.x:7 ~a"Bible"b"ApocNT"c"3CorInt"y"t" THE CORINTHIANS TO PAUL ~y1 @Stephen and his co-presbyters Dafnos and Euboulos and Theofilos and Ksenon, to Paul who is in the Lord, greetings. ~y2 @Two men have come to Corinth, a certain Simon and Kleobios, who are subverting the faith of some with corrupting words. ~y3 Please evaluate them. ~y4 For we have not heard these words from you nor from the others; ~y5 but the things we received from you, those are what we observe. ~y6 Thus since the Lord has shown us mercy, in that you are still in the flesh, that we may again hear from you, ~y7 either come yourself -- ~y8 for we believe, as was revealed to (by?) Theonoe, that the Lord has delivered you from the hand of the lawless one -- or send us a letter. ~y9 @Here are the sorts of things they are saying and teaching: ~y10 It is not necessary, they say, to make use of the prophets; ~y11 Nor is God almighty (in control of everything ?); ~y12 Nor is there a resurrection of the flesh; ~y13 Nor is the creation of humans (the work) of God; ~y14 Nor did the Lord come into the flesh, nor was he generated from Mary; ~y15 Nor is the world (the work) of God, but of angels. ~y16 @Wherefore, brother, make great haste to come here so that the assembly of Corinthians may remain without stumbling and the ignorance of these be exposed. @ Farewell, in the Lord.  ~c"3Cor"y"t" PAUL TO THE CORINTHIANS, CONCERNING THE FLESH ~y1z1 @Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus, to the kinfolk in Corinth, while I am beset by many tribulations, greetings. ~y2 @I am not surprised that the teachings of the evil one increase so speedily. ~y3 For the Lord Christ, who in speed will accomplish his coming, is disregarded by those who falsify his oracles. ~y4 @For I, in the beginning, transmitted to you the things that I also received from those who had been apostles before me, who the entire time were with Jesus Christ: ~y5 that our Lord Christ Jesus was born of Mary of the seed of David of the holy spirit, sent into her from heaven from the father, ~y6 that he [Jesus] might come forth into the world and redeem all flesh through his own flesh, and raise us up from the dead in fleshly condition, as he demonstrated with himself as example. ~y7 And because the man was formed by his father, ~y8 therefore also he was sought when he was lost, that he might be made alive through adoption. ~y9 For to this end the God of all things, the almighty, who made heaven and earth, sent prophets to the first Jews, that they might be dragged away from their sins. ~y10 For he determined to save the house of Israel: therefore he meted out a portion of the spirit of Christ and sent it into the prophets who proclaimed the unadulterated reverence for God, for a long time. ~y11 @But the unrighteous ruler, desiring to be God, exterminated them and bound all human flesh to (the pursuit of) pleasure.  ~y12 God almighty, who is righteous, and does not want to set aside his own creation, ~y13 sent down a spirit by means of fire into Mary the Galilean, ~y14 ~y15 so that through the very same flesh by which the wicked one had gained power by destroying it, he might be vanquished and exposed as not being God. ~y16 For in his own body Christ Jesus saved all flesh ~y17 so that he might display a temple of righteousness in his own body. ~y18 In which we are set free! ~y19 @Thus they are not children of righteousness but children of wrath who reject the forethought of God by saying that the heaven and the earth and all that are in them are not the work of the father. ~y20 For they hold to the cursed faith of the serpent. ~y21 You must drive them off and flee from their teaching. ~y22 ~y23 ~y24 @As for those who say to you that there is no resurrection of flesh, there is no resurrection for them, ~y25 who do not believe the one who is resurrected in that fashion! ~y26 For they do not know, O Corinthians, about the grain of wheat or about the other seeds, how they are thrust into the earth naked and when they have become rotten down below, they are raised by the will of God with a body that has also been clothed. ~y27 So that not only is the body that was sown raised up, but it is unified, genuine and blessed. ~y28 @But if we cannot make use of the parable from the seeds, ~y29 you know that Jonah the son of Amathi, so that he would not have to preach to Nineveh, was swallowed by a sea-monster; ~y30 and after three days and three nights God heard Jonah praying from the depths of hades, and nothing of him was damaged, not a hair nor an eyelid. ~y31 How much more, O you of little faith, will he raise up you who have believed in Christ Jesus, just as he himself was raised.  ~y32 @And if with the bones of Elijah the prophet, when a corpse was thrown on them by the children of Israel, the body of the person arose, so will you who have been cast upon the body and bones and spirit of Christ be raised in that day having your flesh healthy. ~y33 ~y34 @If, then, you accept some other (teaching), {+ God will be a witness for you [Lm erit vobis deus in testimonium,} cause me no more sufferings, ~y35 for I hold these bonds in hand that I may win Christ, and the marks (stigmata) in my body that I may enter into the resurrection of the dead. ~y36 And if anyone receives it, a model established through the blessed prophets and the holy gospel, he obtains a reward. {+ and when he has been resurrected from the dead (Lm et cum re[surr]exerit a mortuis), life eternal is the result (Lm vitam aeternam consequetur;)} ~y37 If anyone transgresses these (words), the fire is with him, and with those who walk similarly, impious persons ~y38 who are the offspring of vipers. ~y39 Flee from them by the power of the Lord! ~y40 @And may peace be with you. //end//