A SELECT RESOURCE GUIDE AND BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR THE STUDY OF JUDAISM IN THE GRECO-ROMAN PERIOD (ca 300 BCE - 200 CE) R. A. Kraft 9/1994 [coding: % = umlaut, / = acute, \ = grave, ^ = circumflex; ... abbreviation ... ancient source ... heading] 1. GENERAL 0. Electronic Resources: The Internet (or its successor) puts one in touch with a wide variety of important resources such as: Scholarly Discussion Groups (e.g. IOUDAIOS-L) Deposits of Data (through Gopher, WWW, etc.) including texts and translations, reviews, articles and books, and photographic images and maps Libraries throughout the world Individuals with similar interests (privately) Data for Desktop Use, and Some Producers ATLA = Association of Theological Libraries in America (producers of bibliographcal information) CATSS = Computer Assisted Tools for Scriptural Study (some materials on PHI CD-ROM 5.3) CCAT = Center for Computer Analysis of Texts (provider of access, Gopher, WWW) CETEDOC = [Latin Patristic Materials on CD-ROM] (available in Penn's Library) DDBDP = Duke Data Base of Documentary Papyri (included on PHI CD-ROM 6) PHI = Packard Humanities Institute (producers of ancient textual materials, etc.) TLG = Thesaurus Linguae Grecae (Greek texts to ca 500 ce, available on CD-ROM) Software of Special Significance and/or Use Atlas programs (e.g. Parsons, Logos) Date/calendar reconciliation Image manipulation (e.g. Adobe Photo Workshop) 1. Bibliographies and Bibliographical Surveys: new Schu%rer = Schu%rer, E. The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ. 3 vols. (1885-1911). Revised and ed by M.Black, G. Vermes, F. Millar, M. Goodman (1973-86). Marcus, R. "A Select Bibliography (1920-1945) of the Jews in the Hellenistic-Roman Period." Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research 16 (1946/47) 91-181. Delling, G. Bibliographie zur ju%disch-hellenistischen und intertestamentarischen Literatur 1900-1965. TU 106 (1969); 2nd ed 1975. {BR45 T4} PMR = Charlesworth, J. H. The Pseudepigrapha and Modern Research. SCS 7 (1976) [with a Supplement, SCS 7S (1979)]. JLBBM = Nickelsburg, G. W. E. Jewish Literature Between the Bible and the Mishnah: A Historical and Literary Introduction (1981). JWSTP = Stone, M. E. (ed). Jewish Writings of the Second Temple Period. Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad NT (= CRINT) 2.2 (Fortress, 1984). EJMI = Kraft, R. A. and G. W. Nickelsburg (eds). Early Judaism and its Modern Interpreters [since ca. 1945]. SP & Fortress, 1986 [the appendix lists additional bibliographical aids]. 2. Collections of Various Sorts (texts, translations): AOT The Apocryphal OT, ed H. F. D. Sparks (1984) [ET of 25 representative pseudepigraphal texts]. APOCRYPHA A traditional name for the "deuterocanonical" Jewish writings included in the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox OT but not in the Protestant or Classical Jewish Bibles. For Greek texts, see below, GREEK JEWISH SCRIPTURES. Translations are included in many standard Bible editions (e.g. RSV) and in some commentary series. See also APOT (vol. 1, Apocrypha). APOT Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the OT, ed {220.5V R. H. Charles in 2 vols. (1913) [contains EC} a core collection of Pseudepigrapha in vol.2]. CIJ Corpus Inscriptionarum Judicarum: Recue/il des {888C inscriptions juives qui vont du IIIe sie\cle IF899} avant J.-C. au VIIe sie\cle de notre e\re, ed J. B. Frey (Europe, 1936; Asia-Africa, 1952). CPJ Corpus Papyrorum Judaicarum, ed V. Tcherikover {DS135 and A. Fuks (3 vols, 1957-64) [primarily Egypt]. E4 T35} DENIS (A.-M) Introduction aux Pseude/pigraphes grecs d'Ancien {BS1700 Testament (1970) [survey, with bibliography]. S78 v.1} FRAGMENTS Fragments from Hellenistic Jewish Authors, ed Carl Holladay (Scholars, 1983- ). EUSEBIUS Preparation for the Gospel, books 7-9. Greek {231 text ed K. Mras, GCS 43 (1954-56); ET by E8P 1903} E. H. Gifford (1903). For listings of these materials according to author/work cited, see DENIS. GREEK The so-called "Septuagint (LXX)" is made up of JEWISH the Old Greek Pentateuch (LXX proper) and SCRIPTURES various Greek translations of the other portions ("LXX") of Jewish Scripture, including APOCRYPHA, some of which were composed originally in Greek. {219.34} The 2 vol. Greek ed by A. Rahlfs (1934) is widely used. ETs were published in the 19th century by L. L. Brenton and by C. Thomson. {BS738 For general background, see H. B. Swete, S8 1968} INTRODUCTION TO THE OT IN GREEK (1902, 1914/2); S. Jellicoe, THE SEPTUAGINT AND MODERN STUDY (1968, with good bibliography). Comprehensive bibliography to 1969 is found in S. Brock, C. Fritsch, S. Jellicoe, A CLASSIFIED BIBLIOGRAHPY OF THE SEPTUAGINT (Brill, 1973). JAMES (M.R.) The Lost Apocrypha of the OT (1920) [classifies {231C materials according to connections with ancient T684} persons; e.g. Adam, Isaiah, Moses]. For various texts, see also his Apocrypha Anecdota I (1893) and II (1897) = Texts and Studies 2.3 and 5.1. LEGENDS Legends of the Jews by L. Ginzberg (6 vols., {210.932 1909-28; index vol by B. Cohen, 1938) [arranged G435 ES} in sequence of biblical history; copious end notes]. OTP The OT Pseudepigrapha, ed by J. H. Charlesworth in 2 vols. (1983-85) [largest available collection; ETs with introductory materials]. PSEUDEPIGRAPHA Various editions and translations. See above, AOT [25 texts], APOT 2 [earliest ET collection], OTP [largest selection], and RIESSLER [intermediate]. PsVTGr Pseudepigrapha Veteris Testamenti Graece, ed {BS1830 A.-M. Denis and M. de Jonge (1964ff) [editions E6 G7} of various texts]. REINACH (T.) Textes d'auteurs grecs et romains relatifs au {274 Judaisme (1895; reprint 1963); see also the R275} review by H. Willrich in Berliner Philologische Wochenschaft 15 (1895), 987-989 [see now STERN]. RIESSLER (P.) Altju%daische Schriften ausserhalb der Bibel {220.64 (1928; reprint 1966) [German translations with G R} brief end notes]. STERN (M.) Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism, in 3 vols. (1974-84) [see also REINACH]. SYMBOLS E. R. Goodenough, Jewish Symbols in the Greco- {museum} Roman Period (12 vols., 1953-66) [art, etc.]. See also Abridged Edition, ed J.Neusner (1988). 3. General Reference Works, Series, etc. ABD The Anchor Bible Dictionary (6 vols., 1992. {copy in RelSt Lounge, 414 Duhring} EJ Encyclopaedia Judaica (1928-34) [in German]. ERE Hasting's Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (12 vols., 1908-22). ERK The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge (13 vols., 1908-13), supplemented by the 20th Century Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge (2 vols., 1955), ed L. Loetscher. IJApocry International Journal of Apocrypha (1907-17; from 1905-1906 it was titled Deuterocanonica). JE Jewish Encyclopedia, ed I. Singer (12 vols., 1901-1906). LoebCL The Loeb Classical Library; Greek and Latin texts with ET on facing pages. PWRE Real-Enxyclopa%die der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft, ed H. Pauli, G. Wissowa and W. Kroll (1893 ff). RGG Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, ed K. Galling et al. (1957-62/3rd ed). SCS Septuagint and Cognate Studies (Series). Scholars Press. T&T Texts and Translations: Pseudepigrapha Series. Scholars Press. 4. Overall Treatments: History, Literature, Thought Baron, S. A Social and Religious History of the Jews. 9 vol, 1952-??. * Boccaccini, Gabriele. Middle Judaism. Fortress, 1992. Bickermann, E. "The Historical Foundations of Postbiblical Judaism." Pp. 70-114 in The Jews, ed L. Finkelstein, vol 1. 1955\2, 1960\3. Reprinted with added material in From Ezra to the Last of the Maccabees: the Historical Foundations of Post Biblical Judaism. 1962. Bousset, W. and H. Gressmann. Die Religion des Judentums in spa%thellenistischen Zeitalter. 1926/3 (1903, 1906/2). Box, G. H. Judaism in the Greek Period from the Rise of Alexander the Great to the Intervention of Rome (333 to 63 B.C.). 1932. * Cohen, Shaye. From the Maccabees to the Mishnah. 1987. Conzelmann, Hans. Gentiles, Jews, Christians: Polemics and Apologetics in the Greco-Roman Era. Fortress, 1992 (1981). Davies, W. D. and L. Finkelstein. The Cambridge History of Judaism (vol. 2). 1989. de Jonge, M. and S. Safrai (eds.). Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum: I.1 The Jewish People in the First Century. Fortress, 1974. [= CRINT; 10 volumes projected]. Gafni, I. "The Historical Background," in JWSTP 1-31. Gowan, D. E. Bridge Between the Testaments. (1976) 1986\3. ** Grabbe, Lester. Judaism From Cyrus to Hadrian. 2 vol. Fortress, 1993. Gra%tz, H. History of the Jews. 11 vols. 1897-1911/?? (ET 1891). Guignebert, C. The Jewish World in the Time of Jesus. ET 1939 (repr. 1959). Hengel, M. Judaism and Hellenism: Studies in their Encounter in Palestine during the Early Hellenistic Period. ET by J. Bowden in 2 vols. Fortress, 1974. Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews (LoebCL; see also below II.1). Moore, G. F. Judaism in the First Centuries of the Christian Era: the Age of the Tannaim. 3 vols. 1927-30. Neusner, Jacob. The Academic Study of Judaism. Scholars, 1982. ________. From Testament to Torah: An Introduction to Judaism in its Formative Age. Prentice-Hall, 1988. * Nickelsburg, G.W.E. Jewish Literature Between the Bible and the Mishnah: A Historical and Literary Introduction. Fortress, 1981. * Nickelsburg, G.W.E. and M.E. Stone. Faith and Piety in Early Judaism: Texts and Documents. 1983. Oesterley, The Jews and Judaism during the Greek Period: The Background of Christianity. 1941. * Overman, J. Andrew and William Scott Green, "Judaism (Greco-Roman Period)," in ABD 3, 1037-1054. Pfeiffer, R. H. A History of NT Times with an Introduction to the Apocrypha. 1949. [Excellent survey in ca. 230 pp.] Reicke, B. The NT Era: The World of the Bible from 500 B.C. to 100 A.D. 1965 (ET 1968). [Good bibliography, survey.] Russell, D. S. Between the Testaments. 1960. ________. The Jews from Alexander to Herod. 1967. Sanders, E.P. Judaism: Practice and Belief 63 BCE - 66 CE. Trinity Press International, 1992. Schiffman, Lawrence H. From Text to Tradition: A History of Second Temple & Rabbinic Judaism. KTAV, 1991. Schalit, A. (ed). The World History of the Jewish People. I.6 The Hellenistic Age. Rutgers Univ., 1972. I.7 The Herodian Period (ed M. Avi-Yohah). 1975. Schlatter, A. Geschichte Israels von Alexander dem Grossen bis Hadrian. 1925/3 (1906); repr. 1972. Schu%rer, E. Geschichte des ju%dischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi. 4 vols. 1901-11/3-4 (= The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ. ET in 5 vols, 1886-??; abridged ed of ET by N. N. Glatzer, 1961). {933.5 Sch78} See also the "new Schu%rer" materials. Shanks, Hershel (ed). Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism: a Parallel History of their Origins and Early Development. Biblical Archaeology Society, 1992. [essays] Simon, M. Jewish Sects in the Time of Jesus Christ. 1960 (ET 1967; Fortress). Sloan, W. W. A Survey Between the Testaments. Littlefield- Adams, 1973??. Smallwood, E. Mary. The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey to Diocletian. SJLA 20. Brill, 1976, 1981\2. Stone, M. E. [see JWSTP]. ________. Scriptures, Sects and Visions. 1980. Stone, M. E. and D. Satran. Emerging Judaism. 1989. Talmon, S. (ed) Jewish Civilization in the Hellenistic-Roman Period. Trinity, 1991. [workshop essays] Tcherikover, V. Hellenistic Civilization and the Jews. ET S. Applebaum 1959/2 (Hebrew 1930); repr. 1966. Toombs, L. E. The Threshold of Christianity: Between the Testaments. Westminster, 1973??. Treu, Kurt. "The Significance of Greek for Jews in the Roman Empire" (originally in German in Kairos 15 (1973), 123-144), ET by W. Adler and R. Kraft available electronically on the ccat.sas gopher. 2. JUDAISM OF A SEMITIC-HELLENISTIC ORIENTATION, ESPECIALLY IN PALESTINE AND MESOPOTAMIA ("Eastern"/"Oriental" Judaism) 1. Primary Sources (not exhaustive) NON-LITERARY REMAINS: see CIJ, CPJ, Archeological data from the period, the material in SYMBOLS, etc. Most recently some Samaritan papyri from the time of Alexander the Great have been discovered at Wadi ed-Daliyeh near Jericho (see F.M. Cross Jr., The Biblical Archeologist 26 [l963] 110-121). See also E. Stern, Material Culture of the Land of the Bible in the Persian Period 538-332 BC (Israel Exploration Soc., 1982). THE QUMRAN LITERATURE: This material embraces a number of categories (commentary, hymns, laws, traditional history, apocalyptic, etc.), from the perspective of a single seg- ment of Palestinian Judaism. Convenient ETs of the main documents are available in G. Vermes, The Dead Sea Scrolls in English (l962, 1987\3; Penguin book), and T.H. Gaster, The Dead Sea Scriptures (1964\2; Doubleday). For introductory treatments of the subject, see Allegro, J. M. The Dead Sea Scrolls. Penguin, 1965\2. Burrows, M. The Dead Sea Scrolls (1955) & More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls (Viking, 1958) Cross, F. M., Jr. The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Biblical Studies (Doubleday, 1961\2); Dimant, D. "Qumran Sectarian Literature," in JWSTP 483-550. Knibb, M. A. The Qumran Community. 1987. Ringgren, H. The Faith of Qumran (Fortress, 1963). Schiffman, L. The Eschatological Community of the Dead Sea Scrolls. SBLMS 38, 1989. For a summary of scholarly discussions to 1982, see EJMI. An extensive bibliography of literature on Qumran to 1969 is provided by B. Jongling in the series Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah 7 (Brill, 1971). See also the journal, Revue de Qumran. References to the Essenes by ancient authors are collected by A. Adam, Antike Berichte u%ber die Essener (Kleine Texte 182, 1961). PROTO-RABBINIC MATERIALS/TRADITIONS: Although Rabbinic Judaism has not left any unambiguous sources from the period prior to the mid-second century CE, it is probable that the various Rabbinic compilations (TARGUMS, TALMUDS, MIDRASHIC LITERATURE, and the like) sometimes provide information about the earlier period; see especially below on PIRKE AVOT and on the MISHNA, and G. F. Moore's classic book on Judaism (listed above). The Rabbinic sages from the first two centuries of the common era are called "Tannaim" and their outlook stands very close to what we know of the first century Pharisees. For further information and discussions, see especially: Blackman, Philip. Mishnayoth. 7 vols. Judaica Press, 1983. Montefiore, C.G., and H. Loewe. A Rabbinic Anthology. Schocken, 1974. Neusner, Jacob. Judaism: the Evidence of the Mishnah. 1981. ________. The Tosefta: Translated from the Hebrew. 6 vol. KTAV, 1981. Saldarini, A. [essay in EJMI]. Strack, H. L. Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash. Atheneum, 1931. [Updated ed by ??] Urbach, Ephraim. The Sages: Their Concepts and Beliefs. 2 vol. Magnes Press, 1969. 1.1 HISTORY, QUASI-HISTORY, RELIGIOUS LEGEND: Numerous writings present themselves as though dealing with Jewish "history," sometimes expanding or revising biblical materials, sometimes recording other folk traditions or speaking of more recent events, sometimes creating "historical" accounts for specific purposes; for an overview, see G.W.E.Nickelsburg in JWSTP chs. 2-3, and H. Attridge in JWSTP chs 4-5: JOSEPHUS, Antiquities of the Jews (from creation to the start of the revolt in 64-73 ce) and Jewish War (on the causes and course of the revolt). Greek text ed B. Niese (7 vols, 1890-94; repr. 1955). LoebCL text and ET by H.St.J. Thackeray, R. Marcus, and L. Feldman (9 vols, 1926-65). An often reprinted ET by W. Whiston appeared first in 1737 and has recently been updated by Hendricksons in an inexpensive edition (1987). For general introduction see Attridge, H.W. "Josephus and His Works," in JWSTP ch.5. Feldman, L.H. & Gohei Hata, Josephus, Judaism and Christianity. 1987. [anthology of articles]. Rajak, Tessa. Josephus: The Historian and His Society. Fortress, 1983. Thackeray, H.St.J. Josephus: the Man and the Historian. 1929. See also the bibliographies by Delling (982ff), and by Feldman, L.H. Scholarship on Philo and Josephus, 1937-1962 (published originally as a series in Classical World 54-55, l960/62; reprinted separately in l963); Schreckenberg, H. Bibliographie zu Flavius Josephus. 1968. On the medieval Hebrew material attributed to "Josippon (ben Gurion)," see the ed by D. Flusser (2 vols, 1978-80, in Hebrew); also a text with Latin trans. by J.F. Bnerthaupt (1910), and the Ethiopic version ed M.Kamil, Ze^na^ Aihu^d: Geschichte der Juden (1937). [See Flusser's article in Feldman-Hata, Josephus, 386-97.] 1 MACCABEES (Delling 1741ff, APOCRYPHA); records the occasion and results of the Maccabean revolt to the time of John Hyrcanus (135-104 bce); 2 MACC (below, III.1) has parallel material. BIBLICAL ANTIQUITIES of ps-Philo (Delling 2177ff); Latin text ed G. Kisch (1949); ET by M.R. James (1917). Traces Israel's history from creation to the death of Saul. JUBILEES, or the Little Genesis (Delling 2153ff; PSEUDEPIG.); supplements the material in Genesis-Exodus, with apocalyptic interests at points; emphasis on Jewish solar calendar. TESTAMENTS OF THE XII PATRIARCHS (Delling 2078ff; PSEUDEPIG.); the last words of the tribal patriarchs (Jacob's sons).Similar 'testaments' attributed to other famous persons also are preserved--e.g. TESTAMENT OF JOB (Delling 2042ff), the Greek text of which has recently been edited by S. Brock (PsVTGr 2, 1967). For a general survey of "Testaments," see J.J. Collins in JWSTP ch.8. ASSUMPTION (or Testament) OF MOSES (Delling 2060ff; PSEUDEPIG.); claims to preserve the last words of Moses. LIVES OF THE PROPHETS (Delling 2144ff; Greek text ed C.C. Torrey, JBL Monograph Series (1946). MARTYRDOM OF ISAIAH (Delling 2052ff; PSEUDEPIG.); now incorporated into a work known as the Ascension of Isaiah. LETTER OF JEREMIAH (Delling 1729ff; APOCRYPHA); against idolatry. BARUCH (Delling 1729ff; APOCRYPHA); Israel's guilt, divine wisdom, etc. PARALIPOMENA JEREMIAH (Or, Rest of the Words of Baruch) (Delling 2139ff; RIESSLER); tells of last days of Jerusalem, Jeremiah with the exiles of Babylon (!), return of the exiles. DANIEL Cycle (Delling 1834ff; biblical book and APOCRYPHA); various tales glorifying Daniel; also some additional apocalyptic works. TOBIT (Delling 1689ff; APOCRYPHA); set in Nineveh, piety vindicated. JUDITH (Delling 1673ff; APOCRYPHA); God delivers Israel from Assyrian(!) threat through courage of pious Judith. see also such works as the ADAM AND EVE cycle (PSEUDEPIG.) or the GENESIS APOCRYPHON (Qumran). 1.2 BIBLICAL TRANSLATIONS: The story of who made translations into what languages at what times and places is still unclear. Almost certainly there was translational activity from Hebrew and Aramaic into Greek in Palestine before the middle second century CE, as attested by the stories about "Aquila" and "Theodotion," but now even more clearly with the Nahal Hever Minor Prophets Roll (DJD 8, ed E. Tov). The study of early "TARGUMS" from Hebrew into Aramaic must now take into account the Qumran fragments of a Targum to Job. 1.3 BIBLICAL COMMENTARY and ANTHOLOGIZING: Qumran provides various examples of selfconscious collecting and interpreting of specially revered literature, as in the "pesharim" and the "testimonia/florilegia" collections. Probably this is also the category for the "sayings of Moses" (1QDM) and the "blessings of the fathers" (4QPatrBl). The rabbinic "midrashim" seem to be an extension of this commentarial approach. 1.4 ETHICAL AND RELIGIOUS LORE: As in the scriptural collections of Proverbs, and works like Job and Ecclesiastes (parts of which may come from the Hellenistic period), Judaism maintained a strong interest in such materials (see also some of the above; for a survey of such "Wisdom Literature," see M. Gilbert in JWSTP ch.7). WISDOM OF JOSHUA BEN SIRA (Or Jesus son of Sirach) (Delling 1631ff.; APOCRYPHA); also called 'Ecclesiasticus' and 'Sirach' -- practical advice from 3rd century bce Palestine. PIRKE ABOTH (PSEUDEPIG.); sayings of Palestinian Jewish sages from pre-Christian times remembered in the Rabbinic- Pharisaic tradition and preserved in the Talmud. 1.5 COMMUNITY LAW: MANUAL OF DISCIPLINE (Qumran); rules of conduct. MISHNA (ET by H. Danby, 1933); early Palestinian material preserved in the Rabbinic-Pharisaic Talmud. 1.6 HYMNS AND PRAYERS: see also the scriptural Psalms, some of which may come from the Hellenistic period. Some of the other literature also contains hymns and prayers; see D. Flusser in JWSTP 551-578 for a general survey; also THE HYMNS OF QUMRAN, and the extra-canonical Psalms. PSALMS OF SOLOMON (Delling 2195ff; PSEUDEPIG.) PRAYER OF MANASSEH (Delling 1856f; APOCRYPHA). 1.7 AUTOBIOGRAPHY: Josephus' short account of his life is preserved. 1.8 LETTERS: See P.S. Alexander in JWSTP ch.14 for a survey. 1.9 APOCALYPSES (see M.E. Stone in JWSTP ch.10 and also IV below): It is not always possible to determine where these materials originated, or when, or in what language. Those listed below probably were composed in a Semitic langauge. Several other apocalypses might be added to this list; the material in Daniel 7-12 also has its place here. 1 ENOCH (Delling 1925ff; PSEUDEPIG.) an anthology of of materials associated with the names Enoch, Methusaleh, Noah, often dealing with apocalyptic matters. Greek frags. being edited by M. Black (PsVTGr3). 2 BARUCH (Delling 2017ff; PSEUDEPIG.); revelations mediated by Baruch. 4-5-6 EZRA (Delling 1987ff; PSEUDEPIG.) and RSV APOCRYPHA under '2 Esdras'); revelations mediated through or associated with Ezra. See also the apocalyptic material in such works as the BOOKS OF ADAM AND EVE, the MOSES cycle, the WAR SCROLL from QUMRAN, as well as later material such as 3 ENOCH (medieval Hebrew; ed H. Odeberg, 1928; repr. 1970) and the non-canonical apocalypses attributed to Daniel (ed F. Macler, 1895). 1.10 APOLOGETIC LITERATURE: the best preserved example from Palestinian Judaism is Josephus AGAINST APION, written in a Greek setting (see below, part 3) 2. General Modern Treatments Avi-Yonah, M. The Jews of Palesting. 1976. * Beer, Moshe. "Judaism (Babylonian)," in ABD 3.1076-1083. Bevan, J. Jerusalem under the High Priests. 1904. Bonsirven, J. Palestinian Judaism in the Time of Jesus Christ (1964 ET; an abridged form of his 2 vol. French ed of 1935). Foerster, W. Palestinian Judaism in NT Times (ET 1964; see now the 1965\4 German ed) * Fraade, Steven D. "Judaism (Palestinian)," in ABD 3.1054-61. Hengel, M. Judaism and Hellenism. 1974 [see above]. Ho%lscher, G. Pala%stina in der persischen und hellenistischen Zeit. 1903. Jeremias, J. Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus (1963\3; ET 1969). * Zahavy, Tzvee. "Judaism (Mishnaic Period)," in ABD 3. 1083-1089. Zeitlin, S. The History of the Second Jewish Commonwealth. 1933. 3. Some Particular Aspects Bickerman, E. J. The God of the Maccabees: Studies on the Meaning and Origin of the Maccabean Revolt. Ed J. Neusner. SJLA 32. Brill, 1979 Eddy, S. K. The King is Dead: Studies in Near Eastern Resistance to Hellenism, 334-31 BC. University of Nebraska, 1961. Finkelstein, L. The Pharisees: the Sociological Background of their Faith (2 vols. 1962\3; 1938, 1940) Fishbane, M. Biblical Interpretation in Ancient Israel. Clarendon, 1985. Freyne, S. Galilee: From Alexander the Great to Hadrian. 1980. Gaster, M. The Samaritans. 1925. Goodman, M. The Ruling Class of Judea: The Origins of the Revolt against Rome AD 66-70. 1987. Hengel, M. Die Zeloten. 1961. Horsley, R. and J. Hanson. Bandits, Prophets, and Messiahs: Popular Movements at the Time of Jesus. 1985. LeMoyne, J. Les Sadduceens. 1972. Lieberman, S. Greek in Jewish Palestine. 1942. ________, Hellenism in Jewish Palestine. 1950. MacDonald, J. The Theology of the Samaritans. 1965. Mason, Steve. Flavius Josephus on the Pharisees. Brill, 1991. Montgomery, J. A. The Samaritans. 1907 (repr. 1964). Neusner, J. A History of the Jews in Babylonia (5 vols, 1965-69) ________. From Politics to Piety: The Emergence of Pharisaic Judaism. Prentice-Hall, 1973. ________. The Rabbinic Traditions about the Pharisees before 70. Brill, 1971. Perowne, S. The Life and Times of Herod the Great. 1956. Saldarini, A. Pharisees, Scribes, and Sadducees in Palestinian Society. 1988. Sanders, E. P. Jesus and Judaism. Fortress, 1985. Thomas, J. Le mouvment baptiste en Palestine et Syrie. 1935. Vermes, Geza. Scripture and Tradition in Judaism: Haggadic Studies. SPB 4. Brill, 1973\2. ________. Jesus and the World of Judaism. 1983. Wacholder, B.Z. Eupolemus ...A Study of Graeco-Judean Literature. KTAV, 1974. Wellhausen, J. Pharisa%er und Saduza%er. 1927. 3. JUDAISM OF PRIMARILY GREEK-HELLENISTIC ORIENTATION 1. Primary Sources (not exhaustive) In addition to the material listed in 1.2 see W. N. Stearns, Fragments from Graeco-Jewish Writers (1908); O. Sta%hlin, "Die hellenistisch-ju%dische Litteratur," in W. von Christ & W. Schmid, Geschichte der Griechisches Litt. 2.1 (1920\6). NON-LITERARY REMAINS In addition to CIJ, CPJ, SYMBOLS, and Archaeological data in general, see J. Gray, "The Jewish Inscriptions in Greek and Hebrew at Tocra, Cyrene and Barce," in A. Rowe, Cyrenaican Expedition of the University of Manchester (1952), 43-59, and the material listed in Delling, 470ff. 1.1 HISTORY, QUASI-HISTORY, RELIGIOUS LEGEND Several lost writings in this category are mentioned and cited by EUSEBIUS and other ancient sources (see DENIS, JAMES, RIESSLER). The following examples have been preserved: 2 MACCABEES (Delling 1741ff; APOCRYPHA); based on the history by Jason of Cyrene, deals with the occasion and initial success (to 161 bce) of the Maccabean revolt. 3 MACCABEES (Delling 1818ff; in Charles' APOCRYPHA, RSV and NRSV); miraculous preservation of Alexandrian Jews during persecution ca 217 bce. LETTER OF ARISTEAS (Delling 1194ff; PSEUDEPIG.); story of events surrounding the translating of Torah into Greek (LXX) ca. 250 bce. 1.2 BIBLE TRANSLATIONS (see also above, in part 2): the legendary "Septuagint" (Greek Pentateuch) and its Old Greek companions provide evidence for the study of Judaism in the Greek world. 1.3 BIBLE COMMENTARY and QUOTATION: Philo (see below) provides us with our best examples of Greek biblical commentary, in both a relatively straightforward presentation in the QUESTIONS IN GENESES and EXODUS an in more "allegorical" forms in his many treatises on biblical themes. 1.4 APOLOGETIC AND PHILOSOPHIC WRITINGS Actually, much of the literature from this period has apologetic interest, although it may fit into other categories (e.g. LETTER OF ARISTEAS). Some of the more obvious examples are listed here. ARISTOBULUS (Eusebius); a pre-Philonic Alexandrian WISDOM OF SOLOMON (Delling 1518ff; APOCRYPHA); on the excellencies of "Wisdom," the awesomness of the Exodus, etc. 4 MACCABEES (Delling 1168ff; PSEUDEPIG.) on the rule of reason over passion, with examples from scriptures and from the martyrs during the struggle with Antiochus IV. PHILO OF ALEXANDRIA (Delling 629ff). Greek text ed L. Cohn and P. Wendland (6 vols., 1896-1915; index added by Leisegang, 1930). Loeb text and ET by F. Colson and G.H. Whittaker (10 vols., 1929-62), with 2 supplementary volumes of the Armenian portions by R. Marcus (1953). The older ET by C. D. Yonge (1854-55) has been updated and reissued in an inexpensive volume by Hendricksons, 1993. In general, see also Borgen, P. "Philo of Alexandria," in JWSTP 233-282; also in ABD 5.333-342. Bre/hier, E/. Les ide/es philosophiques et religieuses de Philon. 1928; Drummond, J. Philo Judaeus, or the Jewish Alexandrian Philosophy in its Development and Completion. (2 vols., 1888); Goodenough, E.R. Introduction to Philo Judaeus. 1962\2 (1940); _______, The Politics of Philo Judaeus. 1938 [includes extensive bibliography]. Runia, D. T. Philo in Early Christian Literature. Fortress, 1993. Sandmel, S. Philo of Alsxandria: An Introduction. 1979. Williamson, Ronald. Jews in the Hellenistic World: Philo. Cambridge Univ., 1989. Wolfson, H.A. Philo: Foundations of Religious Philosophy in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. 1947. For recent literature, see R. Radice and D. Runia, Philo of Alexandria: an Annotated Bibliography 1937-1986. Brill, 1988 (and subsequent updates in The Studia Philonica Annual); also L.H. Feldman, Scholarship on Philo and Josephus, 1937-1962 (1963). [See also Goodenough, Politics, above.] JOSEPHUS, Against Apion (see above, on Josephus) 1.5 APOCALYPTIC Most of the apocalyptic literature soon was translated into Greek. Some of it may have originated in Greek such as 2 ENOCH (Delling 1975ff; PSEUDEPIGR.) 3 BARUCH (Delling 2022ff; PSEUDEPIG.: JAMES, Anecdota II), new ed of Greek text by J.-C. Picard (PsVTGr 2, 1967). See also below, SIBYLLINE ORACLES, Delling 2026ff., as well as section IV below. 1.6 IMITATIONS AND FABRICATIONS OF HELLENISTIC LITERATURE Jewish authors produced several writings in which their apologetic was loosely veiled under the name of a non-Jewish author or in a non-Jewish type of literature. See the discussion by H. Willrich, Urkundenfa%lschung in der hellenistisch-ju%dischen Literatur (1924), and the entries for ps-Phocylides ps-Hecataeus, ps-Heraclites, etc. in DENIS. Also the SIBYLLINE ORACLES, books 3-5 (Delling 1902ff; PSEUDEPIG,); a collection of oraclular utterances, many of which are apocalyptic. See now FRAGMENTS. 1.7 FRAGMENTS OF DRAMA, EPIC POETRY See EUSEBIUS (DENIS, RIESSLER, FRAGMENTS) for such figures as Ezekiel the writer of tragedy and others. 2. General Treatments (see further Delling 227ff.) Bevan, E.R. "Hellenistic Judaism," in The Legacy of Israel ed Bevan & C. Singer (1927), 29-67. Bickerman, E.J. The Jews in the Greek Age. Harvard, 1988. Friedlander, M. Die Juden in der vorchristlichen griechischen Welt (1897). Hengel, M. Judaism and Hellenism. 1974 (see above). Juster, J. Les Juifs dans l'Empire romaine: leur condition juridique, e/conomique, et sociale (2 vols., 1914). Kasher, A. The Jews in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt. 1985. * Kraft, R. A. "Judaism on the World Scene," in The Catacombs to the Colosseum, ed Benko and O'Rourke. Judson, 1971 [electronic updated version on ccat.sas gopher]. Marcus, R. "The Hellenistic Age," in Great Ages and Ideas of the Jewish People, ed L. W. Schwarz. 1956. _________, "Hellenistic Jewish Literature," in The Jews (ed L. Finkelstein, vol. 2, 1948), 1955\2, l960\3, 745-783; also under the same title in The Jewish People, Past and Present (ed S.W. Baron et al [1952], 40-53). Radin, M. Jews among Greeks and Romans. 1915. Rostovzoff, M. Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic World (3 vols., 1941). Tcherikover, V. Hellenistic Civilization and the Jews. 1966. Willrich, H. Judaica: Forschungen zur hellenistisch -ju%dischen Geschichte und Litteratur. 1900. 3. Some Particular Aspects (see Delling #227ff.) * Applebaum, Shimon. "Judaism (North Africa)," in ABD 3.1072-1073. Askowith, D. Toleration of Jews under Julius Caesar and Augustus. 1915. Bell, H.I. Jews and Christians in Egypt. 1924. * Borgen, Peder. "Judaism (Egypt)," in ABD 3.1061-1072. Fuchs, L. Die Juden A%gyptens in ptolema%ischer und ro%mischer Zeit. 1924. Goodenough, E.R. By Light, Light: The Mystic Gospel of Hellenistic Judaism. 1935 (see review by A.D.Nock). Guterman, S.L. Religious Toleration and Persecution in Ancient Rome. 1951. Hirschberg, H.Z. A History of Jews in North Africa: from Antiquity to our Time (2 vols., Hebrew, 1965). Kraabel, A.T. Judaism in Western Asia Minor under the Roman Empire, with a Preliminary Study of the Jewish Community at Sardis in Lydia. Harvard Dissertation, 1968. ________. "The Roman Diaspora: Six Questionable Assumptions," JJS 33.445-64. Kraeling, C.H. "The Jewish Community at Antioch," JBL 51 (1932), 130-160. La Piana, G. "Foreign Groups at Rome during the First Centuries of the Empire," Harv TR 20 (1927), 183-394. Leon, Harry G. The Jews of Ancient Rome. 1960. * Penna, Romano. "Judaism (Rome)," in ABD 3.1073-1076. Rachmuth, "Die Juden in Nord Africa bis zur Invasion der Araber," MGWJ 1 (1906), 22ff. Staehlin, F. Der Antisemitismus des Altertums. 1905. Tcherikover, V.A. "Introduction" to CPJ (Jews in Egypt). Vogelstein, H. and P. Rieger, Geschichte der Juden in Rom (1895), ET 1940. Wendland, P. Die hellenistische-ro%mische Kultur in ihren Beziehungen su Judentum und Christentum: Die urchristlichen Literaturformen (1912\2-\3). Wilcken, U. Zum Alexandrinischen Antisemitismus. 1909. 4. SOME SPECIAL TOPICS (see further Delling, passim). 1. Art (see Delling, #502ff.; and esp. SYMBOLS). Hachlili, R. Ancient Jewish Art and Archaeology. Brill, 1988. 2. Chronology, Chronography Adler, William. Time Immemorial: Archaic History and its Sources in Christian Chronography from Julius Africanus to George Syncellus. Dumbarton Oaks, 1989. Wacholder, B.Z. Essays on Jewish Chronology and Chronography. KTAV, 1974. 3. Eschatology and Apocalyptic Literature (Delling 1858ff.) Bloch, J. On the Apocalyptic in Judaism (Jew.Q.Rev. Monogr. Ser. 2, 1954). Burkitt, F.C. Jewish and Christian Apocalypses. 1914. Collins, J. J. The Apocalyptic Imagination. 1984. Hanson, P.D. The Dawn of Apocalyptic: The Historical and Sociological Roots of Jewish Apocalyptic Eschatology Fortress, 1975. Klausner, J. The Messianic Idea in Israel (ET 1955). Rowley, H. H. The Relevance of Apocalyptic (1963\2) [1955] (1965\3). Russell, D. S. The Method and Message of Jewish Apocalyptic. 1964. ________. Divine Disclosure: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic. Fortress, 1992. Silver, A.H. The History of Messianic Speculation in Israel. Vielhauer P. in Hennecke-Schneemelcher, NT Apocrypha 2.579-641. Volz, P. Die eschatologie der Ju%dischen Gemeinde im neutestamentlichen Zeitalter: nach den Quellen der rabbinischen, apocalyptischen und apokryphen Literatur dargestellt (1903, 1934\2; repr. 1966). Weinel, H. "Die Spatere christliche Apokalyptik," EUCHARISTERION: Studien zur Religion und Literatur des AT & NT, Festschr. Gunkel 2 (1923), 141-173 [FRLANT 36]. 4. Ethics and Theology Hughes, H. M. The Ethics of Jewish Apocryphal Literature. 1909. Wicks, H. J. The Doctrine of God in the Jewish Apocryphal and Apocalyptic Literature. 1915. 5. Gnosticism and Judaism Pearson, B. A. "Jewish Sources in Gnostic Literature" in JWSTP ch.11. Scholem, G. Jewish Gnosticism, Merkabah Mysticism, and Talmudic Tradition. 1960. 6. Magic (see Delling, 2212 ff.) Gaster, M. Studies and Texts in Folklore, Magic, ... KTAV repr. Trachtenberg, J. Jewish Magic and Superstition: a Study in Folk Religion. 1939 7. Pagan Attitudes to Judaism (see Delling, #547ff.; and esp. REINACH now superceded by STERN). Gager, J.G. Moses .... Abingdon, 1972. 8. Synagogues and Worship Ellenbogen, I. Der ju%dischen Gottesdienst. 1924\2,1931\3. Gutmann, J. (ed). The Synagogue: Studies in Origins, Archaelolgy and Architecture. KTAV, 1975. Levine, Lee I. (ed). The Synagogue in Late Antiquity. 1987. Mann, J. The Bible as Read and Preached in the Old Synagogue. 1940 (repr. 1970). //end//