VARIETIES OF EARLY CHRISTIANITY RelSt 535 Outline of Topics for Class Discussion R. Kraft January 1987 Overview of the Sources and their Geographical Distribution The Spread of Early Christianity (see especially Bauer, Orthodoxy Harnack, Mission 2) Phoenecia, Syria (Antioch, Edessa), and Eastward towards India Alexandria and Egypt Asia Minor (Cyprus, Cilicia) Greece (Macedonia, Achaia, Illyricum) Rome and Westward towards Gaul and Spain North Africa Classification of Extant Sources (Primary, Secondary) Christian Literature (see especially Goodspeed-Grant, Koester+) Inscriptions and Incidental Written Remains Evidence from Art and Archaeology References to Christians by Others Selected Problems Confronting Early Christianity What Happens When the Expected End Fails to Arrive? *Paul/Paulists, Montanus/Montanism J. Gager, Kingdom and Community Earliest Christianity as an Eschatological/Apocalyptic Impetus Frustrations, Fulfillments, and Future Hopes Eschatology Internalized and Institutionalized How is Authority Constituted, Recognized, Enforced, Transmitted? *Galatians, Didache, 1 Clement, Ignatius, Epistle of Apostles Development of Authoritative Traditions > Literature Models of Human Leadership (Spiritual Authority, Institutional Base) Inclusion/Exclusion -- Struggles between Orthodoxy and Heresy Belief and Conduct in Christian Communities *Johannine Epistles, Pastorals, 2 Clement, Justin Apology From Messiah to "Christology" From Confrontations to Creedal Formulations From Varieties (Heterodoxy) to "Heresies" Communities at Worship (Heteropraxy to Orthopraxy) Relationships to Surrounding Societies *Justin Dialogue, Tatian Apology, Diognetus From Jewish Messianism to Christian Anti-Jewishness From Pagan Gentiles to "the Third Race" From Survival to a "Public Image" and Socio-Political Influence Synthesis: Types of Varieties of Early Christianity Christian Jews -- Jesus' God is Creator, Moses' Words Endure "Gnostic" Christians -- Alien to the Material World and its Creator Emerging "Mainstream" -- Preserving/Forging a Middle Ground 1/87