Transcript of pre ParJer materials in short form MS tt
Vatican Regin 49, fol 95\v-(100\v)-103\r, dated 1574
[mg to 95\v = ful(abbrev) E or Q (overlined)]
noe/mbhros: d/: di+h/ghsis ei)s th\n qrhe/on tou= pr\o/fh\tou
[something here supralinear =? pa/ropni/on]
ou peri th=s i)erousalh\m: kai\ ei)s th\n a)na/lwsi+n tauth=s
[to the right of next line] th=s e)ksta/sews a)bime/le\x/
I+eremi/as ou(=tos o( me/gas pr\o/fh/th=s e)c anaqw\q
tugxa/nwn th=s kw/mhs, peri+ i(lh/m{overline} kai\ babulw=nos
po/lla\ pr\o/hgo/{-}
rehsen: w(sau/tws kai\ peri\ th=s qei/as sarko/sews: e)n oi(=s
to\ krataio\n
th=s pr\o/fhtei/as e)mfai/netai: tou=ton pote\ pasxw\r o( ui(o\s
e)mh/r o( tou=
oi)/kou ku/{overline} h(go/umenos: tu/yas sfodrw=s ei)s to\n
katara/kthn e)ne/balen,
ws th=s i(lh/m{overline} penqou=nta th\n a(/lw\na//sin: ws de\
tou=ton h qei/a di/kh en tw=
katara/kth ou)k ei)/asen, au)to\s tw= pasxwr\ a)pefqe/gcato: to\
s\ou/ th=s gh=s tau/th=s me/toiko/n se di+a)goreu/ei: ka\i e)n
tautw= e)le/gceise h( a)po{-}
stasi/a s\ou/: di+o\ti e)pikata/ratos o( to/ e)/rgon
ku/{overline} a)melw=n: e)n de\ tai=s h(me/rais
t\ou=/ basile/ws i)wa)kei\m, e)qrh/nei th\n i(lh\m{overline}
i(eremi/as: oi) {sic} de\ yeudoprofh=tai
touton diole/sai tou/s i)erei=s e)/peiqon: o( de\ ui(o\s safa=n
xhraxhka\m, t\w=/ i)ere{-}
mi/a sunw\n, to\n fo/non di+ekw/lue: to/te o( ks/{overline}
pr\o/\s to\n i(eremi/an e)/fh: poi/{-}
hso/n se au)tw= desmou\s h)/toi kloiou\s culi/nous, peri\ to\n
tra/xi+lo/n sou: ka\i
a)postelw= se pro\s to\n basi+le/a mw/ab: kai\ i)dou\ mai/as
{sic; i)doumai/as Jer 34.3} a)mmw=n: k(ai)\ tu/rou
kai\ si+dw=nos: a(/ti+na kai\ poih/sas tw= e(autou= traxh/lw
e(pe/qhke: a)na{-}
sta\s de\ a)nani/as o( ui(o\s e)zw\r o( yeudopr\o/fh/th=s kai\
perie)lw=n tou/s kloiou\s
e)c auxe/nos i(eremi/ou e)p' o)fqalmw=n tou laou=, su+ne/triye
le/gwn: ou(/tws
pro/s me ks/{overline} ei)=pe: suntri/yw to\n zugo/n basile/ws
babulw=nos e)c auxe/{-}
nos pa/ntwn e)qnw=n: to/te pro\s to\n yeudopr\o/fh/thn fhsi\n
as: dolia/ sou ta xei/lh, w(s i)o\n th=s kardi/as e)reugome/nhs:
ta/de th=s a)lhqei/{-}
as diasafou/shs: kloiou\s culi/nous sune/treyas, a)nti
tou/t\wn/{??} sidhr\ous/
poih/sw le/gei ks/{overline} pantokra/twr: k(a)i\ e)\h{??} to\n
tra/xhlon t(w=n) e)qn(w=n) e)\pi{??}qh/{-}
sw, su\ de\ ta/xion a)nani/a th\n yuxh\n a)por(r(h/ceis: k(a)\i
to\ e)/rgon tw= lo/gw
e)phkoulou/qei: e)n ga\r e)pta\ mhsi\n ou(=tos toi=s teqnew=sin
a(pe/rei: tw= de\
oktw= kai\ deka/tw e)/tei sedeki/ou basile/ws i)ou/da: i(eremi/ou
{end of fol 95\v}