Index of the Papyri Microfiche Collection BOX 1 1.1-9 BGU 1-9 1.10 Wilcken, Actenstu%cke (Berlin) Thebes (1887) 1.11-18 BKT = Berliner Klassikertexte 1-8 1.19-26 P.Michigan 1-6 1.27 O.Michigan (Amundsen, 1935) 1.28 P.Cairo Isidorus 1.29-31 P.Petrie 1-3 1.32 P.Berlin Zilliacus (1941) 1.33-37 SB = Preisigke Sammelbuch 1-5 BOX 2 1.38-40 P.Cairo Maspero 1-3 1.41 P.Apollonos Ano (ed. Remondon, 1953) 1.42 P.Monac (Munich) 1.43-44 P.Amherst 1-2 1.45 P.Lund 1-6 1.46-50 P.Cairo Zenon 1-4 1.51 P.Revenue Laws (ed. Grenfell 1896) 1.52 P.Enteux (ed. Gueraud, Cairo 1931) 1.53 P.Gurob (ed. Smyly, Dublin 1921) 1.54-57 P.London 1-4 (ed. Kenyon, BM 1893-1910) 1.58 P.Literary London (ed. Milne, BM 1927) 1.59-60 P.London 5-6 (ed. Bell, BM 1917-24) 1.61 P.Berlin Leihgabe (ed. Kalen 1932) 1.62 P.Dura (ed. Welles 1959) 1.63 P.Edfou (Cairo 1937-50) 1.64 P.Athens (ed. Petropoulos 1939) BOX 3 1.65-76 PSI = Papiri Soc. Ital. 1-11 1.77-78 BL = Berichtigungsliste 1-2 1.79 O.Strassburg 1.80-82 P.Freiburg 1-3 1.83 P.Bremen 1.84 P.Beatty 1-8 (Chester Beatty Libr) 1.85 CPR 1 = Rainer Papyri (ed. Wessely 1895) 1.86 P.Basel (ed Rabel 1917) 1.87 P.Bouriant (ed Collart 1926) BOX 4 2.1-5 P.Ross-Georg 1-5 = Russian & Georgian 2.6-13 P.Iandanae 1-8 2.14 UPZ = Urkunden der Ptolema%erzeit (ed Wilcken 1927) 2.15-16 P.Leiden 1-2 2.17-18 P.Michigan 7-8 2.19 P.Gradenwitz (ed Plaumann 1914) 2.20-26 P.Giss Univ 1-6 (Giessen 1924-75) 2.27 P.Cairo Goodspeed (1903) 2.28 P.Wurzburg (ed Wilcken 1934) 2.29 P.Edgar (Cairo Zenon 1918-24) 2.30 P.Cairo (ed Grenfell 1903) 2.31-33 P.Heidelberg 1-3 2.34 P.Berlin Frisk (1931) 2.35 NB = Namenbuch (ed Preisigke 1922) 2.36-38 P.Princeton 1-3 2.39 P.Strassburg 1 (ed Preisigke 1912) 2.40-44 MPER = P.Rainer 1-6 2.45 Jur.Pap (ed Meyer 1920) 2.46 P.Reinach 2 (ed Collart, Cairo 1940) 2.47-48 P.Geneva 1-2 2.49-54 P.Baden 1-6 2.55 P.Warren (Leiden 1941) 2.56-65 P.Lugduno-Batava 2-11 BOX 5 2.66 P.Paris 2.67 CPR 2 = P.Rainer 2 (ed Krall 1895) 2.68 P.Cairo Preisigke (1911) 2.69 FW = Fachwo%rter (ed Preisigke 1915) 2.70 P.Prague [missing card 1] 2.71 P.Princeton Roll (1933) 2.72 O.Brussels Berlin (two eds) 2.73 P.Hawara (ed Petrie 1889) 2.74 P.Graec Berlin (ed Schubart 1911) 2.75 P.Revenue Laws (2nd ed 1952) 2.76 P.Karanis Goodspeed (1902) 2.77 P.Bacchias (Soknobraisis 1947) 2.78-79 WO 1-2 = Wilcken Ostraca (1899) 2.80 P.Monac Atlas (Munich 1914) 2.81 P.Elephantine 2.82-84 MPER = Mitt.Papyrussamm. Wien (Vienna 1932-39) 2.85 P.Tor (Turin 1827-29) 2.86 P.Geneva (1900) 2.87 P.Berlin Mo%ller (1929) 2.88-89 PSI 12-13 2.90-92 P.Fouad 2-4 2.93 O.Fouad = Fouad Series 6 (1945) 2.94-97 P.Fouad 7-10 BOX 6 2.98-100 WB 1-3 = Preisigke, Wo%rterbuch 2.101 P.Jena (1926) 2.102 P.Lips (ed Mitteis, Leipzig 1906) 2.103 P.Hamburg 2.104 P.Aberdeen (1939) 2.105 P.Grenfell 1 (1896) 2.106 P.Berlin Thunell (1924) 2.107 P.Chicago (1908) 2.108-9 BL 3-4 (Berichtigungsliste 1958, 1964) 2.110 P.Grenfell 2 (1897) 2.111-13 P.London Atlas 1-3 (1893-1907) 2.114-19 SPP 1(...-...)22 = Wessely Studien 2.120 Wilcken Grundzu%ge = 1.1 (1912) 2.121 Wilcken Chrestomathie = 1.2 (1912) 2.122 Mitteis Grundzu%ge = 2.1 (1912) 2.123 Mitteis Chrestomathie = 2.2 (1912) /end of numerical order/ Alphabetic Order 2.104 P.Aberdeen (1939) 1.43-44 P.Amherst 1-2 1.41 P.Apollonos Ano (ed. Remondon, 1953) 1.64 P.Athens (ed. Petropoulos 1939) 2.77 P.Bacchias (Soknobraisis 1947) 2.49-54 P.Baden 1-6 1.86 P.Basel (ed Rabel 1917) 1.84 P.Beatty 1-8 (Chester Beatty Libr) 1.11-18 BKT = Berliner Klassikertexte 1-8 1.1-9 BGU 1-9 = Berlin Griechische Urkunden 2.74 P.Graec Berlin (ed Schubart 1911) 2.87 P.Berlin Mo%ller (1929) 2.106 P.Berlin Thunell (1924) 2.34 P.Berlin Frisk (1931) 1.61 P.Berlin Leihgabe (ed. Kalen 1932) 1.32 P.Berlin Zilliacus (1941) 1.87 P.Bouriant (ed Collart 1926) 1.83 P.Bremen 2.27 P.Cairo Goodspeed (1903) 2.30 P.Cairo (ed Grenfell 1903) 1.28 P.Cairo Isidorus 1.38-40 P.Cairo Maspero 1-3 2.68 P.Cairo Preisigke (1911) 1.46-50 P.Cairo Zenon 1-4 2.107 P.Chicago (1908) 1.62 P.Dura (ed. Welles 1959) 1.63 P.Edfou (Cairo 1937-50) 1.52 P.Enteux (ed. Gueraud, Cairo 1931) 2.29 P.Edgar (Cairo Zenon 1918-24) 2.81 P.Elephantine 2.90-92 P.Fouad 2-4 2.94-97 P.Fouad 7-10 1.80-82 P.Freiburg 1-3 2.86 P.Geneva (1900) 2.47-48 P.Geneva 1-2 2.20-26 P.Giss Univ 1-6 (Giessen 1924-75) 2.19 P.Gradenwitz (ed Plaumann 1914) 2.105 P.Grenfell 1 (1896) 2.110 P.Grenfell 2 (1897) 1.53 P.Gurob (ed. Smyly, Dublin 1921) 2.103 P.Hamburg 2.73 P.Hawara (ed Petrie 1889) 2.31-33 P.Heidelberg 1-3 2.6-13 P.Iandanae 1-8 2.101 P.Jena (1926) 2.45 Jur.Pap (ed Meyer 1920) 2.76 P.Karanis Goodspeed (1902) 2.15-16 P.Leiden 1-2 1.54-57 P.London 1-4 (ed. Kenyon, BM 1893-1910) 2.102 P.Lips (ed Mitteis, Leipzig 1906) 1.58 P.Literary London (ed. Milne, BM 1927) 2.111-13 P.London Atlas 1-3 (1893-1907) 1.59-60 P.London 5-6 (ed. Bell, BM 1917-24) 2.56-65 P.Lugduno-Batava 2-11 1.45 P.Lund 1-6 1.19-26 P.Michigan 1-6 2.17-18 P.Michigan 7-8 1.42 P.Monac (Munich) 2.80 P.Monac Atlas (Munich 1914) 2.66 P.Paris 1.29-31 P.Petrie 1-3 2.70 P.Prague [missing card 1] 2.71 P.Princeton Roll (1933) 2.36-38 P.Princeton 1-3 1.51 P.Revenue Laws (ed. Grenfell 1896) 2.75 P.Revenue Laws (2nd ed 1952) 1.85 CPR 1 = Rainer Papyri (ed. Wessely 1895) 2.67 CPR 2 = P.Rainer 2 (ed Krall 1895) 2.40-44 MPER = P.Rainer 1-6 2.46 P.Reinach 2 (ed Collart, Cairo 1940) 2.1-5 P.Ross-Georg 1-5 = Russian & Georgian 1.65-76 PSI = Papiri Soc. Ital. 1-11 2.88-89 PSI 12-13 2.39 P.Strassburg 1 (ed Preisigke 1912) 2.85 P.Tor (Turin 1827-29) 2.55 P.Warren (Leiden 1941) 2.28 P.Wurzburg (ed Wilcken 1934) 2.82-84 MPER = Mitt.Papyrussamm. Wien (Vienna 1932-39) 2.35 NB = Namenbuch (ed Preisigke 1922) 1.77-78 BL = Berichtigungsliste 1-2 2.108-9 BL 3-4 (Berichtigungsliste 1958, 1964) 2.69 FW = Fachwo%rter (ed Preisigke 1915) 1.33-37 SB = Preisigke Sammelbuch 1-5 2.98-100 WB 1-3 = Preisigke, Wo%rterbuch 2.114-19 SPP 1(...-...)22 = Wessely Studien 1.10 Wilcken, Actenstu%cke (Berlin) Thebes (1887) 2.120 Wilcken Grundzu%ge = 1.1 (1912) 2.121 Wilcken Chrestomathie = 1.2 (1912) 2.122 Mitteis Grundzu%ge = 2.1 (1912) 2.123 Mitteis Chrestomathie = 2.2 (1912) 2.14 UPZ = Urkunden der Ptolema%erzeit (ed Wilcken 1927) 2.72 O.Brussels Berlin (two eds) 2.93 O.Fouad = Fouad Series 6 (1945) 1.27 O.Michigan (Amundsen, 1935) 1.79 O.Strassburg 2.78-79 WO 1-2 = Wilcken Ostraca (1899)