, Responsa, Isolationism Classical Christianity as the Greco-Roman Religion Recognition and Standardization, Theology & Power Visuals -- "Augustine" & "Window to Heaven" J ch 3 [ 23pp] JS secs 2 (with 1.1) & 4 (with 1.3) C ch 3 [ 25pp] CS secs 1.1.3, 1.2, 1.4(esp. 3, 5, 7), 1.6(esp. 3), 1.8(esp. 1, 7) Week 08 Theme: What is Different about the World "Success" of Islam? 28 Feb- 02 Mar -- Emergence and Early Development of Islam: an Overview The Prophet Muhammad and his Impact World of the Hejaz, Revelation, Conflict/Victory From Arabia to the Wider Worlds, with Persuasive Power Caliphs, Ummayads, Abbasids; Establishing Pillars J ch 4 [ 34pp] I chs 4-7 [105pp] IS sec 3.2-3 (with 1.2b) IO ch 2 (again) [[ 22pp]] JCI ch 3 [[ 29pp]]  ** 04 Mar -- Exam or Equivalent [Research Paper Proposals] 07-11 Mar -- [Spring Break] Week 09 Theme: What is so Important about Scriptural Interpretation for the Maintenance and Development of each Tradition? 14-18 Mar -- Standardization: Scripture, Tradition & Authority The Various Faces of Divine Revelation Finding Guidance when Scriptures are not Clear Visuals -- "Scripture Interpretation in Christianity" C ch 4 [ 21pp] I chs 8-9 [ 36pp] IS sec 2 (with 1.1) JCI chs 1, 5 [[ 27pp]] Week 10 Theme: How has the Appeal to "Reason" Influenced the Development of the Various Traditions? 21-25 Mar -- Standardization: Philosophy & Theology "Orthodoxy": Thinking Correctly When Reason and Revelation Seem to Clash Visuals -- "Name of the Rose" (excerpts) J ch 5.1 [ 10pp] JS sec 7 (with 1.6) C ch 6 [ 24pp] CS sec 2.1.1.b, 2.6 I ch 10 [ 25pp] IS sec 6 (with 1.5) JCI ch 8 [[ 38pp]] Week 11 Theme: Are there any Real Differences in the Practical & Ethical Perspectives of Each of the Traditions? 28 Mar - [27 Mar = Jewish Passover] 01 Apr -- Standardization: Worship & Practice & Law "Orthopraxis": Living Correctly Defining Specifically "Religious" Activity Visuals -- "Pilgrimage to Mecca" [Christian Good Friday] JS secs 3 (with 1.2) & 5 (with 1.4) & 6 (with 1.5) C ch 5 [ 33pp] CS sec 2.1.1.d, 2.1.2 I ch 11 [ 23pp] IS secs 4 (with 1.3) & 5 (with 1.4) JCI chs 4, 6 [[ 39pp]]  Week 12 Theme: Is "Mysticism" the Same in all Three Traditions? 04-08 Apr -- Mavericks, Mystics & Malcontents Mystical Proximity to Deity and Orthodox Uneasiness Determining the Limits of Conformity and Diversity Visuals -- "Sufis" & "Dervishes" J ch 5.2-3 [ 13pp] JS sec 8 (with 1.7) C ch 7 [ 20pp] CS secs 2.3, 2.4, 2.7.3+6-9, 2.7.11, 2.8.1-2 I chs 12-13 [ 54pp] IS secs 7 (with 1.6) & 8 (with 1.7) JCI chs 7, Epilogue [[ 30pp]] Week 13 Theme: What Characteristics Facilitate Modern Success? 11-15 Apr -- The Challenges of Modernity Living in Relatively Radically Changing Worlds Determining Acceptable Paramaters for Adaptation Visuals -- "Sefardim" & "Challenges to Islam" J chs 6-7 [ 66pp] JS sec 9 (with 1.8) C chs 8-10 [ 85pp] CS secs 2.10, 2.11.2+7-12, 2.12.1.b, 2.14.1+5 I ch 16 (again!) [ 27pp] IS ch 9 (with 1.8) JO part 4 (again!) [[ 42pp]] IO ch 5 (again!) [[ 21pp]] Week 14 Theme: What does the Future Hold for Each Tradition? 18-22 Apr -- The Crises of Contemporaneity Religion as Involvement and/or as Retreat Can Traditional "Truth" and Modern "Cultural Relativity" Coexist? Visuals -- "Sects and Violence" & Short Clips J Afterword, Appendix [ 30pp] JS secs 10-11 (with 1.9-1.10) C chs 11-12 (again, with appropriate background!) [ 56pp] (date ??) -- Final Exam