KING HENRY VIII DRAMATIS PERSONAE KING HENRY the Eighth (KING HENRY VIII:) CARDINAL WOLSEY: CARDINAL CAMPEIUS: CAPUCIUS Ambassador from the Emperor Charles V CRANMER Archbishop of Canterbury. DUKE OF NORFOLK (NORFOLK:) DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM (BUCKINGHAM:) DUKE OF SUFFOLK (SUFFOLK:) EARL OF SURREY (SURREY:) Lord Chamberlain (Chamberlain:) Lord Chancellor (Chancellor:) GARDINER Bishop of Winchester. Bishop of Lincoln. (LINCOLN:) LORD ABERGAVENNY (ABERGAVENNY:) LORD SANDS (SANDS:) SIR HENRY GUILDFORD (GUILDFORD:) SIR THOMAS LOVELL (LOVELL:) SIR ANTHONY DENNY (DENNY:) SIR NICHOLAS VAUX (VAUX:) Secretaries to Wolsey. (First Secretary:) (Second Secretary:) CROMWELL Servant to Wolsey. GRIFFITH Gentleman-usher to Queen Katharine. Three Gentlemen. (First Gentleman:) (Second Gentleman:) (Third Gentleman:) DOCTOR BUTTS Physician to the King. Garter King-at-Arms. (Garter:) Surveyor to the Duke of Buckingham. (Surveyor:) BRANDON: A Sergeant-at-Arms. (Sergeant:) Door-keeper of the Council-chamber. Porter, (Porter:) and his Man. (Man:) Page to Gardiner. (Boy:) A Crier. (Crier:) QUEEN KATHARINE (QUEEN KATHARINE:) Wife to King Henry, afterwards divorced. (KATHARINE:) ANNE BULLEN (ANNE:) her Maid of Honour, afterwards Queen. (QUEEN ANNE:) An old Lady, friend to Anne Bullen. (Old Lady:) PATIENCE woman to Queen Katharine. Several Lords and Ladies in the Dumb Shows; Women attending upon the Queen; Scribes, Officers, Guards, and other Attendants. Spirits. (Scribe:) (Keeper:) (Servant:) (Messenger:)