A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM DRAMATIS PERSONAE THESEUS Duke of Athens. EGEUS father to Hermia. LYSANDER | | in love with Hermia. DEMETRIUS | PHILOSTRATE master of the revels to Theseus. QUINCE a carpenter. SNUG a joiner. BOTTOM a weaver. FLUTE a bellows-mender. SNOUT a tinker. STARVELING a tailor. HIPPOLYTA queen of the Amazons, betrothed to Theseus. HERMIA daughter to Egeus, in love with Lysander. HELENA in love with Demetrius. OBERON king of the fairies. TITANIA queen of the fairies. PUCK or Robin Goodfellow. PEASEBLOSSOM | | COBWEB | | fairies. MOTH | | MUSTARDSEED | Other fairies attending their King and Queen. Attendants on Theseus and Hippolyta. SCENE Athens, and a wood near it.