.x:7 Some Suggested Topics for Research Papers on Paul RelSt 436 R.Kraft 3/94 Focus on Perspectives and Primary Sources Attributed to Paul Paul's Use(s) of Jewish Scriptures Paul's Attitude(s) to Jewish Torah (or to Judaism, or to Jesus) Paul's Attitudes towards Jewish Eschatology and Apocalyptic Evidence in Paul's Writings of Earlier "Christian" Materials The Purpose of Paul's Letter to the Galatians Paul's Opponents in Galatia Pauline Letters to Western Asia Minor (Laod, Eph, Col, etc.) Paul and the Christians in Macedonia (Philippi, Thess., etc.) Paul and Corinth: their Problems, his Letters, his Opponents Setting and Analysis of Paul's "3 Corinthians" Paul and Rome: his Letter and Visit(s) Origin and Setting of Paul's "Pastoral Epistles" The Correspondence Between Paul and Seneca Focus on Paul in Relation to Ancient Secondary Sources Did the Author of Acts Know Paul's Letters? Paul's Turning to Christ According to Paul and Acts The Message of Paul in Acts, Apocryphal Acts, and his Letters Paul's Final Travels and Death (Acts of Peter/Paul, etc.) Paul as a Conveyer of Apocalyptic Materials Paul's Reception by Early Christian Readers Marcion's Edition and Uses of Paul Paul's Reception by "Jewish Christianity" Pauline Dualism and "Gnostical" Hellenistic Thought The Uses of Paul in Gnostic Sources The Uses of Paul in anti-Gnostic Sources