~a"Diary"b"001"c"MAP"x"I" MARY ANN PIERPONT [MILLER] Diary for 1880 _XF,SP1 _HD//1880 Diary/%/ [setting and cast of characters (with cross reference numbers): 1 Immediate family she is 6th & youngest child of Charles Joseph P. and Mary Ann Warner father is 55 yrs old on 03\11 (b 03\11\1825 d 03\27\1884); he has a butcher shop {on Orange St.?}; mother (b 12\08\1828 d 09\03\1911); m 04\20\1846. 1.1 oldest sibling is Charles Jared P., 33 on 02\09 (b 1847 d 03\04\1920); m 02\23\1873 Juliet(te) Bolster (b 08\02\1840 d 12\15\1912); daughter Anna Hitchcock (b 12\03\1874 d {get}). 1.2 next oldest sib. Austin Beecher P., 31 on 02\ll (b 1849 d 11\14\1919); m (1) Emeline Todd (d 01\31\1873); m (2) 04\16\1874 cousin Lucy A. Welton (b 11\14\1841 d 05\18\1918); son Arthur Joseph (b 12\03\1876 d 09\20\1912); MAP seems to be living with them from 03\28 through the summer. 1.3 third sib. Ellen Caroline P. = Nellie (b 06\05\1853 d 12\04\1902); m 05\05\1874 George W. Conner (b 05\01\1851 d 01\08\1924); {(mis)spelled Connor in genealogical chart} Home at corner of Waterville St. and Hillside Ave{?}; MAP lives with them at outset (to 03\28), and their children George William C. = Willie (b 04\17\1875 d 02\29\1920), Charles Elmer C. (b 11\15\1876 d 09\10\1904) Harry Austin C. born 02\15\1879 (d 11\24\1947); Nellie is pregnant during the first three months and gives birth to Theodore Pierpont C. born 04\05\1880 {see below} (d ) MAP seems to room with Jennie Bassett (a school teacher?) 1.4 fourth sib. Will{son Levinius P.} is 25 on 02\16 (b 1855 d 08\02\1921); m (1) Annie E. Merrill (b 1859 d 03\17\1898); son George Wilson daughter Edith Leona {etc.} 1.5 fifth sib. Elmer Merritt P. (b 08\22\1857 d 11\12\1917); m (1) Alice Patten (b 1855 d 10\28\1893); son Walter Merritt 1 yr on 03\02 (b 1879 d 12\15\1931) 2 Extended family 2.1 Cousins May and Henry Tucker {?} move into Conner house in March 2.2 Uncle Enos Augustus P. (b 01\08\1815 d 03\10\1883); m (1) 1837 Ann Moss (b 1813 d 11\21\1861) child 1 David Watson m Sarah Welton 2 Sarah Ann Jeanette, 3 Eunice Abiah, 4 Edward A., 5 John L. (b 02\10\1849 d 05\22\1910), John L. P. m 02\07\1877 Julia H. Thompson, perhaps the Julia P. of 01\19, daughter Lily Ann (b 01\17\1878 d 07\17\1914); 6 Harriet Amelia =? Hattie P. {3\10} m (2) 1863 Abiah Moss (b 1812/13 d 06\15\1889); 2.3 Aunt Hannah, probably wife of Uncle Ezra P., 3rd sibling of MAP's f. 2.7 Aunt Emma, perhaps Emily Jennett P., 8th sibling of MAP's f.? 2.9 Pierpont Fuller, Crete/Crate Pierpont {6\29-30}, Theodore P. 3 Business acquaintances and references 3.1 Miss {Allie} Pickett, seamstress and friend 3.2 William & Mrs. Austin, clothing shop{?} on Orange St.{?} 4 Church acquaintances 4.1 Rev. Micou, Mr. Pentecost 4.2 Minnie & Mary Steele Mrs. & Emma Cargill Mrs. Russell and Eddie Mrs. Hendie{?} 5 Other acquaintances (peer group) Jennie Bassett, MAP's roommate, also a school teacher Nellie Peck & Jennie = cousins? (also Dentist Peck; any relationship?) Perrys -- Jennie, Jane, Fred, Mrs. Lucy Hickox Fannie Morse Ed Ford (seems to work at one of the relatives; milk delivery) etc. -- please make identifications when possible] _HD//January 1880/%/ _NP Note: information from the "Cash Accounting" section at the very end of the Diary has also been included at the start of each day's entry. The printed format for each daily entry is: {MONTH}, 1880 {DAYNAMEABBR}. {DAYNO}. Ther. {=temperature} Weather, ~x1 > 01\01(Th) 26 Spring-like [1 On hand 2.84] Swept up stairs in the morning. Went down town in P.M. Alice, Walter, Annie{? Anna} 1.5, 1.4 & Georgie came down and spent the after-noon and staid to tea. George came home early. Mother went home after being here nine days; she felt a little better of her cold. In the evening I wrote a letter to Fannie. Went to bed about 11. @Commenced the New Year by making a great many good resolutions but have my doubts about keeping them but will try and not depend too much on myself. ~y > 01\02(Fr) 34 Pleasant [2 Part net{?} .06] [" Dress b. .06] [" 4 Stanps{sic} .12] Helped Nellie, washed a little, went down town alone{?}, before dinner. Mr. & Mrs. Tucker came in the afternoon; went away about 4. Then I called on Minnie Steele; enjoyed it very much. Staid at home in the evening and read. Finished "Lucia: her Problem". Went to bed about 10. ~y > 01\03(Sa) 30-36 Pleasant [3 Di{a}ry .40] [*The National Diary, 1880, published [by "Fleming Photo Eng. Co N.Y." [Includes in opening pages: Calendar, [Eclipses, Morning & Evening Stars; [Domestic Postage, Foreign Postage; [information on Sun and Moon, [rising, setting, time zones (one [page per month; then provides [separate page for each day; [at the end, 2 pages for "Memoranda" [and 16 for "Cash Account"] Worked as usual, did not feel very well. Sewed a little in the afternoon on my brown dress, marked 3 new handkerchiefs that Mother gave me Christmas. Went down to the Library and to Guilford's in the evening. Bought this diary wrote in it. Then to bed about 9.30. ~y > 01\04(Su) 37 Pleasant [4 Church .20] Willie & I went to church; staid to communion. Went to Sunday-School at 3. Felt better but was very hoarse. Must try harder not to lose my patience. ~y > 01\05(Mo) 36-34 Pleasant Helped wash a little in A.M. Mrs. Chatfield & Mrs. McCarty called in P.M. Sewed in P.M. Finished fixing my brown dress. Went into Mrs. Cargill's with Harry a little while. Went to bed about 11. ~y > 01\06(Tu) 31-34 Rained Helped iron in the morning. Sewed in after-noon & evening. Emma Cargill and Ellie{?} came in a few minutes in P.M. Service was held at church at 10.30 but I could not go. Epiphany. @Went to bed about 10. ~y > 01\07(We) 38-44 Pleasant Nellie and I finished ironing then I went down town with the children; did some errands for N{ellie} Got home about noon went into Mrs. Cargill's in the after-noon then Emma, Mrs. Tucker and I went down town to hear Dr. Banning lecture on the Female System. Thought it very sensible. Staid at home in the evening and read. Went {to} bed about 10.15 ~y > 01\08(Th) Pleasant Helped Nellie as usual in the morning. In P.M. Lucy Hickox called, then Harry and I went to see Libbie Scott. Both calls were very pleasant. In the evening I went to a party at Juliet's{?} at Lucy Hickox invitation; danced for the first time, had Mr. Scovill, Mr. Downs & Mr. MacCauley for partners; Mr. McC. came home with me, got home about 12. ~y > 01\09(Fr) C{l}oudy Helped Nellie in A.M. Mrs. Birch came and spent the after-noon. In the evening, went to the First Church to a prayer-meeting. Mrs. Tucker staid here all night; lay and talked to quite late. ~y > 01\10(Sa) Pleasant [10 Worsted .20] Worked in A.M. Mrs. Tucker staid after-noon, then went home. Went down town with Harry & Charlie. Staid home in evening; wrote a letter to Mother. Went to bed about 10. ~y > 01\11(Sun) Pleasant [11 Church .25] Went to church with Willie & Charlie; staid to Sunday School. Mother sent in some mittens. Went to church again in the evening. In the A.M., Rev. Mr. Whittlesley preached in behalf of the Society for the Increase of the Ministry. Mr. Micou preached in the evening without notes. ~y > 01\12(M) Cloudy Miss Pickett helped Nellie sew all day. I went over to Mrs. Perry's a few minutes in the P.M. Nellie went over to Mrs. McCarthy's and Emma Cargill came in here in the even{in}g. I was lazy contrary and cross. ~y > 01\13(Tu) Snowed [13 Dyeing cloak .75] Did not do much all day but fussed around some. Miss Pickett helped Nellie in A.M. Went into Emma Cargill's in P.M. she helped me fix my mittens. ~y > 01\14(W) 0-30 Pleasant Washed some in the morning. In the after-noon I took Harry and called on Mrs. Griffith & Mrs. Caswell. In the evening sewed on the childrens bibs, went to bed before eleven. ~y > 01\15(Th) Cloudy [15 Part wages 2.00 ] [" Rubbers .50] [" Thread .15] [" Cloth .43] Ironed in the morning. Willie went up {to} Charlie's to spend the day. I expected to go in the P. M. but he came home before I started. Went down town twice, sewed some. ~y > 01\16(F) Pleasant Swept some in the A. M.; in the P. M. we all went into Mrs. Cargill's and staid quite a while. In the eve I went to the Firemen's Ball with Miss{?} Jane Perry & her brother; enjoyed it very much; of course did not dance. Got home about 12. ~y > 01\17(Sa) Cloudy [17 Part wages 1.00 ] Helped with the work as usual. In the after-| noon went over to Mrs. Perrys with Harry for a little while. Read in the eve. ~y > 01\18(Su) Cloudy [18 Church .25] Went to church twice & to Sunday-School. Staid home in the afternoon. Mr. Micou preached both times. Had a severe cold. Ed Ford gave me a letter from Mother. ~y > 01\19(M) Pleasant [19 Loaned N{ellie} .35] Helped wash some in the morning, went down town for Nellie after dinner. Miss Pickett helped Nellie in the after-| noon. I commenced to cut out a sack and worked a little on a scrap bag in the eve. Mrs. Hendie{?} & Julia Pierpont called in the after-noon. ~y > 01\20(Tu) Rained [20 Ticket to M.A. .75] Helped iron in the morning. Cut out the rest of my sack, went down to see if Aggie would come in the eve.{?} Went to the City Hall to see Mary Anderson play in Romeo & Juliet; it was splendid; went with Mr. & Mrs. Cargill. Got home about 11. ~y > 01\21(W) Cold Did not do any thing in particular in the morning. Went up to Elmer's with Willie & Harry; called on Mrs. Dayton & Mrs. Bowers. Worked on my scrap-bag in the eve. Mary Steele called to see Nellie about the Parish supper. ~y > 01\22(Th) Rained Did not do much in morning. Sewed in the afternoon. Nellie & Willie went to Naugatuck. Went up to Mrs. Russell's a few minutes. Expected to go to Naugatuck in the eve, but rained so hard I did not. Ed Ford came in the A.M. and asked me to go to a party but I preferred to go to Naugatuck. Aunt Hannah came here in the morning. ~y > 01\23(F) Pleasant [23 Loaned N{ellie} .40] Helped sweep up stairs in the morning. Sewed in the afternoon. Mrs. Fulton called. Went down town then to church. Went to bed about 11. ~y > 01\24(Sat) Pleasant [24 From N .75 ] Helped Nellie as usual in the morning. Called on Lizzie McWhinnie with Harry. In the eve went down to meat market & sewed afterwards. ~y > 01\25(Sun) Pleasant [25 Church .12] Went to church with Nellie and Charlie. Staid {to} Sunday School. A lady missionary spoke to the scholars about children in Africa. Expected to go and hear her in the eve but Nellie & Geo. went to walk and did not get back soon enough. ~y > 01\26(M) Pleasant [26 Notions .11] Helped wash a few things in the morning. In the after-noon went down to see Miss Pickett about my sack; took Harry.{?} While we were gone Mrs. White's{?} Daisy called. Did not see them at all. In the evening went {to} the Scientific rooms with Annie Bradstreet and heard Rev. Mr. Moore from Boston lecture on "Fossil Geology"; it was very interesting. ~y > 01\27(Tu) Rained [27 Int. for Mother 7.20 ] Helped iron in the morning. Lucy Hickox came to see about a Leap Year party at Charlie's Wednes. eve. I had to tell her I could not go. In the afternoon Mr. Macauley called and invited me to go to party at Mr. John Todd's this eve., but it rained so hard we did not go. Sewed in P.M. ~y > 01\28(W ) Pleasant [28 For Honeries{?} 2.00] [" " Peterson 2.00] [" Loaned N{ellie} .10] Helped finish ironing in the morning. Went down town with Harry in the afternoon. Worked on my scrap bag in eve{?}. Nellie went down to Miss Pickett's and spent the eve. Mrs. Russell had a party in honor of Eddie's birth-day. I did not go up but she brought me some cake etc. Mrs. Tucker staid with me all night; went to sleep between 1 & 2. ~y > 01\29(Th) Pleasant [29 Admi{ssio}n to H .15] [" Supper .49] [" Hair receiver{?} .25] [" Extra .25] [" Not account for .10] Helped do the work in the morning. Worked on my scrap-bag in the after-noon; finished before six. Then went down to Irving Hall with it and some biscuit & tongue{?} for Trinity Parish supper. Then came home and got dressed. Then Nellie and I went to the supper. Did not get home 'till after 10. Ed Ford walked home with us. Had my fortune told by an astrologer. ~y > 01\30(Fr) Cloudy Did not do anything in particular all day, went in to Mrs. Cargill's in the after-noon. Mr. Tucker called. Went to church and down town in the eve. Mended clothes in the P.M. ~y > 01\31(Sa) Cloudy & Clear Helped Nellie with the work as usual in the morning. Mr. Tucker came about noon and asked me to go to Middlebury{?} and stay over Sunday. Went and took Harry. Mrs. Tucker slept with me. Went to bed about 10.30 _HD//February 1880/%/ _NP ~x2 > 02\01(Su) 24 Clear [1 Balance 3.35] Mr. Tucker went to church in the morning and Mrs. T{ucker} & I in the after-noon and he took care of Harry. Went {to} the Congregational church.{?} After supper went {to} the barns{?} etc. Talked and read in the eve. Slept on the lounge in the sitting-| room it was so cold. ~y > 02\02(Mo) 0.6 Clear Helped Mrs. Tucker a little in the morning but it was so cold we did not feel much like working. After-noon she brought me home; she staid to tea and then went back. I enjoyed my self very much and Harry was as good as could be. Found Minnie{?} Steele had called Sat. and Mr. Macauley today. Sewed some in the eve then went into Mrs. Cargill's. It was the night for the party at John Todd's but I did not go. ~y > 02\03(Tu) 14 Snow Did not do anything in particular in the morning. Mended some in the after-noon. Read in the eve. It snowed so hard the children were in the house all day. Wished a dozen times I was back in Middlebury. ~y > 02\04(We) Pleasant Ironed in the morning; sewed some in the after-| noon; read in the eve. Willie was sick all the after-noon; think he had taken cold. ~y > 02\05(Th) Pleasant [5 Part wages 3.00] [" Part tongre{?} .25] Willie felt better in the morning but as Nellie felt rather worried she went to see the Dr. He said it was only a cold. Ed Ford{?} came to see if I would go to Naugatuck for a ride; could not go. Expected to go out home with Austin but did not go 'till almost night with Willie. Took Harry, left him with Mother while I went to a party at Austin's. Danced with Mr. F. Bronson & Mr. Trewalse.{?} They did not break up 'till 2. So I staid the rest of the night with Jennie B. ~y > 02\06(Fr) Pleasant [6 Mother 2.00] Went down home with Ed in the morning. Austin{?}, Abiah & Hattie came over to see Harry. Came up to Austin's with Ed about 3. P.M. Did not do much. Sewed a little talked in the eve. Went to bed before 10. ~y > 02\07(Sa) Cloudy Did not get up 'till about 9. Washed a little; did not do much in particular. Hattie Austin and baby called in the afternoon. Frank French came up in the evening and sang {sic} Jennie. Harry has been just as good as possible. Rode over to Mr. Upson's with Lucy after milk. Jennie & Lucy made walnut candy. ~y > 02\08(Su) Clear & Cold Staid home in the morning with Harry, Arthur, & Ed Ford. Got dinner and just as we commenced to eat Nellie, George and Willie & Charlie came; staid 'till about 3. Then Ed & I went down to the school-| house to hear Dr. Bingham preach then I went over{?} home for a little while. In the evening we all sang, ate nuts & apples, and went to bed about 11. ~y > 02\09(Mo) Clear & Cold Helped Lucy wash some in the morning, sewed a little in the after-noon. In the evening Ed, Jennie & I played games and raised rim{?} generally 'till Austin came, then were quiet 'till bed time. @Charlie Pierpont's birthday 33 years old. ~y > 02\10(Tu) 0.16 C & C. Helped Lucy iron in the morning, did not do anything very particular the rest of the time. Jennie & I went out doors after supper; went out to the barn with Ed. Then rode down the road a little way standing on the back of the wagon. Frank French came up in the evening and sang some. Harry had some cold. @Snowed in evening before we went to bed. J{ennie} and I had quite a circus. ~y > 02\11(We) Pleasant Ash-[Wed.] Austin's birthday -- 31. Jennie and I had set the alarm for six so we got up a little while after-wards. Harry had a good deal of cold in the night but was a great deal better during the day. In the after-noon Lucy, the children & I rode down to Mrs. Austin's to call. Jennie came too. Hattie was not at home. Then we went to Mrs. Beardsley's. Then we came home and carried on for quite a while; Jennie dressed up in Ed{'s} ..ster{duster?} and he put on Lucy's things and started to walk. When{?Then} Austin came. He had been packing ice and got his leg{?} hurt so he was quite lame. Harry did not go to sleep 'till about nine; we went to bed about ten. ~y > 02\12(Th) Rained Did not do any-thing in particular all day. Tried to sew a little in the after-noon but did not do much. Played games in the evening. Harry was a great deal better. Wrote a note to Nellie. ~y > 02\13(Fr) Rained Did not do much in the morning; cut out some sleeves and sewed a little in the after-noon. Jennie's last day of school. She expected to go in town in the eve, but did not. Played some games in the eve. ~y > 02\14(Sa) Pleasant Got up after eight; took our baths; helped Lucy wash some in the morning and iron in the after-noon. Wrote in Jennie and Ed's albums. Helped pick out walnut meats for candy. Austin turned somersaults and Jennie & I had a{sic} quite a circus. Went to bed about 12.30. Harry was quite restless. ~y > 02\15(Su) Cloudy Snowed. Lucy took care of Harry while Austin, Jennie and I went down to Marion to church. Heard Mr. Delas{?} Hotchkiss preach. Stopped {to} see Mrs. Todd and had some dinner; had a real nice time. Harry Austin Conner's birth-day --| 1 year old & weighs 29 lbs --| he worried a good deal in the after-noon. Frank French came up in the eve; we all sang then ate nuts, apples & candy. ~y > 02\16(Mo) Pleasant [16 Loaned N .10] Helped Lucy wash some in the morning. Harry worried a good deal in the after-noon. Tried to play a game of chess with J{ennie}; she beat. Sewed a little; sprinkled the clothes.{?} In the eve Austin carried Jennie in town. I was very sorry to have her go but hope to see her again next summer. Played chess with Lucy in eve; beat 2 out of 3. Austin fell and hurt his back in after-noon, but it did not last long. My brother Will's birth-day -- 25. ~y > 02\17(Tu) Pleasant Helped Lucy iron in the morning. Sewed on my sack in the after-noon. Played chess with Lucy in the eve; she beat 2 of 3. Read some. ~y > 02\18(We) Windy [18 Mite{?} chest .25] Went down home in the morning. Stopped to see Jennie Bronson a little while, then went over home and staid 'till Ed came along, then rode up with him. Sewed in the after-| noon and played chess in the eve. It rained very hard all the eve but cleared off in the night. Harry did not go to sleep 'till 9.30 ~y > 02\19(Th) Windy Washed out a few things in the morning. Sewed some in the after-noon. Played chess; Lucy beat. Read in the eve. Harry worried a good deal at night. Swept out the bed-{or best} roon{sic} in the morning. ~y > 02\20(Fr) Pleasant [20 Shoes 3.00] Ironed some in the mor{ning}. After dinner Lucy brought Harry and me home. Before I got my things off Daisy{?} White came and stayed quite a while. Went to church in the eve, then to the shoe store. Mrs. Birch came to see Nellie. Had a letter from Fannie. ~y > 02\21(Sa) Snowed Helped Nellie with the work.{?} In morning went in to see Mrs. McCarthy a few minutes then w{?we} went church with Charlie; afterwards went to Schlegel's{?} market where Will Lynn weighed {me?} -- 133 1/2 lbs; then went {to} Elkins & the Library. In the eve Nellie & George went to see "Joshua Whitcombe". Fired{? fixed} the buttons on my shoes. Went to bed about 11. ~y > 02\22(Su) Pleasant [22 Church .16] Helped do the work in the morning. Willie went to church alone. Took Charlie to S.S. with me. Got most of the dinner alone. Went to church in the eve; saw Mrs. Bower{s} and sat with her. Mr. Micou preached a splendid sermon on repentance. ~y > 02\23(Mo) [23 From N .10] [" Part wages 3.00] Rained in the morning so we did not wash. Carried the the{sic} plants down stairs for Nellie to wash them off in the morning. It cleared off in the after-noon. Sewed what time I had then went to church. Libbie Scott walked part-way home with me. Nellie & I made two pairs of pillow-cases in the eve. ~y > 02\24(Tu) Pleasant Washed a few things in the morning. Sewed some in the after-noon. Mrs. Perry came in for a little while. Put the bread in the oven befor{e} it was hot enough, then the fire went out so we had to throw the bread away and Nellie had to make biscuits. ~y > 02\25(We) Pleasant [25 16 yds cloth a.12 1/2 2.00] [" Collar .15] [" Half Ticket to H{?} .25] Helped iron in the fore-noon; sewed some in the afternoon. Willie & Charlie went to church with me. Then went down town. Came home & the fire was out so we could not make anything. Went back to Bronson's after bread. Mrs. Russell & Willie said so much that I finally went to Haverly's Minsterls{sic}; Nellie paid half, so I took W. It was very goon{sic} but don't think it anything very edifying. ~y > 02\26(Th) Cloudy Swept & dusted the sitting room & bed-rooms. Sewed some in the after-noon. Took Harry down town for a ride then went to church. George was very late. I went over to Mrs. Perry's for a while in the eve. ~y > 02\27(Fr) Like May Cleaned windows in the morning; in the after-noon we all went down town. Took Harry to Dr. Griggs and had him pull{? put} out a needle that we had known was there for a week. While we were gone Mabel Chapman & Jennie Griswold called. Went church in the eve. ~y > 02\28(Sa) Cloudy Rainy Harry worried toward morning and before breakfast came near having two spasms. Slept most of the morning but was quite sick. Went down to see the Dr. but he was not there so left word for him to come down. He gave him a powder and it seemed to help him. I took care of him at night; he worried some. Mr. Tucker came down in the morning. ~y > 02\29(Su) Pleasant [29 Church .10] [" For stamp .03] Harry seemed better in the morning. Went church in the morning; took Willie & Charlie. Harry got worse in the after-noon; George went to see the Dr. who gave him some more medicine and seemed quite alarmed about him. Went over to Mrs. Perry's in the eve after Harry got quiet. Charlie & Juliet{?} came down for a little while. _HD//March 1880/%/ _NP ~x3 > 03\01(Mo) Pleasant [1 Balance 1.22] Harry was better. We washed some. In the after-noon Dr. Griggs & Grace Gaylord called. Mr. & Mrs. Tucker came for a while in the after-noon. Nellie went over to Mrs. Chatfield's in the eve. ~y > 03\02(Tu) Pleasant Harry did not feel very well. We only did part of the ironing. Went down to the market to see Austin, then to Mr. Elkins to see Mr. Tucker, then back to see Austin, all about a school. {{then home.}} Then home again and Nellie & I had a talk; both got to crying and had a miserable time generally. Went to church. Sewed a little in the eve. Walter Merritt Pierpont's birth-day. 1 yr. ~y > 03\03(We) Pleasant & Rain [3 Part wage due 3.00] Helped finish ironing in the morning, and sewed a little, in the after-noon. Alice & Walter came to spend the after-noon but we finally persuaded her to stay all night. Had a real good time. ~y > 03\04(Th) Pleasant Alice and Nellie went down town. A{ustin} went home about 10.30. Mr. Beech{? Buck} came here in the morning to see me about the school on the turnpike near Austin's. He agreed to let me have it. Make arrangements about the examination soon. Finished cutting out two night dresses, went down to Elkins and up to Charlie's with Willie and Harry in the after-noon. Read in the eve. ~y > 03\05(Fr) April-like After we got the other work done, sat down & sewed. We made two nightgowns for Willie, and fitted my night-dresses. Harry fell down stairs and bumped{?} his fore-head. Went to church & down town in the eve. Ed Ford came a few minutes in the morning. ~y > 03\06(Sa) Cloudy [6 Gloves .39] Helped about the work as usual in the morning. Mrs. Partree called on Nellie for a few minutes. Went to church about 15 min. late; took Willie, Charlie & Fido.{?} Went down town after-| wards. Stitched on my night-dress in the eve. ~y > 03\07(Su) Cloudy & Snow [7 Church .12] Went to church in the morning with Willie & Charlie; staid to communion. Went to S.S. at 3{or 8}. Eddie Frisbie came home with me after his Christmas things. Went to church in the eve. Mr. Micou had an excellent sermon on the reality and Personality of the Evil Spirit. ~y > 03\08(Mo) Pleasant Helped Nellie wash some in the morning.{?} Ed Ford came down a few minutes. Ironed a little in the after-| noon. Went to church, then down town. Read a little in the eve. ~y > 03\09(Tu) Cold & Snow Ironed some in the fore-| noon then went out home with Ed F{ord}. Took Willie. Left him down home and I walked up home with Austin; then he carried me up to Mr. John Todd's to be examined for the school near Mr. Shelton Hitchcock's. He gave me a certificate and was very pleasant. Staid up to Austin's all night. Played checkers with Ed in the eve. ~y > 03\10(We) Pleasant Got up about 6. Went in town with Ed. Stopped at home a few minutes. Walked part of the way. Got home about 7.30. Mrs. Tucker came to help Nellie sew. Ironed in the morning. Helped sew a little. Harry worried a good deal in the after-noon. Hattie Pierpont called. N{ellie}{?} & Mrs. T{ucker} went down town in the eve. Mrs. Russell came in and stayed all the eve. Charlie slept with me. ~y > 03\11(Th) Snow. [11 2 Collars .20] [" 8 Stamps .24] [11{?} From Mother 5.00] Did most of the work. Help{e}d sew a little. Went down town in the after-noon then went to church. Mrs. T{ucker} & I started to call on Mrs. Elkins, but went to the store and found she went to bed early. So staid there a while then came back and stopped in to Mrs. Perry's; staid 'till 10.{?} Had a real jolly time. We slept to-gether and did not go to sleep 'till after 2, but the talk I think did me as much good as the sleep would have done. Father's birth-day 55.{?} ~y > 03\12(Fr) Pleasant Helped do the work. Sewed some. Sent down town about noon for Nellie & she cooked the dinner. Mrs. Russell moved{or mowed}. Went to church in the eve. Then up town; then we all went in to Mrs. Cargill's. Had a real nice time. Father came a little before noon and brought Willie. ~y > 03\13(Sa) Cloudy Helped about the work as usual. It was very late when we got through but Mrs. T{ucker}{?} waited 'till I got ready then I took Harry up to Mrs. Elkins. Had a very pleasant call but am afraid we tired her. Mr. Tucker came for Mrs. T{ucker} while we were there. Wrote in the eve. Recieved{sic} a letter from Jennie Bassett {or &} enjoyed it very muck{sic}. Wrote a letter to Clara Warner and commenced one to Debbie Harris. ~y > 03\14(Su) Rain. [14 Church .15] Went to church in the morn. [[to{sic}]] Willie staid to Sunday-| School. Wrote some in the after-noon & eve. Went to church in the eve. Finished my letter {to} Debbie, and wrote one to Fannie Morse. Stopped in to Aunt Emma's after Sunday School. ~y > 03\15(Mo) Pleasant [15 3 1/2 Ginghan .35] Helped wash some in the morning. Then helped clean the pantry. Aunt Hannah came over for a few minutes. Took Harry down town in the after-noon; got some samples for a dress. Called on Mrs. Pickett. Mrs. Birch called in the eve. ~y > 03\16(Tu) Rained [16 Part wages 3.00] Nellie ironed most of the things we washed. Then we went up {to the} garret and looked over and cleaned some of the things. In the after-noon I mended my gray dress. Went to church; took Willie. Sprinkled clothes in the eve. ~y > 03\17(We) Pleasant Mrs. Tucker came over in the morning to help Nellie sew. Went down town in the morning; took Harry. Ironed some after I got home. After dinner worked a little on my night-gown. Mrs. Elkins took Nellie and Harry to ride. Cut out an apron. Went over to Mrs. Perry's a few minutes. In the eve Jane Perry came over. In eve. Nellie & Mrs. T{ucker} went down town. Did not get to sleep 'till near 1. ~y > 03\18(Th) Pleasant [18 12 1/2 yd cloth a.48 6.00] [" 3/4 yd ch'nie .37] [" Cambric 5 yds a.8 1/3{?} .42] [" Silk & twist{?} .26] [" 1 1/2 Silicio{?} a.15 .22] Mrs. T{ucker} commenced work on {or in} her rooms, as they have rented the chambers here. She went back home to [[to{sic}]] pack up. Nellie and I finished ironing. Took Harry down town in the after-| noon. Then stoped in to Mrs. Perry's. Then went down town again. Mr.{or Mrs.} Tucker staid to tea; spent the eve. & staid all night. Geo. did not get home 'till after eight. Then G. N{ellie} & Willie went {to} the Hall. Sewed some in the eve. I realized better then{sic} I ever did before what it is to own Mr. T{ucker} as a cousin. ~y > 03\19(Fr) Snowed The plumbers came and put in a waste pipe from Mrs. T's kitchen to Nellie's. Will came down and I took Harry & Charlie up there to spend the day. Had a very pleasant visit{?} though it snowed nearly all the time. Mrs. T{ucker} drove over with some things and it stormed so she staid all night. Went up and helped them paper in the eve. ~y > 03\20(Sa) Pleasant In the morning the trees were covered with snow and when the sun rose it made a beautiful picture. Helped about the work as usual. Nellie and Harry went over to Mr.{or Mrs.} Chatfield's while I went to church. Mrs. Tucker drove over to Middlebury in the morn. and expected to have their things moved over but it was such bad going she could not, so they had to stay over there 'till Monday. ~y > 03\21(Su) Pleasant [21 Church .22] Went to church with Willie and Charlie in the morning. In the after-noon, after supper went over Brooklyn to call on Josie Kyle{?}. Staid and went to church with her and Will. Lynn{?} went to the Mithodist{sic}. Then they walked home with me but did not come in. ~y > 03\22(Mo) Pleasant Washed some in the morn. Mr. & Mrs. T{ucker} moved in their things. Whipped some carpets after dinner. Then we fixed the room upstairs. Went down to Miss Pickett's to see about my dress in the eve. ~y > 03\23(Tu) Pleasant Cousin May went to work in the store. Helped Nellie iron in the morn. Father brought Mother in about noon. Went up to church, then after supper went up to Mr. & Mrs. T{ucker} a little while{?}; then went down town to Miss Pickett's. ~y > 03\24(We) Windy [24 Braid & comb. .14] [24 Part wages 1.50] Swept the rooms upstairs. Carried the plant down stairs for Nellie to wash. In the after-noon went to call on Lucy Hickox; had a very pleasant call. Went Mr. Elkins to see Mrs. T{ucker}. Went to church then called on Minnie Steele. Built the fire twice in the sitting-room. Jane Perry, Cousin May & Henry came and spent the eve. ~y > 03\25(Th) Windy Nellie, Willie, & Harry went up to Will's and Elmer's and spent the day. Mother and I sewed all we could on my dress. Went to church at 2{?}.30. Then went to Miss Pickett's, and tried on my lining. ~y > 03\26(Fr) Pleasant Good-[Fri.] [26 Church .10] Elmer{? written over Will} came after Mother to go home with him. Helped Nellie wash some then went to church. Stitched some then took Harry down to Miss Pickett's but she was not at home so had to go agian in the eve. Mrs. Russell called in the eve. ~y > 03\27(Sa) Rained [27 Part wages 1.50] [27 Cambric .05] [" 3 Hand'kchf .40] [" Gloves 1.00] [" Comb. Rucke,{?} etc. 1.09] [27 Extra .22] Helped Nellie as usual about the work. Expected Mother back but it rained so hard she did not come. Looked over my things some in the after-noon. Went to baptismal service at 4.30 with Willie & Charlie. Went down town in the eve shopping. Went to see Miss Pickett a few min., then went up stairs and visited with Cousins May & Henry about an hour. ~y > 03\28(Su) Squally [28 Church .50] Easter. Had breakfast with Mr. & Mrs. Tucker; had some straw berries. Took Willie & Charlie to church; had communion. Will brought Mother down. Mrs. Garrigus came to see Nellie at noon. Went to Sunday School at 3.30{?}. Then Austin & Lucy came after Mother. Willie and me{??} read some in the eve. Austin's new man Clarke{?} Nichols came towards night. The collection at church for the church building fund amounted $842.75. ~y > 03\29(Mo) Cloudy The trees were covered with ice and the ground with snow so Austin carried me over to school. Had 6 scholars and it bids fair to be a very pleasant summer. After school closed, started for home and found I had forgotten a note for Ed. So went back to Mr. Beach to get the key but found it was of little importance. Saw Ed a little in the eve. ~y > 03\30(Tu) Windy Got up about 6.30. Helped Lucy some before school. Ned went to school with me; we walked over in 21 m.{?} He staid 'till noon. Stitched the seams to my baggue{?} and overcast them{?} in the eve. ~y > 03\31(We) Windy Did not get up 'till after seven. School went along pretty well. Sewed a little after school. Ed went down to Marion to carry Ned home and I went with him for a ride. Got home a little before 10. _HD//April 1880/%/ _NP ~x4 > 04\01(Th) Pleasant [1 Balance 2.78] School went very nicely in the morn. but not so well in the after-noon. Willie came up to to{sic} Austin's in the A.M. Came to see me in the P.M.; staid all night. Austin was about sick. The rest of us played Authors in the eve. Got up at 6, earlier than any other morning. ~y > 04\02(Fr) Pleasant Willie staid up 'till about 10 then he went down home. School was a little better. Think they all mean to be good but they want to laugh to{o} much. After school went down home. Lucy started to go with me but she came back with the two horse team. Willie & I went down to see Aunt Hannah & Harry. Read aloud in the eve. ~y > 04\03(Sa) Showery. Got up about 7{?}. Helped Mother a little. Looked over & put to rights my bureau. Sewed some on my dress in the after-noon & eve. Read aloud some. Expected to go back to Austin's but it rained so I could not. ~y > 04\04(Su) Showery{?} After breakfast went up to Austin's; he and Lucy did not feel very well so did not go to church. Took my bath; read in the morning. After dinner Lucy & I lay down & talked. Mr. John Todd came down for a while in the after-noon. Read in the eve. ~y > 04\05(Mo) Windy Helped wash before school commenced. Had 4 more scholars. School went nicely. When I got home heard Nellie had another boy; weighed 9 1/4 lbs. Wrote a letter to Jennie Bassett. Ed kept{sic} Lucy while I did the dishes. ~y > 04\06(Tu) Windy. Ironed some of my clothes before school and finished them after. Sewed some in the eve. Went to bed about 10. ~y > 04\07(We) Windy Helped Lucy take the things out of my room. Then she cleaned it. Sewed some on my dress. Finished what I was to do and got it ready to send to Miss Pickett. ~y > 04\08(Th) Windy School went along better than it has for some time. Sewed on a gingham apron after school. Will Lynn & Josie Kyle were married by Mr. Pegg. ~y > 04\09(Fr) Pleasant School went nicely with one exception. Closed about 3 then took Arthur down home to see Mother, Willie and Charlie. Then stopped at Jennie Bronson's. Lucy was there so we went home to-gether. Sewed a little in the eve. ~y > 04\10(Sa) Pleasant [10 Sch. cards. .20] [" Ink .05] [" Buttons .25] [" Wash-cloth .05] Got up early and went in town with Ed. Went to Nellie's first. Found her very comfortable and the baby well and good. Went up to see Mrs. Tucker, then over to Mrs. Perry's; afterwards went into Mrs. Cargill's then down town. Went to Miss Daniels and ordered my hat. Went to see Mr. & {?Mrs.} T{ucker}{?} in the store. Met Ed before I got to N{ellie}'s. Lester B. rode out with us. Willie & Charlie came up to Austin's and staid till Austin & Lucy went in town after Jennie Bassett. They got back about 7.15. Was very glad to see her; went {to} sleep about 12.30. ~y > 04\11(Su) Windy [11 Church .10] Woke up before 6 and did not go to sleep again. Got up about 7. Went out doors and out to the barn before breakfast. Austin, Lucy, Jennie & I went to church; staid {for} communion. Had a sick headache all the after-noon & eve. Heber{?} Welton came in the after-noon. Sang in the eve. ~y > 04\12(Mo) Windy Got up a little after 6. Helped Lucy wash some before school commenced. School went pretty well. Sewed a little after school and in the eve. Jennie was not well all day. She got a note from Juliette in eve. asking us to come in and spend the eve tomorrow. ~y > 04\13(Tu) Windy Jennie was quite sick. She could hardly speak with a cold but she taught 'till 3 o'clock. I had a new scholar, Ernest Atwater, making 11 in all. Ironed after school. Mr. John Todd called in the eve to take Jennie and me in to Juliette's but she could not go so I did not. ~y > 04\14(We) Warm [14 Repairing .50] Jennie was better but still very hoarse. Mended some things after school for Lucy. Talked in the eve. Ed brought home my hat. Moses brought back my shoes which he had been fixing. Talked all the evening. ~y > 04\15(Th) Warm School was pretty good in the morning but in the after-noon had to punish some of them. Mother sent me some clothes, and a note from Nellie. Helped Lucy iron a little. She & Austin went over to Bill Todd's.{?} In the eve. Jennie played for us. ~y > 04\16(Fr) Rained Had only 3 scholars, so the time dragged like everything, but school was out at 3 o'clock. Stiched a little. It was the 6th anniversary of Austin's marriage and they expected to go down to Wm. Austin and spend, so Jennie & I dressed "the bride" and enjoyed it ever so much, but they did not finally go as it was so late when Austin came home and it rained. Darned stockings in the eve. ~y > 04\17(Sa) Cloudy We did not get up very early but then I swept our room & sitting-room, cut out a calico dress skirt, took a bath. Jennie washed my head. Read in the eve. ~y > 04\18(Su) Pleasant [18 Church .10] Austin, Lucy, Jennie & I went to Trinity church in the morning. Took Willie in to see Nellie while we were at church. After dinner we went to the Second Congregational church and heard Mr. Stebbins and his wife sing, and Mr. Pentecost preach; his text was "As having nothing yet possessing all things". It was very beautiful all through. Went out in the meadow with Austin. Sang in the eve. ~y > 04\19(Mo) Cloudy & Rainy. Helped wash some before school. Did not do much after school. ~y > 04\20(Tu) Rained. Jennie & I got up a{t} 4. for fun & helped Lucy get breakfast. Then I ironed from before 7 'till after 8. We helped do the other work too. Sewed a little after school; read in the eve. ~y > 04\21(We) Pleasant Helped Lucy a little about the dishes and beds before school, and after school had commenced heard some one calling, when I went to the door and saw Nellie Neale and her little boy and Mrs. Todd. In the after-noon Mr. John Todd {of?} the visiting committee came but as there were only 3 pupils he did not stay long. ~y > 04\22(Th) Pleasant Helped Lucy as usual in the morning. 3 boys in the morning & 2 in the afternoon. Let school out at 3 o'clock. After supper went down home and staid a little while then stopped at William Austin's for Jennie, Lucy, Arthur & Austin. Staid 'till about 9; had a very pleasant time. ~y > 04\23(Fr) Pleasant Had 3 scholars. Got home about 3.30. Lucy, Austin & Arthur went to Cheshire; did not get back 'till nearly dark. Jennie & I went after turkeys eggs. Then I wrote a little while. Got supper. ~y > 04\24(Sa) Rained Jennie & I helped Lucy do the work; swept the sitting-room, our room, and the men's rooms up stairs. Cut out my calico sack and Lucy fitted it to me. Took my bath in the after-noon. We started to go over to Moses{?} in the morning but backed out. Sewed for Lucy in the eve. ~y > 04\25(Su) Pleasant [25 Church .12] Willie Conner came up in the morning and staid after-noon. Jennie staid home in the morn. and Mother went to church with us. Will's & Elmer's babies were baptized -George Wilson & Walter Merritt. Had my class in Sunday School. Nellie, George, Charlie & the baby came out but while they were there we{?} went hear Mr. & Mrs. Stebbins & Mr. Pentecost. When we got home Charlie, Juliette, Anna & Mr. Macauley were there but did not stay long. Sang in the eve. ~y > 04\26(Mo) Rained Helped wash a little before school. Had 5 new scholars and enough of the others came to amount to 13. Got along very well considering. Finished fitting my sack after school. ~y > 04\27(Tu) Pleasant Ironed a little before & after school. 15 scholars. Did not have a very good time. Had a visitor who acted rather crazy but did not make much disturbance. Wrote in the eve. ~y > 04\28(We) Pleasant [28 Pencils .09] Ironed a little for Lucy before school. Had a little better time then{sic} I did yesterday. Lucy went to Plantsville and did not get back till nearly dark. Jennie did not get home 'till nearly 6. I stiched a little on my sack. Fed the chickens, etc. ~y > 04\29(Th) Cloudy [29 Reader .66] Did not do much before school time although we got up as early as usual. Felt rather blue after school. Did not do much in the eve. ~y > 04\30(Fr) Windy School was about the same as yesterday. Closed at 3. Took my bath, had an early tea, then Lucy and I carried Jennie in town. Went down to Nellie's & to Conlon's for a calico dress for Mother. Went to Miss Pickett's to see about my dress. We got home about 8.15. Sewed a little. _HD//May 1880/%/ _NP ~x5 > 05\01(Sa) Cold. Got up about 6 as usual. Helped Lucy a little &{?} swept our room. After dinner took Arthur down home and staid 'till 6. Sewed a little in the eve. ~y > 05\02(Su) Rained & Pleasant [2 Church .10] Got up about 8. Austin, Lucy & I went to church. Jennie came out with us, took Willie in and brought him out again. It was beautiful after it stopped raining. We went out in the barn & saw Ed & Austin do chores. Sang in the eve. Went to bed about 9. ~y > 05\03(Mo) Warm. Helped wash a little before school. Did not get home after school 'till about 5. Ironed a little; went out {to} the lot & helped a little about planting peas. ~y > 05\04(Tu) Tues. Did {not} iron at all in the morning, and after school Lucy had it done. Did not start from school till nearly 5, then met Austin, Lucy, Jennie & Arthur so I got in and pretty soon Austin got out and we went over by the reservoir near the top of the mountain, after arbutus{?}. Did not {get} very much as it was quite late but we had a very nice time; found a beautiful place. ~y > 05\05(We) Pleasant Ambrose Buckley{?} came down to school to see about a little trouble between George Painter & Florence B. He did not make a very good impression. After supper Jennie & I started for a walk; went almost down to the barn & waited there till Austin came. ~y > 05\06(Th) Pleasant Had to whip Theo. Buckley after school. Felt dreadfully about it {but} he deserved it. In the eve Lucy Hickox and Fred Perry came out and spent the eve. We went to bed about 10. ~y > 05\07(Fr) Pleasant & Showers Helped Lucy a little about taking out the things in the sitting-room & her bedroom before school, and helped put them back after school. She got them all cleaned. ~y > 05\08(Sa) Pleasant [8 Mother Loan 6.00] [" Miss Pickett 4.00] ["{?} Hat .39] Jennie & I helped or hindered Lucy some about her baking and work. Took my bath before dinner; after dinner Jennie, Lucy, Arthur, Willie & I went in town. Went to Miss Pickett's & got my dress. Got a new sun-hat. Went up to Will's and Elmer's and staid while Lucy went up home. Went down to Nellie's a few minutes. Got home about dark. ~y > 05\09(Su) Very Warm [9 Church .10] Austin, Lucy, Jennie, Arthur & I went {to} church; did not stay to Sunday School. Went down to Nellie's and had dinner. She is getting along nicely; has a German girl to do the work. Went up to see Mr. & Mrs. Tucker. Staid quite a long time then went with them to hear Mr. Pentecost. Happened to sit opposite Austin. Sang in the eve. ~y > 05\10(Mo) Pleasant Helped Lucy a little about the waxing{?} in the morning. Had 8 scholars; they did very nicely. Wrote in the eve. ~y > 05\11(Tu) Pleasant Helped a little about the ironing before school and after too. After tea Ed, Nick, Jennie & I played tag 'till after dark. We partly bathed before we went to bed. ~y > 05\12(We) Pleasant We got out of bed at 6.20, went out doors with a water-proof & ulster{? utster} so did not get ready for bed{sic} 'till after 7. There was a circus in town so I only had 4 scholars. Mrs. Beach, Jennie & Arthur came to visit the school. When we got home we went down to the slaughter with Austin to see him butcher 2 calves and a beef. I went over home before he got through and waited 'till they came. Ate supper there. Mr. John Todd called to see Austin in the eve. ~y > 05\13(Th) Cool We did not get up very early so did not do much before school. Did not get home very early. Mended my clothes after school. Jennie did not feel very well. I was very lame. ~y > 05\14(Fr) Cloudy Got up earlier; was through breakfast before 6.30. Helped Lucy some. Came home to dinner for the first time; walked the distance in 16 m. 3 times. Took my bath after school. Did an example for Elbert & sewed a little. Jennie was about sick with a headache. ~y > 05\15(Sa) Pleasant [15 Gloves .50] [" 1 yd elastic .05] [" Bracelets .14] We got up a little after 4, dressed and went in town with Ed. Rode with him while he peddled 'till a little after seven then we went to Nellie's. S{t}itched some for her in the morning; helped a little about taking care of the children. Went down town in the after-noon. Saw Mr. & Mrs. Tucker and her mother several times. Went over Mrs. Perry's in the eve. George got a velocipede for Willie. Went to bed about 9.30. ~y > 05\16(Su) Pleasant [16 Church .10] Charlie slept with us. Got up about 7. After breakfast went to hear Mr. Pentecost, & Mrs. & Mr. Stebbins went with Mr. & Mrs. Tucker. Heard a very interesting sermon on the Lord's Prayer. Then we went {to} Trinity and heard another good sermon. Staid to communion. Then went home. Jennie was about sick. Started to go down home before S. S. but it commenced to rain so I came back. Went to sleep a little while. Ed & I went down home in the eve. ~y > 05\17(Mo) Pleasant Helped wash a little before school. Came home to dinner. Had 12 scholars. Jennie and Arthur came to meet me after school. Sewed on the machine a little. Helped fold the clothes in the eve. ~y > 05\18(Tu) Pleasant Helped Lucy a little before school. Came home to dinner. Lucy did all the ironing. Went out doors and saw him fix{?} some chickens. Sewed a little. Jennie was as full of fun as possible. Went out in {the} lot and played with Arthur. We did not go to sleep 'till about 11. ~y > 05\19(We) Pleasant Did not come home to dinner. Jennie came a little ways to meet me & told me Mrs. George died that morning leaving a little 2 hours old daughter. We went almost down to the old barn to meet Austin but he did not come 'till nearly nine; then he & Lucy went up to John Todd's. We did not go to sleep 'till nearly 12. Annie's Grandmother, Mrs. Alma Hoadley, was buried in the after-noon. ~y > 05\20(Th) Warm. School went pretty nicely all day. Mrs. Robert Todd came up from Mrs. Sprager's{?} funeral with Lucy and staid 'till John came for her. We had an early tea and then Jennie & I went down home. Watched for Austin to walk home with him but missed and came up alone about 9. ~y > 05\21(Fr) Pleasant School went pretty well. When I got home was so warm I put on my wrapper and went up {in the} garret with Lucy a little while then took my bath. Sewed a little. ~y > 05\22(Sa) Cool. Got up at 6 as usual. Helped Lucy some in the morning. Nick put up the hammock and then Jennie tried to tie him in so I helped her a little. did not do much in the after-noon but enjoy myself. Lay on the bed for a while. Went fishing up to the reservoir in the eve. I caught 10 or 11 but all but 6 got away. Nick sang to us going home. It was his last day. Rained a little in the eve. ~y > 05\23(Su) Pleasant [23 "{Church} .05] Went to church; staid to communion. Willie went in with us and staid in. Read in the after-noon Ed went [[to]] down to S.S.; when he came back said Mother was about sick and could hardly walk so Jennie and I went down. Found she was rather lame but not as bad off as Ed heard. Sang some in the eve. ~y > 05\24(Mo) Warm. Helped wash a little in the morning. Sewed a little after school. Ed brought up my croquet; Jennie and I played after supper against Ed & Joe. We beat all the time. ~y > 05\25(Tu) Very Warm Ironed a little before school. It was very uncomfortable on account of the heat. After school sewed a little. Lucy made some lemonade. We played croquet a little while. ~y > 05\26(We) 99 Hot Had severe shower in the eve. Willie Conner came out from town with Ed, came up here and brought his velocipede. He staid all night, so after the others had gone to bed we tried it. Sewed a little. ~y > 05\27(Th) Warm Did not get up as early as usual. Willie was rather spunky. After school I sewed quite a good deal. Jennie did not get her letter from home so she felt quite blue all the eve, but when we started to bed she felt better so after we got ready for bed we went out in the hammock and sang{? sung} for a while. Got nicely cooled off then went to bed. ~y > 05\28(Fr) Cooler Jennie woke before 3 and called Austin about 3 then we got pretty wide awake and tramped around the house for a while; then ate breakfast partly in bed. Went to sleep again and did {not} wake 'till nearly 8. School was out at 3. As usual tried to help Lucy a little about cleaning the pantry but she would not let me do much. Took my bath. ~y > 05\29(Sa) Pleasant Swept our room and the sitting-room; then J{ennie} & I. went nearly over to my school after flowers. Got two baskets full. Then we went down in Uncle Enos'{?} lot and got different kinds. Went over home for a little while. Stopped at Mrs. Austin's and she gave us still more. After dinner got ground pine; then we made five wreaths. Ate supper; then Ed took us up toward {*to get} Mark Warner's after some blue flowers. ~y > 05\30(Su) Rained Decoration Day {{written above date}} {Rained} all day, did not got{sic} to church at all. Expected to take our flowers down to the burying-ground to put on the soldiers graves but it rained so hard we could not. Austin took one down for Lina's{?} grave. Read some; sang in the eve. There was Confirmation at St. John's church, 34 candidates, and at Trinity in the eve. ~y > 05\31(Mo) Pleasant Jennie and I started soon after breakfast and carried our wreaths and flowers down to the burying-ground. Got there a little after 7 {* 6} and waited till nearly 9 for the people to come from {...}. Then went up to Mother's and helped her wash. They came finally about 10. We got through washing before 12. After dinner Ma & I went down to see the flowers. Came up to Austin's; sewed a little after tea. L{ucy}, J{ennie} & I went down again. Went over to Uncle E's. Saw Nellie Peck sick with the measles. Came up with Austin. _HD//June 1880/%/ _NP ~x6 > 06\01(Tu) Pleasant Did not wake 'till after seven so did not have time to do much before school. Came home to dinner. Enjoyed it very much. Did not get home 'till after 5. Sewed some before & after supper. ~y > 06\02(We) Rainy. Got up at 6. Took my dinner. Only had 4 scholars all day; played with them at noon. Closed school a little before 4. After I got home Jennie & I went down {went down{sic}} home to see Nellie, Charlie & the little baby; staid to tea; had straw-berry short-| cake. Then we waited for Austin, did not get home till 9. ~y > 06\03(Th) Pleasant Did a little of my mending before school. Came home to dinner. Had a little complaint about the children being saucy. Did not get home 'till quite late. Helped pick over straw-| berries for tea. Went to walk up to the turnpike. Ed, Jennie & I got to fooling. Finish{ed} my mending. About 8.30 Mr. Trowbridge & Mr. Macauley called; staid 'till 10.30 ~y > 06\04(Fr) Pleasant Came home to dinner. Closed school a little later than usual. Mother, Nellie & children came up and spent the after-| noon, then we all rode down home in the oxcart; enjoyed it very much. Staid a little while{?} then rode back in Austin's team and he and Ed walked. Mr. Micou called in the after-noon. ~y > 06\05(Sa) Cloudy & Clear{?} Took our baths when we {* I} first got up, helped Lucy some about the work. A little after 10 J{ennie}, L{ucy}, Arthur and I started for Mrs. Joseph Welton's; stopped down home and took in Nellie. Charlie and baby went down home with her and staid a little while. Went up stairs. Got up to Mr. Welton's about 1 and staid 'till about 3.30; had a very pleasant time. We got down as far as Elmer's when a stray horse went trotting past; we thought it was one of Mr. W's so lead{?} it back but it was not. Perry Morris finally took it. ~y > 06\06(Su) Rainy & Clear [6 Church .10] We all went to church; staid to communion. Mr. & Mrs. Heber Welton came about dinner time. After dinner Ed, A{ustin},{?} Jennie & I went down to Sunday School. Went over home afterwards. Then stopped in to Mrs. Austin's. Read and sang in the eve. ~y > 06\07(Mo) Warm Did not do very much but the dishes before school. Came home to dinner. Mr. Garrigus overtook me as I was going back; rode the rest of the way with him. in the after-noon Eddie Hitchcock was rather to{o} saucy and disagreeable so after school I whipped him. Played "still-pool{?}" in the evening. ~y > 06\08(Tu) Cloudy Came home to dinner. Did not get home from school 'till quite late. It was very wet. Got my feet so wet I had {to change} shoes and stockings and dress. Sewed some before supper. Played games in the evening. ~y > 06\09(We) Pleasant Came home to dinner. Austin and Lucy stopped at school and brought me home. When Jennie came, Jennie Bronson and children came with her. Staid 'till almost dark. Played blind-| man's buff in the eve. Then got up in the cherry-tree and sat for quite a while. Sat up 'till 10.30 mending my dress. Was so tired I could hardly sleep. ~y > 06\10(Th) Pleasant Went to school as usual. Mrs. Tucker came out with Ed. I came home to dinner. Ed carried me{?} over to school. The children were not very good, partly because Josie's little sister came with her. Mr. Tucker came out just as school closed. They came home with me. Went out around the barns etc.; had a splendid time. J{ennie} & I ran down to school it{??} to May and Harry. Then they stopped at home a minute. Came up with Austin. Had a letter from Fannie. ~y > 06\11(Fr) Pleasant Had 14 scholars. Came home to dinner. The scholars were a great deal better. Took my bath after school. Sewed a little. Hattie and Wm Austin came up in the eve. Austin {got} a new top for the milk wagon and it took them all the eve to fix it on. ~y > 06\12(Sa) Warm Jennie got up early and went with Ed peddling. I got up to{o} and helped Lucy about the work. Churned, swept, sewed, etc. After dinner J{ennie} and I lay in the hammock and slept till nearly 4. Then we dressed and all went over to Mr. Marshall Upson's after strawberries. Then went up to Mr. Garrigus'; enjoyed ourselves very much. Rained in the eve. ~y > 06\13(Su) Pleasant & Showery [13 Church .10] Helped a little about the work before church. Lucy staid home and Ed went with us. Mother was there. Nellie's baby, Theodore Pierpont, was baptised but we did not wait to see him. After dinner got ready and expected to go down to Sunday School but Mr. Charlie Miller came to see Ed and we got to singing. Then a shower came up so we did not go. Read quite a good deal. ~y > 06\14(Mo) Got up about 6. Helped Lucy a little before school. Mended my dress. Came home to dinner. School went pretty well. Sewed after school. Fooled with Ed some. Hurt Jennie's ear. ~y > 06\15(Tu) Pleasant & Rainy Did not do much before school. Came home to dinner. It rained in the after-| noon so when I came home I came around by the road; did not get very damp. Mrs. Beach stopped at the school and invited me over there to-morrow after-noon. Sewed a little in the eve. ~y > 06\16(We) Pleasant Came home to dinner; changed my dress. School went pretty well. Went over to Mrs. Beach after school and staid 'till after nine. Mr. Beach got home a little after seven; had a very pleasant time. Ed came over and walked home with me. Misses Ella & Hattie Upson visited the school. ~y > 06\17(Th) Pleasant [17 Repairing shoes .25] Centennial celebration at Watertown. Lucy went with Mr. & Mrs. Beardsley. Came home to dinner; changed my dress. Mrs. Garrigus and Walter came to visit the school. Rode over to the corner with them after school. After tea Jennie and I drove down after Austin. I stopped at home. A{ustin} had to go in town so J{ennie} went with him. Got home a little after 9. ~y > 06\18(Fr) Warm Came home to dinner. Only had 6 scholars. School went pretty well. Closed at 3 as usual. Stopped and helped Ed hoe. Frank French came from Wallingford; doesn't feel very well. Took my bath. Willie Conner came home with Jennie and staid all night. L{ucy}, J{ennie} and I went over to Mrs. Upson's after strawberries. Helped Lucy some. ~y > 06\19(Sa) Pleasant [19 Fare to Comp'ce .75] Got up about 6. Lucy baked cake & meat for us. Willie, Jennie and I went up the turnpike & waited for one of Partree{?} & Parker's teams with about 8 from Nellie's neig{h}borhood. Went to Lake Compounce and staid after 4. Had a splendid time. Nick came out; staid quite a while. Willie staid all night. Was very tired. ~y > 06\20(Su) Showery [20 Church .10] Went to church. Austin drove up Cook street to see the new reservoir. Read a good deal in after-noon. Frank French was here and we all visited a good deal. Jennie & I went down home in the after-noon, staid a little while then went over to Sunday School. Only staid to the opening exercises then went home as it looked so much like rain. Sang in the eve. ~y > 06\21(Mo) Pleasant Helped Lucy a little before school. Came home to dinner. Mended my dress after school. Fooled with Ed, Joe, & Frank; they {put} Jennie and me both on Julius' horse and took us almost down to the old barn. Franck{?} combed my hair in the eve. ~y > 06\22(Tu) Pleasant [22 Cards .45] [" Bracelets .18] Got up about 3.30, dressed, ate breakfast and went in town with Ed. Frank rode part way with us on his way to work. Called on Josie{?} Lynne{?} while Ed peddled some. Got to Nellie's about 8. Went down town then{?}. N{ellie}, Charlie, Mrs. Ellis and I went up to St. Ann{??Adr?} for the graduation exercises. 8 girls graduated and did very nicely. Read in the after-noon; went over to Mrs. Perry's about night. Went down to the Library with Mrs. Tucker. Walked up and down in the yard for a long time then sat on the stairs with May & Harry 'till nearly 10. ~y > 06\23(We) Pleasant Ed came to Nellie's before we had finished breakfast. Got out home a quarter of 9. Changed my dress and Ed carried me over to school. John Todd came to visit the school but they{? then} missed {{all}} most all their lessons. He staid 'till noon and then carried me home to dinner. I was dreadfully ashamed because they recited so badly. Picked some cherries in the eve. Have a boil under my right arm which troubles me very much. ~y > 06\24(Th) 93 Warm Carried my dinner. The scholars did very nicely. Went up on the big rock with some of the children; when going back fell from a stone-wall and scraped my side. After school went down home. Met Jennie at the school-house. We{?} stopped and got calamus root for a long time; after supper got some more cherries. Wrote in the eve. ~y > 06\25(Fr) 96 Warm Carried my dinner. Only 4 scholars. Closed school a little before 4. Lucy & Arthur went over to Cheshire with Austin. Jennie had taken her bath when I got home. Sewed a little then we got supper. After supper we went over to Moses'{?Mases} with Ed & Joe; he was not at home. Read a little. ~y > 06\26(Sa) Warm Did not get up very early. Expected to teach school to make up for Tuesday. Jennie & Arthur went over with me to visit the school; staid 'till after 10 but no one came. We went up on the big rock. Stood up by Mr. Hitchcock's gate & talked with Jennie Hitchcock. Then went home. Helped Lucy most of the time till 3. Then lay down and read 'till about 5. Took my bath, dressed, ate supper, picked cherries, scraped calamus root. Sat up and read 'till I finished my book -- Linda or the Pilot of the Belle Creole. ~y > 06\27(Su) Warm It was so very warm none of us went to church. Helped a little about the work. Had a little nap under the tree. Read some. Ate some cherries. After dinner we went with Austin to look at the grass. Charlie & Juliette & Anna called a few minutes. Mr. Charlie Miller came to see Ed. Staid 'till nearly 10 and sang. ~y > 06\28(Mo) 94 Warm Carried my dinner. Had 7 scholars. They did pretty well. Had no recess and closed school at 3.15. Went home and raked hay 'till about 6, part of {{of}} the time with the horse & part of the time by hand. Sewed a little in the eve. Had a nice shower about 9.30. Sigourney Russell, Prof. Russell's youngest son, died about 4. A. M. of consumption. ~y > 06\29(Tu) Pleasant Got up about 6.30 without Jennie knowing it. Sewed some before breakfast. Had 6 scholars. Carried my dinner. Miss Jennie & Nettie Hitchcock visited the school in the after-noon. Then came home with me and staid quite a while sewed some. Crete{?} Pierpont came up and picked some cherries. ~y > 06\30(We) Pleasant Came home to dinner. Eunice Garrigus and little Freddie came out with Ed. Crete{?Crate?} and Mr. Sprague's baby and Aunt Hannah came up; staid to tea. J{ennie} & I went over to Mr. Upson's after straw-berries. After tea we went down to Mrs. Ryder's and saw their baby a week old; it only weighed 2 1/2 lbs. Stopped in to Mrs. Austin's a few minutes through a shower. Got a note from Annie asking me to come and help her do her work; would rather not go but think I shall. _HD//July 1880/%/ _NP ~x7 > 07\01(Th) Pleasant Jennie & Nellie Peck came to visit the school in the morning; staid 'till noon; then I rode home with them. Wrote part of a letter to Fannie. After tea, J{ennie} and I went down home. Went over to the stanghter{?} to see when Austin was going home. Stopped & talked with Nellie Peck quite a while. Staid over home till A{ustin} came. Lay on the bed and talked 'till after 12. Rained in the eve. ~y > 07\02(Fr) Cloudy My last day of school; the end of 4 very pleasant weeks. Did not take my{or, any} dinner, so had one session. School closed about 1.20. The children seemed quite pleased with the little cards I gave them. Was rather sorry to say good-bye but still felt rather glad to close. Made out my register and finished Fannie's letter. Had a severe thunder shower. ~y > 07\03(Sa) Showery Swept some and helped Lucy some about the work. Mother and Willie Conner came up and spent the after-noon. Took my bath. Mother helped me some and we finished my calico dress. Jennie and I carried Mother home and got Austin. Mended a little for Lucy before we went to bed. After Ed got home from peddling, Jennie and I took the children and drove over to Mr. Beack's{?} after some milk and carried the register. ~y > 07\04(Su) Pleasant [4 Church .10] Mrs. Garrigus went in with Austin, Jennie and I when we went to church; Willie Conner went too. Staid to communion. Anna came out too to spend the Fourth. We went down to S. S. in the after-| noon, went around the lots with H.{?} sang in the eve. ~y > 07\05(Mo) Clear & Rainy Lucy put the clothes asoak but we did {not?} commence to wash 'till after Ed came as we thought perhaps Juliet would come with him but did not, so there{then?} we went to washing in the after-noon. It commenced to rain so the clothes did not dry; left part of them in the tub. So we{?} went over as far as the turn pike after rasp-berries. Put off fire-crackers in the eve. Anna was so home-sick she cried herself to sleep early in the eve. ~y > 07\06(Tu) Cloudy & Pleasant The weather was so uncertain in the morning, we did not put out the clothes 'till nearly morn{noon?}. L{ucy} and I went up the tree and picked some cherries to can. The work did not get along very well in the morning; ironed some in after-noon. We sent Anna home with Wm{?} Justin. Had quite a hard shower in the after-noon. J{ennie} and I dressed and drove down to Uncle E's{?} to call on Jennie Peck and the others; only Hattie & Nellie were home. Only staid a few minutes as Austin was ready. J. P. came up soon after we got home to apologize for being away. ~y > 07\07(We) Pleasant We did not get up very early. Went to school with Jennie, came up to dinner, and went back with her. Rode down at noon. Sewed some on an apron in school time. Liked her school very much. After school we went over home staid 'till they got in some hay then rode up on {upon?} the hill in the cart; staid in while Joe{?} loaded it with oats{?}, then rode home on it; went turn-pike way. Jennie went down after Austin. Was pull{??}ing Lucy when Charlie & Mary Miller called; staid 'till after 9, had a very pleasant time. ~y > 07\08(Th) Pleasant [8 Ed loaned 10.00] Jennie called me and I got ready and went in with Ed; then got in with Elmer and went up there. Found Annie is not really very well yet not{?} sick. Helped what I could about the work. Cut out a dress for George. Got dinner. Stich{ed} the seams in the after-noon. After supper we went out & picked currants. Stirred a sponge for bread. Al{ice} and {I} went down to the river to bathe. ~y > 07\09(Fr) Pleasant Made bread and drop ginger cakes. Alice and Annie finished picking the currants. Had baked beans for dinner. Swept the dining-room. Annie went down town in the after-noon. Mrs. Bohl{?} and two children called in the eve. Sat out doors 'till bed-time. ~y > 07\10(Sa) Hot [10 Paid for hat{?} 2.37] [" Corsets .65] [" Rubbers .50] Had a terrible thunder shower about noon. Alice went out to hang out some clothes when an awful sharp crash came and the electricity was so strong it knocked her down; did not get over for a long time. Made currant jelly. Did not get dressed 'till after 6. Al{ice} and I went down town in the eve. Did a little shopping; ordered a new hat. It rained before we got home but we did not get very wet. ~y > 07\11(Su) Hot & Showery [11 Church .07] Did not get up very early. Expected to go to church but it was so late before we had breakfast I could not have got ready in time, so did not go. Did up the work; made fish-cakes for dinner. Theo Williams called with George & family. Alice and I went to church; drove Will's horse. Unharnessed when we got home. Wrote a note to Ed. ~y > 07\12(Mo) Pleasant [12 Tie{?} .50] [" Shoes 3.00] Annie did not get up 'till nearly 8. I washed out a pail of the baby's clothes, ate a little breakfast, cooked some steak for their breakfast, got ready and Ed came for me before 9. Stopped down town. Lester B. & Elmer Kinny rode out with us. Helped Lucy a little; ironed some. Went berrying with Jennie. We got about 3 qts. Rained in the eve. ~y > 07\13(Tu) Pleasant Mike Kelly was walking around about 2.30; disturbed Lucy some. Cannot explain it. Helped Lucy some about her work. Washed out my clothes; ironed in the after-noon. A Mr. Bailey{?} came for a while before supper. ~y > 07\14(We) Pleasant There was nothing besides the common work to be done so Lucy gave up the day to sewing and I did the work. Had a good time; mended some clothes. In the P.M. Jennie & I went after bill-berries; got over 4 qts. After tea, went down after Austin. Met him coming home, but we carried some things down to Uncle Enos'. Stopped at home for a few minutes. Sarah Pierpont and Pierpont Fuller came up in the eve. ~y > 07\15(Th) Rainy [15 Berries .30] [" Shawl strap .25] We did not get up very early. Helped Lucy some, fooled with Ed some. He carried our berries in and sold them. Sewed a little in the P.M. Eunice Garrigus came and staid {a} little while J{ennie} and I went down after Austin. Had to wait quite a while. We expected to go over to Charlie Miller's but Mary was not to be at home so we did not go. ~y > 07\16(Fr) Rained [16 Picnic .40] [" Gloves .40] {Rained} in the morning; cleared off about 10. I went in with Ed Got there before any one but Mary was up. Mother was there. Went downtown after breakfast then Mother, Nellie, Willie, Charlie, Theo., George, Ed, and I went down to High{?} Rock with the Trinity pic-nic. Had a very good time. 1,600 people were there. Went home on the 5.30 train. Went over to Mrs. Perry's a little while. After supper visited with Emma & Mrs. Cargill. Went down town in the eve. Slept with Nellie. ~y > 07\17(Sa) Pleasant Did not get up 'till after 7. Ed came before we had breakfast. Came out with him; brought out Austin's big wagon. Hattie A{ustin} came up for a little while. After dinner Jen. and I went out to find Ed. Could not but had a nice time sliding on the hay. Helped Lucy some. Took my bath. Al{ice} & I went down and called on Jennie Bronson. Hattie Austin and Mrs. Beardsley had a very pleasant time. Received a letter from Fannie telling about a school in Union City which Mr. Middlebrook{'s} committee has offered me. Hope I shall get it. ~y > 07\18(Su) Fine Austin, Lucy, Arthur, Jennie & I went to Wolcott to church to hear the new minister, Mr. Woodworth. Enjoyed it all very much. Had a delightful ride. Charlie Miller came home with Ed. Staid all day and all night. Jennie & I went out in the lot and lay on the grass. Sang some in the eve. Went to bed about 9.30. ~y > 07\19(Mo) Pleasant Got up about 6. Helped Lucy about the washing but things did not get along very well. I stopped working about 8{?3?}. Jennie did not feel very well so let out school early. We dressed, and about 8 o'clock Ed, Jennie & I went over to Mr. Miller's and spent the evening. Had a sp{l}endid time; did not get home 'till after 11. Wrote a letter to Fannie accepting the situation and made{?} making some inquiries about the examination. ~y > 07\20(Tu) Rainy Did not get up 'till about 8. Ironed a little before dinner, and all the after-noon. Lucy started for Southington with Austin but did not go finally. Jennie and I went out and picked about 2 qts of huckleberries. ~y > 07\21(We) Cloudy I went down home when I went to school, staid 'till about 11. Had a letter from Lib. Mrs. Todd, Miss Ida Barn{?} and Ned & Eva came up and staid all day; went berrying in the after-noon. After they went home, Ned excepted{?}, we went down to the slaughter{-house} after Austin; met Lucy Hickox and Fred Perry. They took J{?} in; did not come in the house. ~y > 07\22(Th) Cloudy Rained some during the day and all the eve. Swept our room, helped Lucy some. Lay down on the bed and got to sleep. Did my mending. Pierpont Fuller came and staid all day and all night with Ned. They & Elmer Kinney slept to-gether; had a pretty good time judging from the racket. ~y > 07\23(Fr) Pleasant Helped Lucy some but not such a great deal. Lucy and I went black-| berrying in the after-noon and after tea the boys & J{ennie} & I went up by the reservoir after more. Had a rather rough jolly time. ~y > 07\24(Sa) Pleasant It rained in {the} morning but cleared away early. We got up, took our baths, helped L{ucy} some, got ready and started about 10 for Waterville. Stopped in town. Got up to Eunice G. about 12; had dinner, visited some, went over the knife shop, with Heber Welton. Lucy gave me a very pretty little knife. Drove up to Mr. G. mill then walked up to "The Glen"; after tea played Grace hoops. Then started for home. Stopped at Heber's. He to{ok} J{ennie}, Art & I out rowing; went a railway arch 84 ft x{?} 8 ft. Got home about 8. Spent a wonderfully pleasant day. ~y > 07\25(Su) Pleasant Lucy did not feel very well but it was such a nice day and probably J's last Sunday she went with us over to Cheshire to the Epis{copal} Church, then drove over to Watson's. Had a lunch and visited a while, then went home. Drove around through Mixville. Did not get home 'till nearly 3. Frank French was there. Staid {'till} nearly dark. Aus{tin}, L{ucy}, J{ennie}, Art & I all lay in the hammock to-gether. Sang in the eve. Was rather tired when we went to bed. ~y > 07\26(Mo) Pleasant Lucy felt very badly almost all day. I helped all I could with the washing; did not get through 'till 5. J{ennie}, L{ucy} & I went berrying. Got over 9 qts of huckleberries for Mrs. Bassett. Got a letter from Fannie, answering some inquiries but not all. Had thunder shower in the eve. ~y > 07\27(Tu) Pleasant Had a slight shower in the after-noon. Helped Lucy about the ironing. She felt a great deal better. J{ennie} and I got to fooling in the morning and broke a slat to the bed in the front chamber. Charlie Miller came over in the eve. Played games and tried to guess puzzles. He staid 'till a little after 10. ~y > 07\28(We) Pleasant We did not have any{thing} especial to do. Mended some and put away the clothes. Helped Lucy some. We started about 2 and went after bill-berries. I got about 3 qts. We did not get back 'till after 4. Mrs. Austin came up to call; persuaded her to stay to tea. Then J{ennie} & I rode down with her, carried my berries over to Mother. Staid and rode up with Austin. John Todd called while we were gone. ~y > 07\29(Th) Pleasant We got up about 3.40{?}, got ready and went peddling with Ed. Just for fun has{?} it, was weighed 127 1/2 lbs. Got home a little after 9. Helped Lucy some, mended a little. In the P.M. Ned was about sick. Went to bed about 9. Was almost asleep when Mr. & Mrs. Garrigus came with some window & door screens. Got up and partly dressed; went out in the sitting-|room and visited a little while. They staid all night. ~y > 07\30(Fr) Pleasant [30 Berries .55] We did not get {up} 'till 7. Mr. & Mrs. G{arrigus} went home about 8.30. Helped Lucy some in the after noon. Went down to the S.S. pic-|nic; had a very pleasant time. It is Jennie's last day of school. Went into Mrs. Austin's for a little while. Austin stopped for us and took us home. ~y > 07\31(Sa) Pleasant Did not get up 'till about 8. Mr. Harry Garrigus came and put up the screens. Did not do much for Lucy. Worked at puzzles some. Took our baths, dressed. J{ennie} curled my hair. Went down and called at Uncle Enos' home & Mr. Beardsley's. He and Mrs. B. & her sister came up and spent the eve. had a very pleasant time. _HD//August 1880/%/ _NP ~x8 > 08\01(Su) Warm [1 Church .10] The usual four went to church. Mr. Micou is taking his vacation; a Mr. Williams{?} preached a very good sermon. Nick came out with Ed and staid after dinner. Lay out in the hammock quite a while with A{ustin}, L{ucy} & J{ennie}. Charlie Miller came over in the after-noon and staid 'till after 10. J{ennie}, C{harlie}, E., Joe & I lay in the hammock 'till nearly dark then went in the house and sang. It was Jennie's last Sunday here. Was very pleasant. L{ucy} gave us each a pair of stockings. ~y > 08\02(Mo) Pleasant We did not get up 'till 7; J{ennie} packed her trunk and about 11 started for town with Austin. Expects to go home to Milford Wednesday. Helped Lucy about the washing and other work; did not get through 'till nearly 6. Joe helped us about the dishes in the eve. Missed Jennie ever so much at night. ~y > 08\03(Tu) Rainy Ironed in the morning and after-noon both. Did not get through 'till quite late. Ed brought Juliet & Anna out here; waited 'till it stopped raining then he carried them up to John Todd's after berries. I went too for a ride. Julia Welton and May Garrigus came with Austins{sic}; after supper they and the boys had quite a time. Helped Ed with his accounts in the eve. Did not finish 'till 10.30. ~y > 08\04(We) Rainy [4 Mother loaned 15.00] Helped about the work 'till after dinner. Most of the time Arthur shut me in the closet up stairs. In the after-noon the girls and I went down home and spent the after-noon. Got set down in the mud in the eve. ~y > 08\05(Th) Showery Lucy and I washed some things in the morning and ironed in the after-noon. Lucy went away with Austin; did not get home 'till after 9. Joe wiped dishes. Wrote in Nellie Peck's Alb{u}m and a postal to Fannie. ~y > 08\06(Fr) Pleasant [6 Ed {owed} 10.00] [" Postal card .03] [" Ricche Pins etc .15] [" Duster 2.00] [" Purse etc .52] Lucy called me early; went in with Ed. Shopped a little, went to Aunt Emma's, then as Ed had to stop at Millers and get the horse shod, went up to Eleanor Bowens and visited with Emma Espe{?} and Grace 'till nearly 11. Then went down to the market and rode out with Mr. Nettleton. Stopped down home to dinner and farther{sic} brought mother and me up. She staid after tea. Lucy went down with her. Mr. Garrigus came and got May and Julia, staid and talked about the shore. Wrote a postal to J{ennie} E. B{assett}. Nellie Peck came up a few minutes. ~y > 08\07(Sa) Pleasant [7 Fine on book .12] Did not help Lucy much. Sewed some in the morning, helped Ed some with his books. After dinner Ed, Arthur, Lucy and I went off after berries; we all rapped about 60 qts of huckleberries. Picked part of them over. Ed carried me down home for a few minutes. Austin didn't feel very well. Took my bath, sewed some and got ready for bed about 11. Ed said Annie was sick. ~y > 08\08(Su) Pleasant [8 Church .10] We went to church; Mr. Roberts from Plainville preached an excellent sermon. Then went up to the boys while the others went to Mr. Welton's. Annies{sic} was not very sick. Had a nice time. Stopped to see mother a few minutes. Austin's new man came. Ate water-| melon. Austin & Lucy packed a trunk for us to take down to West Haven. ~y > 08\09(Mo) Pleasant [9 Car fare .20] [" Elastic .05] Lucy called me rather early; got ready and soon after breakfast Austin carried Mother, Ed, Elmer and me over to Cheshire. Took the cars to New Haven. Mrs. Todd, Ned, George Hasings & Will Stenderling went too. Took horse-cars out to W. Haven to a cottage where Eunice G{arrigus} & children were. Saw Nellie and family. Helped Eunice some. Went to the grove and to Savin Rock with the children in the after-noon; went to the store and to several other houses in the eve. Slept on the floor with May. The boys did not get in 'till after 11. ~y > 08\10(Tu) Pleasant [10 Ed for car f. .50] Got up quite early, helped get breakfast then dressed and Ed & I went to Milford. Walked from the depot to Jennie Bassett's -- a mile. Found her expecting us. After dinner Ed took Lill, J{ennie} & I to ride down to the beach; all but Lill went in bathing. I only staid a little while. Enjoyed it very much. Mrs. B{artlett} gave us composition{?} tea after supper. Charlie B{artlett} & I played croquet against J{ennie} & Ed; got beeten{sic}. Then went to walk around the town, down to the wharf, etc. Think it a very pleasant place and am having a splendid time. Slept with Jennie. ~y > 08\11(We) Pleasant & Rainy After breakfast we four went to Bridgeport for a rid{e}. Drove all around Seaside Park. Had a lovely drive; did not get home 'till after 1. After dinner we went down with Ed who took the 2.40 train to New H{aven}. Lucy Hickox arrived from Stratford before Mrs. Bassett curled my hair. We four went and spent the eve with Miss Fannie Tibbals{?}; had a very pleasant time. Her brother Fred went home with us. It rained quite fast. Jennie and I slept together. ~y > 08\12(Th) Pleasant & Shower [12 Car fare .25] In the morning we sat and talked quite a while, then J{ennie} and I went to a lily pond. It was lovely; quite a large pond covered with white lilies. We worked hard but were rewarded by secureing{sic?} a large bunch. After din{ner} I put my things to-gether then we all went to a Mrs. Goldsmith's and saw a beautiful satin bed-quilt made by her, and rugs, etc. The girls went down to the depot with me. Got there just before a shower came up. It rained quite fast when I got on {* to} the train but stopped before I reached W{est} H{aven}. It was very quiet there as the boys were all away. ~y > 08\13(Fr) Pleasant [13 Vases .25] Eunice and I washed quite a number of pieces. In the after{-noon} we went over by the bath-lous{? house}. Heber Welton, wife and children and a young lady, Clara Welton, came a little while before tea. Went out to the store with Eunice. Slept with Mother, and Clara slept on a cot at the foot of the bed. ~y > 08\14(Sa) Pleasant Ironed a little in the morning. Then Eunice, Clara and I went after muscles. While we were gone Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Welton came. Willie Henderling and George Hastings came after their things and went home. Clara and I went in bathing with a young lady, Lillie Seymour. Ed came back in the P.M. After tea Ed, Clara and I went to Savin Rock out on the pier and in the grove for a walk. Austin, Lucy & Arthur came down in the eve. Mr. Garrigus came. Slept six {* five} in our room. ~y > 08\15(Su) Pleasant Went to church up to W. St. Read some. In the eve Ed, Clara and I went to walk. ~y > 08\16(Mo) Pleasant Clara, Heber and I went in bathing. Packed up our things. Mother, Mrs. Todd, Ned, Ed and I went up to the depot about 4.30. Ed met us there. He and I went up to Malleys for a walk while we were waiting for the train to take us to Cheshire. Joe met us there. It seemed good to be there. ~y > 08\17(Tu) Pleasant Alice and Walter came out with Ed. She helped me some about the work. Had a letter from Clara Warner. ~y > 08\18(We) Pleasant Alice helped me about the work. Baked some. After tea Al{ice} and I went over to Mrs. Doolittles then to Mr. Porter's for a ride. ~y > 08\19(Th) Washed some. ~y > 08\20(Fr) Pleasant Mother came up with Ed. Staid all day. Alice had a dreadful sick head ache. ~y > 08\21(Sa) Showery Baked in the morning. Alice helped me do the work. Ironed some in the after-| noon. A tin peddler came during a shower, and finally staid over Sunday. After supper Joe washed the dishes, and Alice, Water{sic?} and I went up to Wolcott after Ed's cousin Alice; found her after a while. The boys raised rim after we got home. Slept with Alice P. ~y > 08\22(Su) Pleasant Elmer's birth-day -- 23. We intended to go to church but finally decided to wait 'till evening. Elmer came out and staid a while then he and Alice went down home to supper. Mr. & Mrs. Young called. ~y > {8\23(Mo) through 08\31(Tu) BLANK} _HD//September 1880/%/ _NP ~x9 > 09\01(We) {no entry} [1 Postal cards .10] ~y > 09\02(Th) Pleasant [2 Buttons .30] [" Skirt & silk 1.25] After breakfast went down town. Ed came for me and I went home with him. In the after-noon, went up Austin's, packed my trunk. Stayed to tea and part of the evening. L{ucy} went part way home with me. A{ustin} brought me a nice letter from Jennie. ~y > 09\03(Fr) Warm Washed in the morning. Ed brought my trunk down. Had quite a wash. Lucy came down and spent the after-noon; we all sewed on my dress. Annie Pierpont came over a while & we thought Lucy would stay to tea but Austin and Arthur came before we commenced. Sewed in the eve. ~y > 09\04(Sa) Warm Ironed in the morning, sewed in the after-noon, finished marking my clothes. Mended some. Packed part of my things. Did not go to bed 'till quite late. ~y > 09\05(Su) Warm [5 Church .10] Took a bath, dressed and went to church with Lucy & Joe. Austin was poisoned so badly he could not go. Charlie Miller was there when we got home but I did not see him much. Read in the after-noon. Went to S. S. Ed and Joe came down a little while in the eve. Went to bed about 9. ~y > 09\06(Mo) Warm [6 Car-fare .20] Father called me at 3.30; got up, dressed, ate breakfast and waited 'till after 5 for Ed. Then rode in town and took the 7.10 train for Naugatuck. Washed, talked &{? un} 'till about 8, then went to Union City and commenced a 4 months school. It was rather confusing trying to attend to 72 little ones but think I shall get along. Like{?} Mr. Johnson and Miss Fowler very much. Have to carry my dinner as I have to walk a mile an{d} a quarter. Got home at 4.30, unpack{ed ??} and tried to get cool. Heard & saw a republican banner raising. Mended a little. ~y > 09\07(Tu) Cloudy Mr. Peck the dentist overtook me and carried me up to school. Watched Mr. Morse cut a new door in their room. Sewed a little in the eve but not much as the dark cloth hurt my eyes. ~y > 09\08(We) Pleasant Cool Got along passably well. Sewed some after-school. Fannie was about sick; she went to bed rather early. I fussed around quite a while trying to light the fire to make her some warm drink. She got easier after a while. ~y > 09\09(Th) Rain School went along rather better. I{t} rained very fast when school was out but I got along very comfortably, though {I} got my dress rather damp. We expected to go up to Mrs. Smith's but it rained so we could not go. Sewed some in the evening. ~y > 09\10(Fr) Rainy [10 Car-fare .20] Was very wet in the A.M. but cleared off in the P.M. Did not have many scholars. S{c}hool was not out much earlier than usual. Went home, took my bath, went out to the store with F{annie?}. Got ready and went to W.{?} at 6.45. Nellie, Maria and children were at the depot to meet me. May & Harry have gone to Middlebury for a few days. N{ellie} & I went to church then to the market. Had quite a chat with Will Lynn. @Felt much encouraged {*-rgged} about my school. ~y > 09\11(Sa) Pleasant [11 Umbrella 1.65] [{"} Shoe soles .50] [" Repairing Watch{?} .65] Went down town in the morning, rode out home with Ed. Cut out a corset cover. Mother and I drove up to Austin's; only staid a little while. Then Father carried me in town. L{?} let me take her watch. Went to Emma Cargill's and staid to tea. We all went down town in the eve. Willie and I stept{? slept} in Mrs. Cargill's. ~y > 09\12(Su) Pleasant [12 Church .22] [" Car fare .20] I went to Trinity church & the others went to the M. E.{?} Mother was there. Taught Gracie Beecher's class. George & family went to ride; I stayed home. May and Harry T{ucker} came over to go to church. I visited with them what time I could. N{ellie} had {*did} not got back when I had to go on {*to} the milk train. F{annie} and Mr. M. had not got through supper. Eat{sic} mine then F{annie} and I dressed and went to church; had an excellent sermon. ~y > 09\13(Mo) Showery It was beautiful in the morning. School affairs went along nicely. Just before school was out, heard a knock, opened the door & there stood May & Harry T{ucker}. They had driven over from Middlebury to see me. Carried me down home but would not come in as it looked so much like rain. F{annie?} & Mrs{?}. Smith went up to see F{annie}'s{?} Mother and baby sister. Got caught in the rian. Wrote a 6 page letter to Jennie. ~y > 09\14(Tu) Rainy The children were rather noisy but I got along. Fannie came part way to meet me, then we went to Dentist Peck's as F{annie} wanted to see him about having some work done. Carrie Stine{?} came in and staid to tea; had quite a pleasant visit. Then F{annie} and I went up to Mrs. Smith's and spent the eve. Had a very pleasant time. Mr. M. came up for us. Did not get to bed 'till nearly 11. ~y > 09\15(We) Rainy Rode part way to school with a Mrs. Munson, I believe; walked the rest of the way with Mr. Johnson. Matters did not progress very nicely in the P.M. The children were very noisy. Miss Fowler and I walked to-gether as far as our roads lay to-gether. Sewed on part of my buttons; Fannie{?} had stiched my collar and sleeves for me. She was quite sick in the eve. I tried to make her sweat but it did not amount to much. ~y > 09\16(Th) Pleasant [16 W. crystal .25] [" Pins .05] Fannie was very weak and lame, partly the effects of the medicine which the Dr. gave her. I did what I could to help. Got along very well at school. Rev. Mr. Brown & Leonard and Mr. B. A. Peck visited the school. Mr. B. was very kind and pleassant{sic}, taking such a kind interest in me. Vina Brooks came down and spent the eve. Hattie and Mrs. Kinney called. Mrs. Middlebrooks came in for a while. The Democrats had a banner raising. @Rode part of the way home with Mrs. Munson. ~y > 09\17(Fr) Beautiful Got along very well at school, the average attendance being 62 for the week. Miss Fowler had too{sic} go home in the after-noon, she was so hoarse. Mrs. Johnson walked part of the way to the center with me. Took my bath, wrote a little. Fannie felt a great deal better. Went to church alone; stopped in to the market and got some meat for Fannie. Sewed some. ~y > 09\18(Sa) Warm [18 Church .10] Helped Fannie a little in the morning; sewed and almost finished my dress. After she finished her work we dressed and went up {to} Mr. Fowler's on Pond Hill. Saw their baby, a very pretty 6 weeks old girl. Had a very pleasant time; staid to tea and spent part of the evening. Mr. F. went part way home with us. ~y > 09\19(Su) Pleasant [19 Pins{?} & buttons .28] Fannie and I went to church. I staid to S.S. with Mrs. Middlebrook. Mr. Wells, the superintendent{sic}, gave me class. Enjoyed all very much. Went home with Mr. and Mrs. Middlebrook. Staid 'till evening then we went to church to-gether. They came in with me and staid 'till after 10. ~y > 09\20(Mo) Cloudy Warm. It looked very much like rain but did not. School went passably well. Miss Fowler came in and ate her dinner with me. Mr. Johnson walked part way up to school with me. Went over to the cold spring with some of the children; it is a beautiful place. Fannie's step-brother and his lady were home for a while. In the eve F{annie} and I went out to the drug-store and got a puff{?} and box for Mrs. F.{?} ~y > 09\21(Tu) Pleasant Wore my light sack as it was rather warm. Got along pretty well. Wrote a letter to Clara Warner. Fannie and I went up to Mr. H. C. Baldwin's and spent the eve with Vina Brooks; enjoyed it very much. ~y > 09\22(We) Fine [22 Supper .50] School went passably. I went down by the depot with Miss Fowler, then she went part way down the track with me. It was the first time I have been that way. It was very pleasant 'till I got most home then did not like it quite as well. In the eve Fannie and I went to the Episcopal chapel to an oyster supper. Had a very good time. Got home about 9.30. @My 20th birth-day. ~y > 09\23(Th) Pleasant Wore my new dress. Got along very well at school. Mr. Morse brought me a letter and picture from Jennie Bassett. The picture is very good indeed. Mr. J.{?} walked down with me part way. In the evening Mr. M. and I went to Nicholle{?Micholle?} Hall to see Amy Stone. Wrote up my register while they were {...}. Did not go to bed 'till nearly 12. ~y > 09\24(Fr) Pleasant Took my bath in the morning. Did not get to school till nearly {...}, but before Mr. J. Got along pretty well. Went up on the 5.00 train fron{sic} U. C. Nellie met me at the corner. We went to church in the eve. Then to Miss Pickett's. Slept with C.; did not go to bed 'till 10.30. ~y > 09\25(Sa) Pleasant [25 Tie & gloves .48] [" Thread & calics{?} .20] [25 Cuffs .25] [" Book .15] After breakfast visited with some of the neighbors then went down town. Stopped at Mrs. Steele's to have Ed come after me, but he had gone. Had to wait and go home with Julius. Stopped and visited with Hattie, Sarah and Nellie P. Went up to Austin's toward night with Ed. Staid all night; darned stockings with Lucy in the eve. ~y > 09\26(Su) Pleasant [26 Church .15] Went to church in the morning with Austin & family. Staid to S.S. Went down to Mrs. Tucker's to dinner. Nellie had company, a Mr. & Mrs. Hotchkiss. Mrs. Espe{?} called to see us. Cousin May and Harry went down to the depot with me. Came {*to?} down to Naugatuck on the milk train. F{annie}, Vina and Eunice Brooks and I went {to} the Cong. Church to a praise service. Very nice. ~y > 09\27(Mo) Pleasant Went to the P.O. in the A.M. Nothing there. Had some new scholars: 82. Got along very nicely at school. Went over to the cold spring with Miss Fowler. In the eve F{annie} & I went up {to} Mrs. Kinney's to call; staid 'till after 9. ~y > 09\28(Tu) Rainy Went to school prepared for rain but it did not happen to rain while I was on the road. Got along very well. [[Saw Mr. Brown when I was coming home.]] Went to the store with Fannie in the eve. Stopped in to Mrs. John Tuttle's and stayed for a while. ~y > 09\29(We) Pleasant School went about as usual. There was a funeral a{t} Union City. Mr. Brown passed me on the way home. Stopped and talked a few minutes. Commenced a letter to Jennie B. F{annie} and I went up to Mrs. Baldwin's and spent the eve with Vina. ~y > 09\30(Th) Pleasant Miss Fowler walked part way home with me, Mr. J. part way. F{annie} came to meet me. In the eve we called at Mrs. Brown's but she was not home. So we went home and wrote. I finished my letter to Jennie and wrote one to Libbie. _HD//October 1880/%/ _NP ~x10 > 10\01(Fr) Pleasant The children were very noisy and I was tired so was glad when school was out. Miss Fowler walked all the way down with me; came in and staid a little while 'till the train came. F{annie} was not home. She and I went to church in the eve. Went in to Mrs. Clarke's and staid a while. Lay down on the bed and slept 'till 11 then went to bed. ~y > 10\02(Sa) Pleasant [2 S{chool}. pencils .70] [2 P. stamps .15] [" Cards .16] [2 T. of Wolcott. 91.00] [" Austin 30.00] Washed a few pieces. Cleaned some gloves and sewed some. After dinner we dressed and went up to Pond Hill to see Fannie's sister and Mother. Met Mr. & Mrs. B. G. Bryan. Enjoyed the walk very much. Saw George C. In the eve. we went up to Mrs. Smith's and spent the eve. ~y > 10\03(Su) Pleasant [3 Church .20] Did not get up 'till nearly 9. Took my bath, dressed, ate breakfast and went to church alone. Staid to communion. Austin, Lucy and Arthur were there. after church they came home with me. Fannie went all over the shop with us; gave them a lunch. A{ustin} brought down my money for teaching last summer; staid 'till about 2. Read some in the P.M. F{annie} & I went to church in the eve. Saw Mrs. B. ro{sic =? Bronson}. ~y > 10\04(Mo) Pleasant [4 Washwoman 2.00] Town election. Fannie commenced working in the shop. Had a ride part way to school with Mrs. Munson; got along very well. Rode part way home with Mrs. Baldwin. Sewed in the eve. ~y > 10\05(Tu) Rainy Got to school early; things did not go very well. I thought I should go wild for a little while but did not all the same. Went to Dentist Peck's with Fannie for a few minutes. When we came out we saw a bright light in the north which proved to be the reflection from Holmes, Booth & Hayden's shop, the greater part of which was burned. Went to church to a Confirmation class. Mr. Brown spoke very effectively of God, Baptism &c. ~y > 10\06(We) Pleasant School matters went splendidly almost all the time. Met Fannie when I got almost home, turned and went back to the Dentist's with her. Staid over there 'till 5.30. Sewed a little, ironed a little, helped Fan{nie} a little. Received a letter from Clara Warner. Mrs. Longton{?} & Mrs. Pierson called at school. ~y > 10\07(Th) Pleasant Got along very well. Miss Fowler walked down home with me after school. Went in and staid a little while before the train came. Went to the store for Fannie. She ironed in the eve. and I read. Commenced "Jane Eyre." Went to bed about 11. ~y > 10\08(Fr) Pleasant [8 Cards .16] [" Car-fare .15] [8 Miss Pickett 2.00] Took my bath in the morning; put my things to-gether. Did not get to school 'till nearly 9. Got along very well. Went up to Waterbury with Miss Fowler on the milk train. Went to Nellie's, visited with Mr.{?} & Mrs{?} Tucker some. Nellie & I went to church then to the stores and to Miss Pickett's. ~y > 10\09(Sa) {no entry} [9 Mother 16.00] [9 Gloves .95] ~y > 10\10(Su) through 11\08(Mo) {no entries} _HD//November 1880/%/ _NP ~y > 10\10(Su) through 11\08(Mo) {no entries} ~x11 ~y > 11\09(Tu) Pleasant Got along nicely {...} {see next entry; perhaps a false start here?} ~y > 11\10(We) Pleasant Got along nicely except at noon when one of the boys threw a stone and killed a chicken of Mrs. Walsh. Stopped and talked a while with Miss Fowler. Did not get home 'till 5. F{annie} went to Waterbury, did not get back 'till after {{after}} 6. Mrs. Middlebrooks came, in {the eve.?} we went to supper at church; had a very pleasant time. @Mr. Brown overtook me and carried me down home. ~y > 11\11(Th) Rain{e}d Did not get very wet. Cleared off in the afternoon; went down the track at night. Mrs. Brown came in a few minutes. ~y > 11\12(Fr) Pleasant Received a letter from Emma Espe. Looked for Mother at night but she did not come. F{annie} and I went to church; after service Fannie was baptized. Mrs. Brown and I were witnesses. ~y > 11\13(Sa) Cloudy [13{?} Watch etc .55] Helped about the work, went to the market. Mother came down on the 11 A.M. Train. Mrs. Brown came in for a few minutes before dinner. Sewed some in the P.M. Ma and I went over to the shop to see Fannie. Vina{?} Brooks and Carrie Stine{or Hine} came in for a few minutes in the eve. Cleaned my brown dress some in the eve., took a bath. Did not go to bed 'till about 11. ~y > 11\14(Su) Cool [14 Church .25] Mother and I went to church in the morning; staid to Sunday School. Read in the after-noon. Went to church in the evening. Billy{?} Williams was there; Fannie was confirmed. The Bishop spoke beautifully. Preached a very interesting sermon: Text, "Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." @Ed came down and went to church with us. @Wrote a note to Mrs. Tucker and a postal to Juliet. ~y > 11\15(Mo) Pleasant [15 Ticket to W. .20] [" Creams{?} .20] Went to school as usual. Mother went home on the 9.30 train. School matters went along nicely. Vina came down and spent the evening. Made rick-rack, and talked. ~y > 11\16(Tu) Pleasant School matters went nicely. Walked over to the depot with Miss Fowler. As we were rather early, went up to the other building to see Mr. Johnson and Miss Brett{?} rooms. Mr. J{ohnson} had gone. Saw Mrs. Middlebrook. I staid and talked 'till 5. ~y > 11\17(We) Pleasant Nellie, Willie, Charlie and Mrs. Tucker came down to see my school in the after-| noon. Mrs. T{ucker}{?} came down home and staid all night. She and I went up to Mrs. Brown's to call; staid 'till 10. Had a very pleasant time. @Miss Fowler was sick and had to go home. ~y > 11\18(Th) Cloudy [18 Ticket to W. .20] Mrs. T{ucker} went home at 9.30. Got along nicely at school. Came down track-way. Ironed in the evening. ~y > 11\19(Fr) Cold Got along nicely at school. Went to church in the eve.; two girls were baptised. Marked a few clothes in the eve. Recieved letters from Annie Pierpont and Lib. & a postal from Austin. ~y > 11\20(Sa) Rained ~y > 11\21(Su) Mr. Brown's last Sunday in Naugatuck as he has accepted a call to New Milford; administer{e}d Holy Communion. Staid to S.S. Then Fannie and I went up on Pond Hill, staid to supper. Ed came in at church time. Fannie did not go. Mr. B. preached his farewell sermon. It was very interesting. Mrs. Brown gave me my Album after church. Ed and I went up to Mrs. Kinney's a little while. He came in and staid 'till about 10.{or 11.} ~y > {11\22(Mo) through 11\24(We) blank} ~y > 11\25(Th) Thanksgiving Day ~y > {11\26(Fr) - 11\30(Tu) blank} _HD//December 1880/%/ _NP ~x12 > 12\01(We) Cloudy {no additional entry} [1 Fare to W. .15] [" Rubbers .48] [" Brush-broom .15] [" 3 tickets to Gone h{?} 1.50] ~y > 12\02(Th) {no entry} [2 Fare to U.C .15] ~y > 12\03(Fr) {no entry} ~y > 12\04(Sa) {no entry} ~y > 12\05(Su) {no entry} [5 S.School .05] ~y > 12\06(Mo) {no entry} [6 Fare to W. .15] [" Ticket to L.B. .75] ~y > 12\07(Tu) {no entry} [7 Fare to U.C. .15] ~y > 12\08(We) {no entry} ~y > 12\09(Th) {no entry} [9 S{chool}. cards .15] ~y > 12\10(Fr) {no entry} ~y > 12\11(Sa) {no entry} [11 Spoons 2.25] [" Miller & Peck 3.22] [" Pitcher .35] [" Pins .07] [" Fare to & from W. .40] [" Candy .05] ~y > 12\12(Su) {no entry} [12 Tickets{?} to readings .75] [" Church .25] ~y > 12\13(Mo) {no entry} ~y > 12\14(Tu) {no entry} ~y > 12\15(We) {no entry} [15 Reserved tickets .30] [" School cards .18] ~y > 12\16(Th) {no entry} ~y > 12\17(Fr) {no entry} [17 Fare to W. .15] [" Satchel 1.40] ~y > 12\18(Sa) {no entry} [18 Picture for Alice W. .25] [" Note-book .45] [" Carpet-sweeper 1.75] [" Moustache cup .95] [" Broom & holders a.90 1.80] [" Fare Naugatuck .20] ~y > 12\19(Su) {no entry} [19 Church .25] ~y > 12\20(Mo) {no entry} ~y > 12\21(Tu) {no entry} [21 Throat medicine .15] ~y > 12\22(We) {no entry} ~y > 12\23(Th) {no entry} [23 Books & Cards .30] ~y > 12\24(Fr) {no entry} [24 16 wks teaching @ $9.00 144.00] [" 16 wks board 52.00] [" Fare to W. .20] [" Candy .10] [" Lamp for Nellie 4.50] [" Box of thread .50] [" Glass .25] [" Toys .25] ~y > 12\25(Sa) {no entry} [25 1 doz pictures 3.00] [" Bonnet 5.35] [" Church .10] ~y > 12\26(Su) {no entry} [26 Church .25] ~y > 12\27(Mo) {no entry} [27 10 yds c'hmere @.79 7.90] [" Linings etc 1.50{?} [" Mother part of lamp 2.00] [" " Christmas 1.50] ~y > 12\29(We) Snowed Staid home all day. ~y > 12\30(Th) Clear [30 Linings braid .42] [" Fringe Gimp.{?} Button 5.50] Got up about 6. Joe did not come this way but as I was all ready I rode as far a{s} Cherry St. with Mr. Sprague. Walked the rest of the way to Miss Pickett's. Went out to the stores and got a few things. Spent the day with Miss P{ickett} and sewed on my dress. She went to the stores and helped get my trimmings. Sewed some in the eve. ~y > 12\31(Fr) Pleasant [31 Cloak 9.50] [" Wrappers 1.00] Took baby up stairs and visited with Mrs. T{ucker}{?}, Mrs. & Mr. Gibbons. Then sewed some on my dress. Nellie helped me some. In the after-noon went down town, bought a new cloak. Then went home and sewed. Also in the evening went to church. ~x"Cash" {end of Diary proper; Cash Account follows} {printed headings: CASH ACCOUNT } {Date.| [blank] | Received. | Paid. } January 1 On hand 2.84 2 Part net{?} .06 " Dress b. .06 " 4 Stanps{sic} .12 3 Di{a}ry .40 4 Church .20 10 Worsted .20 11 Church .25 13 Dyeing cloak .75 15 Part wages 2.00 " Rubbers .50 " Thread .15 " Cloth .43 17 Part wages 1.00 18 Church .25 19 Loaned N{ellie} .35 20 Ticket to M.A. .75 23 Loaned N{ellie} .40 24 From N .75 25 Church .12 26 Notions .11 27 Int. for Mother 7.20 28 For Honeries{?} 2.00 " " Peterson 2.00 " Loaned N{ellie} .10 29 Admi{ssio}n to H .15 " Supper .49 " Hair receiver{?} .25 " Extra .25 " Not account for .10 ------- 13.79 10.44 10.44 Balance 3.35 February 1 Balance 3.35 5 Part wages 3.00 " Part tongre{?} .25 6 Mother 2.00 16 Loaned N .10 18 Mite{?} chest .25 20 Shoes 3.00 22 Church .16 23 From N .10 " Part wages 3.00 25 16 yds cloth a.12 1/2 2.00 " Collar .15 " Half Ticket to H{?} .25 29 Church .10 " For stamp .03 --------------- 9.48 8.26 8.26 1.22 March 1 Balance 1.22 3 Part wage due 3.00 6 Gloves .39 7 Church .12 11 2 Collars .20 " 8 Stamps .24 11{?} From Mother 5.00 14 Church .15 15 3 1/2 Ginghan .35 16 Part wages 3.00 18 12 1/2 yd cloth a.48 6.00 " 3/4 yd ch'nie .37 " Cambric 5 yds a.8 1/3{?} .42 " Silk & twist{?} .26 " 1 1/2 Silicio{?} a.15 .22 21 Church .22 27 Part wages 1.50 26 Church .10 24 Braid & comb. .14 27 Cambric .05 " 3 Hand'kchf .40 " Gloves 1.00 " Comb. Rucke,{?} etc. 1.09 28 Church .50 24 Part wages 1.50 27 Extra .22 -------------- 15.22 12.44 12.44 $ 2.78 April 1 Balance 2.78 10 Sch. cards. .20 " Ink .05 " Buttons .25 " Wash-cloth .05 11 Church .10 14 Repairing .50 18 Church .10 25 Church .12 28 Pencils .09 29 Reader .66 ---------- 2.12 May 1 Balance 2 Church .10 8 Mother Loan 6.00 " Miss Pickett 4.00 {?} Hat .39 9 Church .10 15 Gloves .50 " 1 yd elastic .05 " Bracelets .14 16 Church .10 23 " .05 {no totals, etc.} June 1 On hand 2.39 6 Church .10 13 Church .10 17 Repairing shoes .25 19 Fare to Comp'ce .75 20 Church .10 22 Cards .45 " Bracelets .18 2.39 1.93 1.93 .46 July 1 Balance .46 4 Church .10 10 Paid for hat{?} 2.37 " Corsets .65 " Rubbers .50 8 Ed loaned 10.00 12 Tie{?} .50 " Shoes 3.00 11 Church .07 15 Berries .30 " Shawl strap .25 16 Picnic .40 " Gloves .40 30 Berries .55 ----------- 11.31 8.24 8.24 3.07 August 1 Balance 3.07 " Church .10 4 Mother loaned 15.00 6 Ed {owed} 10.00 " Postal card .03 " Ricche Pins etc .15 " Duster 2.00 " Purse etc .52 7 Fine on book .12 8 Church .10 9 Car fare .20 " Elastic .05 10 Ed for car f. .50 12 Car fare .25 13 Vases .25 {no totals given} {blank page suggests continuation of August intended} September 1 Balance 11.78 " Postal cards .10 2 Buttone .30 2 Buttons .30 " Skirt & silk 1.25 5 Church .10 6 Car-fare .20 10 " " .20 11 Umbrella 1.65 {"} Shoe soles .50 " Repairing Watch{?} .65 12 Church .22 " Car fare .20 16 W. crystal .25 " Pins .05 18 Church .10 19 Pins{?} & buttons .28 22 Supper .50 25 Tie & gloves .48 " Thread & calics{?} .20 25 Cuffs .25 " Book .15 26 Church .15 {no totals, new month on same page October 1 Balance 2 S{chool}. pencils .70 " Cards .16 3 Church .20 2 T. of Wolcott. 91.00 " Austin 30.00 4 Washwoman 2.00 8 Cards .16 " Car-fare .15 2 P. stamps .15 8 Miss Pickett 2.00 9 Mother 16.00 9 Gloves .95 {remainder of page blank, no totals} November 1 Balance 13{?} Watch etc .55 14 Church .25 15 Ticket to W. .20 " Creams{?} .20 18 Ticket to W. .20 {rest of page blank, no totals} December 1 Balance 24.25 " Fare to W. .15 " Rubbers .48 " Brush-broom .15 " 3 tickets to Gone h{?} 1.50 2 Fare to U.C .15 5 S.School .05 6 Fare to W. .15 " Ticket to L.B. .75 7 Fare to U.C. .15 9 S{chool}. cards .15 11 Spoons 2.25 " Miller & Peck 3.22 " Pitcher .35 " Pins .07 " Fare to & from W. .40 " Candy .05 12 Tickets{?} to readings .75 " Church .25 {continued on flyleaf} 15 Reserved tickets .30 " School cards .18 17 Fare to W. .15 " Satchel 1.40 18 Picture for Alice W. .25 " Note-book .45 " Carpet-sweeper 1.75 " Moustache cup .95 " Broom & holders a.90 1.80 " Fare Naugatuck .20 19 Church .25 21 Throat medicine .15 23 Books & Cards .30 24 16 wks teaching @ $9.00 144.00 " 16 wks board 52.00 " Fare to W. .20 " Candy .10 " Lamp for Nellie 4.50 " Box of thread .50 " Glass .25 " Toys .25 {other side of flyleaf} 25 1 doz pictures 3.00 " Bonnet 5.35 " Church .10 26 Church .25 27 10 yds c'hmere @.79 7.90 " Linings etc 1.50{?} " Mother part of lamp 2.00 " " Christmas 1.50 30 Linings braid .42 " Fringe Gimp.{?} Button 5.50 31 Cloak 9.50 " Wrappers 1.00 -------------- 171.75 105.90 105.90 65.85 {on upper right corner of inner back cover "54.00"} {then back pocket of diary, with accordian folds} {then outer back cover, inner cloth facings, pencil holder, {closing overlap, leather cover, Diary inscribed on overlap -----end----- Charles S. Miller journal for 1876 [mostly lists hours worked, finances, some sketches] ~x"Supp"y"7\4" > 07\04(Tues)" Went to New H.; went to the celebration. Started from Waterbury on the excursion train at half past six in the mornin{g}, arrived at Bridgeport at eight and took the steamer Laura for New Haven where we landed about ten and got up town just in time to be to{o} late to see the procession but I saw the Horribles and Firemen and Military and various other orders. In the afternoon I he{a}rd all the Public Schools of the city which were the following: Woolsey, Dwight, Washington, Eaton, Webster, Skinner, Hamilton Wooster and Hillhouse high school, sing the following pieces: The Glorious Fourth of July, Red White and Blue, The Battle cry of freedom, Union dixie, Hail Columbia, Dear Native land, God ever glorious, Beautiful flag, My country tis of thee, Yankee doodle, Glory hallelujah, The star-| spangled banner, and Old hundred, and also saw the baloon assension and in the eavening {sic} saw the grandest display of fireworks ever witnessed in the State. At half past ten I started for home in the stage wher{e} we arrived at halfpast three the next morning. Thus ended the Glorious Centen{n}ial fo{u}rth with me.