INDEX to Qumran Non-Biblical Materials as listed by Garcia Martinez [=GM] 467-513, and Wise-Abegg-Cook [=MOW, MGA, EMC] TOC, VII-XII and 504-505. Vermes, 5th ed. [=V5] **Needs checking for scanning errors, etc.** [update 3/31/99] Abbreviations [needs to be expanded for other caves than 4-5] DJD = Discoveries in the Judaean Desert of Jordan vols 3 (196 ), 5 (Oxford 1968), 6 (19 ), 7 (19 ) Enoch = J.T. Milik, The Books of Enoch. Aramaic Fragments from Qumran Cave 4 (Oxford 1976) DSS Strugnell 'Notes' Aram. Texte = K. Beyer, Die aramaischen Texte vom Toten Meer. Erganzungsband (Gottingen 1994) Unpubl. DSS = A Preliminary Edition of the Unpublished DSS B.Z.Wacholder & M.G.Abegg, fascicles 1 and 2 (Washington 1992) Allegro, John M. Baillet, M. Baumgarten, Joseph M. Beyer, Klaus Broshi, Magen Dimant, Devorah Garcia Martinez, Florentino Greenfield, Jonas C. Kister, M. Milik, Josef T. Puech, Emile Schiffman, Lawrence H. Schuler, E. M. Starcky, Jean Stone, Michael E. Strugnell, John VanderKam, James C. Yardeni, A. CAVE 1 Non-biblical manuscripts * 1QpHab 1QHabakkuk Pesher M. Burrows(ed), The Dead Sea Scrolls of St. Mark's Monastery, vol. 1, pls. LV-LXI. Commentary on Habakkuk 1:2-17; 2:1-20. [Same hand as 11QTemple\b.] [GM 197-202] [EMC #004. A Commentary on Habakkuk (1QpHab)] [V5 478ff] * 1Q14 (1QpMic) 1QMicahPesher J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 77-80, pl. XV. Materials, 264-265. Remains of a commentary on Mic 1:2-5.5-7.8-9; 4:13(?); 6:14-16; 7:6(?).89(?)- 17- [see also 4Q168] [GM 193-194] [WAC xx] [V5 472f] * 1Q15 (1QpZeph) 1QZephaniah Pesher J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 80, pl. XV. Remains of a commentary on Zeph 1: 18-2:2. [See 4Q170] [GM 202] [WAC xx] [V5 486f] * 1Q16 (1QpPs) 1QPsalms Pesher J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 81-82, pl. XV. Remains of a commentary on Ps 57:1.4; Ps 68:12-13-36-27-30-31. [See also 4Q171, 173.] [GM 206] [EMC #022. Commentaries on Psalms (4Q171,4Q173, 1Q16)] [V5 487ff] * 1Q17 (1QJub\a) 1QJubilees\a J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 82-83, pl. XVI. Copy of the Book of Jubilees. Remains of Jub 27:19-21. [GM 245] [WAC xx] [V5 507] * 1Ql8 (1QJub\b) 1QJubilees\b J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 83-84, pl. XVI. Copy of the Book of Jubilees. Remains of Jub 35:8-10 and unidentified fragments. [GM 245] [WAC xx] [V5 507] * 1Q19 (1QNoah) 1QNoah J. T. Milik, DjDi,84-86, pl. XVI. Possibly a copy of the lost Book of Noah, related to the Book of Enoch. [GM 263] [WAC xx] [V5 521] * 1Q19bis 1QNoah J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 152; J. C. Trever RQ5/18 (1965) 334, pl. VII. Fragment 2 of the preceding ms. [GM 263] [WAC xx] [V5 521] * 1QapGen ar (1Q20) 1QGenesis Apocryphon N. Avigad and Y Yadin, A Genesis Apocryphon. A Scroll from the Wilderness of Judaea (Magnes Press-Heikhal ha-sefer, Jerusalem 1956). J. Greenfield - E. Qimron, 'The Genesis Apocryphon Col. XII', in: T.Muraoka (ed.), Studies in Qumran Aramaic (Abr-Nahrain Supplement 3) (Peeters, Louvain 1992), 70-77. Aramaic paraphrase of Genesis. Only cols. II, XIX-XXII have been published. [GM 230-237] [MOW #002. Tales of the Patriarchs (1QapGen)] [V5 448ff] * 1Q20 (1QapGen ar) 1QGenesis Apocryphon J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 86-87, pl. XVII. 8 fragments of the foregoing ms, published as 'Apocalypse de Lamech'. [GM 230] [MOW #002. Tales of the Patriarchs (1QapGen)] [V5 448ff] * 1Q21 (1QTLevi ar) 1QAramaic Levi J. T. Milik, 'Le Testament de L6vi en aram6en. Fragment de la grotte 4 de Qumrin', RB 62 (1955) 398-399; . -DJD 1, 87-91, pl. XVII. Remains of an Aramaic work related to the Aramaic Testament of Levi from the Genizah, and to the Greek Testament of Levi, which forms part of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs. [GM 266] [EMC #34] [V5 524] * 1Q22 (1QDM) 1QWords of Moses J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 91-97, pls. XVIII-XIX. E. Schuller, '4Q372 1: A Text about Joseph', in E. Garcia Martinez (ed.), The Texts of Qumran and the History of the Community. Vol. II (Paris 1990), 349-376. Remains of a Hebrew work, referred to as 'Words of Moses' (Dibre Mosheh). It should be identical to 4Q373. [GM 276-277] [EMC #009. The Words of Moses (1Q22)] [V5 537f] * 1Q23 (1QEnGiants' at) 1QBook of Giants\a J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 97-98, pl. XIX. Published as remains of an Aramaic apocryphon, they were later identified by Milik as a copy of the Book of Giants in The Books of Enoch, 301-302. [GM 260] [EMC #33 247] [V5 (513)] o 1Q24 (1QEnGiants b at) 1QBook of Giants\b J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 99, pl. XX. Aramaic apocryphon; according to Milik, The Books ofenoch, 309, possibly another copy of the Book of Giants. [V5 (513)] o 1Q25 (1QApocryphal Prophecy) J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 100-101, pl. XX. Remains of 'an apocryphal prophecy' (?) in Hebrew. o 1Q26 (Wisdom Apocryphon) J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 101-102, pl. XX. Remains of an apocryphal work, of sapiential character, in Hebrew. According to P. W Skehan, 'The Biblical Scrolls from Qumran and the Text of the Old Testament', BA 28 (1965) go, there are another four copies of the same work in 4Q. (See Sapiential Work A\f). [= 4Q423] [EMC (#88)] [V5 (402)] * 1Q27 (1QMyst) 1QMysteries J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 102-107, pls. XXI-XXII. 'Book of the Mysteries', a pseudepigraphical prophecy [GM 399-400] [EMC #010. The Book of Secrets (1Q27, 4Q299-301)] [V5 389f] * 1QS (1QS) 1QRule of the Community M. Burrows (ed.), The Dead Sea Scrolls of St. Mark's Monastery, Vol. 2, fasc. 2: The Manual of Discipline (American Schools of Oriental Research, New Haven, 1951). Community Rule, cols. I-XI. [GM 3-19] [MOW #005. Charter of a Jewish Sectarian Association (1QS, 4Q255-264a, 5Q11)] [V5 98ff] * 1Q28a (1QSa) 1QRule ofthe Congregation D. Barthe/lemy, DJD 1, 108-118, pls. XXIII-XXIV. Appendix to the Community Rule, eschatological in content. [GM 126-128] [MOW #006. Charter for Israel in the Last Days (1QSa, 1Q28a)] [V5 157ff] * 1Q28b (1QSb) 1QRule ofthe Blessings. J. T. Milik DJD 1, 118-130, pls. XXV-XXIX. Collection of various blessings preserved as an appendix to the Community Rule and the Rule of the Congregation. [GM 432-433] [MOW #007. Priestly Blessings for the Last Days (1Q28b,1QSb)] [V5 374ff] * 1Q29 1QLiturgy of the Three Tongues of Fire J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 130-132, pl. XXX. J. Strugnell, 'Moses- Pseudepigrapha at Qumran, 4Q375, 4Q376, and similar works', in: L. H. Schiffman (ed.), Archaeology and Histor in the Dead Sea Scrolls Osp 8) (Sheffield 1990), 221-234. Remains of a work, liturgical in character, called Liturgy of the 'three tongues of fire'. It should be identical to the apocryphal composition (pseudo-Moses) preserved in 4Q376. [GM 277-278] [MGA #011. Tongues of Fire (1Q29, 4Q376)] [V5 541] * 1Q30 1QLiturgical Text (?) J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 132-133, pl. XXX. Fragment of indeterminate character. [GM 438] [WAC xx] [V5 xx] * 1Q31 1QLiturgical Text (?) J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 132-133, pl. XXX. Fragment of indeterminate character. [GM 438] [WAC xx] [V5 xx] o 1Q32 (1QJN ar) 1QNew Jerusalem J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 134-135, pl. XXXI. Minute remains of the Aramaic work: 'Description of the New Jerusalem'. [See 2Q24, 4Q554-555, 5Q15, 11Q18.] [EMC (#012. A Vision of the New Jerusalem (1Q32,2Q24,4Q554-555,5Q15,11Q18))] [V5 (568)] * 1QM (1QM) 1QWar Scroll E. L. Sukenik, The Dead Sea Scrolls of the Hebrew Universit , pp. 1-19, pls. 16-34-47. Rule of the War of the sons of light against the sons of darkness. [GM 95-115] [MGA #008. The War Scroll (1QM, 4Q491-496)] [V5 161-186] * 1Q33 (1QM) 1QWar Scroll J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 135-136, pl. XXXI. Two fragments of the foregoing ms of the War Scroll. [GM 113-115] [WAC xx] [V5 (161)] * 1Q34 (1QPrFe/tes) 1QFestivalPrayers J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 136, pl. XXXI. Collection of prayers for the various feasts of the liturgical year. Two (4Q508-509) or three (4Q507) other copies of this work have been preserved. [GM 411] [MGA #013. Festival Prayers (1Q34, 1Q34bis, 4Q507-509)] [V5 368] * 1Q34bis 1QFestival Prayers J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 152-15 5; J. C. Trever, RQ 5 /18 (1965) 328- 329, pls. II-iv. Fragments of the foregoing ms, with remains of the prayers for the feasts of the New Year, Yom Kippur and Tabernacles (?). [GM 411] [MGA #013. Festival Prayers (1Q34, 1Q34bis, 4Q507-509)] [V5 368] * 1QH (1QH\a) 1QHymns\a The Hymns scroll, or Hodayot. E. L. Sukenik, The Dead Sea Scrolls of the Hebrew University, cols. 1-18, frags. 1-66, pls. 35-58. Three additional fragments have been published by E. Puech, 'Un hymne ess6nien en partie retrouv6 et les B6atitudes', RQ 13 (1988) 59-88, pl. III. E. Puech has also suggested a new arrangement and numbering of the fragments, 'Quelques aspects de la Restauration du Rouleau des Hymnes (1QH)', JJS 39 (1988) 38-55. [GM 317-361] [MGA #003. Thanksgiving Psalms (The Thanksgiving Scroll) (1QH, 1Q35,4Q427-432)] [V5 243-300] * 1Q35 (1QH\b), 1QHymns\b J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 136-138, pl. XXI. Remains of a second copy of the Hodayot; see E. Puech, 'Quelques aspects de la Restauration du Rouleau des Hymnes (1QH)', JJS 39 (1988) 39-40. [GM 361-362] [MGA #003, 101f. Thanksgiving Psalms (The Thanksgiving Scroll) (1QH, 1Q35,4Q427-432)] [V5 (243)] o 1Q36 1Qhymnic compositions (?) J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 138-141, pl. XXXII. Remains of an unspecified hymn. [V5 (243)] o 1Q37 1Qhymnic compositions (?) J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 141, pl. XXXIII. Remains of an unspecified hymn. [V5 (243)] * 1Q389[sic] 1QHymnicCompositions(?) J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 142, pl. XXXIII. Remains of an unspecified hymn. [GM 438] [WAC ] [V5 (243)] * 1Q39 1QHymnicCompositions(?) J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 143, pl. XXXIII. Remains of an unspecified hymn. [GM 438] [WAC ] [V5 (243)] o 1Q40-69 1Qunclassified fragments J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 144-148, pls. XXXIII-XXXIV. Unidentified Hebrew and Aramaic fragments. [V5 (243) on 1Q37-40] o 1Q70 1Qunclassified fragments J. T. Milik, DJD 1, 148-149, pl. XXXVII. J. C. Trever, RQ 5 (1964-1966) pl. VII. Unidentified fragments of papyri. CAVE 2 Non-biblical manuscripts * 2Ql9 (2QJub\a) 2QJubilees' M. Baillet, DJD 3,77- 78, pl. X. A single fragment of the Book of Jubilees, with remains of Jub 23:7-8. [GM 244] * 2Q20 (2QJub\b) 2QJubilees\b M. Baillet, DJD 3, 78- 79, pl. XV. Three fragments of another copy of the Book of Jubilees. Only one has been identified. [GM 245] * 2Q21 (2QapMoses?) 2QApocryphon of Moses M. Baillet, DJD 3, 79- 81, pl. XV. Remains of a dialogue of Moses with God. [GM 281] * 2Q22 (2QapDavid?) 2QApocryphon of David? M. Baillet, DJD 3, 81-82, pl. XV. Remains of an 'Apocryphon of David'(?) or of another 'Apocryphon of Moses', which Baillet completes with another copy from Cave 4, 4Q373, still unpublished. [GM 224] o 2Q23 (2QapProph) M. BaillCt DJD 3, 82-84, pl. XV. Remains of an 'Apocryphal prophecy'. * 2Q24 (2Q.jNar) 2QNew Jerusalem M. Baillet,'Fragments aram6ens de Qumran 2. Description de la je/rusalem Nouvelle', RB 62 (1955) 225-245, pls. 11-III; .DJD 3, 84-89, pl. XV. Remains of an Aramaic work, 'Description of the New Jerusalem'. [GM 129] [EMC (#012. A Vision of the New Jerusalem (1Q32,2Q24,4Q554-555,5Q15,11Q18))] * 2Q25 2QJuridical text M. Baillet, DJD 3, 90, pl. XVI. Remains of a halakhic work. [GM 86] o 2Q26 (2QEnGiantsar) 2QBookofGiants M. Baillet, DJD 3, 90- 91. Asinglefragment in Aramaic, published as a fragment of a ritual (?) and later identified by J. T. Milik, The Books ofenoch, 334, as another copy of the Book of the Giants. o 2Q27-33 2Qunclassified fragments M. Baillet, DJD 3, 91- 03, pl. XVII. Fragments of unidentified works. CAVE 3 Non-biblical manuscripts * 3Q4 (3Qplsa) 3QIsaiahPesher M. Baillet, DJD 3, 95- 96, pl. XVIII. Remains of a pesher on Isaiah. [GM 185] * 3Q5 (3QJub) 3Q7ubilees M. Baillet, DJD 3, 96-98, pl. XVIII. Published as an 'Apocryphal prophecy'; identified as a copy of the Book of Jubilees, by A. Rof6, 'Further Manuscript Fragments of the Jubilees in the Third Cave of Qumran', Tarbiz 34 (1965) 333-336 and R. Deichgrdber, 'Fragmente einer Jubilden Handschrift aus H6hle 3 von Qumran', RQ 5 (1964-65) 415-422. Three of the seven fragments have been identified as a copy of Jubilees. [GM 244] * 3Q6 3QHymn M. Baillet, DjDiii,98, pl. XVIII. Hymn of praise. [GM 401] * 3Q7 (3QTjuda?) 3QTestamentof_7udah(?) M. Baillet, DjDiii,gg, pl. XVIII. Published as 'Apocryphon which mentions the angel of the presence'; identified by J. T. Milik, 'tcrits pr6ess6niens de Qumrin', 98, as a Hebrew version of the Aramaic Testament of Judah. [GM 265] o 3Q8 3Qunclassified fragments M. Baillet, DJD 3, 100, pl. XIX. 'Text which mentions an angel of peace'. o 3Q9 3Qsectarian text (?) M. Baillet, DJD 111, 100-101, pl. XIX. 03Q10-14 3Qunclassified fragments M. Baillet, DJD 3, 101- 105, pl. XIX. Unidentified texts. * 3Q15 3QCopperScroll J.M. Allegro,TheTreasureoftheCopperScroll(London 196o); J. T. Milik, DJD 3, 211-302, pls. XLVIII-LXXI. Copper Scroll. [GM 461-463] [MOW #014. A List of Buried Treasure -- The Copper Scroll (3Q15)] CAVE 4 Non-biblical manuscripts + 4Q88 Psalms [MOW #015. Apocryphal Psalms (4Q88)] * 4Q156 (4QtgLev) 4QTargum of Leviticus DJD 6, 86-89, pl. XXVII. Minute remains of an Aramaic Targum of Leviticus. [GM 143] * 4Q157 (4QtgJob) 4QTargum of Job Milik, DJD 6, 90, pl.XXVIII. Minute remains of an Aramaic Targum on Job. [GM 143] * 4Q158 (4QRP\a) 4QReworked Pentateuch\a Allegro, DJD 5, 1-6, pl. I. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 168- 175. Paraphrase of Gn 32:25-32; Ex 24:27-28. Gn 32:31(?). Ex 3:12; 24:4-6; 19:17-23; 20:19-22; Dt 5:29; 15:18-20.22; Ex 20:12.16.17; Dt 5:30-31; Ex 20:22-26; 21:; 21:; 21:32.34.35-37; 22:1-11.13; 30:32.34. [GM 219-222] [MOW #016. A Reworking of Genesis and Exodus (4Q158)] * 4Q159 (4QOrd\a) 4QOrdinances\a Allegro, 'An Unpublished Fragment of Essene Halakah (4QOrdinances),' JSS 6 (1961) 71-73; .-DJD 5, 6-9, p.II. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 175-179. Halakhic text which rephrases biblical precepts: Dt 23:25-26; Ex 30:12; Lv 25:42; Dt 22:5; 22:13-14; see 4Q513 and 4Q514. Same hand as 4Q174? [GM 86-87] [MGA #017. Ordinances (4Q159, 4Q513-514)] * 4Q160 (4QVisSam) 4QVision of Samuel Allegro, DJD 5, 9-11, pl.III. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 179-183. Apocryphon focused on the figure of Samuel. Fragment 1 is a paraphrase of 1 Sam 3:14-17. [GM 284] [MOW #018. An Account of the Story of Samuel (4Q160)] * 4Q161 (4QpIsa\a) 4QIsaiahPesher\a Allegro,'Further Messianic Reflections in Qumran Literature,' JBL 75 (1956) 177-182, pls. II-III; .-DJD 5, 11-15, pls. IV-V. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 183- 186. Commentary on Isa 10:20-21.22.24- 27.28-32.33-34;11:1-5. The same hand wrote 4QpPs\a, 4QpHos\a, and 4QpIsa\a. [GM 185-186] [EMC #019. Commentaries on Isaiah (4Q161-165)] * 4Q162 (4QpIsa\b) 4QIsaiah Pesher\b Allegro, 'More Isaiah Commentaries from Qumran's Fourth Cave,' JBL 77 (1958) 215-218, pl.1; .-DJD 5, 15-17,pl.VI. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 186-188.199-204. Commentary on Isa 5:5-6.11- 14.24-25 29-30; 6:9(?). [GM 186-187] [EMC #019. Commentaries on Isaiah (4Q161-165)] * 4Q163 (4QpIsa\c) 4QIsaiah Pesher\c Allegro, 'More Isaiah Commentaries,' 218-220, pl.2;.-DJD V, 17-27, pls. VII-VIII. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 188-195. Commentary on Isa 8:7.8.9(?); 9:11(?).14-20; 10:12.13.19(?).20- 24; 14:8.26-30;19:9-12; 29:10-11.15-16.19-23; Zech 11:11; Isa 30:1-5.15-18; Hos 6:9; Isa 30:19-21; 31:1; 32:5-6. Other unidentified fragments can be found in 4Q515. [GM 187-l90] [EMC #019. Commentaries on Isaiah (4Q161-165)] * 4Q164 (4QpIsa\d) 4QIsaiah Pesher\d Allegro, 'More Isaiah Commentaries,' 220-221, pl. 3;.-DJD V, 27-28, pl.IX. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 195-196. Commentary on Isa 54:11-12. [GM 190-191] [EMC #019. Commentaries on Isaiah (4Q161-165)] * 4Q165 (4QpIsa\e) 4QIsaiah Pesher\e Allegro, DJD 5, 28-30, pl.IX. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 197 (HHP} 199. Commentary on Isa 1:1(?); 40:12; 14:19; 15:4-6; 21:2(?).11-15; 32:5-7. [GM 191] [EMC #019. Commentaries on Isaiah (4Q161-165)] * 4Q166 (4QpHos\a) 4QHosea Pesher\a Allegro, 'A Recently Discovered Fragment of a Commentary on Hosea from Qumran's Fourth Cave,' JBL 78 (1959) 142-147; DJD 5, 31-32, pl.x. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 199-201. Commentary on Hos 2:8-9.10-14. The same hand wrote 4QpPs\a, 4QpHos\a, and 4QpIsa\a. [GM 191-192] [EMC #020. A Commentary on Hosea (4Q166-167)] * 4Q167 (4QpHos\b) 4QHosea Pesher\b Allegro, 'Further Light on the History of the Qumran Sect,' JBL 75 (1956) 93,pl.2; .- DJD 5, 32-36, pls. X-XI. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 201-203. Commentary on Hos 5:13-15; 6:4.7.9- 10; 8:6-7.13-14. [GM 192-193] [EMC #020. A Commentary on Hosea (4Q166-167)] * 4Q168 (4QpMic) (?) 4QMicah Pesher(?) [see also 1Q14] Allegro, DJD 5, 36, pl. XII. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 204. Commentary on Mic 4:8-12. [GM 194-195] [WAC xx] [v5 472f] * 4Q169 (4QpNah) 4QNahum Pesher Allegro, 'Further Light on the History of the Qumran Sect,' 90-93, pl.1; .-'More Unpublished Pieces of a Qumran Commentary on Nahum (4QpNah),' JSS 7 (1962) 304-308; .-DJD 5, 37-42, pls. XII-XIV. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 204-210. Commentary on Nah 1:3-6; 2:12-14; 3:1-5.6-9.10-12.14. [GM 195-197] [EMC #021. A Commentary on Nahum (4Q169)] * 4Q170 (4QpZeph) 4QZephaniah Pesher Allegro DJD 5, 42, pl.XIV. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 210-211. Commentary on Zeph 1:12-13. [See also 1Q15.] [GM 203] [WAC ] [V5 486f] * 4Q171 (4QpPs\a) 4QPsalms Pesher\a Allegro, 'A Newly Discovered Fragment of a Commentary on Psalms XXXVII,' PEQ 86 (1954)69-75; .-'Further Light on the History of the Qumran Sect,' 94-95, pl.4. H. Stegemann, 'Weitere Stucke von 4QpPsalm 37,' RQ 6/22 (1967) 193-210, pl.1; Allegro, DJD 5, 42-51, pls. XIV-XVII. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 211- 218. Commentary on Ps 37:7-8-19a.19b-26.28c-40; Ps 45:1-2; Ps 60:8-9 (Ps 108:8-9). [See also 1Q16, 4Q173.] Has the same handwriting as 4QpHos\a and 4QpIsa\a. [GM 203-206] [EMC #022. Commentaries on Psalms (4Q171,4Q173, 1Q16)] [V5 487ff] o 4Q172 (4QpUnid) Unidentified Pesher Allegro, DJD 5, 5051, pl. XVIII. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 218-219. Unidentified pesher. Possibly part of 4Q161,4Q167 or 4Q171. * 4Q173 (4QpPs\b) 4QPsalms Pesher\b Allegro, DJD 5, 51-53, pl. XVIII. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 219-220. Commentary on Ps 127:2-3.5; Ps 129:7-8; Ps 118:26-27(?). [GM 206-207] [EMC #022. Commentaries on Psalms (4Q171,4Q173, 1Q16)] [V5 487ff] * 4Q174 (4QFlor) 4QFlorilegium Allegro, 'Further Messianic References,' JBL 75 (1956) 176- 177, pl.1; .-'Fragments of a Qumran Scroll of Eschatological Midrashim,' JBL 77 (1958) 350-354; .-DJD 5, 53-57, pls. XIX-XX. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 220-225. Florilegium made up quotations from: 2 Sam 7:10-14 (1 Chr 17:9-13); Ex 15:17-18; Am 9:11; Ps 1:1; Isa 8:11; Ez 37:23 (?); Ps 2:1 with pesher; Dn 12:10 and 11:32 with pesher; Dt 33:8-11 with pesher; Dt 33:12(?) with pesher; Dt 33:19-21 with pesher and unidentified fragments. The whole is presented as a commentary on Psalms 1-2. A.Steudel, Der Midrasch zur Eschatologie aus der Qumrangemeinde (4QMidrEschat\a-b) (STDJ 13) (Leiden 1994), 5-53. Same hand as 4Q159? [GM 136-137] [MOW #023. The Last Days: A Commentary on Selected Verses (4Q174)] * 4Q175 (4QTest) 4QTestimonia Allegro, 'Further Messianic References,' 182-187, pl.4; . -DJD 5, 57-60, pl.XXI. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 225-229. Collection of quotations from Dt 5:28-29; 18:18-19 (Samaritan form of Ex 20:21); Num 24:15-17; Dt 33:8-11; Jos 6:26 and from the apocryphal work 'Psalms of Joshua' (4Q378-4Q379). Copied by the same scribal hand as 1QS-Sa-Sb, corrections to 1QIsa\a, 2Q Jer, 4QSam\c. [GM 137-138] [MOW #024. A Collection of Messianic Proof Texts (4Q175)] * 4Q176 (4QTanh) 4QTanhumim Allegro, DJD 5, 60-67, pls. XXII-XXIII. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 229-236. Anthology of biblical passages of consolation, principally from Deutero-Isaiah. quotations of and commentaries on Ps 79:2-3; Isa 40:1-5; 41:8-9; 49:7.13-17; 43:1-2.4-6; 51:22- 23; 52:1-3; 54:4-10; 52:1-2; Zech 13:9. [GM 208-209] [EMC #025. A Commentary on Consoling Passages in Scripture (4Q176)] * 4Q176 fragments 19-21 (4QJub\f) 4QJubilees\f Kister, 'Newly-identified Fragments of the Book of Jubilees: Jub 23,21-23. 30-31,' RQ 12/48 (1987) 529-536. He identifies fragments 19-20 of 4Q176 as Jub 23:2l-23, and fragment 21 as Jub 23:30-31. The fragments would come from 4QJub\f [GM 244] * 4Q177 (4QCatena\a) 4QCatena\a Allegro, DJD 5, 67-74, pls. XXIV-XXV. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 236-248. Exegesis of eschatalogical character in the form of a commentary on Pss 6-17, with the use of other quotations and biblical allusions. [See also 4Q182.] [GM 209-211] [EMC #026. The Last Days: An Interpretation of Selected Verses (4Q177)] o 4Q178 unclassified fragments Allegro, DJD 5, 74-75, pl. XXV. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 248- 249. Unidentified fragments. * 4Q179 (4QapocrLam A) 4QApocryphal Lamentations A Allegro, DJD 5,75-77, pl.XXVI. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 250- 252. Lamentation in verse on the destruction of Jerusalem. [GM 401-402] [EMC #27] * 4Q180 (4QAgesCreat) 4QAges of Creation Allegro, 'Some Unpublished Fragments of Pseudepigraphical Literature from Qumran's Fourth Cave,' ALUOS 4 (1962-63) 3-4; .-DJD 5, 77-79, pl. XXVII. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 252-254. Commentary on salvation history and on the periods of sin, starting from the fall of the angels. Milik, 'MilkŒ-sedeq et MilkŒ-resa' dans les anciens ecrits juifs et chretiens,' JJS 23 (1972) 109-126 and Enoch, 248-252, suggests considering this MS and 4Q181 as parts of a single work: 'Pesher on (the book of) the Periods,' of which 11QMelch would be another copy; but see Dimant, 'The 'Pesher on the Periods' (4Q180) and 4Q181,' Israel Oriental Studies 9 (1979) 77-102. [GM 211-212] [MGA #28] * 4Q181 (4QAgesCreat) 4QAges of Creation Allegro, 'Some Unpublished Fragments,' 4-5; . -DJD 5, 79- 80, pl. XVIII. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 254-255. Document which describes the destiny of the chosen and the damned. See the studies cited in the previous number. [GM 212-213] [MGA #28] * 4Q182 (4QCatena\b) 4QCatena\b Allegro, DJD 5, 80-81, pl.XXVII. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 256. Document similar to 4Q177, with a possible quotation of Jer 5:7. [GM 213] * 4Q183 4QHistorical Work Allegro, DJD 5, 81-82, pl.XXVI. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 256-257. Document of historical-exegetical character, although it is not possible to specify which biblical text it comments on. [GM 213] [EMC #29] * 4Q184 4QWiles of the Wicked Woman Allegro, 'The Wiles of the Wicked Woman: A Sapiential Work from Qumran's Fourth Cave,' PEQ (1964) 53-55; .-DJD 5, 82-85, pl. XXVIII. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 263-268. Allegorical wisdom poem on Need, personified as a woman, inspired by Prov 7 and with obvious magical connotations. [GM 379-380] [EMC #30] * 4Q185 4QSapiential Work Allegro, DJD 5, 85-87, pls. XXIX-XXX. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 269-273. Wisdom discourse in which the author urges the seeking of wisdom or the Law. [GM 380-382] [EMC #31] * 4Q186 4QHoroscope Allegro, 'An Astrological Cryptic Document from Qumran,' JSS 9 (1964) 291-294; . -DJD 5, 88-91, pl. XXXI.XXXI. Strugnell, 'Notes,' 274-276. Physiognomical and astrological text which determines the parts of light and darkness each person possesses. [GM 456] [MOW #32] [GM The numbers 4Q187-195 of the series do not seem to have been assigned to any manuscript]. * 4Q196 (4QTob ar\a) 4QTobit\a Milik, 'La patrie de Tobie,' RS 73 (1956) 522, where Milik lists the contents of the preserved fragments; .-Dedicaces faites par des dieux (Palmyre, Hatra, Tyr) et des thiases semitiques … l'epoque romaine (Paris 1972) 149, 199, 210, 384 and Enoch, 163, 186, where he cites 4QTobaram\a 2 II 5; 2 III 2 and 4. Aramaic original of the biblical book of Tobit. Copy written out on papyrus. Plenty of fragments although only one is a good size. [GM 293-294] * 4Q197 (4QTob ar\b) 4QTobit\b Milik, 'La patrie de Tobie,' 522; D‚dicaces, 210, 379 and Enoch, 191 with quotations of 4QTob ar\b 1 XX 2.8 and 2 III 2. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 134-147. Aramaic original of Tobit. It is the copy with most text preserved. [GM 295-297] * 4Q198 (4QTob ar\c) 4QTobit\c Milik, 'La patrie de Tobie,' 522. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 134-147. Only two fragments, with remains of Tob 14. [GM 297] * 4Q199 (4QTob ar\d) 4QTobit\d Milik, 'La patrie de Tobie,' 522. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 134-147. A single fragment with a few words. [GM 297] * 4Q200 (4QTob hebr) 4QTobit\e Milik, 'La patrie de Tobie,' 522. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 134-147. Remains of a Hebrew version or of the original of Tobit. Only a few fragments are good-sized. [GM 297-299] * 4Q201 (4QEn\a ar) 4QEnoch\a Milik, Enoch. Aramaic Fragments from Qumran Cave 4 (Oxford 1976) 139-163, 340-343, pls I-V. Copy of the Book of the Watchers from 1 Enoch. Remains of 1 En 1:1-6; 2:1-5.6; 6:4-8:1; 8:3-9:3; 9:6-8; 10:3-4.21-11:1; 12:4-6; 14:4-6 [GM 246-248] * 4Q202 (4QEn\b ar) 4QEnoch\b Milik, Enoch, 164-178, 344-346, pls. VI-IX. Another copy of the Book of Watchers from 1 Enoch. Remains of En 5:9-6:4; 6:7-8:1; 8:2-9:4; 10:8-12. [GM 248-250] * 4Q203 (4QEnGiants\a ar) 4QBook of Giants\a Milik, Enoch, 310-317, pls. XXX-XXXII. Copy of the Book of Giants. [GM 260-261] [EMC #33] * 4Q204 (4QEn\c ar) 4QEnoch\c Milik, 'Henoch au pays des aromates (ch. XXVII a XXXII): Fragments arameens de la grotte 4 de Qumran,' RB 65 (1958) 70-77, pl. I; .- Enoch, 178-217, 346-353, pls. IX-XV. Copy of the Book of Watchers, the Book of Giants (4QEnGiants\a), the Book of Dreams and the Letter of Enoch, from 1 Enoch. Remains of 1 En 1:9-5:1; 6:7; 10:13-19; 12:3; 13:6-14; 14:18-20; 15:11(?); 18:8-12;30:1-32:1;35;36:1-4;89:31-37;104:13-106:2; 106:13-107:2. [GM 250-254] * 4Q205 (4QEn\d ar) 4QEnoch\d Milik, Enoch, 217-225, 353-355, pls. XVI-XVII. Copy of the Book of Watchers and the of the Book of Dreams, from 1 Enoch. Remains of 1 En 22:13-24:1; 25:7-27:1; 89:11-14; 89:29- 31; 89:43-44 [GM 254-255] * 4Q206 (4QEn\e ar) 4QEnoch\e Milik, 'Henoch au pays des aromates,' 70-77, pl. I; .- Enoch, 225-244, 355-359, pls. XVIII-XXI. Copy of the Book of Watchers, the Book of Giants (4QEnGiants\e ?) and the Book of Dreams, from 1 Enoch. Remains of 1 En 18:15 (?); 21:2-4; 22:3- 7; 28:3-29:2; 31:2-32:3; 32:3.6; 33:3-34:1; 88:3-89:6; 89:7-16; 89:26-30 [GM 256-257] * 4Q207 (4QEn\f ar) 4QEnoch\f Milik, Enoch, 244-245, 359, pl. XXI. Copy of the Book of Dreams from 1 Enoch. Remains of 1 En 86:1-3. [GM 258] o 4Q208 (4QEnastr\a ar) 4QAstronomical Enoch\a Milik, Enoch, 273. Description of the MS. Its 36 fragments are still unpublished. A copy of the Astronomical Book of 1 Enoch. Contains only remains of a synchronous calendar. * 4Q209 (4QEnastr\b ar) 4QAstronomical Enoch\b Milik, 'Henoch au pays des aromates,' 76; .-'Problemes de la litterature henochique a la lumiere des fragments arameens de Qumran,' HTR 64 ( 1971) 338-343; Enoch, 278-284, 288-296, pls. XXV-XXVII, XXX. Another copy of the Astronomical Book. Remains of a synchronous calendar and of other passages corresponding to: 1 En 76:13-77:4; 78:9-12; 79:3-5 + 78:17-79:2; 82:9-13. [GM 445-448] 4Q210 (4QEnastr\c ar) 4QAstronomical Enoch\c Milik, 'Henoch au pays des aromates,' 76; .- Enoch, 284-288, pls. XXVIII, XXX. Another copy of the Astronomical Book of 1 Enoch. Remains of 1 En 76:3-10; 76:13- 77:4; 78:6-8. [GM 448-449] * 4Q211 (4QEnastr\d ar) 4QAstronomical Enoch\d Milik, Enoch, 296-297, pl. xxIx. Another copy of the Astronomical Book of 1 Enoch. Remains of three cols. which would follow 1 En 82:20. [GM 449-450] * 4Q212 (4QEn\g ar) 4QEnoch\g Milik, Enoch, 245-272, 360-362, pls. XXI-XXIV. Copy of the Letter of Enoch from 1 Enoch, remains of 1 En 91:10 (?); 91:18-19; 92:1-2; 92:5-93:4; 93:9-10; 91:11-17; 93:11-94:2. [GM 258-259] 4Q213 (4QTLevi\a ar) 4QAramaic Levi\a Milik, 'Le Testament de Levi en arameen: Fragment de la grotte 4 de Qumran,' RB 62 (1955) 398-406, pl. IV; .-RB 73 (1966) 95, n.2; .-'Problemes de la litterature henochique,' 344- 345; .-Enoch, 23-24, 263. Stone and Greenfield, 'The Prayer of Levi,' JBL 1l2 (1993), 247-266. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered (Shaftesbury 1992) 136-141. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 71-78. Remains of an Aramaic work related to the Aramaic Testament of Levi from the Geniza and the Greek Testament of Levi which forms part of the Testaments of the XII Patriarchs. [GM 266-268] [EMC #34] * 4Q214 (4QTLevi\b ar) 4QAramaic Levi\b Milik, RB 73 (1966) 95, n.2; .-Enoch, 214, 244, 188-209. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 136-141. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 71-78. Another copy of the same work. [GM 268-269] [EMC #34] * 4Q215 (4QTNaph) 4 QTestament of Naphtali Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 156-160. Hebrew Testament of Nephtali, not related to Testament of Nephtali which forms part of Testaments of the XII Patriarchs. [GM 270-271] [EMC #35] * 4Q216 (4QJub\a) 4QJubilees\a VanderKam and Milik, 'The First Jubilees Manuscript from Qumran Cave 4: A Preliminary Publication,' JBL 110 (1991) 243-270. It is the oldest copy of Jubilees. Copied by two different scribes. [GM 238-240] o 4Q217 (4QJub\b) 4QJubilees\b Possibly a copy of the Book of Jubilees on papyrus. o 4Q218 (4QJub\c) 4QJubilees\c A single fragment with remains of four lines, corresponding to Jubilees 2:26-27. * 4Q219 (4QJub\d) 4QJubilees\d VanderKam and Milik, 'A Preliminary Publication of a Jubilees Manuscript from Qumran Cave 4: 4QJub\d (4Q219),' Biblica 73 (1992), 62-83. Copy of the Book of Jubilees, with remains of ch. 21. [GM 242-243] * 4Q220 (4QJub\e) 4QJubilees\e A single fragment, with remains of Jubilees 21:5-10. [GM 242] * 4Q221 (4QJub\f) 4QJubilees\f Milik, 'Fragment d'une source du Psautier (4QPs89) et fragments de Jubiles, du Document de Damas, d'un phylactere dans la grotte 4 de Qumran,' RB 73 (1966) 104, pl.II. Copy of the Book of Jubilees. Remains of Jubilees 21-23.33 and 37-39. [GM 243-244] o 4Q222 (4QJub\g) 4QJubilees\g VanderKam and Milik, '4QJubilees\g (4Q222), New Qumran Texts and Studies, 105-114, Pl. 7. Six fragments with meagre remains of Jubilees 25 and 27. o 4Q223-224 (4QJub\b) 4QJubilees\b Copy of Jubilees on papyrus. In spite of the double number it is a single manuscript. Remains of the last chapters of the Book of Jubilees. o 4Q225 (4QpsJub\a) 4QPseudo-Jubilees\a Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2 (Washington 1992), 204-206. Composition related to the Book of Jubilees. [MGA #36] o 4Q226 (4QpsJub\b). 4QPseudo-Jubilees\b Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 207-210. Composition related to the Book of Jubilees. [MGA #37] * 4Q227 (4QpsJub\c) 4QPseudo-Jubilees\c Milik, Enoch, 12, 14, 25, 60. Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 211. Hebrew apocryphon related to Jubilees and 1 Enoch. Only one fragment of this MS has been preserved. [GM 245] [MGA #38] o 4Q228 Work with citation of Jubilees Remains of work which cites the Book of Jubilees (?). The biggest fragment, with remains of two columns, seems to contain the ending of the work. o 4Q229 Pseudepigraphic work in Mishnaic Hebrew Remains of a pseudepigraphic work in Mishnaic Hebrew (?). Details unknown. o 4Q230-231 Catalogue of Spirits\a.b Catalogues of the names of the spirits (?). Details unknown. o 4Q232 (4QNJ ?) 4QNew Jerusalem (?) Milik, Enoch, 59. Hebrew version(?) of the Aramaic work: Description of the New Jerusalem. Only one fragment of this MS has been preserved. o 4Q233 Fragments with place names Fragments with geographical names. Details unknown. o 4Q234 Writing exercise Fragments with writing exercises. Contains Gn 27:20. o 4Q235 Fragments in Nabataean writing Three fragments in the Nabataean script with remains of the Book of Kings. o 4Q236 ( = 4QPs89) (supra) o 4Q237 Psalter (?) Details unknown. o 4Q238 Habakkuk 3 and songs Details unknown. o 4Q239 Pesher on the True Israel Details unknown. o 4Q240 Commentary on Canticles (?) Details unknown. o 4Q241 Fragments citing Lamentations Details unknown. * 4Q242 (4QPrNab ar) 4QPrayer of Nabonidus Milik, 'Priere de Nabonide,' 407-411, pl.I. Remains of an Aramaic apocryphon related to the Daniel cycle: 'Prayer of Nabonidus.' [GM 289] [MOW #39] * 4Q243 (4QpsDan\a ar) 4QPseudo-Daniel\a Milik,'Priere de Nabonide et autres ecrits d'un cycle de Daniel,' 411-415. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 64-68. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 105-107. Aramaic apocalyptic work related to Dn. [GM 288] [EMC #40] * 4Q244 (4QpsDan\b ar) 4QPseudo-Daniel\b Milik, 'Priere de Nabonide et autres ecrits d'un cycle de Daniel,' 411-415. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 64-68. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 105-107. Fragments of another copy of the same work. [GM 288-289] [EMC #40] * 4Q245 (4QpsDan\c ar) 4QPseudo-Daniel\c Milik, 'Priere de Nabonide et autres ecrits d'un cycle de Daniel,' 411-415. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 64-68. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 105-107. Third copy of the same composition. [GM 289] [EMC #40] * 4Q246 4QAramaic Apocalypse Puech, 'Fragment d'une apocalypse en arameen (4Q246=pseudo- Dan\d) et le "Royaume de Dieu,"' RB 99 (1992), 98-131. Fragment of an apocalyptic work in Aramaic which uses the titles 'son of God' and 'son of the Most High,' previously known as 4QPsDan A\a, 4Q243 and 4QSon of God. [GM 138] [EMC #41] o 4Q247 Apocalypse of Weeks (?) Milik, Enoch, 256. Hebrew commentary on the Apocalypse of Weeks from 1 Enoch (?). A single fragment has been preserved, with remains of six lines. o 4Q248 Acts of a Greek King Fragments with allusions to Hellenistic history (?). Only one fragment with remains of nine lines has been preserved. [MOW #42] o 4Q249 (4QMSM) 4QCryptic A: Midrash Sefer Moshe Milik, 'MilkŒ-sedeq et MilkŒ-resa\c,' 138. Commentary on Genesis in cryptic script, copied on papyrus. Many fragments have been preserved, but small in size. The title of the work, 'Commentary on the Book of Moses,' is located on the back, not in the cryptic but in the square script. o 4Q250 Part of the fragments of the preceding work Contains, on the reverse, an unidentified composition in cryptic script. * 4Q251 (4QHalakhah\a) 4QHalakhah Halakhic fragments concerning dietary and sexual regulations. [GM 87-88] [MGA #43] * 4Q252 (4QpGen\a) 4QGenesis Pesher\a Allegro, 'Further Messianic References in Qumran Literature,' JBL 75 (1956) 174-176, pl.1; H. Stegemann, 'Weitere Stucke von 4QpPs37,' 211-217; Milik, 'MilkŒ-sedeq et MilkŒ- resa\c,' 138. T.H.Lim, 'The Chronology of the Flood Story in a Qumran Text (4Q252), JJS 43 (1992), 288-298. Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 212-215. The fragment published by Allegro as 'Patriarchal Blessings' contains a commentary on Gn 49:10. the first columns of the manuscript are a paraphase on Gn 6. [GM 213-215] [MGA #44] * 4Q253 (4QpGen\b) 4QGenesis Pesher\b Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 216-217. Another copy of the same commentary on Genesis. [GM 215] [MGA #44] * 4Q254 (4QpGen\c) 4QGenesis Pesher\c Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 218-222. Another copy of the same commentary on Genesis. [GM 215-216] [MGA #44] * 4Q255 (4QS\a) 4QRule of the Community\b Milik, review of P. Wernberg-Moller, The Manual of Discipline, in RB 67 (1960) 412-416. Copy of the Community Rule on papyrus. Four fragments have been preserved, two of them very small. [GM 20] [MOW #005. Charter of a Jewish Sectarian Association (1QS, 4Q255-264a, 5Q11)] * 4Q256 (4QS\b) 4QRule of the Community\b Milik, 'Numerotation des feuilles des rouleaux dans le scriptorium de Qumran,' Semitica 27 (1977) 75-81, pl. X. Copy of the Rule of the Comunity. The published column contains a shorter form of 1QS V 1-20. The other four fragments preserved correspond to cols. I-II and have the same text. [GM 20-21] [MOW #005. Charter of a Jewish Sectarian Association (1QS, 4Q255-264a, 5Q11)] * 4Q257 (4QS\c) 4QRule of the Community\c Copy of the Rule of the Community on papyrus. A single fragment has been preserved, with part of two columns corresponding to 1QS I-III. [GM 21-22] [MOW #005. Charter of a Jewish Sectarian Association (1QS, 4Q255-264a, 5Q11)] * 4Q258 (4QS\d) 4QRule of the Community\d Milik, review of P. Wernberg-Moller, The Manual of Discipline, in RB 67 (1960) 412-416. G.Vermes, 'Preliminary Remarks on Unpublished Fragments of the Community Rule from Qumran Cave 4,' JJS 42 (1991) 250-255. The best preserved copy of the Rule of the Community from Cave 4. In my opinion, the beginning of the manuscript has been preserved, which proves that this copy began with a shortened form of 1QS V. [GM 22-25] [MOW #005. Charter of a Jewish Sectarian Association (1QS, 4Q255-264a, 5Q11)] * 4Q259 (4QS\e) 4QRule of the Community\e [Sometimes referred to as 4QS\b or 4Q260B]. According to Milik, 'Le travail d'edition des manuscrits du desert deJuda'in: Volume du Congres de Strasbourg (SVT 4) (Brill, Leiden 1957) 25, it is a copy of 1QS from the second half of the 2nd century which includes a calendar of the cycle of seven jubilees. It contains remains of 1QS 7.10 - 10.4 in the first four cols. and calendrical material in the rest. Same hand as 4Q319? [GM 26-29] [MOW #005. Charter of a Jewish Sectarian Association (1QS, 4Q255-264a, 5Q11)] * 4Q260 (4QS\f) 4QRule of the Community\f Milik, review of P. Wernberg-Moller, The Manual of Discipline, in RB 67 (1960) 412-416. Another copy of the Rule of the Community with remains of five columns. [GM 29-30] [MOW #005. Charter of a Jewish Sectarian Association (1QS, 4Q255-264a, 5Q11)] * 4Q261 (4QS\g) 4QRule of the Community\g Milik, review of P. Wernberg-Moller, The Manual of Discipline, in RB 67 (1960) 412-416. Another copy of the Rule of the Community. 18 fragments have been preserved, but so tiny that only four can be identified with relative certainty. [GM 30-31] [MOW #005. Charter of a Jewish Sectarian Association (1QS, 4Q255-264a, 5Q11)] * 4Q262 (4QS\h) 4QRule of the Community\h Milik, review of P. Wernberg-Moller, The Manual of Discipline, in RB 67 (1960) 412-416. Another copy of the Rule of the Community of which two fragments have been preserved with remains of three lines on each. I have only been able to identify one of them. [GM 31] [MOW #005. Charter of a Jewish Sectarian Association (1QS, 4Q255-264a, 5Q11)] * 4Q263 (4QS\i) 4QRule of the Community\i Milik, review of P. Wernberg-Moller, The Manual of Discipline, in RB 67 (1960) 412-416. Another copy of the Rule of the Community of which only one fragment has been preserved. [GM 31] [MOW #005. Charter of a Jewish Sectarian Association (1QS, 4Q255-264a, 5Q11)] * 4Q264 (4QS\j) 4QRule of the Community\j Milik, review of P. Wernberg-Moller, The Manual of Discipline, in RB 67 (1960) 412-416. Another copy of the Rule of the Community. Only one fragment has been preserved, with the end of the work. [GM 31-32] [MOW #005. Charter of a Jewish Sectarian Association (1QS, 4Q255-264a, 5Q11)] * 4Q265 (4QSD) 4QSerek Damascus Document Baumgarten,'Purification after Childbirth and the Sacred Garden in 4Q265 and Jubilees,' New Qumran Texts and Studies, 3- 10, P1.1. Rule which seems to combine elements from the Rule of the Community and the Damascus Document. [GM 72] [MGA #45] * CD-A Damascus Document\a First copy of the Damascus Document [= D] which comes from the Cairo Genizah, published by S. Schechter, Documents of Jewish Sectaries. Vol. I: Fragments of a Zadokite Work (Cambridge 1910) and S. Zeitlin, The Zadokite Fragments. Facsimile of the Manuscripts in the Cairo Genizah Collection in the Possession of the University Library, Cambridge, England (Jewish Quarterly Review, Monograph Series 1) (Philadelphia 1952) as columns I-XVI of CD. A facsimile of much better quality and a new transcription of the fragments, made by E. Qimron, has been published by Broshi (ed.), The Damascus Document Reconsidered (Jerusalem 1992). [GM 33-44] [EMC #001. The Damascus Document (Geniza A + B, 4Q266-272)] * CD-B Damascus Document\b Second copy of the Damascus Document which comes fom the Genizah, published by Schechter as columns XIX-XX of CD-A. [GM 45-47] [EMC #001. The Damascus Document (Geniza A + B, 4Q266-272)] * 4Q266 (4QD\a) 4QDamascus Document\a Wacholder & Abegg, A Preliminary Edition of the Unpublished DSS. Fascicule One (Washington 199l), 1-2. Baumgarten, 'A "Scriptural" Citation in 4Q Fragments of the Damascus Document,' JJS 43 (1992), 95-98. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 212-219. Copy of the Damascus Document, of which three fragments have been preserved, one of them quite long and belonging to the beginning of the work. [GM 47-48] [EMC #001. The Damascus Document (Geniza A + B, 4Q266-272)] * 4Q267 (4QD\b) 4QDamascus Document\b Milik, 'Fragment d'une source du Psautier,' 103, 105, pl. III. Baumgarten, 'The 4Q Zadokite Fragments on Skin Disease,' JJS 41 (1990) 153-154. A photo with remains of the first and last columns was published in DJD 6, pl. IV to illustrate the method of unrolling the MSS. A much clearer photo and its transcription is also to be found in Milik, 'Numerotation,' 78-79, pl. XI, with material which precedes that preserved in CD-A. Wacholder & Abegg, Fascicule One, 3-22. A long copy of the Damascus Document, with a great deal of new material, including the end of the work. [GM 48-57] [EMC #001. The Damascus Document (Geniza A + B, 4Q266-272)] * 4Q268 (4QD\c) 4QDamascusDocument\c Wacholder & Abegg, Fascicule One, 23-27. Another copy of the Damascus Document with material not found present in CD-A, which enables reconstruction of the original sequence of certain columns in the copy from the Genizah. Large framents with remains of four columns. [GM 57-60] [EMC #001. The Damascus Document (Geniza A + B, 4Q266-272)] * 4Q269 (4QD\d) 4QDamascus Document\d Baumgarten, 'The 4Q Zadokite Fragments on Skin Disease,' JJS 41 (1990) 157-158. Wacholder & Abegg, Fascicule One, 28-35. Another long copy of the Damascus Document. [GM 60-62] [EMC #001. The Damascus Document (Geniza A + B, 4Q266-272)] * 4Q270 (4QD\e) 4QDamascus Document\e Wacholder & Abegg, Fascicule One, 36-47. Another copy of the Damascus Document, with new material, which has preserved the end of the work. [GM 62-67] [EMC #001. The Damascus Document (Geniza A + B, 4Q266-272)] * 4Q271 (4QD\f) 4QDamascus Document\f Wacholder & Abegg, Fascicule One, 48-53. Small fragments of another copy of the Damascus Document. [GM 67-69] [EMC #001. The Damascus Document (Geniza A + B, 4Q266-272)] * 4Q272 (4QD\g) 4QDamascus Document\g Baumgarten, 'The 4QZadokite Fragments on Skin Disease,' JJS 41 (1990) 157-158. Wacholder & Abegg, Fascicule One, 54-56. Another copy of the Damascus Document which does not match the text of the Cairo Geniza. Only remains of two columns have been preserved in the four fragments published. [GM 69-70] [EMC #001. The Damascus Document (Geniza A + B, 4Q266-272)] * 4Q273 (4QD\h) 4QDamascus Document\h Wacholder & Abegg, Fascicule One, 57-59. Small fragments of another copy of the Damascus Document. [GM 70] [WAC xx] * 4Q274 (4QTohorot A) 4QPurification Rules A Milik, 'MilkŒ-sedeq et MilkŒ-resa\c,' 129. Baumgarten, 'The Laws about Fluxes in 4QTohora\a,' in Dimant and Schiffman, Time to Prepare the Way in the Wilderness (STDJ 14) (Leiden 1994), 1-8. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 205-210. A 'Rule of purity' related to 1QS and CD. First written version. [GM 88-89] [MGA #46] * 4Q275 (4QTohorot B\a) 4QPurification Rules B\a Milik, 'MilkŒ-sedeq et MilkŒ-resa\c,' 129-130. Another 'Rule of purity,; second written version. Milik has published fragment 3:1-6 with curses. [GM 89] [MGA #47] * 4Q276 (4QTohorot B\b) 4QPurification Rules B\b Milik,'MilkŒ-sedeq et MilkŒ-resa\c,' 129. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 210-212. Other copies of the second written version of a 'Rule of purity.' [GM 89] [MGA #48] * 4Q277 (4QTohorot B\c) 4QPurification Rules B\c Milik,'MilkŒ-sedeq MilkŒ-resa\c,' 129. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 210-212. Another copy of the same text. [GM 89-90] [MGA #48] * 4Q278 (4QTohorot C?) 4QPurifiation Rules C Milik, 'MilkŒ-sedeq et MilkŒ-resa\c,' 129. Another 'Rule of purity'; third written version. [GM 90] [MGA #49] * 4Q279 (4QTohorot D?) 4QPurification Rules D (?) Milik, 'MilkŒ-sedeq et MilkŒ-resa\c,' 129. Another 'Rule of purity.' The preserved fragments deal with gleaning. [GM 90] [MGA #50] * 4Q280 (4QBer\f) 4QBlessings\f Milik, 'MilkŒ-sedeq et MilkŒ-resa\c,' 126-130, pl.I. According to Milik, another copy of the 'Rule of purity.' Recently it has been classified as one of the written texts with 'Blessings and Curses.' Only three fragments seem to have been preserved, of which Milik publishes two; fragment 2:1-7 provides a written version parallel to 1QS II (?). [GM 434] [MGA #51] o 4Q281-282 (4QTohorot E\a,b) 4QPurification Rules E\a,b Milik, 'MilkŒ-sedeq et Milki-resa\c,' 129. Two copies of the fifth written version of a 'Rule of purity.' Details unknown. o 4Q283 (4QTohorot F ?) 4QPurification Rules F Milik, 'MilkŒ-sedeq et Milki-resa\c,' 129. Possible a sixth written version of a 'Rule of purity.' Details unknown. o 4Q284 (4QSerek ha-niddot) 4QRule for a Menstruating Women Fragment of a rule concerning sexual impurities. [MGA #52-EMC #53] * 4Q285 (4QM\g ?) 4QWar Scroll\g Milik, 'MilkŒ-sedeq et MilkŒ-resa\c,' 143. Possible copy of the lost final part of 1QM (?) which partly overlaps 11QBerakhot. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 24-29; G. Vermes, 'The Oxford Forum for Qumran Research Seminar of the Rule of War from Cave 4 (4Q285),' JJS 32 (1992), 86-90; B. Nitzan, 'Benedictions and Instructions for the Eschatological Community (11QBer; 4Q285),' RQ 16/61 (1993), 77- 90. [GM 123-124] [MGA #54] * 4Q286 (4QBer\a) 4QBlessings\a Milik, 'MilkŒ-sedeq et MilkŒ-resa\c,' 130-134, pl. II, 287. B. Nitzan, '4QBerakhot (4Q286-290): A Preliminary Report,' New Qumran Texts and Studies, 53-71, Pl. 3. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 222-230. Liturgical collection given the provisional title 'Blessings (and Curses),' preserved in five copies. Only fragment 10 ii 1-13 has been published and some disconnected phrases from other fragments. Late Herodian MS, from the beginnings of the lst century CE. [GM 434-435] [MGA #51] * 4Q287 (4QBer\b) 4QBlessings\b Milik, 'MilkŒ-sedeq et MilkŒ-resa/c,' 130-131. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 222-230. Another copy of Berakhot. Script slightly earlier than that of 4Q286. [GM 434-435] [MGA #51] o 4Q288-290 (4QBer\c,d,e) 4QBlessings\c-e Minute fragments of other three copies of the same (?) liturgical collection. [MGA #51(not 290)] o 4Q291-293 4Qwork containing prayers Milik, 'MilkŒ-sedeq et MilkŒ-resa\c,' 134. Possibly copies of the same liturgical collection of Blessings and Curses (?). Minute fragments of compositions of liturgical character. o 4Q294-297 4Qfragments of rules and euchologies (?) Details unknown. * 4Q298 4QCryptic A: Words of the Sage to the Sons of Dawn Work copied in cryptic writing, apart from the beginning: 'The Sage who speaks to the sons of dawn.' [GM 382] [MGA #55] * 4Q299 (4QMyst\a) 4QMysteries\a Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 1-28. The longest copy of the 'Book of mysteries' [See 1Q27]. [GM 400] [EMC #010. The Book of Secrets (1Q27, 4Q299-301)] * 4Q300 (4QMyst\b) 4QMysteries\b Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 29-34. Schiffman, '4QMysteries\b: A Preliminary Edition,' RQ 16/62 (1993), 203-223. Another copy of the same composition, very fragmentary. [GM 400-401] [EMC #010. The Book of Secrets (1Q27, 4Q299-301)] * 4Q301 (4QMyst\c) 4QMysteries\c Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 35-57. Minute fragments of the same composition. [GM 401] [EMC #010. The Book of Secrets (1Q27, 4Q299-301)] o 4Q302 4QPraise of God Two sizable fragments and other minute remains, on papyrus, of a composition sapiential in character. [MOW #56] o 4Q303-308 Small fragments of various sapiential works. o 4Q309-316 Unidentified Hebrew and Aramaic fragments, on skin and on papyrus, several uninscribed. * 4Q317 (4QAstrCrypt) 4QPhases of the Moon Milik, Enoch, 68-69. Calendar in Hebrew similar to the Aramaic calendars of 4QEnastr\a, but copied in a cryptic script. A dozen large-sized fragments have been preserved and many others of a smaller size. [GM 451] [MGA #57] * 4Q318 (4QBr ar) 4QBrontologion Milik, Ten Years of Discovery, 42; Greenfield and M. Sokoloff, 'Astrological and Related Omen Texts in Jewish Palestinian Aramaic,' JNES 48 (1989) 202. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 258-263; Beyer, Aram. Texte, 128-129. A large fragment with remains of two columns, and four others of very minute size. [GM 451-452] [EMC #58] * 4Q319 (4QOtot) 4QOtot Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 1, 96-10l; Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 128-133. The calendrical part of 4QS\e [by the same hand as 4Q259]. [GM 27-29] [MGA #59] * 4Q320 (4QCalendrical Doc A) 4QCalendrical Document A Milik, 'Le travail d'edition des manuscrits du desert de Juda,' in: Volume du Congres Strasbourg 1956 (VTSup 4) (Brill, Leiden 1957), 25. Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 1, 60-67; Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 116-119. Calendar with synchronisms of the phases of the moon, of the priestly rosters and of the feasts, known as 4QMishmarot A. [GM 452-454] [MGA #60] * 4Q321 (4QCalendrical Doc B\a) 4QCalendrical Document B\a Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 1, 68-73; Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 109-116. Calendar with synchronisms of the phases of the moon and the priestly rosters, known as 4QMishmarot B\a. [GM 454-455] [MGA #60] o 4Q322-324 (4QCalendrical Doc\a-e) 4QCalendrical Document\a-e Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 1, 77-85; Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 119-127. Minute remains of several copies of a calendar based on the priestly rosters, with allusions to historical events. [MOW #61] o 4Q325 (4QCalendrical Doc D) 4QCalendrical Document D Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 1, 86-87; Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 127-128. Two fragments of a calendar of the sabbaths and feasts. [MGA #62] o 4Q326 (4QCalendrical Doc E\a) 4QCalendrical Document E\a Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 1, 88. A small fragment with remains of a calendar of the sabbaths and feasts. [MGA #63] * 4Q327 (Calendrical Doc E\b) 4QCalendrical Document E\b Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 1, 89-91. Calendar of feasts. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 182-193, consider it part of one of the copies of 4QMMT [see 4Q394], but see Garcia Martinez, 'Dos Notas sobre 4QMMT,' RQ 16/62 (1993), 293-297. [GM 455] [MGA #64] o 4Q328-330 (4QCalendrical Doc F-G-H) 4QCalendrical Document F-G-H Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 1, 92-95. Minute remains of several calendars based on the priestly rosters. [MGA #65(328), #66(329), #67(329a), #68(330)] o 4Q331-334 4QHistorical Works Fragmentary remains of works with allusions to historical events (?). [MGA #69(334)] o 4Q335-337 4QAstronomical fragments Fragments of astronomical content or of calendars. o 4Q338-341 4QLists of proper names Lists of names of persons. 4Q339 and 4Q340 were published by Broshi and Yardeni, 'On Netinim and False Prophets,' Tarbiz 62 (1993), 45-54. 4Q341 was published by Allegro, The DSS and the Christian Myth (Newton Abbot 1979) 235-2443, pls. 16-17, as a medical document. However, later it was identified as a writing exercise, cf. J. Naveh, 'A Medical Document or a Writing Exercise? The So-called 4QTherapeia,' IEJ 36 (1986) 52-55, pl. 11. [MOW #70(339)] o 4Q342-358 4QLegal documents Remains of contracts, deeds of sale, accounts, letters, etc. o 4Q359-361 Minute remains, with and without writing. o 4Q362-363 Fragments in cryptic writing. Undeciphered. * 4Q364 (4QRP\b) 4QReworked Pentateuch\b Paraphrase of the Pentateuch, described by its editor, Strugnell as: 'A wildly aberrant text of the whole Pentateuch containing several non-Biblical additions, some identical with the Samaritan Pentateuchal pluses, others unattested elsewhere (e.g. a song of Miriam at the Red Sea),' in: Salvacion en la Palabra, 563-564. Photograph of two of the fragments of 4Q364 in Y. Yadin, The Temple Scroll, Suppl. pls. 38,40. E. Tov, 'The textual Status of 4Q354-367,' in: The Madrid Qumran Congress, 43- 82; S.A. White, '4Q364 & 365: A Preliminary Report,' in: The Madrid Qumran Congress, 217-228. [GM 222-224] [EMC #71] * 4Q365 (4QRP\c) 4QReworked Pentateuch\c Another copy of the same (?) work with remains of the five books of the Pentateuch. [GM 222-224] [EMC #71] o 4Q366 (4QRP\d) 4QReworked Pentateuch\d Another copy with remains of Ex 21-22, Num 29 and Dt 14 and 16. o 4Q367 (4QRP\e) 4QReworked Pentateuch\e Another copy with remains only of various chs. of Leviticus. o 4Q368 (4QapocrPent) 4QApocryphon Pentateuch Fifteen fragments, of which three are a good size, of a narrative worked related to the Pentateuch. o 4Q369 (4QPEnosh ?) 4QPrayer of Enosh (?) A good fragment with remains of two columns and other lesser fragments of an apocryphal composition related to the generations before the Flood. [MGA #72] * 4Q370 4QExhortation based on the Flood C. Newsom, '4Q370: An Admonition based on the Flood,' RQ 13 (1988) 23-43, pl. I. Exhortation based on the story of the flood, of which only two cols. have been preserved. [GM 224-225] [MOW #73] o 4Q371 (4QapocrJoseph\a) 4QApocryphon ofJoseph\a E.M.Schuller, Non-Canonical Psalms from Qumran, 2. Narrative work with apocryphal psalms. [MOW #74] * 4Q372 (4QapocrJoseph\b) 4QApocryphon ofJoseph\b E. M. Schuler, 'A Preliminary Study of 4Q372 1,' in: Garcia Martinez (ed.), The Texts of Qumran and the History of the Community. Vol. II (Paris 1990) 349-376. Text with narrative and psalms. Fragment 1 contains a psalm about the character of Joseph. [GM 225-226] [MOW #74] * 4Q373 (4QapocrJoseph\c) 4QApocryphon ofJoseph\c E. Schuller, 'A Preliminary Study of 4Q373 and Some Related (?) Fragments,' in: The Madrid Qumran Congress, 515-530. Another copy of 2Q22. In addition the text matches fragment 19 of 4Q372. [GM 226] [MOW #74] * 4Q374 (4QapocrMoses A) 4QApocryphon of Moses A C. A. Newsom '4Q374: A Discourse on the Exodus/Conquest Tradition,' in Dimant and U. Rappaport (eds.), The Dead Sea Scrolls. Forty Years of Research (STDJ 10) (Leiden-Jerusalem 1992),40-52. Moses and Joshua apocryphon. [GM 278] [MOW #75] * 4Q375 (4QapocrMoses B) 4QApocryphon of Moses B Strugnell,'Moses-Pseudepigrapha at Qumran. 4Q375,4Q376, and similar works,' in Schiffman (ed.), Archaeology and History in the DSS (JSP 8) (Sheffield 1990) 221-234. Moses- pseudepigraph, distinct from the preceding composition. [GM 278] [MOW #76] * 4Q376 4QLiturgy of the Three Tongues of Fire Strugnell, 'Moses-Pseudepigrapha at Qumran,' 234-247. Moses- pseudepigraph identical with 1Q29. [GM 279] [MGA #011. Tongues of Fire (1Q29, 4Q376)] o 4Q377 (4QapocrMoses C) 4QApocryphon of Moses C Moses and Joshua apocryphon, copied onto the reverse of 4Q375 and very badly preserved. [MOW #77] * 4Q378 (4QPsJosua\a) 4QPsalms of Joshua\a, C. Newsom, "The "Psalms of Joshua" from Qumran Cave 4,'JJS 39(1988) 56-73,pl.1. The editor describes the work and published fragments 3:,6I;14 and 221 (pp. 61-65). [GM 282] [MOW #78] * 4Q379 (4QPsJosua\b) 4QPsalms of Joshua\b P.A.Spijkerman, 'Chronique du Musee de la Flagellation,' Studii Biblici Franciscani Liber Annuus 12 (1991-62) 324-325 (photograph of fragment 1); C. Newsom, 'The "Psalms of Joshua" from Qumran Cave 4,' 65-70. Publication of fragments 1, 12, 15-17 and 22 II. [GM 283] [MOW #78] * 4Q380 4QNoncanonical Psalms A E. M. Schuller, Non-Canonical Psalms from Qumran. A Pseudepigraphical Collection (HSS 28) (Atlanta 1986) 241-165, pl.VIII. Pseudepigraphical collection of apocryphal psalms. [GM 311-312] [EMC #79] * 4Q381 4QNoncanonical Psalms A E. M. Schuller, Non-Canonical Psalms from Qumran, 61-240, pls. I- VII.IX. Another (or the same?) pseudepigraphical collection of apocryphal psalms. [GM 312-316] [EMC #79] o 4Q382 4QParaphrase of Kings Abundant fragments in papyrus with narratives and psalms related to Samuel-Kings. [MOW #80] o 4Q383-384 4QApocryphon of Jeremiah A-B (?) Minute remains of two compositions related to Jeremiah. [MGA #81(384)] * 4Q385 (4QpsEz\a) 4QPseudo-Ezekiel Strugnell and Dimant, '4QSecond Ezekiel,' RQ3 (1988) 54- 58, pl. II. Dimant, 'The Merkaba Vision in Second Ezekiel (4Q385 4)' in: The Text of Qumran and the History of the Community, Vol. II, 331-348. Pseudepigraphical apocalypse attributed to the prophet Ezekiel. [GM 286] [MGA #81] o 4Q385a (4QpsMoses\a) 4QPseudo-Moses\a Dimant, the editor of the group of fragments previously attributed to 4QPseudo-Ezekiel, considers them to represent at least three separate compositions: Pseudo-Ezekiel, Pseudo-Moses and Pseudo-Jeremiah. Hence the subdivision of the numbers and their allocation to separate compositions. Dimant, 'New Light From Qumran in the Jewish Pseudepigrapha-4Q390,' The Madrid Qumran Congress, 405-448. [MGA #81] * 4Q385b (4QapocrJer C) 4QApocryphon of Jeremiah C Dimant, 'An Apocryphon of Jeremiah from Cave 4 (4Q385\b = 4Q385 16),' New Qumran Texts and Studies, 11-30, pl. 2. Scant remains of the third pseudepigraphic work attributed to Jeremiah. [GM 285] [MGA #81] * 4Q386 (4QpsEz\b) 4QPseudo-Ezekiel\b Scant remains of a second copy of Pseudo-Ezekiel. [GM 287] [MGA #81] o 4Q387 (4QpsEz\c) 4QPseudo-Ezekiel\c Scant remains of a third copy of the same composltlon. [MGA #81] * 4Q387a (4QpsMoses\b) 4QPseudo-Moses\b Scant remains of a second copy of the Mosaic pseudepigraph [GM 279] [MGA #81] * 4Q387b (4QapocrJer D) 4QApocryphon of Jeremiah D Scant remains of a fourth pseudepigraphic composition attributed to Jeremiah. [GM 285] [MGA #81] * 4Q388 (4QpsEz\d) 4QPseudo-Ezekiel\d Scant remains of a fourth copy of Pseudo-Ezekiel. * 4Q388a (4QpsMoses\c) 4QPseudo-Moses\c Scant remains of a third copy of the Mosaic pseudepigraph. [GM 279-280] * 4Q389 (4QpsMoses\d) 4QPseudo-Moses\d Scant remains of a fourth copy of the same composition. [GM 280] [MGA #81] * 4Q390 (4QpsMoses\e) 4QPseudo-Moses Apocalypse\e Dimant, 'New Light From Qumran in the Jewish Pseudepigrapha- 4Q390.' Another (?) Moses pseudepigraph or a fifth copy of the preceding composition. [GM 280-281] [MGA #81] o 4Q391 (4QpsEz\g) 4QPseudo-Ezekiel\g (.7) Pseudepigraphical work copied on papyrus, related to the preceding compositions. * 4Q392 4QLiturgical Work Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 38-39. Wisdom-type composition of which only one fragment is sizable. [GM 438] [MGA #82] o 4Q393 4QLiturgical Work (?) Three good fragments, and others of smaller sizes. One of the fragments preserves remains of two sheets with different writing but sewn together. The content appears to be sapiential although mention of Moses could connect it with the preceding compositions. [MGA #83] * 4Q394 (4QMMT\a) 4QHalakhic Letter\a E. Qimron and Strugnell, 'An Unpublished Halakhic Letter from Qumran,' in: Biblical Archaeology Today. Proceedings of the International Congress on Biblical Archaeology, Jerusalem, April 1984 (Jerusalem 1985) 400-407. E. Qimron and Strugnell, Discoveries in the Judean Desert X (= DJD X) (Oxford 1994), 3-13, pl. i-iii. First copy of the 'Halakhic Letter.' With remains of a calendar at the beginning. [GM 79-81] [MGA #84] * 4Q395 (4QMMT\b) 4QHalakhic Letter\b DJD X, 14-15, pl. III. Copy of which only one fragment has been preserved. [GM 81] [MGA #84] * 4Q396 (4QMMT\c) 4QHalakhic Letter\c DJD X, 15-21, pl. IV. Copy of the central part of the work. [GM 81-82] [MGA #84] * 4Q397 (4QMMT\d) 4QHalakhic Letter\d DJD X, 21-28, pl. V-VI. Copy with relatively abundant material from the different sections of the letter. [GM 83-84] [MGA #84] * 4Q398 (4QMMT\e) 4QHalakhic Letter\e DJD X, 28-38, pL VII-VIII. Copy on papyrus which preserves the end of the composition. A photograph of this manuscript is to be found in: E. Qimron and Strugnell, 'An Unpublished Halakhic Letter from Qumran,' Israel Museum Journal 4 (1985) 9-12, pl. 1. [GM 84-85] [MGA #84] * 4Q399 (4QMMT\f) 4QHalakhic Letter\f DJD X, 38-40, pl. VIII. A single fragment, with remains of two columns, from the end of the work. [GM 85] [MGA #84] * 4Q400 (4QShirShabb\a) 4QSongs of the Sabbath Sacrifice\a C. Newsom, Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice: A Critical Edition (HSS 27) (Atlanta 1985) 85-123, pl. I. Copy of the work 'Songs of the sabbath sacrifice,' with remains of the songs of the first two sabbaths. Of this work a copy has been preserved which comes from Cave 11 (11Q17 infra) and another found during the excavations of Masada (4Q MasShirShab, see Y. Yadin, 'The Excavations of Masada,' IEJ 15 (1965) 105-108; C Newsom and Y. Yadin, 'The Masada Fragment of the Qumran Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice,' IE) 34 (1984) 77-88; C. Newsom, Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice, 167-184, pl. XVI. Puech, 'Notes sur les manuscrits des Cantiques du Sacrifice du Sabbat trouve a Masada,' RQ 12/48 (1987) 575-583. [GM 419-420] [MOW #85] * 4Q401 (4QShirShabb\b) 4QSongs of the Sabbath Sacrifice\b C. Newsom, Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice, 125-146, pls. II-III. Another copy of the same work, with remains, possibly, of the songs for the first, third and sixth sabbath. [GM 420] [MOW #85] * 4Q402 (4QShirShabb\c) 4QSongs of the Sabbath Sacrifice\c C. Newsom, Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice, 147-166, pl. III. Another copy of the same work with remains of the song for the fifth sabbath. [GM 420-421] [MOW #85] * 4Q403 (4QShirShabb\d) 4QSongs of the Sabbath Sacrifice\d Strugnell, 'The Angelic Liturgy at Qumran. 4QSerek Shirot Olat hashshabbat,' Congress Volume, Oxford 1959 (SVT 7) (Brill Leiden 1960) 322-327, pl. Ia. C. Newsom, Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice, 185-247, p. IV. Another copy of the same work with re- mains of the songs for the sixth, seventh and eighth sabbaths. [GM 421-424] [MOW #85] * 4Q404 (4QShirShabb\e) 4QSongs of the Sabbath Sacrifice\e C.Newsom, Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice, 249-255, pl. V. Another copy of the same work with remains of the songs for the sixth, seventh and eighth sabbaths. [GM 424-425] [MOW #85] * 4Q405 (4QShirShabb\f) 4QSongs of the Sabbath Sacrifice\f Strugnell, 'The Angelic Liturgy at Qumran,' 336-342, pl. Ib. C. Newsom, Songs of`the Sabbath Sacrifice, 257-354, pls. VI-XIV. Another copy of the same work with remains of the songs for the last seven sabbaths. [GM 426-430] [MOW #85] o 4Q406 (4QShirShabb\g) 4QSongs of the Sabbath Sacrifice\g C. Newsom, Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice, 355-357, pl. XV. Another copy of the same work with remains of the beginning of an unidentified song. [SEE MOW #85] o 4Q407 (4QShirShabb\h) 4QSongs of the Sabbath Sacrifice\h C. Newsom, Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice, 259-260, pl. xv. Possibly another copy of the same work. Remains of two small fragments. [SEE MOW #85] o 4Q408 4QSapiential Work Minute fragments of a wisdom-type composition. [MGA #86] * 4Q409 4QLiturgy E. Qimron, 'Time for Praising God: A Fragment of a Scroll from Qumran (4Q409),' JQR 80 (1990) 341-347. Remains of a hymnic composition. [GM 402] [MGA #87] o 4Q410 4QSapiential Work Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 40. Minute remains of a wisdom composition. [EMC #88] o 4Q411 4QSapiential Work A single fragment, with the first words of a 17-line column. o 4Q412 4QSapiential Work Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 41-42. Minute remains of a wisdom composition. [EMC #88] * 4Q413 4QSapiential Work Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 43. A single fragment with the beginning of a wisdom composition. [GM 382-383] [EMC #88] * 4Q414 4QBaptismal Liturgy Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 230-233. Remains of a hymnic composition. [GM 439] [MGA #89] o 4Q415 (4QSap. Work A\d) 4QSapiential Work A\d (?) Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 44-53. Numerous fragments of a wisdom composition, possibly part of the next work, although the preserved fragments provide no matches. [EMC #88] * 4Q416 (4QSap. Work A\b) 4QSapiential Work A\b Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 54-62. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 241-254. Wisdom composition. [GM 383-385] [EMC #88] * 4Q417 (4QSap. Work A\c) 4QSapiential Work A\c Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 63-76. Another copy of the same wisdom composition. [GM 385-387] [EMC #88] * 4Q418 (4QSap. Work A\a) 4QSapiential Work A\a Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 77-154. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 241-254. The longest copy of this wisdom composition. Nearly 300 fragments have been preserved although only a few are a good size. [GM 388-393] [EMC #88] * 4Q419 (4QSap. Work B) 4QSapiential Work B Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 155-158. Another wisdom composition, of which only the first fragment is of some length. [GM 393] [EMC #88] o 4Q420-421 Ways of Righteousness\a-b\ Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 159-165. Minute remains of two copies of another wisdom composition. [EMC #88] o 4Q422 4QParaphrase of Genesis-Exodus Minute remains of a biblical paraphrase. [MGA #90] o 4Q423 (4QSap. Work A\e) 4Qsapiential Work A\e Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 166-173. [EMC #88] * 4Q424 (4QSap. Work C) 4QSapiential Work C Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 174-176. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 166-168. Another wisdom composition. [GM 393-394] [EMC #91] o 4Q425-426 4Qsapiential works Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 174-184. Minute remains of wisdom compositions. * 4Q427 (4QH\a) 4QHymns\a E. Schuller, 'A Hymn from a Cave Four Hodayot Manuscript: 4Q427 7 I+II,' JBL 112 ( 1993), 605-628. Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 254-261. [GM 362-366] [MGA #003, 101f. Thanksgiving Psalms (The Thanksgiving Scroll) (1QH, 1Q35,4Q427-432)] * 4Q428 (4QH\b) 4QHymns\b Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2. 262-274. [GM 367] [MGA #003, 101f. Thanksgiving Psalms (The Thanksgiving Scroll) (1QH, 1Q35,4Q427-432)] * 4Q429 (4QH\c) 4QHymns\c Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 275-278. [GM 367-369] [MGA #003, 101f. Thanksgiving Psalms (The Thanksgiving Scroll) (1QH, 1Q35,4Q427-432)] * 4Q430 (4QH\d) 4QHymns\d Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 279. [GM 369] [MGA #003, 101f. Thanksgiving Psalms (The Thanksgiving Scroll) (1QH, 1Q35,4Q427-432)] * 4Q431 (4QH\e) 4QHymns\e Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 280. [GM 270] [MGA #003, 101f. Thanksgiving Psalms (The Thanksgiving Scroll) (1QH, 1Q35,4Q427-432)] o 4Q432 (4QH\f) 4 QHymns\f\c Wacholder & Abegg, Unpubl. DSS 2, 281-184. Minute remains of a copy on papyrus of the Hodayot. [MGA #003, 101f. Thanksgiving Psalms (The Thanksgiving Scroll) (1QH, 1Q35,4Q427-432)] o 4Q433 4QHodayot-like text Three minute fragments of a composition similar to the Hymns. * 4Q434 (4QBar\e\ki Napshi\a) 4QBless, Oh my Soul\a Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 233-241. First copy of a composition with hymns of praise which usually begin with the sentence: Bless, Oh my soul. A good fragment with remains of two columns, and other lesser fragments. [GM 436] [EMC #92] * 4Q434\a 4QGrace after Meals M. Wienfeld, 'Grace after Meals at the Mourners' House in a Text from Qumran,' Tarbiz 41 (1992), 15-23 [English version, JBL 1ll (1992) 427-440]. Two fragments of thanksgiving after a meal in the house of a person in mourning. [GM 439] o 4Q435 (4QBar\e\ki Napshi\b) 4QBless, Oh my Soul\b Minute fragments of a second copy of the blessings of praise. * 4Q436 (4QBar\e\ki Napshi\c) 4QBless, Oh my Soul\c Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 233-241. A single fragment with one column almost complete from another copy of the same composition. [GM 437] [EMC #92] o 4Q437 (4QBar\e\ki Napshi\d) 4QBless, Oh my Soul\d Various fragments of another copy of the same composition. [EMC #92] o 4Q438 (4QBar\e\ki Napshi\e) 4QBless, Oh my Soul\e Minute fragments of another copy of the same composition. o 4Q439 4QWork similar to Bar\e\ki Napshi Three tiny fragments of a composition similar to the preceding. [EMC #92] o 4Q440 4QHodayot-like text Two fragments from the end of a hymnic composition similar to the Hymns. o 4Q441-447 Minute fragments of prayers or hymns. [MGA #93(443)] [MOW #94(444)] o 4Q448 4QApocryphal Psalm and Prayer E. Eshel, H. Eshel and Yardeni, 'A Qumran Composition Containing Part of Ps. 154 and a Prayer for the Welfare of King Jonathan and his Kingdom,' Tarbiz 60 (1991), 295-324 [English version, IEJ 42 (1992), 199-229] [MGA #95, MOW #127(cf)] o 4Q449-57 4QPrayers Minute remains of liturgical compositions. * 4Q458 4QNarrative Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 47-49. Minute remains of an unspecified composition. [GM 228] o 4Q459-60 4QPseudepigraphic Works Remains of narrative works with biblical reminiscences; of the second a good-sized fragment has been preserved. o 4Q461 4QNarrative Five minute fragments of a narrative work. * 4Q462 4QNarrative M.S. Smith, '4Q462 (Narrative) Fragment 1: A Preliminary Edition,' Memorial Jean Starcky. Vol. I, 55-77. [GM 226-227] [EMC #96] o 4Q463 A. Steudel, Der Midrash zur Eschatologie aus der Qumrangemeinde. Four fragments of a wisdom-type composition. o 4Q464 Stone and E. Eshel, 'An Exposition on the Patriarchs (4Q464) and two Other Documents (4Q464a and 4Q464b),' Le Museon 105 (1992), 243-264. [MGA #97] o 4Q464a-69 4QUnclassifed fragments Fragments of unidentified works. o 4Q470 4QFragment mentioning Zedekiah E. Larson, Schiffman and Strugnell, '4Q470, With a Fragment Mentioning Zedekiah,' RQ 16/62 (1994). Three minute fragments of an unidentified work which mentions Zedekiah and the angel Michael. [MOW #98] * 4Q471 4QWar Scroll\h E. and H. Eshel, '4Q471. Frag.1 and Ma'amadot in the War Scroll,' in: The Madrid Qumran Congress, 611-620. Minute remains of a composition which is perhaps related to The War Scroll. [GM 124-125] [MGA #99(cf)] * 4Q471a 4QPolemical fragment E. Eshel and Kister, 'A Polemical Qumran Fragment,' JJS 43 (1992), 277-281. Fragment four of the preceding composition. [GM 124-125] [MGA #99(cf)] o 4Q472 4QSapiential work Minute remains of a wisdom composition. o 4Q473 4QThe Two Ways Two Minute fragments of a wisdom composition. [MOW #100] o 4Q474-476 4Qsapiential works Minute fragments of three wisdom-type compositions. * 4Q477 4QDecrees Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 269-273; E. Eshel, 'The Rebukes by the Overseer,' JJS 45 (1994), 111-232. [GM 90-91] [MGA #101] o 4Q478-81 4Qunclassifed fragments Minute remains of unidentified works. o 4Q482 (4QJub ?), 4QJubilees (?) Baillet, Discoveries in the Judaean Desert VII (Oxford 1982) (= DJD 7), 1-2, pl. I. Possibly a copy of the Book of Jubilees. o 4Q483 4QGenesis or Jubilees (?) Baillet, DJD 7, 2, pl. I. Possibly remains of Gen 1:18 or Jub 2:14 (?). o 4Q484 (4QTJud) 4QTestament of Judah Baillet, DJD 7, 3, pl. I. Remains of a work related to the Testament of Judah (?). o 4Q485 4QProphecy Baillet, DJD 7, 4, pl. II. Minute remains of a prophetical or wisdom text on papyrus. o 4Q486 4QSapiential Work\a Baillet, DJD 7, 4-5, pl. II. Minute remains of a sapiential work (?). o 4Q487 4QSapiential Work\a Baillet, DJD 7, 5-10, pls. III-IV. Numerous remains (53 fragments) of a sapiential (?) work copied on papyrus. o 4Q488-490 4Qapocrypha Baillet, DJD 7, 10-ll, pl.II. Remains of apocryphal works in Aramaic (?). * 4Q491 (4QM\a) 4QWarScroll\a C. H. Hunzinger, 'Fragmente einer alteren Fassung des Buches Milhama aus Hohle 4 von Qumran,' ZAW 69 (1957) 131-151, pl. 1; Baillet, 'Les manuscrits de la regle de la guerre de la grotte 4 de Qumran,' RB 79 (1972) 217-226; .-DJD 7, 12-44, pls. V-VI. Text related to the War Rule. Hunzinger considers the text to be an older form of the War Rule, Baillet considers it to be later and dependent on 1QM. The MS contains elements which seem to correspond to 1QM, others which seem to be a cento of phrases which are also found in 1QM in other contexts, and others which have no parallel in 1QM. One of these new hymnic compositions (the 'song of Michael' of fragment 11 i) also occurs in another MS from 4Q as yet unpublished, 4Q471B [4Q(Sl)86]. [GM 115-119] [MGA #008. The War Scroll (1QM, 4Q491-496)] * 4Q492 (4QM\b) 4QWar Scroll\b Baillet, DJD 7, 45-49, pl. VII. Another copy of the War Rule. Fragment 1 corresponds to 1QM xix 1-14 and to fragments 2, 8 and 1Q33 2; fragments 2-3 have not been identified. [GM 120] [MGA #008. The War Scroll (1QM, 4Q491-496)] * 4Q493 (4QM\b) 4QWar Scroll\c Baillet, DJD 7, 49-53, pl. VIII. Text related to 1QM; the preserved material has no equivalent in 1QM. [GM 120-121] [MGA #008. The War Scroll (1QM, 4Q491-496)] * 4Q494 (4QM\d) 4QWar Scroll\d Baillet, DJD 7, 53-54, pl. VIII. Another copy of the War Rule. The only fragment preserved partly corresponds to 1QM ii 1-2. [GM 121] [MGA #008. The War Scroll (1QM, 4Q491-496)] * 4Q495 (4QM\e) 4QWar Scroll\e Milik, 'MilkŒ-sedeq et MilkŒ-resa\c,' 140; Baillet, DJD 7, 54-56, pl. VIII. Another copy of the War Rule. Fragment 2 corresponds to 1QM xiii 9-12. [GM 121] [MGA #008. The War Scroll (1QM, 4Q491-496)] * 4Q496 (4QM\f) 4QWar Scroll\f Baillet, 'D‚bris de textes sur papyrus de la grotte 4 de Qumran,' RB 71 (1964) 353-371; .- DJD 7, 57-68; pls. X, XII, XIV, XVIII, XXIV. Another copy of the War Rule. The first 16 fragments (of the 122 preserved) have been grouped into five columns which partly correspond to 1QM i 4-iv 2. [GM 121-123] [MGA #008. The War Scroll (1QM, 4Q491-496)] o 4Q497 (4QM\g ?) Baillet, DJD 7, 69-72, pl. XXVI. Text related to the War Rule (?). o 4Q498 4QSapiential Hymn Baillet, DJD 7, 73-74, pl. XXVII. Hymnic or sapiential (?) fragments. o 4Q499 4QHymnic Prayer Baillet, DJD 7, 74-77, pl. XXV. Fragments of hymns or prayers. * 4Q500 4QBenediction Baillet, DJD 7, 78-79, pl. XXVII. Remains of a blessing (?); Baumgarten, '4Q500 and the Ancient Exegesis of the Lord's Vineyard,' JJS 40 (1989) 1-6 interprets it as an exegesis of the canticle of the vine of Isa 5. [GM 402] * 4Q501 4QApocryphal Lamentations B Baillet, DJD 7, 79-80, pl. XXVIII. Remains of a 'Lamentation,' poetic composition related to 1QH. [GM 403] [MGA #102] * 4Q502 4QRitual of Marriage Baillet, DJD 7, 81-l05, pls. XXIX-XXXIV. Fragments of a ritual for a joyous celebration, interpreted by Baillet as a wedding ritual and by Baumgarten, '4Q502, Marriage or Golden Age Ritual?,' JJS 34 (1983) 125-135, as a celebration (related to the feast of tabernacles?) in which the protagonists are old men and women. [GM 440-441] [EMC #103] * 4Q503 (4QPrQuot) 4QDaily Prayers\a Baillet, DJD 7, 105-136, pls. XXXV, XXXVIl, XXXIX, XLI, XLVIII, XLV, XLVII. Remains of a liturgical composition with prayers for each day of the month. Remains have been preserved of prayers for fifteen days, between the 4th and the 26th. [GM 407-410] [MOW #104] * 4Q504 (4QDibHam\a) 4QWords of the Luminaries\a Baillet, 'Un receuil liturgique de Qumran, grotte 4: "Les Paroles des Luiminaires,"' RB 67 (1961) 195-250, pls. XXIV- XXVIII; .- 'Remarques sur l'edition des Paroles des Luminaires,' RQ 5/17 (1964) 23-42; .-DJD 7, 137-168, pls. XLIX-LIII. Copy of a liturgical work, of which the title, 'Words of the luminaries,' has been preserved on the back of fragment 8, and contains prayers for every day of the week (the beginning of the prayer of Wednesday and of the sabbath have been preserved). [GM 414-417] [MOW #105] * 4Q505 (4QDibHam\b) 4QWords of the Luminaries/b Baillet, DJD 7, 168-170, pl. XXIII. Identified by the editor as another copy of the 'Words of the Luminaries, (4QDibHam\b); in fact, the preserved fragments seem to belong to the 'Festival prayers' (4Q509). [GM 418] [MOW #105] * 4Q506 (4QDibHam\c) 4QWords of the Luminaries\c Baillet, DJD 7, 170-175, pls. XVIII, XX, XXIV. Another copy of the 'Words of the Luminaries.' [GM 418] [MOW #105] * 4Q507 (4QPrFetes\a ?) 4QFestival Prayers\a Baillet, DJD 7, 175-177, pl. XXVIII. Another copy (?) of a liturgical work which contained prayers for the different festivals of the liturgical year, known from the remains preserved in 1Q34-34bis. [GM 411-412] [MGA #013. Festival Prayers (1Q34, 1Q34bis, 4Q507-509)] * 4Q508 (4QPrFetes\b) 4QFestivalPrayers\b Baillet, DJD 7, 177-184, pl. LIV. Another copy of a liturgical work with prayers for the different festivals, with remains, possibly, of the prayers for feasts of the waving of the sheaves, of weeks, of the New Year and of Yom Kippur (?). [GM 412] [MGA #013. Festival Prayers (1Q34, 1Q34bis, 4Q507-509)] * 4Q509 (4QPrFetes\c) 4QFestival Prayers\c Baillet, DJD 7, 184-215, pls. IX, XI, XIII, XV, XVII, XIX, XXI, XXII. Another copy of the same work,with remains of the prayers for the feasts of the New Year, Yom Kippur, tabernacles, the second passover and pentecost (?). [GM 412-413] [MGA #013. Festival Prayers (1Q34, 1Q34bis, 4Q507-509)] * 4Q510 (4QShir\a) 4QSongs of the Sage\a M.Baillet, DJD 7, 215-219, pl. LV. Collection of songs of the Maskil for praising God and expelling demons. [GM 371] [MGA #106] * 4Q511 (4QShir\b) 4QSongs of the Sage\b M.Baillet, DJD 7,219-262,plS.LVI-LXII. Another copy of the same work of which 224 fragments have been preserved. [GM 371-376] [MGA #106] * 4Q512 4QRitual of Purification M.Baillet, DJD 7, 262-286, pls.XXXVI, XXXVIII, XL, XLII, XLIV, XLVI, XLVIII. Numerous remains (232 fragments) of a purification ritual with directives concerning various purifications and with the prayers to be recited on the occasions of these purifications. [GM 441-442] [MGA #107] * 4Q513 (4QOrd\b ?) 4QOrdinances\b Baillet, DJD 7, 287-295, pls. LXXII-LXXIII. Halakhic text related to 4QHalaka\a and 4QMMT, considered by the editor as another copy of the halakhic work represented by 4Q159. [GM 91] [MGA #017. Ordinances (4Q159, 4Q513-514)] * 4Q514 (4QOrd\c ?) 4QOrdinances\c Baillet,DJD 7,295-298,pl.LXXIV. Another halakhic text which deals with the conditions of purity required for participation in the community meals; considered by the editor as possibly another copy of the same halakhic work. [GM 91-92] [MGA #017. Ordinances (4Q159, 4Q513-514)] o 4Q515-520 4QUnidentified fragments Baillet, DJD 7, 299-312, pls. LXXV-LXXX. Fragments of unidentified works. * 4Q521 4QMessianic Apocalypse Puech,'Uneapocalypse messianique (4Q521),' RQ 15/60 (1992) 475- 522. Wisdom text which exhibits belief in the resurrection. [GM 394-395] [MGA #108] * 4Q522 4QWork with Place Names Puech, 'La pierre de Sion et l'autel des holocaustes d'apres un manuscrit hebreu de la grotte 4 (4Q522), RB 99 (1992),676-696. Work in Hebrew with place-names. A good fragment with remains of two columns and a dozen small fragments. [GM 227-228] [EMC #109] o 4Q523-524 4QHalakhic texts Minute Hebrew fragments, halakhic in content. * 4Q525 (4QBeat) 4QBeatitudes Starcky, 'Le travail d'edition,' 67; Puech, 'Un hymne essenien en partie retrouve‚ et les Beatitudes,' in: Memorial Carmignac, 84-87; .-'4Q525 et les pericopes des beatitudes en Ben Sira et Matthieu,' RB 98 (1991) 80-106. Fragment of a sapiential work which contains a series of blessings. [GM 395-398] [MGA #110] o 4Q526-528 4QHebrew Fragments C-D-E Three minute unidentified Hebrew fragments, each in a different hand. * 4Q529 4QWords of Michael Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 37-39. Beyer, Ergangzungsband, 127-128. Starcky, 'Le travail,' 66; Milik, Enoch, 91. Aramaic work with the title 'Words of the book of which Michael spoke to the Angels.' Two further copies have been preserved in 4Q to which belong the fragments from 6Q23. [GM 125] [EMC #111] * 4Q530 (4QGiants\b ar) 4QGiants\b Milik, 'Turfan et Qumran,' 121-125; .- Enoch, 230, 304-307. Beyer, Ergangzungsband, 119-124. Another copy of the Book of Giants. [GM 261-262] [EMC #33] * 4Q531 (4QGiants\c ar) 4QGiants\c Milik, Enoch, 307-313. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 119-124. Another copy of the Book of Giants. [GM 262] [EMC #33] o 4Q532 (4QGiants\d ar) 4QBook of Giants\d Eisenman & Wise, The Dead Sea Srrolls Uncovered, 95. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 119-124. Small fragments of another copy of the Book of Giants. [EMC #33] o 4Q533 (4QGiants\e ar?) Milik, Enoch, 237-238. Another copy of the Aramaic Book of Giants (?) or a pseudo-Enochic composition. * 4Q534 (4QMess ar) 4QElect of God Starcky, 'Un texte messianique arameen de la grotte 4 de Qumran,' in: cole des langues orientles anciennes de l'Institut Catholique de Paris. Memorial du cinQuantenaire 1914-1964 (Bloud et Gay, Paris 1964) 51-66. The text refers to the birth of Noah, fragment J.A. Fitzmyer, 'The Aramaic 'Elect of God' Text from Qumran Cave IV,' CBQ 27 (1965) 348-372; Milik, Enoch, 56. According to Puech, it is one of the three manuscripts referred to as 4QNoah\a-c. [GM 263] [EMC #112] * 4Q535 4QAramaic N Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 33-37. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 125-127. Tiny Aramaic fragments of a composition connected with Noah. [GM 263-264] [EMC #112] * 4Q536 4QAramaic C Beyer, Aram. Texte, 125-127. Minute Aramaic fragments of a composition connected with Noah. [GM 264] [EMC #112] * 4Q537 (4QAJa ar) 4QApocryphon of Jacob Milik, 'Ecrits presseniens de Qumran,' 103-104. Remains of an Aramaic work: Visions of Jacob (?). The text has been published by Puech, 'Fragments d'un apocryphe de Levi et le personnage eschatologique, 4QTestLevi\c-d (?) et 4QAJa,' in: The Madrid Qumran Congress 449-501. [GM 265] [MOW #113] * 4Q538 (4QAJu ar) 4QApocryphon of Judah Milik, 'Ecrits preesseniens de Qumran,' 97-101, pl. I. Remains of an Aramaic Testament of Judah (?). [GM 265-266] [MOW #114] * 4Q539 (4QAJo ar) 4QApocryphon of Joseph Milik, 'Ecrits preesseniens de Qumran,' 97- 10l, pl. I. Remains of an Aramaic Testament of Joseph (?). [GM 266] [MOW #115] * 4Q540 (4QTLevi\c ar?) 4QAaronic Text A (bis) = Testament of Levi\c (?) Work described by Starcky, 'Les Quatre etapes du messianisme a Qumran,' RB 70 (1963) 492, as an Aramaic work of Aaronite content (4QAhA) and edited by Puech as another copy of the Aramaic Testament of Levi, 'Fragments d'un apocryphe de Levi et le personnage eschatologique, 4QTestLevi\c-d (?) et 4QAJa' in: The Madrid Qumran Congress 449-501. [GM 269] [EMC #34] * 4Q541 (4QTLevi\d ar?) 4QAaroniic Text A=4QTestament of Levi\d(?) Puech, 'Fragments d'un apocryphe de Levi et le personnage eschatologique, 4QTest-Levi\c-d (?) et 4QAJa' in: The Madrid Qumran Congress 449-501. [GM 269-270] [EMC #34] * 4Q542 (4QTQahat ar) 4QTestament of Qahat Milik, '4Q Visions de 'Amram,' 97. Puech, 'Le Testament de Qahat en arameen de la grotte 4 (4QTQah),' Memorial Jean Starcky Vol. I, 23-54. Remains of an Aramaic Testament of Qahat. Only one fragment of the work has been preserved, with remains of one and a half columns of text. [GM 271-272] [EMC #116] * 4Q543 (4Q\c Amram\a ar) 4QVisions of Amram\a Milik, '4QVisions de 'Amram et une citation d'Origene,' RB 79 (1972) 77-99. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 151-156. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 85-92. Aramaic work of apocalyptic character, preserved in five copies with the title 'Visions of'Amram.' Milik transcribes a few isolated fragments. [GM 272-273] [EMC #117] * 4Q544 (4Q'Amram\b ar) 4QVisions of Amram\b Milik,'4QVisions de'Amram,' 77-99, pl. I. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 85-92. [GM 273] [EMC #117] * 4Q545 (4Q'Amram\c ar) 4QVisions of Amram\c Milik.'4QVisions de'Amram,' 77-99; Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 151-156. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 85-92. [GM 274] [EMC #117] o 4Q546 (4Q'Amram\d ar) 4QVisions of Amram\d Milik,'4QVisions de 'Amram,' 77-99. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 151-156. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 85-92. [EMC #117(?)] * 4Q547 (4Q'Amram\e ar) 4QVisions of Amram\e Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 151-156. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 85-92. [GM 274] [EMC #117] * 4Q548 (4Q'Amram\f ar) 4QVisions of Amram\f Milik, '4QVisons de 'Amram,' 90. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 151-156. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 85- 92. Puech, La croyance des Esseniens en la vie future (Gabalda, Paris 1993), 537-540. [GM 275] [EMC #117] * 4Q549 Work Mentioning Hur and Miriam Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 93-94. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 92-93. Aramaic work which mentions Hur and Miriam. A good fragment with remains of two columns and three smaller fragments. [GM 275] [MGA #118] * 4Q550 4QProto-Esther\a-f Milik, 'Les modeles arameens du livre d'Esther dans la grotte 4 de Qumran,' in: Puech and Garcia Martinez (eds.), Memorial, Jean Starcky. Vol. II (Paris 1992) 321-406. Five copies of a narrative work which might have been the source of the book of Esther. The sixth copy attributed by Milik to this composition seems to come from a different work, Garcia Martinez, 'Las fronteras de lo Biblico,' Scripta Theologica 23 (1991), 774; Beyer, Aram. Texte, 133. [GM 291-292] [EMC #119] * 4Q551 4QDaniel-Suzanna (?) Milik, 'Daniel et Susanne a Qumran?,' in: De la Torah au Messie, 337-359. Minute fragments which the editor connects with the story of Suzannah. [GM 289-290] * 4Q552 4QFour Kingdoms\a Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 71-73. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 108-109. An Aramaic apocalyptic work about the four kingdoms. [GM 138-139] [EMC #120] * 4Q553 4QFour Kingsdoms\b Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 71-73. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 108-109. Another copy of the same composition. [GM 139] [EMC #120] * 4Q554 (4QNJ\a ar) 4QNew Jerusalem\a Starcky, 'Jerusalem et les manuscrits de la mer Morte,' Le Monde de la Bible 1 (1977) 38-40. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 39-46. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 95- 104. Copy of the Aramaic work. Description of the New Jerusalem. [GM 129-131] [EMC (#012. A Vision of the New Jerusalem (1Q32,2Q24,4Q554-555,5Q15,11Q18))] * 4Q555 (4QNJ\b ar) 4QNew Jerusalem\b Beyer, Aram. Texte, 95-104. Another copy of the same work. [GM 131] [EMC (#012. A Vision of the New Jerusalem (1Q32,2Q24,4Q554-555,5Q15,11Q18))] o 4Q556-557 4QVisions Minute remains of three Aramaic compositions about visions. o 4Q558 4QVision Beyer, Aram. Texte, 93-94. Aramic composition on papyrus, similar to the preceding compositions. * 4Q559 4QBiblical Chronology Starcky, 'Le travail d'edition,' 66. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 92-93. Aramaic work written on papyrus which includes a genealogy which extends to the Judges. [GM 228-229] [MOW #121] * 4Q560 4QAgainst Demons Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 265-267. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 129-130. Remains of an Aramaic composition which apparently contains incantations. [GM 378] [MOW #122] * 4Q561 (4QHor ar) Starcky, 'Les Quatre etapes du messianisme,' 503, n. 66. Eisenman & Wise, The DSS Uncovered, 263-265. Beyer, Aram. Texte, 125-127. Copy in Aramaic of the horoscope 4Q186. [GM 456-457] [MOW #123] o 4Q562-575 4QAramaicD-Z Unidentified fragments of remains of Aramaic works. [MOW #124(562)] [MOW #124(563)] o 4QHodayot-like [not yet numbered, 1996] [MGA #126] CAVE 5 Non-biblical manuscripts o 5Q9 5QWork with Place Names Milik DJD 3, 179-180, pl. XXXVIII. Unidentified work with toponyms. o 5Q10 (5QpMal?) 5QMalachi Pesher Milik, DJD 3, 180, pl. XXXVIII, 288. Identified as possibly a commentary on Malachi, by J. Carmignac, 'Vestiges d'un pesher de Malachie (?),' RQ 4/13 (1963) 97-100. [GM 203] * 5Q11 (5QS) 5QRule of the Community Milik, DJD 3, 180-181, pl. XXXVIII, 110-124. Possibly a copy of the Rule of the Community, with remains of 1QS ii 4-7 and ii 12-14 (?). [GM 32] [MOW #005. Charter of a Jewish Sectarian Association (1QS, 4Q255-264a, 5Q11)] * 5Q12 (5QD) 5QDamascus Document Milik, DJD 3, 181, pl. XXXVIII, 189-198. Copy of the Damascus Document, with remains of CD IX 7-10. [GM 70-71] * 5Q13 5QRule Milik, DJD 3, 181-183, pls. XXXIX-XXXX, 210-211. Sectarian rule (?), inspired by 1QS and CD, which cites 1QS iii 4-5 in fragment 4. [GM 73] * 5Q14 5QCurses Milik, DJD 3, 183-184, pl. XL, 322. Written text with curses. [GM 403] * 5Q15 (5QNJ ar) 5QNew Jerusalem J. T. Milik, DJD 111, 184-193. Remains of an Aramaic work: 'Description of the New Jerusalem', which includes readings from the copy of the same work from 4Q. [GM 131-133] [EMC (#012. A Vision of the New Jerusalem (1Q32,2Q24,4Q554-555,5Q15,11Q18))] o 5Q16-25 5Qunclassified fragments Remainsofunidentifiedworksorofunclassified fragments, 360-367. CAVE 6 Non-biblical manuscripts * 6Q8 (6QEnGiantsar) 6QGiants M. Baillet, DJD 3, 116- lig, pl. xXIV. Published as a 'Genesis apocryphon', it was identified by J. T Milik, The Books ofenoch, 300.3og, as another copy of the Aramaic Book of Giants. [GM 262] * 6Q9 6QApocryphononSamuel-Kings M. Baillet, DJD 3, 119- 123, pls. xXIV-xxv. Apocryphon, related to Sm-Kgs in content. [GM 284] o 6Q10 6QProphecy M. Baillet, DJD 3, 123-125, pl. xxvi. Prophetic text (?). * 6Q11 6QAllegory ofthe Vine M. Baillet, DJD 3, 125-126, pl. xxvi. 'Allegory of the vine'. [GM 403] o 6Ql2 6QApocryphal Prophecy M. Baillet, DJD 111, 126, pl. xxvi. 'Apocryphal prophecy' which uses a calculation in jubilees. o 6Q13 6QPriestlyProphecy M. Baillet, DJD 3, 126- 127, pl. XXVI.'Priestlyprophecy' related to Ezra-Nehemiah (?). o 6Q14 6QApocalypse M. Baillet, DJD 3, 127- 128, pl. xxvi. Aramaic'Apocalyptic text'. * 6Q15 (6QD) 6QDamascusDocument M. Baillet, DJD 3, 128- 131, pl. XXVI. COPY oftheDamascusDocument. WithremainsOfCD IVl9- 21;VI3-14;vi8-vl2; VI 20-VII 1, and a fragment with no equivalent in CD. [GM 71] * 6Q16 6QBenediction M. Baillet, DJD 111, 131-132, pl. xxvii. Blessings. [GM 437] o 6Q17 6QCalendricalDocument M. Baillet, DJD 3, 132- 133, pl. xxvii. Fragment of a calendar. * 6Q18 6QHymn M. Baillet, DJD 3, 133-136, pl. xxvii. Hymnic composition. [GM 404] * 6Ql9 6QGenesis (?) M. Baillet, DJD 3,, 136, pl. xxviii. Text related to Gn (?). [GM 227] * 6Q20 6QDeuteronomy (?) M. Baillet, DJD 111, 136-137, pl. XXVIII, 357. Text related to Dt (?). [GM 228] o 6Q21-22 4Qunclassified fragments M. Baillet, DJD 3, 137, pl. xxviii. Unidentified texts. o 6Q23 M. Baillet, DJD 3, 138, pl. xxviii. Aramaic text;identifiedby J.T. Milik, The Books of Enoch, 9 i as a COPY Of 4Q(Words of) Michael (?). o 6Q24-25 6Qunclassified fragments M. Baillet, DJD 3, 138, pl. xxviii. Unidentified texts. o 6Q26 6Qfragments of accounts or contracts M. Baillet, DJD 3, 138-139, pl. XXIX. Remains of accounts or of a contract in Aramaic. o 6Q27-31 6Qunclassified fragments M. Baillet, DJD 3, 129- 141, pl. xxlx. Unidentified texts. CAVE 7 Unidentified manuscripts o 7Q3-19 7Qunclassified fragments M. Baillet, DJD 3, 143-144, pl. xxx. Unidentified Greek manuscripts. J. O'Callaghan, '@Papiros neotestamentarios en la cueva 7 de Qumran?', Biblica 53 (1972) 91-100;. -'@lTim3, 16;4,'3en7Q4?',Biblica 53(1972)362-367;.-Los papiros griegos de la cueva 7 de Qumran (BAC, Madrid 1974) has suggested identifying these remnants of papyrus as I Tim 3:16; 4:1.3 (7Q4); Mk 6:52-53 (7Q5); Mk 4:28 (7Q6, 1); ACTS 27:38 (7Q6:2); Mk 12:17 (7Q7); Jac 1:23-24 (7Q8); Rom 5:11-12 (7Q9); 2 Pet 1: 15 (7Q 10); Mc 6:48 (7Q 1 5). Other scholars have suggested identifying them with other biblical texts [G. D. Fee, JBL 92 (1973) 109-112: 7Q4 = Num 14:23-24; P. Garnet, EvQ 45 (1973) 8-9: 7Q5 = Ex 36: lo-i 1; C. H. Roberts, JTS 23 (1972) 446, n,4: 7Q5 = 2Kgs 5:13-14] or with non-biblical texts [G. W Nebe, RQ 13 (1988) 629-632: 7Q4 = Enoch 103:3-4]. CAVE 8 Non-biblical manuscripts * 8Q5 8QHymn M. Baillet, DJD 3, 161-163, pl. xxxv. Hymnic text. [GM 404] CAVE 9 Only a small fragment of papyrus, unidentified, was found, M. Baillet, DJD 3, 163, pl. Xxxv. CAVE 10 Only an ostracon was found, a fragment of a jar with traces of two letters of the owner's name, M. Baillet, DJD 3, 164, pl. Xxxv. CAVE 11 Biblical manuscripts * 11Q5 (11QPS\a) 11QPsalms\a J. A. Sanders, The Psalms Scroll of Qumran Cave 11 (11QPs\a) (Discoveries of the _7udaean Desert ofyordan IV) Oxford i 965; y Yadin, 'Another Fragment (E) of the Psalms Scroll from Qumran Cave 11 (11QPs\a)', Textus 5 (1966), i- io, pls. i-v. Copy of Pss, in a different sequence from MT, with other pseudepigraphical compositions. [GM 304-310] [MOW #127 (11Q5-6; 4Q88, 4Q448 Apocryphal Psalms of David)] * 11Q6 (11QPs b) 11QPsaIMSb J. P. M. van der ploeg, 'Fragments d'un manuscrit de psaumes de Qumrin (11QPs')', RB 74 (i 967), 4o8-412, pl. xv I I I. Another copy of the foregoing ms. With remains of the 'plea for Deliverance' 1- 15 and of Pss 141:10; 133:1-3; 144:1-2; 118:1.15-16. [GM 310-311] [MOW #127 (11Q5-6; 4Q88, 4Q448 Apocryphal Psalms of David)] CAVE 11 Non-biblical manuscripts * 11Q10 (11Qtgjob) 11QTargum of_lob J. P.M. van der ploeg and A.S. van der Woude, Le ta@gum de_7ob de la grotte XI de Qumrdn (KNAw- Brill, Leiden 197 '). B. Zuckerman, 'A Fragment of an Unstudied Column of 1 1 Qtgjob: A Preliminary Report', Newsletter The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon 10 (1993), 1-7. For the last column see E. Puech - E Garcia, 'Remarques sur la Colonne xxxviii de 11qtgjob', RQ 9/35 (1978) 401-407. Aramaic Targum of job. [GM 143-153] 11Q10 Aramaic of Job [MOW #128] * 11Q11 (11QApPs') 11QApocryphal Psalms' J. P. M. van der ploeg, 'Le Psaume xci dans une recension de Qumrin', RB 72 (1965) 210- 217, pls. VIII-lx; . -'Un petit rouleau de psaumes apocryphes (11QPsAp')', in: Tradition und Glaube, 128-139, pls. I i-v I I; E. Puech, 'Les deux derniers psaumes davidiques du rituel d'exorcisme 11QPsAp' IV, 4-v, 14', in: Forty Years ofresearch in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Psalms for expelling demons. The ms ends with Ps 91. [GM 376-378] 11Q11 Songs to Disperse Demons [EMC #129] * 11Q12 (11Qjub) 11Q7ubilees A. S. van der Woude, 'Fragmente des Buches jubil@en aus Qumran Hbhle xi (11Qjub)', in: Tradition und Glaube, 140-146, pl. viii; J. T Milik, 'A propos de 11Qjub', Biblica 54 (1973) 77-78; E Garcia Martinez, 'Texts from Cave 11'. Copy of the Book of jubilees. [GM 241-242] * 11Q13 (11QMelch) 11QMechizedec A. S. van der Woude, 'Melchisedek als himmlische Erl6sergestalt in den neugefundenen eschatologischen Midraschim aus Qumran Hbhle xi', Oudtestamentische Studi@n 14 (1965) 354-373, pl. 1; J. T Milik, 'Milki-resa", 96- log. 124-126; E. Puech, 'Notes dur le manuscrit de 11QMelkis6deQ', RQ 12/48 (lo87) 483-513. Eschatological pesher, based on Lv 28, with the angelic form of Melchizedek as the protagonist. [GM 139-140] 11Q13 Coming of Melchizedek [MOW #130] * 11Q14 (11QBer) 11QBlessing@ A.S. vanderWoude,'EinneuerSegensspruchaus Qumran (11QBer)', en: Bibel und Qumran, 253-258, pl. I. J. Strugnell, RB 77 (1970), 268 denotes another copy of the same work from Cave 4 (4Q285); B. Nitzan, 'Benedictions and Instructions from Qumran for the Eschatological Community (11QBer, 4Q285)', RQ i6/6i (1993),77-90. Collection of Blessings, which come from a copy of the War Scroll. [GM 124] * 11Q15 (11QHymns') 11QHymns' J. P.M. vanderploeg,'Lesmanuscrits', 11-12. Collection of hymns. Only a small fragment has been preserved. [GM 404] o 11Q16(11QHymns b) 11QHymnsb J. P.M. vanderploeg,'Lesmanuscrits', 11-12. F. Garcia Martinez, "Texts from Cave 11'. Another collection of hymns. * 11Q17 (11QShirShabb) 11QSongs ofthe Sabbath Sacrifice A. S. van der Woude, 'Fragmente einer Rolle der Lieder fiir das Sabbatopfer aus Ho%hle xi von Qumran', in: Von Kanaan bis Kerala (AOA'1'21 1) (Kevelaer-Neukirchen-Vluyn 1982) 311-332, pls. 1-6; C. Newsom, Songs ql'the Sabbath Sacroce, 361-387, pls. xvii-xix; E Garcia Martinez, 'Texts from Cave 11'. Copy of the work 'Songs of the Sabbath sacrifice' which preserves the last part of the composition, with remains of the songs for the tenth, eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth sabbaths. [GM 430-431] * 11Q18 (11QJN at) 11QNew Jerusalem B. Jongeling, 'Publication provisoire d'un fragment provenant de la grotte 1 i de Qumrin (11Qj6rNouv at)', jsj 1 (1970) 58-64; E Garcia Martinez, 'The Last Surviving Columns of 11QNj', The Scriptures and the Scrolls, 178-192, pl. 3-9. K. Bever, Ergdnzungsband, 95-104. COPY of an Aramaic work: 'Description of the New Jerusalem'. [GM 143-153] [EMC (#012. A Vision of the New Jerusalem (1Q32,2Q24,4Q554-555,5Q15,11Q18))] * 11Q19 (11QTemple') 11QTemple Scroll' Y. Yadin, Megillat ham- miqdash - The Temple Scroll, 3 vols. + Suppl. Jerusalem 1977) (Hebrew edition; English edition with supplements, 1983). Complete edition of the 'Temple Scroll'. 11Q19-20 Temple Scroll [MOW #131] * 11Q20 (11QTemple b) i1QTempleScrol@ YYadin,Megillatham- miqdash,vol.iii. Supplementary plates, 35-40; A. S. van der Woude, 'Ein bisher unver6ffentlichtes Fragment der Tempelrolle', RQ 13 (1988), 89-92; M. 0. Wise, 'A New Manuscript joint in the "Festival of Wood Offering" (Temple Scroll xx i i i)', JNES 47 (1988), 113-121. F. Garcia Martinez,'11QTempleb: A Preliminary Publication', The Madrid Qumran Congress, 363-390, pl. 9-15. B. Z. Wacholder, 'The Fragmentary Remains of 11QTorah (Temple Scroll)', HUCA 62 (1991), 1-116. Same hand as 1QpHab. [GM 179-184] 11Q19-20 Temple Scroll [MOW #131] o 11Q21-25 11Qunclassified fragments F. Garcia Martinez, 'Texts from Cave 11'. Remains of unidentified works. //end// [EMC #001. The Damascus Document (Geniza A + B, 4Q266-272)] [MOW #002. Tales of the Patriarchs (1QapGen)] [MGA #003, 101f. Thanksgiving Psalms (The Thanksgiving Scroll) (1QH, 1Q35,4Q427-432)] [EMC #004. A Commentary on Habakkuk (1QpHab)] [MOW #005. Charter of a Jewish Sectarian Association (1QS, 4Q255-264a, 5Q11)] [MOW #006. Charter for Israel in the Last Days (1QSa, 1Q28a)] [MOW #007. Priestly Blessings for the Last Days (1Q28b,1QSb)] [MGA #008. The War Scroll (1QM, 4Q491-496)] [EMC #009. The Words of Moses (1Q22)] [EMC #010. The Book of Secrets (1Q27, 4Q299-301)] [MGA #011. Tongues of Fire (1Q29, 4Q376)] [EMC (#012. A Vision of the New Jerusalem (1Q32,2Q24,4Q554-555,5Q15,11Q18))] [MGA #013. Festival Prayers (1Q34, 1Q34bis, 4Q507-509)] [MOW #014. A List of Buried Treasure -- The Copper Scroll (3Q15)] [MOW #015. Apocryphal Psalms (4Q88)] [MOW #016. A Reworking of Genesis and Exodus (4Q158)] [MGA #017. Ordinances (4Q159, 4Q513-514)] [MOW #018. An Account of the Story of Samuel (4Q160)] [EMC #019. Commentaries on Isaiah (4Q161-165)] [EMC #020. A Commentary on Hosea (4Q166-167)] [EMC #021. A Commentary on Nahum (4Q169)] [EMC #022. Commentaries on Psalms (4Q171,4Q173, 1Q16)] [MOW #023. The Last Days: A Commentary on Selected Verses (4Q174)] [MOW #024. A Collection of Messianic Proof Texts (4Q175)] [EMC #025. A Commentary on Consoling Passages in Scripture (4Q176)] [EMC #026. The Last Days: An Interpretation of Selected Verses (4Q177)] *** [EMC #027. A Lament for Zion (4Q179)] [MGA #028. The Ages of the world (4Q180-181)] [EMC #029. A Sectarian History (4Q183)] [EMC #030. Wiles of the Wicked Woman (4Q184)] [EMC #031. In Praise of Wisdom (4Q185)] [MOW #032. A Horoscope Written in Code (4Q186)] [EMC #033. The Book of Giants (4Q203,1Q23,2Q26,4Q530-532,6Q8)] [EMC #034. The Words of Levi (1Q21,Geniza Fragments, Mt. Athos Greek text, 4Q213-214,4Q540-541)] [EMC #035. The Last Words of Naphtali (4Q215)] [MGA #036. A Paraphrase of Genesis and Exodus (4Q225)] [MGA #037. Israel and the Holy Land (4Q226)] [MGA #038. Enoch and the watchers (4Q227)] [MOW #039. The Healing of King Nabonidus (4Q242)] [EMC #040. The Vision of Daniel (4Q243, 4Q244-4Q245)] [EMC #041. A Vision of the Son of God (4Q246)] [MOW #042. The Acts of a King (4Q248)] [MGA #043. A Commentary on the Law of Moses (4Q251)] [MGA #044. Commentaries on Genesis (4Q252-254a)] [MGA #045. Portions of Sectarian Law (4Q265)]: [MGA #046. Ritual Purity Laws Concerning Liquids (4Q274)] [MGA #047. Rule of Initiation (4Q275)] [MGA #048. The Ashes of the Red Heifer (4Q276-277)] [MGA #049. Ritual Purity Laws Concerning Menstruation (4Q278)] [MGA #050. Laws Concerning Lots (4Q279)] [MGA #051. A Liturgy of Blessing and Cursing (4Q280,4Q286 - 289)] [MGA #052. Laws for Purlfication (4Q284)] [EMC #053. Laws About Gleaning (4Q284a)] [MGA #054. The War of the Messiah (4Q285,11Q14)] [MGA #055. The Sage to the "Children of Dawn" (4Q298)] [MOW #056. The Parable of the Bountiful Tree (4Q302a)] A READER'S GUIDE TO THE QUMRAN CALENDAR TEXTS [MGA #057. The Phases of the Moon (4Q317)] [EMC #058. A Divination Text (Brontologion) (4Q318)] [MGA #059. Calendar of the Heavenly Signs (4Q319)] [MGA #060. Synchronistic Calendars (4Q320-321a)] [MOW #061. An Annalistic Calendar (4Q322-324b)] [MGA #062. Priestly Service: Sabbath, Month, and Festival‹Year One (4Q325)] [MGA #063. Priestly Service: Sabbath, Month, and Festival‹Year Four (4Q326)] [MGA #064. The Sabbaths and Festivals of the Year (4Q327,4Q394 Section A)] [MGA #065. Priestly Service As the Seasons Change (4Q328)] [MGA #066. Priestly Rotation on the Sabbath (4Q329)] [MGA #067. Priestly Service on the Passover (4Q329a)] [MGA #068. Priestly Service on NewYear's Day (4Q330)] [MGA #069. A Liturgical Calendar (4Q334)] [[End of Calendric Section (!)]] [MOW #070. False Prophets in Israel (4Q339)] [EMC #071. An Annotated Law of Moses (4Q364-365)] [MGA #072. The Inheritance of the Firs:tborn, the Messiah of David (4Q369)] [MOW #073. A Sermon on the Flood (4Q370)] [MOW #074. Stories About the Tribes of Israel (4Q371-373,2Q22)] [MOW #075. A Discourse on the Exodus and Conquest (4Q374)] [MOW #076. The Test of aTrue Prophet (4Q375)] [MOW #077. A Moses Apocryphon (4Q377)] [MOW #078. Psalms of Joshua (4Q378-379)] [EMC #079. A Collection of Royal Psalms (4Q380,4Q381)] [MOW #080. An Apocryphon of Elijah (4Q382)] [MGA #081. Prophetic Apocryphon (4Q380390)] [MGA #082. God the Creator (4Q392)] [MGA #083. Prayers for Forgiveness (4Q393)] [MGA #084. A Sectarian Manifesto (4QMMT: 4Q394-399)] [MOW #085. The Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice (4Q400-407, 11Q17, Masada Fragment)] [MGA #086. Prayer of Praise (4Q408)] [MGA #087. A Liturgy (4Q409)] [EMC #088. The Secret of the Way Things Are (4Q410,4Q412-413,4Q415-421,4Q423,1Q26)] [MGA #089. A Baptismal Liturgy (4Q414)] [MGA #090. A Commentary on Genesis and Exodus (4Q422)] [EMC #091. A Collection of Proverbs (4Q424)] [EMC #092. In Praise of God's Grace -- Barki Nafshi (4Q434,4Q436,4Q437,4Q439)] [MGA #093. Hymns of Thanksgiving (4Q443)] [MOW #094. Meditation of the Sage (4Q444)] [MGA #095. In Praise of King Jonathan (4Q448)] [EMC #096. Meditation on Israel's History (4Q462)] [MGA #097. Lives of the Patriarchs (4Q464)] [MOW #098. The Archangel Michael and King Zedekiah (4Q470)] [MGA #099. Assorted Manuscripts (4Q471)] [MOW #100. The Two Ways (4Q473)] [MGA #101. A Record of Disciplinary Action (4Q477)] [MGA #102. A Prayer for Deliverance (4Q501)] [EMC #103. A Liturgy of Thanksgiving (4Q502)] [MOW #104. Daily Prayers (4Q503)] [MOW #105. The Words of the Heavenly Lights (4Q504-506)] [MGA #106. The Songs of the Sage for Protection Against Evil Spirits (4Q510-511)] [MGA #107. A Purification Ritual (4Q512)] [MGA #108. Redemption and Resurrection (4Q521)] [EMC #109. A Tale of Joshua (4Q522)] [MGA #110. The Blessings of theWise (4Q525)] [EMC #111. The Words of the Archangel Michael (4Q529)] [EMC #112. The Birth of the Chosen One (4Q534-536)] [MOW #113. TheVision of Jacob (4Q537)] [MOW #114. AnApocryphon of Judah (4Q538)] [MOW #115. The Last Words of Joseph (4Q539)] [EMC #116. The Last Words of Kohath (4Q542)] [EMC #117. The Vision of Amram (4Q543-548)] [MGA #118. Hur and Miriam (4Q549)] [EMC #119. The Tale of Bagasraw (4Q550a-f)]. [EMC #120. The Vision of the Four Trees (4Q552-553)] [MOW #121. A Biblical Chronology (4Q559)] [MOW #122. An Exorcism (4Q560)] [MOW #123. An Aramaic Horoscope (4Q561)] [MOW #124. An Aramaic Text on the Persian Period (4Q562)] [MOW #125. A Priestly Vision (4Q563)] [MGA #126. Thanksgivings (4QHodayot-like)] [MOW #127. Apocryphal Psalms of David (11Q5-6; 4Q88,4Q448)] [MOW #128. AnAramaic Translation of the Book of Job (11Q10)] [EMC #129. Songs to Disperse Demons (11Qll)] [MOW #130. The Coming of Melchizedek (11Q19-20)] [MOW #131. The Temple Scroll (11Q19-20)] III. Epilogue Bibliography Index of Manuscripts Index of References --- [[modified by RAK to agree with published book, 2/17/99]] ©Copyright 1996-1999 R. Dan Woolman dba In Search Of The information you receive on-line from the entire In Search Of Web Site is protected by the copyright laws of the United States. The copyright laws prohibit any copying, redistributing, retransmitting, or repurposing of any copyright-protected material. Please click here for legal restrictions and terms of use applicable to this site. Use of this site signifies your agreement to the terms of use. Please send all comments and questions about this site to: R. Dan Woolman. Web Site Design by [] Created: Wednesday, January 29, 1997 -- Last update: Sunday, January 10, 1999