2 KING HENRY IV DRAMATIS PERSONAE RUMOUR the Presenter. KING HENRY the Fourth. (KING HENRY IV:) PRINCE HENRY | OF WALES (PRINCE HENRY:) | afterwards KING HENRY V. | | THOMAS, DUKE OF | sons of King Henry. CLARENCE (CLARENCE:) | | PRINCE HUMPHREY | OF GLOUCESTER (GLOUCESTER:) | EARL OF WARWICK (WARWICK:) EARL OF WESTMORELAND (WESTMORELAND:) EARL OF SURREY: GOWER: HARCOURT: BLUNT: Lord Chief-Justice of the King's Bench: (Lord Chief-Justice:) A Servant of the Chief-Justice. EARL OF NORTHUMBERLAND (NORTHUMBERLAND:) SCROOP, ARCHBISHOP OF YORK (ARCHBISHOP OF YORK:) LORD MOWBRAY (MOWBRAY:) LORD HASTINGS (HASTINGS:) LORD BARDOLPH: SIR JOHN COLEVILE (COLEVILE:) TRAVERS | | retainers of Northumberland. MORTON | SIR JOHN FALSTAFF (FALSTAFF:) His Page. (Page:) BARDOLPH: PISTOL: POINS: PETO: SHALLOW | | country justices. SILENCE | DAVY servant to Shallow. MOULDY | | SHADOW | | WART | recruits. | FEEBLE | | BULLCALF | FANG | | sheriff's officers. SNARE | LADY NORTHUMBERLAND: LADY PERCY: MISTRESS QUICKLY hostess of a tavern in Eastcheap. DOLL TEARSHEET: Lords and Attendants; Porter, Drawers, Beadles, Grooms, &c. (First Messenger:) (Porter:) (First Drawer:) (Second Drawer:) (First Beadle:) (First Groom:) (Second Groom:) A Dancer, speaker of the epilogue.