--- Jeff Tigay via Jane Choi Courtesy of Dr. Jeffrey Tigay, AMES150 Lecture Am I my brother's keeper? (Gen. 4:9) Fat of the land (Gen. 45:18) Man does not live by bread alone. (Deut. 8:3) Apple of his eye (Deut. 32:10) Out of the mouths of babes (Ps. 8:3) At their wits' end (Ps. 107:27, King James Version) The patience of Job By the skin of my teeth (Job 19:20) There is nothing new under the sun. (Eccles. 1:9) Titles with Biblical Allusions Gone with the Wind, by Margaret Mitchell (Ps. 78:39, 103:16) The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck (Deut. 32:32) Valley of Decisions, by Edith Wharton (Joel 4:14) --- How about: Black-letter law - I know this is not from the Bible, but I am under the impression that when the Bible began to be printed in the 15th century, it was printed in Gothic print, which later came to be known as 'black letter.' It makes sense that "black-letter law" began in English as an expression that referred to Biblical law. Knowing something "chapter and verse" - Again, not Biblical, but "Bible related." A whale of a story - Maybe a stretch, but perhaps a reference to Jonah? Silence is golden - Maybe? Seek and ye shall find - Maybe? A house divided against itself cannot stand - "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation" (Mt. 12:Something) Turn the other cheek - Gospels somewhere. Yaran Noti - No, my name is not biblical. --- "don't place a stumbling block before a blind man" (definitely one of the prophets, maybe Jeremiah or Isaiah) "four corners of the earth" (same source - not sure which - I'm leaning towards Isaiah) (this is in reference to the redemption) ~~ariella --- how about a "house divided against itself cannot stand"? or "good samaritan"? or "brother's keeper"? or "the valley of the shadow of death"? or "bear one's cross"? or Ecclesiastes Ch 3 with things like "a time to kill" (like the song urn, Turn" by the Byrds)? or "scapegoat" from sacrifices in the old testament? Jane Choi (asking others) --- Here's the list of biblical/quasi-biblical phrases: You can't call your soul your own! After the rain always comes the rainbow. Hate the sin, not the sinner These are the only ones that I could come up with. Linda Chang --- Ideas for New Course on Biblical Language and Images in Modern World get bibliography, ask MEDTEXTL [done], check OED refs (Bible, quotations; found 500 hits for letter A alone!)? Useful introductory literature: Kenneth C. Davis, Don't Know Much About the Bible (Eagle Brook 1998) Stephen L. Harris, Understanding the Bible (Mayfield 2000\5) Anthony W. Shipps, The Quote Sleuth (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990) Bartlett Jere Whiting and Helen Wescott Whiting (eds.), Proverbs, Sentences, and Proverbial Phrases From English Writings Mainly Before 1500 (Cambridge, MA, 1968) J. Howell, Proverbs D.C.Browning (ed.), Everyman's Dictionary of Quotations and Proverbs (New York, 1951) idioms: David Crystal has a list of phrases from the KJB that have entered English in_The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language_ They include my brother's keeper a good old age eye for eye spy out the land the people arose as one man a man after his own heart how are the mighty fallen a still small voice the root of the matter the skin of my teeth out of the mouth of babes at their wit's end heap coals of fire upon his head a lamb brought to the slaughter can the leopard change his spots ? eat sour grapes the salt of the earth cast your pearls before swine the straight and narrow in sheeps' clothing new wine in old bottles if the blind lead the blind the signs of the times whited sepulchre Physician, heal thyself to kick against the pricks all things to all men in the twinkling of an eye suffer fools gladly thorn in the flesh fight the good fight to the pure all things are pure' the patience of Job rule with a rod of iron (Crystal, Camb. Encycl, p. 64, sidebar) [RAK adds:] (women) getting the curse to have a hard heart parting of the waters walks on water (K Coder) do unto others ... (K Coder) praise the Lord (K Coder) the apple of your eye cast your bread upon the waters amen! so be it! Lord have mercy the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few many are called but few chosen let your light shine your learning has made you mad have faith like a mustard seed a crown of life cast the mote out of your own eye judge not that you be not judged not for me is against me ask and it shall be given bear the cross bend the knee cast the first stone go the second mile turn the other cheek be angry but don't sin don't let the sun go down on your wrath a soft answer turns away wrath go to the ant, you sluggard don't let left hand know what right hand is doing be a faithful steward faith without works is dead by their fruits you shall know them to pull something out of the fire four horsemen of the apocalypse the last trumpet money is the root of all evil the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak (?) situations associated with a person/event: Edenic scene older than Methusaleh Onanism meekness of Moses patience of Job Solomonic judgment wisdom of Solomon be a good Samaritan be a Judas doubting Thomas Simony Armageddon Four horseman of the Apocalypse non-biblical but close: rob Peter to pay Paul a stitch in time saves nine waste not, want not spare the rod and spoil the child truth is stranger than fiction sin boldly silence bids consent cleanliness is next to godliness cold hands, warm heart BVM immaculate conception/reception out of the frying pan into the fire the squeaky wheel gets the oil by the great horned spoon! Judas priest! idle hands are the devil's tools the devil/God is in the details 'till hell freezes over a dark day in hell guardian angel marriage made in heaven look for a silver lining keep in the middle of the road blood is thicker than water the grim reaper a little child shall lead them haste makes waste jumpin' Jehoshophat! rule with an iron hand all that glitters is not gold come hell or high water (K Coder) the devil made me do it (K Coder) /end/