.x:7 ANCIENT SOURCES ATTRIBUTED TO PAUL THE PRAYER OF THE APOSTLE PAUL (Nag Hammadi Library 1.1[flyleaf A-B]) [tr. adapted from J.Robinson ed, NHL] 01[...] 02[...] 03[your] light, give me your [mercy. My] 04 redeemer, redeem me, for 05[I am] yours: from you have I come 06 forth. You are [my] mind: bring me forth! 07 You are my treasure-house: open for me! You 08[are] my fullness (plhrwma): take me to you! 09 You are repose (anapausis): give me 10[the] perfection that cannot be grasped! 11 I invoke you, the one who is 12 and preexisted, by the name 13 [which is] exalted above every name, through Jesus Christ 14[the Lord] of Lords, the king of the ages (aiwn): 15 give me your gifts which you do not begrudge 16 through the son of man, 17 the spirit (pneuma), the paraclete (paraklhtos) of 18[truth.] Give me authority (ecousia) 19[when I] ask you; give 20 healing for my body (swma) when I ask 21 you through the evangelist (euaggelisths), 22[and] redeem my eternal light-soul (yuxh) 23 and my spirit (pna). And the 24[first-]born of the pleroma (plhrwma) of grace (xaris) -- 25[reveal] him to my mind (nous)! Grant(xarize) 26 what no eye of an angel (aggelos) has 27[seen] and no ear of an 28 archon (arxwn) heard and what 29[has not] entered into the human heart, 30 which came to be angelic (aggelos) and (came to be) 31 after (kata) the image of the psychic (yuxikos) God 32 when it was formed (plasse) 33 in the beginning, since I have 34 faith (pistis) and hope (elpis). 35 And place upon me your 36 beloved (agaphtos) elect (eklektos), 37 and blessed (euloghtos) greatness, the first 38 born, the first begotten (genos), _ 01[...] 02[...] 03 and the [wonderful] mystery (musthrion) 04 of your house; [for] 05 yours is the power [and] 06 the glory and the blessing (omologhsis) 07 and the [greatness] 08 for ever and ever. [Amen.(?)] [lines 9-10 in Greek] 09 Prayer of Paul 10 (the) Apostle, in Peace, Christ is holy //end// rak 2/23/84