Robert Kraft Spring 1991 GH 035 (Religious Studies 404) Flavius Josephus: Early Jewish Patriot, Historian and Apologist Flavius Josephus was a later contemporary of Philo and Paul whose voluminous writings provide us with a vast amounts of information about Judaism and its history to about the year 100 of the common era. Josephus was himself of priestly Palestinian origins and served as a Jewish military leader in the "first revolt" against Rome. He survived the war, however, and spent the latter part of his life under the patronage of the Roman Emperors in Rome writing about Jewish history and about the revolt to Greco-Roman readers. As classical Judaism developed in the period of late antiquity, it left Josephus and other Greek sources behind; emerging classical Christianity, on the other hand, viewed Josephus as an ally, and preserved his writings. The course will attempt to address the question of Josephus' relationship to his Jewish world, his Greco-Roman context, and his later Christian benefactors. Robert Kraft earned his BA (Philosophy) and MA (Biblical Literature: New Testament) from Wheaton College in Illinois, and his PhD (Christian Origins) from Harvard (1961). He taught briefly at the University of Manchester (England) before coming to Penn in 1963. The primary focus of his scholarly career has been on the interfaces between early Christianity and its Jewish ancestry, in the framework of the study of religion more generally. He is also deeply involved in the use of computers for scholarly research in the humanities. Course Readings: Background (see also Nickelsburg-Stone, Kraft-Nickelsburg) R. Kraft, "Judaism on the World Scene" (revised) R. Kraft, "Multiform Jewish Heritage..." (revised) Josephus as Object of Study (see Feldman's Bibliog) T. Rajak, Josephus: The Historian and His Society (1983) P. Bilde, Fl. Josephus Between Jerusalem and Rome (1989?) L. H. Feldman and G. Hata, Josephus, Judaism & Christianity (collection of essays) Josephus as Author/Thinker Loeb editions for complete works Autobiography Against Apion (in 2 scrolls) The Jewish War [selections] Antiquities of the Jews [selections] (see also the old translation by Whiston, often reprinted)