RelSt 735: Fall 1992: R. Kraft Recensions in Early Jewish and Christian Literatures BACKGROUND: Kraft essay on T.Abr recensional issues Kraft essay on Multiform Jewish Heritage of Early Christianity SOME ISSUES TO PONDER: Boundaries between "textual variations" and "recensions" Boundaries between "recensions" and different "related works" Tendencies towards expansion; why and how? Tendencies towards contraction/abbreviation; why and how? Isolating useful criteria for judging (language, focus, etc.) Mechanical (quantitative) and organic modifications Concepts of authorship, "evolved literature," etc. 1. The Letters of Ignatius Three versions of Polycarp, Ephesians, Romans (Short, Middle, Long); Two versions of Magnesians, Trallians, Philadelphians, Smyrneans; One Greek version of Tarsians, Antiochians, Hero, Philippians, Mary Cassobolita to Ignatius, to Mary; One Latin version of two letters to John, to Virgin Mary. HANDOUTS: Eusebius on Igantius (Lawlor and Oulton ET) Schoedel on Epistles of Ignatius (Anchor Bible Dictionary) The versions of Romans (computer file, in process) Cureton sections -- English translation of the three Syriac Letters (Short version) Sample of Syriac pages The Romans/Trallians 4-5 Problem Passage The two versions of Trallians 4-5 Notes on some of this material in Romans Funk-Diekamp on the Greek textual witnesses, Romans samples Fischer on textcriticism, Romans sample 2. The Two Ways and Related Problems Three versions of the "Two Ways" material (Barn, Did, Doctrina) Didache and the Apostolic Constitutions version 3. 5 Ezra (two Latin versions/editions; see Bergren) 4. "The Western Text" of Acts -- a quick look 5. Epitomizing: some examples Paraleipomena Jeremiou in modern abridgment Author's epitome (e.g. Lactantius, Divine Institutes) 6. Jeremiah in shorter and longer versions (Tov in Feb) See J.W.Watts, CBQ 54/3 (1992) 432-447 7. Vision/Ascension of Isaiah: a Recensional Problem? 8. "The Synoptic Problem" in the Jesus Traditions: Recensions? 9. Some examples of "evolving" literature in process -- Early Christian works against heresies Testimony books/collections Types of "Commentary" on the Scriptures