Diary of Mary Ann Pierpont [Miller] for 1881 transcribed by her great grandson, Robert Kraft copyright Robert Kraft 8 March 1991 (update) Replica Edition (line lengths retained, etc.) January, 1881 > 01\01\1881 (Sat) Clear but Cold; 9 to 28 [degrees] below 0. Went [to] Miss Pickett's and sewed on my dress all day. We finished the two skirts and she fixed my cloak. Mrs. Skidmore came down. Miss P. went part way home with me. Staid at Nellie's. Went to bed about 11 [or 10?]. > 01\02\1881 (Sun) Pleasant Went to church in the morning; staid to communion. Went to Mrs. Elkins funeral at 2 o'clock; rode over to the cemetery but did not get out. Went to the City Hall at 4 to hear Dr. Gibbons lecture on temperance. Ed came just [as] I was getting ready for church in the eve so he went with me, then we went up to Mr. Tucker's and visited till 10. > 01\03\1881 (Mon) Pleasant Went to Union City with Miss Fowler. Geo[rge] took my things down to the store. Miss Brooks commenced teaching in Miss Chatfield's room. We went to our new boarding-place, Mr. Eldridge Smith's, to dinner. After school we went down to Fannie's. I finished packing my trunk. Went to the store, got home about 6. Sewed a little in the eve. Mr. S. Brought my trunk up in the eve. > 01\04\1881 (Tue) Pleasant School went pretty well. Wrote a letter to Jennie in the eve. Snowed in the night. Unpacked most of my things. > 01\05\1881 (Wed) Pleasant Mailed my letter and Jennie's tooth-brush after school. We had a pretty good path all the way to school. Darned stockings in the eve. Then played euchre; Mr. S. and I played against Mrs. S. and Miss Brooks. > 01\06\1881 (Thu) Rainy It was very bad walking in the morn{n}ing so Mr. S. carried us up to school. Played euchre in the eve. Mr. A.[?] Burke came to see Mr. & Mrs. S. He played euchre also. Went up stairs about 10. Took my bath; did not get to bed 'till after 11. Received a postal card from Nellie. > 01\07\1881 (Fri) Pleasant School went very well. Closed a little before four. Went home a[nd] got ready. Watched for Miss Fowler 'till train time then start- ed for the depot. Just caught the train. Went to Nellie's; we went to church and down town. > 01\08\1881 (Sat) Pleasant Went down town in the morn- ing. Went up stairs and visited with Mrs. Gibbons and Mrs. T. Joe came for me about noon. Went out home; staid there 'till nearly dark, then walked up to Austin's. {{staid}} Helped Lucy darn stockings in the eve. Went to bed about 10. > 01\09\1881 (Sun) Pleasant, Snowy. Went to church with Austin's. Went down to Nellie's a little while, then went up to Charlie's and staid 'till church-time. Charlie went down to the Methodist church with me to hear Dr. Gibbons lecture on temperance, then walked home with me. Went up stairs and visited a little while with cousin May and company. > 01\10\1881 (Mon) Rained in A.M. The rain and snow were so deep I got my feet very wet. Had a little adventure on my way to the depot. Mr. Smith was at the U{nion} C{ity} depot; carried us up to school. I had 8 pupils. My fire would not burn so we went to Miss Brooks' room. Closed before 1. Commenced an apron in the after-noon. Mr. Sweeny called to see Miss Brooks. Played games in the eve. > 01\11\1881 (Tue) Pleasant Had more scholars. Got along nicely at school. Sewed in the eve. {{Starts Wed entry here}} > 01\12\1881 (Wed) Pleasant {{Entry actually starts under Tuesday}} Wednesday. Miss Brooks was taken sick in the fore-noon so she did not go back to school in the after-noon. Miss Fowler{?} took her 2nd class. I took her 1st class; got along pretty well. Received a little from Cusia{Emma?} {{Wed heading starts here: Pleasant}} Mrs. Smith's neice Miss Morehead and her Mother came from Nauga- tuck and spent the eve. Had music, pop-corns, etc. Mrs. Eli{?} Smith and daughter called in the eve. Mr. S{mith} had to take a man to the lock-up. Tuesday. > 01\13\1881 (Thu) Pleasant Had a letter from Jennie; also one from Clara Warner. Went down to Fannies with Mr. S{mith}. Stiched my apron on her ma- chine. After we got home, Mr. Burke came; played cards. > 01\14\1881 (Fri) Stormy We took our dinner. Closed school about 3.30. I had to dress; get ready to go{t} up to Nellie's. The walking was very bad. Did not go to church. Mrs. T., Dr. and Mrs. Gibbons, Mrs. Carrill and Emma came in and spent the eve. Darned stockings and made rick-rack for Nellie. > 01\15\1881 (Sat) Pleasant Helped Nellie a little. Went down town; wrote a postal to Willie. Visited a little while up stairs. Nellie and I went down town and up to John Pierpont's. Had a very pleasant time. Stopped at Mr. Elkins; met Mrs. Tucker there. Went home together. Sewed in the eve. > 01\16\1881 (Sun) Pleasant Went to church in the morning. Took Willie and Charlie; staid to S.S. Had a class. Nellie and family went out home sleighing. Mrs. T. invited me up there to dinner. Mr. Elkins was there. Mr. T. had to go to his father's. Ed came for me to go sleighing. Went out home; got back in time to go to church with Mrs. T. Heard Dr. G{?} preach. Had to tell them good-by as they go Wed. > 01\17\1881 (Mon) Pleasant Did not get up very early. Ate a little breakfast and started for the depot. Got there just in time. Mrs Rich came down on the train with Miss Fowler. Miss Phoebe{?} Smith was at the house dress-making. She staid till about 9, then Mr. Smith{?} carried her down. Mr. Burke was there. We worked in the eve. > 01\18\1881 (Tue) Pleasant Mended a little in the morning. School went very well. Com- menced a letter to Jenny after school. Mr. Burke was here to tea and in the evening played games. Went to bed about 10.30 > 01\19\1881 (Wed) Pleasant Finished my letter to Jenny; mailed it before school. After school Miss Brooks and I went up to Mrs. Fowler's on Pond Hill; staid to tea. Mr. Smith came for us about 9. Read the paper; went to bed about 10. > 01\20\1881 (Thu) Pleasant Did not get up 'till after breakfast was ready. School went very well; swept after school. Went to the store and to "Prospect" with Miss Brooks. Sewed, played cards and ate candy in the eve. Took my bath{baths??} before retiring. > 01\21\1881 (Fri) Snow & Ice. Carried our dinner, had 22 pupils. Closed school a little be- fore 4. Went home, got ready, started for W. The train was an hour late. Got up to Nellie's af- ter 6.30. Mary Hof had gone to {...??} She came back at 10. Nellie was sick all day. Did not go out in the eve. Mrs. T. came down; Mr. T. stopped in when he came from the store. Went to bed about 10. 01\22\1881 (Sat) Pleasant Helped Nellie a little. Went down town in the morning. Staid to Nellie's to dinner. Went to Patton's {?} and bought "The Library of Universal Knowledge." Walked up to Elmer's{?}, staid to tea. Will came for me and I went up there and staid all night. 01\23\1881 (Sun) Pleasant Did not get up till 8. Did not go to church as it was so late and bad walking. Had dinner about 1:30. Took Georgie down to Elmer's with me. Annie walked down with Alice. Mrs Totten and I went to the Baptist church. Mr. Folwell preached a very interesting sermon. Went to bed at about 10:30. 01\24\1881 (Mon) Cold & Pleasant Got up about 6. Did not help Alice much. Put my things to-gether and went to the depot. Stopped at Nellie's and got my umbrella. School went very well. George brought down my books, mended my dress and played cards in the eve. Staid after school to fill up my register. 01\25\1881 (Tue) Cold but Pleasant School matters went fairly. Sent Nellie's books and money up. Staid after school again. Mrs. Andrew Hills and Mrs Amos Hills were there. WWen I got home, mended my dress and wrote in the eve. 01\26\1881 (Wed) Clear and Cold. Mended a little in the morning. Staid after school and wrote in my register. Mrs Smith went down to the Center in the eve. Miss Brooks and I staid alone. Went to the store after the paper. Worked on a hair-pin holder and played cards. Mrs. Anker did some washing for me. 01\27\1881 (Thu) Clear and Cold Finished my hair-pin receiver before school. Slid down hill at noon. School went very well. Nellie, Willie, Charlie came down to school. They ad Mrs. Fowler came in and staid a little while. Miss Brooks and I went over to the depot. Ironed in the eve. Commenced reading Dr. J. G. Stolland's Seven oaks {?} aloud. Miss Brooks read a little. 01\28\1881 (Fri) Clear and Cold Mended a little in the morning. Mr. Dixon visited the school. Did not stay in my room half an hour. The children did not do remarkably well but he spoke pretty well of them. Swept after school. Miss Brooks went home but I did not read at most the evening.{?} Went to bed about 10. [mark in left margin?] 01\29\1881 (Sat) Cold and Windy Did not get up till 7. Swept and fixed my room. Had a little fire while I took my bath. Went down to Fannies{?} with Mr. S. She was not there. Stuffed my cushion for Mrs. Tucker. Went up Mrs. R. M. Smith's; staid till about 6. Stopped at J. Flynn's{?} and got some pencils. Staid at Fannies till Mr. S. came for me about 8. Read aloud till 11. 01\30\1881 (Sun) Snowed a little Got up about 7:30, dressed and went down to church with Mr. & Mrs. S. Mr. Talbot the new minister preached; liked his evening{?} sermon very much. Staid to S.S. Had a nice class of little girls. Staid with Fannie till evening. We went up for Miss Brooks to go to church; she and her sister both went with. Went home with Mr. & Mrs. S. 01\31\1881 (Mon) Comfortable Miss Brooks did not come till school-time. Got along very well. Put the cord on my pin cushion and commenced the fringe. Then read aloud till about 10. 02\01\1881 (Tue) Cold Cloudy School went very well. Read before school commenced. The weather was uncomfortably chilly. Worked on my cushions and read in the eve. 02\02\1881 (Wed) Clear and Cold Miss Brooks combed my hair in waves. School went very well. After school, dressed and Miss B. and I went down to the center. She went home and I went to the church supper. Miss Sarah Hotchkiss and I went over and called for Fannie. Had a very pleasant time. We both rode up with Mr. & Mrs. Smith. 02\03\1881 (Thu) Clear, Cold Miss B. combed my hair again. Finished the book "Sevengali"{sic} in the morning. Staid after school and swept. Worked on my cushion till I could not work any longer. Miss B. was full of mischief. Received a [[letter]] postal from Mrs. Tucker. 02\04\1881 (Fri) Clear and Cold School went very well. Miss Fowler and I sent a valentine to Miss Brooks. After school I got ready and went to Waterbury; got there about 5. Nellie, the children, Mr. Tucker and I went to "Pinafore" by the Waterbury Church Choir company. Mr. Tucker came to go home with us. The play was splendid. 02\05\1881 (Sat) Pleasant We did not get up very early. After breakfast I went down town, then back to Nellies. Got{??} my things; then up to the market and rode out home with ..liles.{??} Stopped at Uncle Enos' a little while. Staid at home till nearly night then went up to Austin's. Finished my cushion for Mrs. T.{??} Made rick rack. Went to bed at 11:45. 02\06\1881 (Sun) Pleasant We all went to church. Staid to communion. Came out again with them.{??} Mrs. Clare{??} Garrigus and family came at dinner time. Staid most{??} all the after noon. Read part of "The Vicar of Wakefield" by Oliver Goldsmith in the evening. 02\07\1881 (Mon) Pleasant Austin called me at 6:15. Got ready, ate breakfast and went in town with Joe. He carried me almost to the center. Went down to Nellie's for a few minutes. Miss Brooks and Miss Fowler closed school on account of the cold. Mr. & Mrs. S. went to New Milford Sat. Did not get {there} 'till t. I tried to build a fire but it went out. Wrote a letter to Emma and Annie a postal T. W. Bickenell, Boston. Bed at 11:30. 02\08\1881 (Tue) Pleasant Miss {-} came up from the center in the morning. Commenced a husker for Nellie. Mrs. S. went to W. Mr. Burke came from Penn. Mr. & Mrs. Godfrey came in for a while. Miss Barbour and Miss Carrie Hine{?} came down and spent the evening. I had a headache all day. Went to bed about 10:30. 02\09\1881 (Wed) Cloudy & Pleasant{??} We carried our dinner. Mrs. S. {??-} went to New Haven; came back about 6. Mrs. Godfrey & Helen & Mrs. Atwood {{&??} came in about 5 and staid quite a while working and played cards in the eve. Gave my washing to Mrs. Tucker{??}. 02\10\1881 (Thu) Rained. Washed out some handkerchiefs. Mrs S. finis{h}ed and dried them for me. The walking was very bad. Closed school a little before 4. Had and answer to my postal and some circulars. Finished the "husker." Wrote a postal to J. B.{??} I'm afraid she is sick as it is four weeks since I have heard from her. 02\11\1881 (Fri) Pleasant. Shcol went very well. Went home to dinner. After school got ready and went up to Nellie's. Had to run to catch the train as I was hindered a few minutes. Nellie and I went to church and then down town. Wrote a posta{l} to Boston for a sample cohn{??} Primary Teacher. Took upstairs for Mrs. Tucker to mail. Staid a little while. Went to bed about 10:30. 02\12\1881 (Sat) Rainy Helped Nellie a little. Went into the Cargill's and staid quite a while. Went up to Mrs. Tuckers; Staid to dinner. She went to Industrial school. I staid up and did part of her work for her. Cousin Harry came home before I got through. Read some. Went down stairs and dressed. Sewed a little. Went over to Mrs. Perry's for a while. Mrs. Knowles went to the Hartford Asylum. Went up stairs and spent the eve. 02\13\1881 Pleasant The fire alarm sounded about 3:15 for Scoville's and afterwards for Meigs{??} & Trott. Geo. went. Nellie & I were awake. Went to church. Took Charlie. Staid to S. S. Staid at Nellie's all the after-noon. Went to church alone in the eve. Bishop Stone{??} of Niobrara{??} preached in the eve. about missions. Very interesting. Read Will Carleton's poems in the after-noon. 02\14\1881 (Mon) Pleasant Got up and after breakfast went to the depot. Got down to U. C. all right. School went pretty well. Miss Fowler had no fire so went home. Ironed in the eve. Commenced a bureau cover for Fanny. Had a letter from Jennie Bassett. 02\15\1881 (Tue) Snowed a little Took our dinner. Miss Brooks had quite a time in the eve. Read in the eve and worked on my cover. Mended part of my clothes in the morning; finished after school. Mrs Amos Stiles was here when we got home. 02\16\1881 (Wed) Pleasant School went very well. Worked on my cover in the eve. Mr. Burke came over in the eve. Had a letter from Annie Pierpont Mr.& Mrs. Johnson had a 12th boy. Received a circular from Boston. 02\17\1881 (Thu) Pleasant Had a pretty good time at school. Received my sample from Boston. After school got ready and went up to W. Stopped for Mrs. T. & Willie and Mary. Stopped downtown then went to Trinity Parish supper. Charlie gave me my supper. Cousin H. came for a while. Had a very pleasant time. Hattie Post and I staid at Charlie's to-gether. Mr. Macauley went home with us. Bed 11:45{??} 02\18\1881 (Fri) Pleasant & Rain in eve{??} Got up in time for a break-fast and get the train. Mr. Macauley walked down to the depot with me and got my ticket. School went all right. Miss Brooks went home after school. Swept the school-room. Worked and read a little. Mr. & Mrs. Smith and I went up to Mrs. Godfrey's. Had a _very_ pleasant time. Mrs. G. took me over the house. I went to bed about 10:30. 02\19\1881 (Sat) Rain. Pleasant. Swept, dusted, washed some handker-chiefs and lace, and sewed a little in the morning, before I got dressed. In the after-noon Mr. S. came in and offered to take me to ride. Started at 1:30 got back at 3:45. Went to Bradleyville and Millville, then through Naugatuck home. Enjoyed it very much. Mended my blue dress and worked at other things in the eve. 02\20\1881 (Sun) Pleasant Had a fire in my room while I dressed. Went to church with Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Staid {to} S.S.; had a class. Expected to go and see Fannie and then walk home but they waited for me so I rode up. Wrote in my diary and read in the afternoon. Went to church in the eve with Mr. S. Mr. Burke came just as we were starting. Went to bed at 10. 02\21\1881 (Monday) Snowed in the morning and cleared off in the afternoon, carried out dinner after school, got ready and went up to Nellie's. Cousin Harry was down near the depot. We walked up together. Nellie was upstairs, after tea we went up again and spent the eve. Commenced working on a brush broom holder, went to bed a little after 11. 02\22\1881 (Tuesday) Weather - Pleasant Mr. and Mrs. T.{??} went to Torrs. {illegible} Nellie and I worked on broom holders in the morning, went uptown and did a few errands. In the afternoon we called on "Miss Chloe", Lucy Pierpont, Mrs. Young and Mrs. White and I went to see Clara Warner. George was about sick with a cold. He brought home a new bureau, helped change{changed!} them and take one upstairs. Went over to Mrs. Perry's. 02\23\1881 (Wednesday) Weather - Cloudy Came down at the usual time, had some cold but it was better than it had been. Wrote a letter to Jennie Bassett and a postal to Lucy. Played cards in the eve. {The following written upside down} Waited for Mr. and Mrs. S., got home at 11.45, found Mr. Burke playing cards with Miss B. 02\24\1881 (Thursday) Weather - Cold and windy School went very well. After school dressed, had tea and Mr. and Mrs. S. and I went down to Naugatuck to a concert by the Amphion Club of W. Went to Fannie's first, she was not there, washed the dishes, made the bed etc. for Mr. M. He came on the train from Port Chester, after the concert went over to the church where they had supper, did not eat anything{??}. 02\25\1881 (Friday) Weather - Snowed and cleared Did not get up very early, so did not take my bath. {illegible} after school, school went very well. H.T. came in the P.M., did not go up till 7. Nellie and I went to church, then to the Library, stopped in to Mrs. Perry's for a while. Mrs. Tycher had gone to Oxford so did not see her. 02\26\1881 (Saturday) Weather - Pleasant Helped Nellie a little in the morning, visited in{?} Mrs. Cargill's cousin, went to O. on the 10.20 train. Joe came for me about 11, went on home, talked, read etc. Went up to Austin's after tea, made rick- rack for Alice in the eve., went to bed at 11.30. 02\27\1881 (Sunday) Weather - Foggy Austin, Lucy and I went to church. After church drove up to Nellie Young's, staid few minutes after dinner. Read{??} The Fool's Errand, expected Charlie out but he did not come. Went to bed about 10. 02\28\1881 (Monday) Weather - Rained Lucy called me about 5.45 got ready and went in my {illegible}. It did not rain much, went to Nellie's and staid till train time, walked from Cherry St. Mr. Fowler came down on the train with Miss Fowler. Miss Brooks was late at school, carried our dinner. Ironed, wrote and played cards in the eve, went to bed about 10.30. Thunder shower in the eve. 03\01\1881 (Tuesday) Weather - Snowed The snow was quite deep, carried our dinner, after school wrote a letter to Mr. Bicknell in Boston about subscribing for the "Primary Teacher". Took it over to the store but could not get a money order so did not mail it. Mended my clothes in the eve, played cards. Received a letter from Jennie. 03\02\1881 (Wednesday) Weather - Cloudy and snow School masters went quite nicely as indeed they have all the week, went up {illegible} staid Nellie's to tea. Cousin May and H. were home. H. escorted Nellie and me to the First Church to an old-fashioned supper. The supper costumes, fancy articles and so forth were splendid. Saw a good many. I {illegible} found out where the door is to get to the church proper. 03\03\1881 (Thursday) Weather - Thawy Went up to see Mrs. Tucker a few minutes. Miss Hattie Peck came down on the train with us. Came home to dinner. Miss Fowler helped me sweep after school, worked on my {illegible} broom holder and read in the eve. Took my bath before I went to bed. Wrote a postal to Daisy White. 03\04\1881 (Friday) Weather - Rained Carried out dinner. Clarence could not open my door so I had no fire when I got there, took the children up to Miss Fowler's room till recess. After school I got ready and went up to {illegible} Nellie's till church then went up to Mrs. Tucker's a little while. Went to church, met Daisy White, went home with her. 03\05\1881 (Saturday) Weather - Pleasant Did not wake up till 7.30. After breakfast fussed around, read a good deal. Commenced "The Guide of Asia" by Edwin Arnold. After dinner got ready and Daisy and I went over on High St. to see Marion Waite{?}. She came back with us, went down town, called at Nellie's, went to church after tea. Mrs. Booth came up. Daisy and I went {illegible} to see Jessie {illegible}. 03\06\1881 (Sunday) Weather - Cloudy in P.M. Got up about 8. Went to church, staid to Communion and to Sunday School, had Juliettes class. After lunch read most of the time till supper then Mr. {??}, Frank, Daisy and I went to church. Eddie went away in the after noon, did not get back till evening. We had quite a frolic over some letters. Went to bed about 11. 03\07\1881 (Monday) Weather - Pleasant School matters went very nicely. Staid after school and worked at my register to get the record straight. Did not get home till late, read in the eve. Tore my dress on the door knob. Finished my broom holder. 03\08\1881 (Tuesday) Weather - Pleasant Got along very nicely. The weather was almost perfect, sat up stairs and wrote a letter to Jennie. Received a postal card from Boston, read some. Washed some handkerchiefs in the morning. 03\09\1881 (Wednesday) Weather - Rainy Carried over dinner. Closed school a little before 11. Went home and got ready to go to W.{??}, the train was late, did not get up there till 5.30. Went around by Nellie's to carry the holder for Mrs. T. Went home with Miss {??}, got wet a little, after tea {illegible} a little, went to see Emma Hbolt{?} in Bohemian Girls, perfectly splendid, got home at 11, went to about 1. 03\10\1881 (Thursday) Weather - Cloudy Did not get up till about 7, dressed and went down to breakfast, came down to M.C.{?} as usual, school matters went pretty well. Mr. Dixon came to visit the school in the afternoon. The children were rather noisy but he thought they did pretty well. I like him very much. Wrote a letter to Clara Warner. Mrs. Burke came over in the eve. After school walked over past the {illegible}. 03\11\1881 (Friday) Weather - Clear and Windy Cut my things mostly to get in the morning. School went nicely, went home to dinner. Miss B. had company after school, got ready and went up to Nellie's. Willie met me at the depot. Nellie was about sick. Mary went church with me and around by the Library, went to bed about 10. 03\12\1881 (Saturday) Weather - Pleasant Borrowed a dress of Nellie, helped her some about the work, went in to Mrs. Cargill's. Emma was sick, after dinner dressed stitches on the machine for Nellie, made rick-rack, Charlie and I went to church, then to Miss Picketts, found her home. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker came in from Middlebury, saw them a little while but not as I wished. Carried a book up to the Library. 03\13\1881 (Sunday) Weather - Cloudy Went to {illegible} at 9.15. Willie and Charlie went to church with me, staid to S.S., had a class, after dinner read. {illegible} May and Harry came over from {illegible}, saw them almost for the last time, but had a nice chat. Went to the Cong. church with them in the eve, stopped in to Mrs. Perrys where they staid for a while. 03\14\1881 (Monday) Weather - Cloudy Did not sleep very well, got up at 6 and went up town before breakfast, got a blank book and microscope for Cousin May and Harry. They started for Kansas, came down on the same train I did. Miss them ever so much. Miss F. was sick. Mrs. Rich came down in her place. Mended my dress, ironed, read and wrote in the eve. 03\15\1881 (Tuesday) Weather - Pleasant Mended my clothes in the morning. Miss F. came down, received three copies of my Primary Teacher excellent. Miss Brooks went to the center. Swept after school, walked over to the depot with Miss F. Staid till the train came, saw Mrs. Austin and Mrs. Gaylord. They came into see me, went down to Farms{?} in the eve. Mr. M. was sick, went to bed at 11. 03\16\1881 (Wednesday) Weather - Pleasant Worked a little in the morning. Miss B. walked up, her little cousin came with her, came home to dinner. Had to {illegible} Geo' Taylor, Miss Fowler, had to stop and see Mrs. Middlebrook. I walked over to the depot with her, wrote a letter to Leddie{?}, also one to Annie Pierpont. Mr. Burke came over in the eve. Played cards, went to bed about 11.15. 03\17\1881 (Thursday) Weather - Cloudy Worked on Fannie's bureau cover in the morning. Mr. {illegible}, came up to see Miss R., came home to dinner. After school went down to Mrs. Gaylord's to see Mrs Austin, staid till nearly 6. In the eve. Mrs. S., Miss B. and I went up to see Mrs. Amos Hills, she was not home, then Mr. S. went down to Mrs. Eli Smith's with us, staid after 9, took my bath. 03\18\1881 (Friday) Weather - Cloudy School went nicely, came home to dinner, closed school about 3.45. Came home, dressed, Miss F. and I walked up to Waterbury 1 1/2 h. Went directly to Nellie's, she was better, went to the {illegible} to see Sol Smith Russell in "Edgewood Folks", splendid. Emma Cargill went too. 03\19\1881 (Saturday) Weather - Clear, rained in P.M. Went up town in the morn, looked at a sewing-machine, did several other {illegible} errands, expected to go out home with Joe but he did not get word. Went up to the market, Julius had just started by, telephoned to Spencer's, Charlie and I walked out there, rode out the rest of the way, helped gin{?} and read, home in the P.M. Nellie wanted Charlie to come in with Joe but it rain so we did not {illegible}. 03\20\1881 (Sunday) Weather - Rainy Did not get up till 8, as {illegible} ready for church but Austin did not go. Read, talked, went over Uncle Emos, Cousin Alice, Mass., was there, had a very pleasant time. Read, went to bed about 10. 03\21\1881 (Monday) Weather - Pleasant Father called me at 5. Got ready, dressed Charlie, had breakfast. Rode in with Joe. Went to Nellie's. Nearly missed the train. Mr. Fowler was on board with Miss F. School went nicely. Daisy White and Marion Waite came down, went to walk{?} after school, they staid to tea, went up on the 6.45 tram. Commenced a letter to May and Harry. Mr. Burke came over and played cards. 03\22\1881 (Tuesday) Weather - Cloudy School went nicely, finished May's letter, wrote one to Boston, went to the store to mail them. Mrs. Elis Smith called. Worked bureau cover in the eve. 03\23\1881 (Wednesday) Weather - Cloudy Got earlier than usual, washed some handkerchiefs in the A.M. Staid after school to make out my register. Did not get home till nearly 6. After tea went up to Mrs. Godfrey's to call, staid till after 8. Mr. g. walked home with me. Mrs. Eli Smith and daughter and Mr. Burke were there, played cards, went to bed about 11. Miss B. went down home. Rec'd a letter from Libby. 03\24\1881 (Thursday) Weather - Pleasant Expected to go to Mrs. Thompsons to see about board, before we started Mrs. Godfrey's man came for me to go there. She offered{offerred!} to have me come and board with them. School went very well. Alice Moss and Allie came to visit the school. Walked down to Annies after school, she was working in the new house to get it settled. Came up on the 6.45 train, looked over my things and {illegible} packed my trunk. 03\25\1881 (Friday) Weather - Pleasant Ironed in the morning. Swept up the school-room. School went very nicely for the last day. Juliet and Anna came down to visit my school. Got ready and put my things to-gether, had tea, saw Mrs. Godfrey. We came up on the 6.45 train. Went right to Nellie's, went to church and to Miss Pickett's, went to bed about 11. 03\26\1881 (Saturday) Weather - Pleasant Went up town, did a little shopping, went out home with Joe. Sewed in the P.M. Mr. Roberts came to {illegible} me about the machine, like it ever so much. 03\27\1881 (Sunday) Weather - Pleasant Went to church with Austin and Lucy. Went home with them, Ed Ford was there. Read, talked etc. went down home in the eve. Lucy went with me part of the way. 03\28\1881 (Monday) Cut out some under {illegible}. Sewed all day, went over Uncle Emos and cut some edging. Mr. Thompson was there with L. 03\30\1881 (Tuesday) Weather - Rained Went in to Miss Pickett's with {illegible} and he did all he could to keep my {illegible}. 04\05\1881 (Tuesday) Weather - Windy, snowy Got up at 6, dressed and wrote a little while before breakfast, after breakfast and prayers made my bed, got ready for school, had a few new pupils. Miss P. was sick and went home at noon, swept after school, stopped to see Mr. Middlebrook, then went to Mr. Smith's and finished packing my trunk, read, sewed and talked in the eve, went to bed about 10.45. 04\08\1881 (Friday) Weather - Pleasant School went nicely. 04\09\1881 (Saturday) Weather - Pleasant Got up about 7. Took baby out doors and then up town got my check cashed, did a few errands, went back to Nellie's. Met Joe at the corner, rode out home with him, sewed a little in the after noon. Spencer came in a little while, went over to Uncle Emos to see Jennie Spencer, staid till 9.30 then went home and went to bed. 04\10\1881 (Sunday) Weather - Pleasant Did not get up very early, got ready for church, went with Austin, Lucy and Arthur and Willie, an excellent{excillent!} sermon on fifth commandment. In afternoon tea, Nellie, Charles and baby also Weber Welton, wife and two girls came out. Read in the eve, went to bed about 10. 04\11\1881 (Monday) Weather - Pleasant Lucy called me about 5.30, dressed, ate breakfast and rode in town with Joe, went to Nellie's and to Mr. Roberts. Geo. stopped and talked with me a while. School went very well. Mr. Leonard came in for a few minutes before school closed. Stopped at Mrs. Smiths for a while. Sewed on my dress in the eve, went to bed about 10. 04\12\1881 (Tuesday) Weather - Snowed Did not get up as early as usual. Came home to dinner, sewed on my dress in the eve, after school wrote a letter to Emma Eipe{?}. Mr. G. went to Rev. Mr. Leonard's to spend the eve. Mrs. G. and I had a good talk. 04\13\1881 (Wednesday) Weather - Snow and rain Carried my dinner. Miss F. and Miss R. insisted upon my share their cooked dinner. Talked, worked and read in the eve. Mr. G. talked about his travels in Europe and made it very interesting. 04\17\1881 (Sunday) Weather - Pleasant George went to 04\18\1881 (Monday) Weather - Very pleasant Dressed and after breakfast came down to U.C., school went nicely, went over to the depot and had History with Miss F. Received a letter from Jennie, commenced one to Libbie, sewed some in the eve. Mrs. Austin was buried. Mr. G. talked about "Diatoms{Diatomes!}" etc. in the eve. Went to bed about 11. 04\19\1881 (Tuesday) Weather - Beautiful School went pretty well. Nellie sent me a postal telling me that Mother is sick. Wrote one to her. Went over to the depot with Miss F., finished my letter to Libbie. Mrs. G. went to W. in the eve. Mr. G. talked nicely about St. Petersburg etc., worked on bureau cover, read, went to bed about 11. 04\20\1881 (Wednesday) Weather - Pleasant Read some in the morning, school went nicely, had a letter from Mrs. Tucker. Staid after school a while with Miss F., came home, dressed, went to ride with Frank Wheeler to Naugatuck. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard and Mr. and Mrs. Warner were invited here to tea, staid till 10.30. Mr. G. {illegible} us some pictures that were very beautiful, went to bed at 11.30. 04\21\1881 (Thursday) Weather - Pleasant Got up at 6.30, school went nicely. Mr. Dixon came to visit the schools, the children did very well. Staid after school with Miss F. and Miss B., went in to see Mrs. Smith a few minutes. Came home, took my bath after tea. Mrs. G., Helen, Frank and I went to ride about Naugatuck, read, talked and sewed in the eve. 04\22\1881 (Friday) Weather - Pleasant Rained in the morning. School went nicely. Mrs. G. and Helen rode up to W. in the P.M. I was going with but found I could not get out of school soon enough, closed early. Got ready, went over to the depot, read and talked till 5. Miss F. went to Nellie's with me, went home with Miss F. Staid all night. Miss {illegible} came in the eve. Went bed about 11. 04\24\1881 (Sunday) Weather - Very Warm Took Willie and Charlie to church, staid to Sunday school, had a class. Went home with {illegible} and Charlie staid till church time, rode down with Charlie and Mr. Macauley. A stranger preached in the eve, went to Nellie's and staid all night. 04\25\1881 (Monday) Weather - Warm Got up a little after 6. Dressed myself and Harry. After break fast came down to U.C. school, went pretty well considering I did not feel very well. Saw Mr. {illegible} at noon. Charlie Miller brought me a beautiful bouquet. Mr. L.W. Coe of Wolcottville was here to tea. Read, sewed and talked in the eve. 04\26\1881 (Tuesday) Weather - Cloudy We intended to after arbutus but it looked so much like rain we not. Miss Forster walked home with me the back way, went over to the depot with her at 5. The train ran off the track so she came home with me to tea. Went over with her at 6.45, had to wait till 8 before the train came, sewed in the eve. 04\27\1881 (Wednesday) Weather - Cloudy Commenced a letter to Jennie. Miss Louise Hill and her mother came and spent the day. Mr. Godfrey showed us some pictures, sewed a little. Mr. G.'s man Frank left. He got a Swede to take his place. Went to bed about 10. 04\28\1881 (Thursday) Weather - Cloudy then clear School went very well, stopped in to see Mrs. Smith a few minutes. Came home and took my bath. Mrs. Godfrey had to get tea as Anna and I went to W. Mrs. Miller brought some flowers and staid to tea. Mr. G. Andrews and Mrs. Talbot called. Mr. G. went to see Mr. Leonard. Sewed in the eve. 04\29\1881 (Friday) Weather - Rained and pleasant Finished Jennie's letter. School went nicely. Went home a little early, dressed, went to W. on the 5 o'clock train, stopped at the P.O. and mailed a paper to Jennie, went to Miss Markham's and got my hat. Miss Pickett was at Nellie's, helped a little on her dress, went to church. Nellie went up town. Mrs. Cole fell and hurt her limb. I went over about 10 and sat up with her. 05\03\1881 (Tuesday) Weather - Pleasant School went nicely. Miss F. was about sick. Stopped at Mrs. Smith's a few minutes, came home. Mrs. G. had gone to Waterbury. Commenced a letter to Mary Tucker, expected to make some calls. 05\04\1881 (Wednesday) Weather - Pleasant School matters went pretty well, commenced teaching them writing. After school, Miss F. and I went to walk, went up the hill across the track. Mrs. G. went to W. again, finished my letter to May. Read one from Libbie. Mrs. G. and I went to Mrs. Gaylord's in the eve. Frank walked home with us. 05\07\1881 (Saturday) Weather - Cloudy in A.M. Pleasant Helped Nellie some, went up town, was weighed (136), went back to Nellie's, sewed some, after dinner went up town. 05\15\1881 (Sunday) Weather - Pleasant Did not get up till 8, after breakfast dressed and went to church. I went to hear Mr. Talbot, then staid to S.S. with Mrs. G. Read, talked, slept a little, in afternoon went to hear Mr. Leonard and Paul at Athens, very interesting, in the evening went to bed about 10. 05\16\1881 (Monday) Weather - Rain Carried my dinner. 06\04\1881 (Saturday) Weather - Pleasant Mrs. Godfrey's sister and husband came in the eve to stay a few days. 06\05\1881 (Sunday) Weather - Pleasant Went to church with Mr. and Mrs. Nichols and Mrs. G. I went to hear Mr. Talbott, staid to communion, went over the other church and Mr. Warner gave me a class. Could not teach them very much but enjoyed it very much, nevertheless in the A.M. Mr. Leonard preached in Smiths Hall in Union City. 06\06\1881 (Monday) Weather - Pleasant Mr. Nichols went to New York in the morning. I went up to Waterbury at 5, went to Nellie's then up town and back at 6.30, got a new gingham. Mr. and Mrs. Whittlemore and Mrs. Adelbert Tuttle called in the eve. 06\07\1881 (Tuesday) Mr. G. went down to Naugatuck to see Mr. Leonard in the eve. Took my dress in to Mrs. Foster. 06\08\1881 (Wednesday) Mrs. Nichols went home. Helen and I went to the train. Mr. Andrews came down a few minutes. Mr. and Mrs. Twitchell called with Mrs. Dewey. 06\09\1881 (Thursday) Commenced school at 9.14, closed at 3.45 as Miss F. has to go at 4.03. Mr. Talbot visited my school, like him very much indeed. 06\10\1881 (Friday) Weather - Rained Carried my dinner. After school went home and got ready, after tea Helen went up to Nellie's with me, put her to bed. Charlie {?} and I slept together. Grandma Marks was here. Helen was just as good as could be although she had never staid away from her Mother before. 06\11\1881 (Saturday) Weather - Cloudy Helen was all right. Mrs. G. came up at 8.15. We went to Torrington and spent the day at Mrs. Lyman W. Coe's, had an elegant time, came down on the milk train. Mrs. Foster sent home my dress. 06\12\1881 (Sunday) Weather - Pleasant Went to Cong. church. Mrs. G. {?} and I went to cemetery and to Nellie's. 06\17\1881 (Friday) Weather - Cloudy Came up to Nellie's. 06\18\1881 (Saturday) Went out home with Willie and Miss Griffin. Went up to Austins at night with Lucy. 06\19\1881 (Sunday) Went to church, staid to Sunday School. Went to Nellie's to dinner, went down to U.C. on the milk train. Went to a S.S. concert in the eve. 06\24\1881 (Friday) Weather - Pleasant The last day at school. Miss Fowler, Miss Brooks and I gave the children a pic-nic. Mrs. G. was very kind and fitted up a grove for us. Some of the neighbors also helped and altogether we had a very nice time indeed. In the evening we at Mr. Godfrey's were invited down to Mr. A.C. Tuttle's to tea, had a very pleasant time. 06\25\1881 (Saturday) Weather - Pleasant Mrs. Godfrey carried me up to U.C. Held the horse while she did her errands then bade her good-bye. Mr. G. sent my trunk up by express. I did a few errands and then went to Nellie's and waited for Austin, wrote a postal to Jennie. 07\02\1881 (Saturday) Weather - Pleasant Did the work as usual. Austin came in at noon with the news that President Garfield had been shot perhaps fatally in the depot at Washington at 9.30 A.M. by a Frenchman Guiteau. 09\01\1881 (Thursday) Weather - Warm Washed, ironed and sewed. Mother had quite a severe attack of cholera morbus{?}. Mrs. Nettleton came over in the after-noon. Charlie Miller came over in the eve, told me of a school in Wolcott. Staid till 11.30. 09\02\1881 (Friday) Weather - Cloudy Father carried me in town to be examined but was not obliged to be after all. Harry came in with us, went down to Nellie's, helped clean out the garret. Miss Fowler came down in the afternoon, took Harry and {illegible} to ride to Town Plot, Oronoke and Union City. 09\06\1881 (Tuesday) Weather - Very warm and strange{?} Came in with Will Lynn, walked over to Elmer's, my future boarding place, then walked to Oronoke School and commenced teaching, had 25 pupils, liked the school very much, was very tired when I reached home as the walk was more than I have accustomed to. 1 1/2 miles each way. Annie was down and staid to tea. George and Will also went over to the store. 09\19\1881 (Monday) President James A. Garfield died at Long Brach{?}, N.J. at 10.35 P.M. {end of diary entries} Memoranda: Lines for an Autograph Ever your friend. We often see These words beside a name, Three simple words, and yet to me They mean always the same; No changing, ever true. But ah! These friends when put to test Oft prove that these three simple words Were breathed in simple jest. From Will Carleton's "Three Scenes of a Hero's Life." It is not _where_ we struggle that we may win a name: Upon both land and water true courage burns the same. Though I may never be famous, I'll mind my duty true; And that is something noble for any one to do." George Washington Memoranda: Mons. F. A. Nobert's lines. {? nearly illegible} 224,000 to the inch. Memoranda: 06\25\1882 {Sunday} The first Sunday I was home from teaching at Oronoke School District, my friend C---. {=? CSM} said he wondered where we would be in five years from that day. If living I hope I shall remember it. 06\25\1883 Was at Will's yesterday and in the evening when C. {=? CSM} was there, I happened to remember his remark one year ago. Memoranda: T.W. Bicknell. 16 Hawley St. Boston, Mass. Publisher of The National or New England Journals of Education, Primary Teacher, Educational review Education, recommended by Hiram Orcutt A.M. West Lebanon N. St. Accounts: Date Received Paid 01\01 Balance 59.65 Dressmaker 5.00 01\02 Church .15 01\03 School-cards 1.00 Car-fare .15 01\05 Postage stamps .35 01\07 Car-fare .20 01\08 Diary @ envelopes .43 Purple-red calico .03 01\09 Church .33 01\10 Car-fare .15 Postage .01 01\14 Car-fare .15 01\15 Dress-maker .90 Gloves .68 Needles, pins, C. lace, etc. .26 Shoes 3.47 01\16 Church .30 01\17 Car-fare .15 01\18 Washing 1.00 01\21 Car-fare .15 Date Received Paid 01\22 Collar-button .50 Repairing pin .10 Tooth brush powder .60 Dress shields .28 Needles .12 Gloves .68 2 doz. buttons @.06 .12 Paper .11 Borrowed of Nellie 9.00 Encyclopedia 11.44 01\24 Car-fare .15 01\25 Nellie 10.00 01\26 Candy .15 01\28 Washing .25 01\29 1 box slate pencils .65 01\30 Church .25 Date Received Paid 02\01 Balance 28.24 02\02 Supper .35 02\04 Fare to W. .15 02\05 Cotton and needles .11 02\06 Church .25 02\07 Fare to U.C. .15 02\11 Fare to W. .15 Rubbers .50 02\13 Church 1.14 02\14 Fare to U.C. .15 Ticket to Concert .35 02\17 Camphor .15 Fare to W. .15 Two suppers .70 Ortras {??} at Supper 1.52 C{??} Lace .49 02\20 Church .10 Washing .60 02\21 Fare to W. .15 02\22 Material of holder .28 Front Masnonds {??} .15 Date Received Paid 02\23 Fare to U.C. .15 02\25 Fare to W. .15 02\27 Church .25 02\28 Fare to U.C. .15 02\23 2 handkerchfs .25 02\22 Loaned Miss P. .18 02\25 Loaned Nellie .10 28.24 8.82 8.82 Balance 19.42 March 03\01 Balance 19.42 Washing .60 03\02 Carfare to W. .15 Supper and admission .25 Candy .25 Holder .10 03\03 Fare to U.C. .15 Postal cards .10 03\04 Fare to W. .15 Date Received Paid 03\04 Subscription to paper 1.75 Bracelets .31 Money order .10 03\05 Calico red cotton .06 03\06 Church .32 03\07 Fare to U.C. .15 03\09 Fare to W. .15 Ticket to Emma H. .75 Book for Emma H. .25 03\10 Fare to U.C. .15 03\12 Net .10{?} 03\13 Church .05 03\11 Fare to W. .15 03\14 Blank book .50 Microscope 1.00 Fare to U.C. .15 03\18 Washing .60 1/2 fare to Hall .25 03\19 3 books 1.40 2 Cards .80 Pattern .30 Date Received Paid 03\21 Car fare to U.C. .20 03\22 Postage stamps .15 Money for S. cards .40 03\24 S. cards .05 Car-fare .05 03\25 Car-fare .30 03\26 4 1/2 yds muslin{musslin!} .50 6 1/2 yds muslin .75 Cambric edge .30 Buttons and edge 1.14 03\27 Church .25 03\28 Prepairing shoes .25 03\30 Mother loaned 10.00 14 yd. bunting @.25 3.50 Silk and twist Pattern .25 For Mother 1.15 03\31 Part sewing machine 20.00 Nellie loaned 15.00 Date Received Paid 04\01 Balance .28 04\03 Church .13 04\04 Car-fare .15 04\09 12 wks teaching @ 9.00 108.00 Nellie 15.00 Mother 10.00 Rubbers .44 Reward-cards .45 Supporter elastic .46 Nellie .10 04\10 Church .25 04\11 Balance for machine 18.00 Car-fare .15 12 wks board Mr. S. 36.50 04\14 Car-fare .15 04\16 Ribbon 10. paper .16 04\17 Church {no entry} 04\18 Car-fare .20 04\19 Court-plaster .10 04\20 Postage stamps .15 04\22 Car-fare .15 Date Received Paid 04\24 Church .50 04\25 Car-fare .15 04\28 Last turn washing .30 1/4 lb nails .02 04\29 Car-fare .15 Postage .02 Hat 1.99 Throat Diamonds .25 04\30 Parasol 1.75 Gloves .37 Reward cards .50 Tea-pot 2.90 Date Received Paid 05\01 Balance 15.63 Church .35 05\02 Car-fare .15 05\03 Repairing shoes .80 05\06 Oranges .10 Car-fare .15 Edging .10 Repairing watch 2.25 05\07 Needles, thread .15 Repairing pin .10 05\15 Church .20 05\18 Postal cards .05 05\20 Car-fare .05 05\25 Car-fare .15 St. Margaret's .25 05\26 Car-fare to L--d .65 Mr. Johndon Ay{??} ticket .20 05\27 Book .18 05\28 Stockings .50 05\31 Car-fare .20 05\30 Pens and stamps .28 05\24 Entertainment .20 Extra .78 x15.65x 7.45 7.78 Date Received Paid 06\01 Balance 8.18 06\02 Hall-fare .08 06\06 Car-fare .30 Patterns .50 06\08 Braid .20 06\10 Car-fare .15 06\11 Car-fare 1.65 06\17 Car-fare .15 06\18 Books + Cards 2.46 06\13 Watch crystal .25 06\18 Daisies .12 06\19 Church .18 Car-fare .15 06\21 Borrowed of Nellie 5.00 06\24 For pic-nic{?} 1.27 06\25 Bill at M. + P. + 11 4.77 Ribbon + silk .20 Chamber-set crockery 4.00 Nellie 5.00 12 wk teaching @ 9.00 108.00 12 wks board 40.00 Dress-maker 2.60 Date Received Paid 06\26 Church .25 06\27 Express on trunk .40 121.18 64.58 64.58 07\01 Balance 56.60 Loaned Mother 5.00 07\02 Baker .06 07\03 Church .25 07\05 Baker .30 07\07 Baker .10 07\08 From Juliet .10 07\09 Baker .10 From Mother 5.00 07\10 From Mother 2.00 Church .25 07\06 Starch .20 07\16 Ammonia .15 Corsets, bracelets, glove 2.70 Album 4.00 Date Received Paid 07\17 Church .25 07\20 Medicine{Medicin!} for father .50 Dress-maker 4.80 Stamps + Cards .22 Nets pins .15 Picnic to H.R.G. .50 07\23 Hat 2.98 Rubbers .50 Worsted ribbon .15 07\24 Church .10 07\25 Hat for Harry .25 63.70 23.51 08\01 Balance 40.19 08\02 Mother 1/2 album 2.00 Nellie for H.'s hat .25 Miss Pickett .05 Nellie car fare & candy .10 2 stamps .02 Candy .08 08\03 Father for medicine{??} .50 Date Received Paid 08\11 Telephone .15 08\14 Church .25 08\16 2 Fares to H.R.G. 1.00 Clam dinner .50 Whip for Walter .10 08\18 Loaned Mother 2.15 08\20 Shoes + slippers 5.05 Repairing cuff b. 1.00 Comb net elastic{elestic} etc. .87 Stamps + cards .20 08\21 Church .25 Repairing watch 1.25 Fare to H.R.G. .35 08\26 Elastic .36 08\29 Fare from Milford to Strat .12 Fare from Strat to W. .95 08\30 Carpet warp{?} + needle .16 08\22 Primary teacher 1.00 Date Received Paid 09\01 Balance 30.49 09\03 Miss Pickett 2.00 09\04 Church .30 09\10 Express on trunk .25 2 towels @ .12 1/2 .25 2 yds ribbon @ .25 .50 Glass .25 Pins .04 09\11 Church .15 09\12 Darning cotton .02 09\13 Darning cotton .02 Shields .25 Lace 1 1/2 yd. @ .25 .38 Waiter .02 From Elmer, dinner etc. .60 Loaned Alice .29 09\18 Church .35 09\19 Buttons .02 Loaned Alice .40 09\24 Mr. Johnson .60 09\25 Church .28 09\29 Loaned Alice .25 09\30 Car-fare .20 Date Received Paid 10\01 Balance 25.30 10\02 Church .25 10\04 4 collars @ .10 .40 4 handkerchiefs .90 Cotton trimming .08 Elastic .04 10\06 Fare to Plainsville .55 Ma Miller for Teacher 1.00 "Memory Game" .12 10\07 1 yd cotton cloth .08 10\08 Fare to Hartford .40 Stereoscopic views 1.50 Dinner at Habenstein's .40 Mr. + Mrs. Garfields pie{?} .70 Top of {illegible} .05 Horse-car fare .07 Fare to Plainville .40 Care of package .05 Pop-corn .05 10\09 Church .15 Date Received Paid 10\14 Fine on Lib'y book .01 10\16 Church .25 Borrowed of Elmer .15 10\19 1/2 doz buttons .25 Elastic + hair-pins .13 Glycerosa .25 10\22 Crocket needles .14 Throat diamonds .25 Miss Pickett 2.10 Elmer .15 10\23 Church .23 10\29 Loaned Mother 5.25 10\30 Church .25 26.45 15.45 15.40 11\01 Balance 11.00 11\03 Mr. Micon, supper .25 Crocket cotton .06 Loaned Alice .17 Date Received Paid 11\05 2 oz. worsted .14 11\06 Church .35 11\12 Gloves .38 Yarn .20 11\13 Church .30 11\14 Hair-pins .01 11\15 Alice .15 11\16 Slots .08 11\20 Church .20 11\23 Medicine .10 Nets .08 Comb .13 Felt + Cambric .01 2 lbs. nuts @ .25 .50 11\25 Medicine .50 11\26 Church .25 Date Received Paid 12\01 Balance 5.90 12\03 Cotton + daisies .13 12\04 Church .12 12\07 Ticket to readings .50 12\10 Medicine .10 Freight of books .50 12\11 Church .12 Cards for school 1.51 Plaited ribbon .19 Plaited flannel etc. for Alice .42 Worsted .08 Smelling salts .50 12\18 Church .15 12\19 2 books, 25 + 50 cts. .75 School cards .20 Stove lifter .10 Twine + pins .08 12\22 From Mother 7.00 Wages for teaching 112.00 Elmer for board 42.00 12\23 Bank 20.00 Miss Pickett for Mother 2.25 Date Received Paid 12\23 1/2 Hat for Elmer 1.50 George for two books .56 4 books .90 Nellie, Geo. + children + bok.{??} 1.75 Nellie's baby .60 Charlie .50 Austin + Arthur .75 Alice 1.25 Jennie Passett .94 Hart + Munson .68 1 doz. daisies .12 Walter handkerchief .50 12\24 Testament for Mother .60 Cup for Elmer .40 Powder box + puff {no entry} 12\25 Church .30 Christmas tree .50 12\27 5 yds flannel @ 1.12 5.60 Lining, silk, troist etc. .60 12\28 2 yds flannel .25 Buttons .78 Linings etc. {no entry} Date Received Paid 12\28 Miss Pickett 3.25 12\30 Miss Markham 6.00 Dr. Cook dentistry 1.50 Dress-shields .25 2 pr. stockings @ .35 .70 2 sp. silk + twist for M. {??} .22 3 yds edging @ 12 1/2 .37 Extra 3.17 124.90 104.23 104.23 Balance Jan 1, 1882 20.67 Date(1882) Received Paid 01\29 Promised Church 10.00 04\15 Paid Church 10.00 Date(1882) Received Paid 01\01 Balance 20.67 Church .12 01\07 Miss Pickett buttons 1.20 Satin for Mother .37 Shoe-blacking .08 01\08 Church .15 01\10 Skating-rink .25 01\14 Miss P. for Mother 3.00 Yarn .25, elastic .30 01\15 Church .10 01\17 Paper .20 Postal cards .05 Miss Pickett for each 1.35 Spool silk .10 01\19 Lace .20 Worsted .08 01\20 Fare to Naugatuck .20 01\22 Church .10 01\23 Leggins .69 Date(1882) Received Paid 01\23 Crocket needles .16 01\28 Vaccination 1.00 Rubbers .45 Corsets .25 01\29 Church .12 20.67 10.52 10.52 Balance 10.15 Date(1882) Received Paid 02\01 Balance 10.15 02\02 Registered letter and stamp .13 1/2 Primary Teacher .50 02\03 Hose .10 02\11 Muslin .15 02\06 Hack .25 02\01 1 doz. slate pencils .08 02\03 From children .02 02\09 Hack .25 Apron .60 Supper at Hall .40 02\12 Shoes 3.82 Net .05 Stamps + cards .20 Cap{...???} .17 02\13 Church .18 02\20 Church .20 From Mother 10.00 Date(1882) Received Paid 02\22 12 yds calico @ .08 for Mother .96 Yarn, linings, thread etc. 1.73 Rubbers + shoes 1.25 Wiggam .12 02\11 Charlie for hack + etc. .75 Elmer for Mother cloak 1.50 02\26 Church .14 02\15 Opera + 1/2 Libretto .87 Date(1882) Received Paid 03\01 Balance $8.23 03\03 Loaned Alice .10 03\05 Church .13 03\13 Mother 2.00 03\16 From Alice .42 03\18 R.R. braid + elastic .22 Toy for Walter .15 03\19 Church .13 03\23 Grinding scissors .10 Will for Mother's cloak 1.50 03\25 Gloves .95 Leslie's magazine .25 Cocoa and wicks .09 03\26 Church .27 Charlie for M. cloak 1.25 03\27 Nellie for M. Cloak 1.50 Thread .38 03\28 Reward cards .84 03\31 Feather, braid, needle etc. .30 03\18 Perfumery .60 Date(1882) Received Paid 04\01 Balance 8.44 04\02 Book .90 Cards and "companions" 1.59 Cards and other prizes 1.15 Church .27 04\05 Albums, cards, comp'ns{??} 1.36 Book 1.00 Balance on books .10 04\06 Wages for teaching 14. 98.00 Elmer for board 37.00 04\07 Church .25 Envelopes .01 04\08 6 yds. cloth @ 12 1/2 .75 Thread + cambric .22 Night-dress 1.48 Skirt .98 Silk .25 04\09 Church 2.00 04\10 Purse .50 Postage .12 Thread .08 Date(1882) Received Paid 04\12 Fare to U.C. + ret. .30 04\13 Admission to Trinity ent.{??} .50 04\15 Hat 3.30 Cards .25 Frinite{??} church via C.J.P. 10.00 04\16 Church .40 04\15 Composition for Mother .25 04\20 Mr. Brown for cards 1.00 04\21 Paper for mother 2.80 Elastic .10 04\22 Longfellow's Poems 3.00 04\23 Church .15 04\27 Cough-drops .15 04\28 Crumb-pan + brush for N. .60 Plate for Miss Pickett .35 04\30 Church .40 Date(1882) Received Paid 05\01 Balance {no entry} 05\03 2 lb. nuts for party .40 05\05 Balance on hat .50 05\06 Cough-drops .25 2 pr. Gloves 1.15 + .25 1.40 Buttons, Thread .05 .35 Shoes for Charlie 1.25 05\07 Church .25 05\06 2 spools thread for Mother .14 05\08 7 yds. Nun's Veiling{?} @ .87 1/2 6.13 5 yds. Suran silk @ 1.25 6.25 Braid .06 6 yd. cambric @ .08 .48 1 1/2 Silicia @ .15 .23 05\10 Repairing shoes .20 Gloves, Mrs. Barrett 1.00 05\14 Church .06 05\20 Miss Pickett 1.15 Needles {no entry} 05\21 Church .15 Date(1882) Received Paid 05\27 Miss Pickett 3.00 Gloves 1.07 Postal cards .10 06\01 Balance 6.00 1 1/2 doz. buttons @ .18 .27 1 yd. elastic .07 06\03 Nellie for Charlie's shoes 1.25 06\04 From Mother 5.00 Church .25 06\08 First church supper .35 Sweeping cap .20 06\10 Mother .95 06\11 Church .15 06\12 Tablecloth 1.47 Dress shields + elastic{?} .06 .25 Date(1882) Received Paid 06\12 Slippers for Mother .92 06\16 9 wks teaching O. District 63.00 06\17 Nellie two m. board 24.00 Miss Pickett balance on dress 1.50 Repairing shoes .50 1 yd elastic .08 06\18 Church .35 Ticket to pic-nic .40 06\19 Postal-cards + stamps .13 06\20 Plants for Mother .60 06\21 Fare to U.C. + ret. .30 2 pr. stockings @ .35 .70 1 pr. stockings @ .50 .50 1 pr. gloves .34 1 fan .20 2 collars @ .16 .32 Hair-pins .05 1 pkg. envelopes .07 06\22 2 cans C. beef @ .30 .60 Children @ pic-nic .05 06\23 1 1/2 yd felt @ 1.50 2.25 Emb. silk for spread .92 Date(1882) Received Paid 06\23 Net .05 06\21 Vases .50 06\25 Church .25 06\26 Needles .25 07\01 Balance 35.30 1 spool thread .05 Belt pins .02 Hat 1.85 1/2 doz. bananas .25 Candy .05 07\02 Charlie C. .02 07\03 1 qt. strawberries .12 07\09 Church .25 07\12 Postage-stamps .15 Oranges .10 From Mother 3.00 Date(1882) Received Paid 07\12 Groceries for Mother .55 Lemons .15 Tea .70 Souvenir .01 Returned to Mother 1.60 07\16 Church .25 07\23 Church .25 07\26 Oranges etc. .30 07\22 Peanuts .05 07\30 Church .25 38.30 6.92 6.92 08\01 Balance 31.38 08\03 "Compound" .01 08\06 Church .25 08\13 Church .25 From Nellie .35 08\15 Stage-fare .40 08\16 Naugatuck + ret. .40 08\18 Fruit .70 08\19 Part expenses @ Quassapaug .75 08\18 Handkerchiefs 1.16 Corsets .95 Date(1882) Received Paid 08\18 Gloves .34 Collars 13 cts. .39 Purse .10 08\19 Tidy{?} .80 08\20 Church .30 08\30 Collars 12 1/2 cts. .50 Stockings .42 + .39 .81 Gloves .37 Stamps .25 Tooth + nail-brushes .70 09\01 Balance 21.89 09\04 Fare to U.C. .15 09\10 Church .25 09\11 6 yds. gingham @ .10 .60 Pins .08 Watch-cord .35 Book 1.00 Pens + blanket .15 Net .07 3 spools thread .15 Fare to U.C. .15 Date(1882) Received Paid 09\11 Books for Weaver children .65 09\12 Slate-pencil .01 09\17 Church .20 09\21 Concert + supper .60 09\25 Books 2.25 + 1.30 3.55 From Mother 5.00 For Mother 2.46 Repairing watch .40 Fare to U.C. .15 09\28 Shoe blacking .25 09\30 Fare to H.R.G. .20 Balance on books for C. 1.95 Extra .26 Date(1882) Received Paid 10\01 Balance 13.26 Church .20 10\02 Borrowed of F. .35 Visiting cards .35 10\08 Church .15 Mother 2.44 10\09 Sewing-silk .10 Fare to U.C. .15 10\13 Fare to W. .15 Shoes 3.82 10\14 2 1/2 yd. flannel @ .60 1.50 Umbrella 2.25 Lining, braid etc. .35 Rubbers .60 10\15 Church .20 10\16 Fare to U.C. .15 10\18 Ammonia .10 10\20 Fare to W. .15 10\21 From Bank 10.00 Hat 2.69 Facing, braid etc. .31 Date(1882) Received Paid 10\22 Church .35 10\23 Fare to U.C. .15 Lunch .05 10\24 Express .15 Postage-stamps .25 10\25 Plaster .20 10\27 Fare to New Haven .85 Dinner .40 Lunch .15 Fare to Milford .25 10\28 Fare to Stratford .13 Century + envelope .36 Fare to Naugatuck .80 10\29 Church .20 10\31 Postal cards .05 Repairing chair .50 Extra .60 Returned to F. .35 Date(1882) Received Paid 11\01 Balance 2.16 Church .16 11\02 Annie Pixley .75 11\05 Church .25 From C. for chair .50 11\07 School cards 1.00 11\11 From Annie 12.69 Pictures for Fannie 2.00 2 1/2 yds. cretonne @ .25 .62 11\12 Church .25 11\13 Fare to U.C. .15 Lunch, stamp + boy .10 11\17 Frames for pictures 1.90 Stamps .15 11\19 Church .10 11\20 Handkerchiefs + braid .48 Tickets to Hill Carlton .40 Fare to Union City + ret. .30 11\21 Fare to U.C. .15 Lunch .05 11\24 Fare to W. .20 Date(1882) Received Paid 11\25 From Bank 15.00 Repairing watch .10 11\26 Church .15 11\27 Birth-day card .08 Lunch .07 Fare to U.C. .15 30.35 9.63 9.63 20.72 12\01 Balance 20.72 12\03 Annie 12.69 12\04 Tooth-pick for C. .62 Fare to U.C. .15 Sack for Mother 3.00 Splasher for F. .85 12\09 Cards (cr. {??} 1.00) .10 Two books 1.20 12\11 Repairing watch .75 Lunch .05 Fare to U.C. .15 Date(1882) Received Paid 12\16 Christmas Cards .30 12\23 Borrowed of Miss B. 1.00 16 wks teaching @ 10. 160.00 Fannie for board 50.00 Dressing case 1.50 Match-safes 1.20 Miss Markham 3.25 Miss Pickett 5.00 Gloves 1.50 Flowers .75 Ribbon .27 Clock 2.50 Emb'cotton .05 Bus .05 12\24 Church .10 12\25 9 children 2.25 Church .25 12\30 Elmer for pencil .25 Bank 30.00 3 1/2 yd. fur @ .75 2.62 Silk @ tape .15 12\31 Church .10 Date(1883) Received Paid 01\01 Balance 61.06 01\02 Twist .02 Fur .30 Miss Pickett .75 01\03 From Mother for Xmas 1.00 1 1/2 yd flannel @ .48 .72 Skein yarn .25 17 1/2 yd blk silk @ 1.60 28.00 01\08 Diary .35 Blank book .12 Fare to U.C. .15 01\09 Postal cards .05 01\10 Car fare .05 01\13 3 hdk @ .10 .30 2 pair cuffs .25 4 towels @ .25 1.00 2 towels @ .10 .20 1 1/2 yd cretonne @ .17 .25 1 doz. pictures @ {blank} 3.00 Date(1883) Received Paid 01\14 Church .15 01\16 St. Orcutt{?} for Miss B. 1.00 01\18 Fare to W. .15 Mr. Micou's picture .40 Bouquet .15 Confectionary .50 Scales .10 01\19 Lunch .25 Fare to U.C. .15 01\20 Fare to W. .20 2 spools silk .20 1 1/2 doz. buttons .75 Rubber water-proof 2.25 Twist .04 1 yd. padding .15 5" cambric @ .07 .35 1 1/2" silisia @ .25 .38 Braid .10 01\21 Church .20 01\22 Fare to U.C. .15 01\24 Cough drops .25 Date(1883) Received Paid 01\27 Fare to W. .20 5 yd. ribbon @ .29 1.45 Postage stamps .25 01\29 From Mother 4.00 20 yd. cotton @ .08 1/3 for M. 1.67 5 yd. cotton @ .08 1/3 for M. .42 3 1/4 yds. calico @ .07 for M. .27 Writing paper .20 Stereoscopic view .20 Fare to U.C. .15 01\30 Fare to W. .20 Rubbers .60 Date(1883) Received Paid 02\01 Balance 15.89 Supper .25 02\02 Fare to W. .15 Dress shields .15 02\03 Bus .05 02\05 Bus .05 Lunch .05 Fare to U.C. .15 02\06 Slate pencils .05 02\09 Car-fare to W. .20 Miss Pickett work on silk 6.00 02\10 Holder .05 02\12 From Mother 1.64 Postals .04 Cloth for Mother 2.39 2 yds ribbon .50 Fare to U.C. .15 //end//