[ON THE GENEALOGY OF JOSEPH] rak 2/85 from folia 120a-120b (in the same hand) after the superscription in the "Bryennios Codex" (H) in which the Didache is preserved (MS dated by Leontos the copyist to 1054 CE) Joseph, the husband of Mary, *)IWSH\F O( A)NH\R *MARI/AS, from whom the Christ was born, E)C H(=S E)GENNH/QH O( X_S, is descended from a Levitic family, E)K LEUITIKH=S FULH=S KATA/GETAI, as the divine evangelists indicated. W(S U(PE/DEICAN OI( EU)AGGELISTAI/. But Matthew A)LL*) O( ME\N MATQAI=OS traces Joseph's descent from David through Solomon, E)K *DAD DIA\ *SOLOMW=NTOS KATA/GEI TO\N *)IWSH/F: while Luke (says) through Nathan. O( DE\ *LOUKA=S DIA\ *NA/QAN. Solomon and Nathan were both *SOLOMW\N DE\ KAI\ *NA/QAN sons of David. UI(OI\ *DAD. Now the evangelists were silent PARESIW/PHSAN DE\ OI( EU)AGGELISTAI\ about the ancestry of the holy virginTH=S A(GI/AS PARQE/NOU TH\N GE/NNHSIN, since it was not customary E)PEIDH\ OU)K H)=N E)/QOS for the Hebrews E(BRAI/OIS nor for the divine scripture OU)DE\ TH=| QEI/A| GRAFH=| to give genealogies for women GENEALOGEI=SQAI GUNAI=KAS, and there was a law prohibiting NO/MOS DE\ H)=N MH\ one family from contracting marriage MNHSTEU/ESQAI FULH\N (with a person) from another. E)C E(TE/RAS FULH=S. Insofar as Joseph was descended O( GOU=N *)IWSH\F DAUITIKOU= from a Davidic family, KATAGO/MENOS FU/LOU, he contracted to marry PRO\S MNHSTEI/AN TH\N A(GI/AN the holy virgin who was PARQE/NON H)GA/GETO, from his own ancestry. E)K TOU= AU)TOU= GE/NOUS OU)=SAN: So they were content to indicate DEI/CANTES DE\ TO\ TOU= *)IWSH\F the ancestry of Joseph. GE/NOS H)RKE/SWHSAN. Now there was a law that when H)=N DE\ NO/MOS a childless husband died, A)GO/NOU A)NDRO\S TELEUTW=NTOS, his own brother was to go TO\N TOU/TOU A)DELFO\N A)/GESQAI to impregnate the wife PRO\S GA/MON TH\N GAMETH/N, and raise up an offspring KAI\ E)GEI/REIN SPE/RMA for the one who had died. TW=| TELEUTH/SANTI: Thus the resultant child was, TO\ GOU=N TIKTO/MENON on the one hand, by nature KATA\ FU/SIN ME\N H)=N (an offspring) of the second one, TOU= DEUTE/ROU who had generated it, H)/TOI TOU= GEGENNHKO/TOS, but by law, (offspring) KATA\ NO/MON DE\ of the one who died. TOU= TELEUTH/SANTOS. Now, from the seed E)K TH=S SEIRA=S TOI/NUN of Nathan, son of David, TOU= *NA/QAN UI(OU= *DAD Levi generated Melchi. *LEUI\ E)GE/NNHSEN TO\N *MELXI/: But from the seed of Solomon, E)K DE\ TH=S SEIRA=S *SALOMW=NTOS Matthan generated Jacob. *MATQA\N E)GE/NNHSEN TO\N *)IAKW/B: But when Matthan died, TELEUTH/SANTOS DE\ TOU= *MATQA/N, Melchi the son of Levi, *MELXI\ O( UI(O\S *LEUI\ from the family of Nathan, O( E)K TH=S FULH=S TOU= *NA/QAN impregnated the mother of Jacob E)/GHMEN TH\N MRA TOU= *)IAKW/B and generated from her Eli. KAI\ E)GE/NNHSEN E)C AU)TH=S TO\N *)HLI\: This resulted in half-brothers E)GE/NONTO OU)=N A)DELFOI\ with a common mother, Jacob and Eli. O(MOMH/TRIOI, *)IAKW\B KAI\ *)HLI/: But Jacob was O( ME\N *)IAKW\B from the family of Solomon, E)K FULH=S *SOLOMW=NTOS, while Eli was O) DE\ *)HLI\ from the family of Nathan. E)K FULH=S *NA/QAN. Then when Eli, E)TELEU/THSEN OU)=N *)HLI\ from the family of Nathan, E)K TH=S FULH=S TOU= *NA/QAN died childless, and Jacob his A)PAI=S, KAI\ E)/LABEN *)IAKW\B (half-)brother took O( A)DELFO\S AU)TOU= his (Eli's) wife TH\N GUNAI=KA AU)TOU, he generated Joseph KAI\ E)GE/NNHSEN TO\N *)IWSH/F and raised up an offspring KAI\ A)NE/STHSEN SPE/RMA for his (dead) brother. TW=| A)DELFW=|. So Joseph is by nature O( TOI/NUN *)IWSH/F FU/SEI ME/N a son of the Jacob E)STIN UI(O\S TOU= *)IAKW\B who descended from Solomon, TOU= A)PO\ *SOLOMW=NTOS KATAGOME/NOU, but by law (he is son) of Eli NO/MW| DE\ *)HLI\ (who descended) from Nathan. TOU= E)K *NA/QAN. //end//