TITUS ANDRONICUS DRAMATIS PERSONAE SATURNINUS son to the late Emperor of Rome, and afterwards declared Emperor. BASSIANUS brother to Saturninus; in love with Lavinia. TITUS ANDRONICUS a noble Roman, general against the Goths. MARCUS ANDRONICUS tribune of the people, and brother to Titus. LUCIUS | | QUINTUS | | sons to Titus Andronicus. MARTIUS | | MUTIUS | Young LUCIUS a boy, son to Lucius. PUBLIUS son to Marcus the Tribune. SEMPRONIUS | | CAIUS | kinsmen to Titus. | VALENTINE | AEMILIUS a noble Roman. ALARBUS | | DEMETRIUS | sons to Tamora. | CHIRON | AARON a Moor, beloved by Tamora. A Captain, Tribune, Messenger, and Clown; Romans. (Captain:) (Messenger:) (Clown:) Goths and Romans. (First Goth:) (Second Goth:) (Third Goth:) TAMORA Queen of the Goths. LAVINIA daughter of Titus Andronicus. A Nurse. (Nurse:) Senators, Tribunes, Officers, Soldiers, and Attendants.