CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN ABGAR AND JESUS This material was reported by Eusebius (ca. 325) as having come from the archives of the east Syrian royal city of Edessa (EH 1.13.15), in the Syriac (eastern Aramaic) language, then translated into Greek. COPY OF THE LETTER WRITTEN BY ABGAR THE RULER TO JESUS AND SENT TO HIM THROUGH ANANIAS THE MESSENGER, TO JERUSALEM Abgar, ruler of Edessa, to Jesus the good savior who has appeared in the city of Jerusalem, greetings. Information about you and your healings, which you perform without drugs or herbs, has come to my attention. It is reported that you make the blind to see, the lame to walk, and you cleanse lepers and exorcise unclean spirits and demons, and you heal persons who have lingering illnesses and you raise the dead. When I heard all these things about you, it occurred to me that you must be one of two things; either you are God and have come down from heaven to do these things, or you are a son of God who does such things. Therefore I have written to beg you to be solicitous towards me and to heal the malady I have. I have also heard that the Jews plot against you and wish to do you injury. But my city is small and loyal, adequate for us both. THE RESPONSE FROM JESUS TO ABGAR THE RULER, SENT THROUGH ANANIAS THE MESSENGER Abgar: Blessed are you for believing in me although you have not seen me! For it is written concerning me that those who have seen me do not believe in me and that those who have not seen, they will believe and live. Now concerning your request that I come to you, it is necessary for me to complete here all things for which I was sent, and after they are completed, to return to the one who sent me. And after I have returned, I will send to you one of my disciples to heal your malady and to offer life to you and to those with you. ASSIGNMENT: A major issue in this course is the evaluation of the relative reliability of ancient sources concerning Jesus. How would you evaluate this source? By what criteria? What would you like to know about the materials translated above in connection with your assessment, and why? We will return to this text at various times throughout the course. Religious Studies 435 RAK 9/8/83 Abgar assignment