.x:7 PAUL: LIFE, LETTERS AND THOUGHT R. A. Kraft The Search for a Starting Point Ancient Sources Attributed to Paul ("Primary" Sources) Group One Group Two Group Three Group Four Galatians Philemon 1 Thessalon. 1 Timothy Romans Philippians 2 Thessalon. 2 Timothy 1 Corinth. Ephesians Titus 2 Corinth. Colossians 3 Corinth. Laodiceans Group Five Group Six Group Seven Seneca- Apoc./Vision Prayer (NHL) Corresp. Apoc #2 (NHL) Other Ancient Sources with Information about Paul ("Secondary") Acts of the Apostles (New Testament) Acts of Paul Acts of Peter (first section) Martyrdom of Peter and Paul Ascent of James and Ps-Clementines (Hom 17.13-19, Rec 70f) Arabic Excerpts of Jewish Source and related Arabic Muslim Source (ed. Pines) Samaritan Chronicle 2 (ed. MacDonald) (Various briefer references; e.g. 2 Peter 3.15f, 1 Clement 5, Ignatius Eph 12.2 [etc], Polycarp Phil 3.2, Epistle of the Apostles 31-33, Life of Mani 60.12ff[p.47]) (Debates concerning use of Paul's writings by Marcion [esp. in Tertullian] and "Gnostics" [esp. in Irenaeus]) Deciding Where to Begin, What to Trust Can the sources be trusted for general impressions? Which? To what extent do the sources agree/disagree? What vested interests do they betray in the presentations? Is it probable that Paul wrote anything? (If so,) Is it probable that any of his writings are preserved? Which preserved writings have the best claim to authenticity? Possible criteria: Earliest references to and use of primary materials Relative development within the "primary" materials Correspondence between primary and secondary data Does the resulting picture provide a satisfactory account of the entire body of ancient materials? Influential Modern Approaches Minimalist: Only Gal-Rom-1Cor-2 Cor are clearly authentic "Critical Orthodoxy": also Phlm, Phlp, 1 Thess (e.g. Meeks) Mild Critical: also 2 Thess, Ephesians, Colossians Canonical: also Pastorals (1-2 Timothy & Titus) //end// [1/26/84]  PAUL: LIFE, LETTERS AND THOUGHT R. A. Kraft Biographical Information on Paul Item Source Group 1 Groups 2-3 Groups 4-7 Other Name: Paul Paul Paul +Saul Stock: Hebrew Israelite Jew Benjaminite Parental Tarsus (Ac 27.3 etc.) Home: Giselis in Judea (?) (Jerome) Date of Birth: Family: wealthy? (1 Cor 4.12) father Roman citizen (Ac 22.25ff) sister & nephew in Jerusalem (Ac 23.16) married? wife? married (Clem Alex (1C 9.4f) (Php 4.3) Strom 3.6.52) Early Life: Training: Judaism Pharisee Pharisee (Ac 22.3 etc.) (G 1.13f) (Php 3.5) Trade: unspecified (1Th 2.9) tentmaker (Ac 18.3) (1C 9.16-18)(2Th 3.7f) Call: sent to (Ac 22.21,26.17) gentiles and Israel (Ac 9.15, cf 13.46,18.6,26.20) Journeys: Damascus Jerusalem Antioch etc. Galatia Ephesus-Troas Corinth Athens Macedonia Illyricum Last to Spain? (Ac P & P 1-3, Mur.Can) Days & (R 15.24) (see 1Clem 5 "west") Death: beheaded (Eus H 2.25) in Rome (Ac P, M P & P) //end// [drafted 3/22/84; rev. 6/84]