===== The Koresh Package includes the following electronic files from James Tabor (jdtabor@unccvm.uncc.edu): David Koresh's Unfinished Manuscript on the Seven Seals, edited by James Tabor and Phillip Arnold Events at Waco: an Interpretive Log Rethinking Waco: the Perspective of the Academic Study of Religion The Role of Biblical Scholarship at Waco: One Attempt to Avert Disaster To access these materials from the ccat gopher, University of Pennsylvania, follow these procedures: telnet gopher.upenn.edu select UPenn gophers select ccat.sas select CCAT Text Archives select Religion select Koresh MSS ===== EVENTS AT WACO: AN INTERPRETIVE LOG James D. Tabor, Associate Professor Dept. of Religious Studies University of North Carolina at Charlotte Copyright James D. Tabor, February 1994 May be circulated freely for non-commercial purposes with appropriate credit given Coding Key, pattern ... is a unit: indicates dates indicates emphasis. ALL CAPS indicates Policy Blunder by FBI indicates significant FBI strategy shift or activity ALL CAPS indicates both of above combined indicates Koresh positions and other matters related to dealing with his own religious understanding. indicates Koresh's preaching and attempts to put across his message.

indicates persons exiting or entering the Mt. Carmel Center indicates official report (source). A careful reading of this chronology makes clear some rather significant and startling conclusions. Notice the various periods in which there were people being let out of the Mt. Carmel Center--once this seemed to stop, and David Koresh's position became firm about not coming out until he heard from God, the FBI began to significantly toughen its stance. You can see this in particular from March 15th on, and even though significant numbers of people exited (7 on March 21st alone), the tactical side of the FBI kept stepping up the pressure, harassment, threats, and so forth. Note also they totally gave up on David's ``Bible Babble,'' early on, and never understood that such was actually the only substantive channel of negotiation. Also, note how absolutely consistent David Koresh is, utterly to the end. He holds out, against all pressures, for his ``word from God.'' Yet when he finally gets it, it is not even given a moment's attention. Even when things began to move very positively with the visits of the lawyers on March 29-April 4th, the FBI became only deafened to what was going on and hardened its positions and actions. Their independent plans for the CS GAS attack, which were begun as early as March 22nd, the very day they had their ``get tough'' strategy meeting, had moved to a fast pace by April 9th, and it became clear that this was going to be the outcome--regardless of what else was going on. The ``experts'' who evaluated the letters which were sent out on April 9, 10, 11, and 14th are much to blame for this whole matter, and are obviously completely illiterate when it comes to Biblical materials. They reinforced completely the FBI's impression that David's Biblical ideas were crazy, incoherent, and psychotic, that he was not coming out. What Dr. Phillip Arnold and Dr. James Tabor had done with their tapes, and through consultations with Dick DeGuerin, the very strategy that was working and getting a positive, coherent, and totally rational response from Koresh, was lost somehow in the background. It was actually the only ``coherent negotiation strategy'' pursued in the whole episode, and it was working. Sunday, February 28 9:30am BATF assault on Mt. Carmel Center (MtCC). 9:48am 911 call made by BD Wayne Martin pleading that they call them back, stop firing. Justice Department Report does not mention time of call, later classifies the whole affair an ambush by the BD. 11:00am FBI Agent Jeff Jamar notified in San Antonio, negotiators requested. Agent Byron Sage sent, gets on 911 line by 2:00 p.m. Texas Rangers arrive (32 within few days), to lead criminal investigation. FBI role to be limited to ending standoff. US Attorneys also arrive, two of which (Johnston & Phinizy) had assisted with initial warrants, to immediately work on case against BD, with homicide and assault charges formulated immediately. 4:00pm Koresh message broadcast over KRLD. Repeated twice. 4:55pm Gun fight: Mike Schroeder shot, Delroy Nash arrested, Robert Kendrick escaped, but later caught. They had been at Mag Bag at time of raid. 8:00pm CNN carried live telephone interview with Koresh. FBI told them not to conduct any more. By 10pm

Four children exit (2 Sonobe; 2 Fagan) Monday, March 1 Clinton informed by Acting AG Stuart Gerson, told strategy was negotiation, not tactical--he was to be informed of any change to tactical resolution. Gerson states the FBI policy is to ``talk them out, no matter how long it takes.'' FBI HRT begins arriving. Two phone lines left open--calls out to FBI only. 6:00pm Armored vehicles moved into inner perimeter. Koresh very upset over phone lines being cut and restricted and armored vehicles coming in.

Ten children exit by 11:00pm (4 Wendel; 3 Mabb; 1 Schroeder; 1 Martin; 1 Silvia). Koresh promised to come out after a taped message played nationwide. Tuesday, March 2 1:20am

Two children exit (Nobrega; Vaega) 8:10am

Two adults; two children exit (Margaret Lawson, 75; Catherine Matteson, 77; 2 Martins). 1:30pm Koresh Message played over KRLD and CBN Network 6:00pm Koresh reports God had told him to WAIT, he was not coming out until he received additional order from God. Wednesday, March 3 Two elderly women released the previous day are charged with attempted murder; BD very upset; FBI got charges dropped. 12:40pm Koresh preaching (1 hour). All is up to his Father now, he must wait. He would still keep his word and surrender when God told him it was time. Request to speak with Robert Rodriquez denied Body of Michael Schroeder recovered by agents 2:49pm Koresh preaching (1 hour). FBI REPORTS IT RAMBLED, MADE LITTLE SENSE, WAS ALL ABOUT UNLOCKING THE SEVEN SEALS AND THE END OF THE WORLD. 4:26pm

One child exits with puppies (Jones) 9:40pm Koresh preaching (4 hours!). CHARACTERIZED AS A MONOLOGUE, warnings that FBI would be responsible for disaster to unfold. Thursday, March 4 7:25am

One child exits (Jones) Koresh preaching (7 hours!). Tells of his miraculous meeting with God in 1985. FBI gives pages of quotes trying to show how Koresh made no sense HIGHLIGHTING THE DIFFICULTIES NEGOTIATORS FACED WHEN DEALING WITH KORESH. Among other things, he reveals what he wanted most, ``one honest Bible study in this great nation of America...America does not have to be humiliated or destroyed.'' Friday, March 5 8:39am

One child exits (Jones) Koresh preaching, much of day. Said he knew of this battle since 1985, threatened violence, firmly maintained he could not come out until ordered to do so by God. When questioned about additional children coming out he said, We're dealing with MY children, these are different than the other children. Gent's body found, request to bury. Sabbath, March 6 Schneider mentions that he thinks FBI will try to burn the building to destroy the evidence of what happened Feb 28th. Schneider objects mostly to media communication blackout and armed vehicles on their property. FBI offers to pull back vehicles if four people come out immediately and Koresh agrees to surrender. Koresh agrees to send out Melissa Morrison if he can talk to Rodriquez. Refused. General sense of breakdown. 8:25pm Call to Koresh, Koresh preaches (2 hours). KORESH PREACHED BUT REFUSED TO DISCUSS ANY MATTERS OF SUBSTANCE. Claimed for the first time that he was the Christ. FBI quotes long portion of Koresh preaching to DEMONSTRATE THE FBI'S FRUSTRATION IN ATTEMPTING TO NEGOTIATE WITH KORESH (actually, it is a long quote from Nahum, and makes sense within the BD apocalyptic system). Sunday, March 7 Dr. Phillip Arnold attends FBI Press Conference, speaks with Agent Ricks, offering his expertise (not much interest shown); later goes to FBI Command Center and offers services there. 12:11am Koresh preaches (3 hours), early morning. FBI NOTES THAT KORESH'S DELIVERY OF RELIGIOUS RHETORIC WAS SO STRONG THAT THEY COULD HARDLY INTERRUPT HIM TO DISCUSS POSSIBLE SURRENDER. Many conversations (42 over 12 hours!) and all inside expressed their anger and frustration at negotiators. FBI offered milk in exchange for release of more children. Koresh speaks of his children again: You're dealing with my biological children now...that's what we've come down to. Monday, March 8 Body of Peter Gent buried. Milk delivered (bugged according to Rita Riddle). 1st. Videotape sent out, showing Koresh's wounds, several children. Tapes from family members played over telephone to BD. Tuesday, March 9 Negotiators try to drive a wedge between Schneider and Koresh-- fail. ELECTRICITY CUT OFF; restored at 10:30am so BD can watch staged new conference (used as means of communicating). Videotape of released children sent in. 2nd Videotape sent out; showed 29 individuals, all said they wanted to remain inside. Dr. Phillip Arnold gets call from FBI Agent Tom Murphy, some beginning discussion of Revelation, the ``Seals,'' and so forth. [Around this period the FBI clearly begins to see things as stalemated: no more children are coming out; all those inside say they want to stay; David says he must wait to hear from God; when the FBI gets David on the phone he only talks his ``Bible Babble,'' as they have begun to call it.] Wednesday, March 10 2:28am ELECTRICITY CUT OFF, BECAUSE OF SENSE OF STALEMATE. Power restored at 10:15am for news conference. Videotape of FBI negotiators sent in, pleading for peaceful resolution. FBI reports 4 1/2 hours of attempted negotiations, no progress end of day--but apparently Koresh has been silent--doesn't talk to them until 7pm next evening. Thursday, March 11 Schneider tells FBI Koresh quite excited about ``Guitar Nebula'' mentioned by Paul Harvey on radio. Koresh later denies this is his ``sign'' but he clearly sees this comet as very significant. [JANET RENO SWORN IN AS NEW ATTORNEY GENERAL MARCH 12] Friday, March 12 Dr. Phillip Arnold talks with FBI Agent Murphy several times by phone on his Waco visit, discusses Revelation, Seven Seals, and related matters. 10:41am

Kathy Schroeder exits 6:00pm

Oliver Gyarfas exits, three more to come out next day. 11:07pm JEFF JAMAR ORDERS ELECTRICITY TO BE CUT PERMANENTLY. Schneider and Koresh are outraged, threaten to break off all contact. FBI negotiation team did not all agree with this action, said it might be counterproductive. Sabbath, March 13 BD very angry about electricity, cold at night. Schneider said the three planning to come out would not come now, charged that Government wanted to kill all of them and burn down the building. Letters from attorneys DeGuerin and Zimmerman discussed by FBI, decided not to allow them to speak to Koresh and Schneider as they requested at that time. Sunday, March 14 Dr. Phillip Arnold back in Waco, attends FBI News Conference, asks questions about Passover, the 5th. Seal, points out significance of David's wounds to the BD. FBI not wanting to call in so much, did allow Gyarfas and Schroeder to call in and say they were being treated well. Koresh and Schneider rebuked Kathy for not being a spokesperson for them outside. FBI BEGAN TO SHINE BRIGHT LIGHTS INTO MtCC TO DISRUPT SLEEP Monday, March 15 FBI FORMULATES MODIFIED NEGOTIATION STRATEGY: NEGOTIATORS WILL BE FIRM, INSIST ON PEACEFUL RESOLUTION, BUT WILL REFUSE TO LISTEN ANY LONGER TO ``BIBLE BABBLE.'' Schneider and Martin meet outside for one hour with Byron Sage and Sheriff Jack Harwell Tuesday, March 16 Some general conversations. Schneider requests that Phillip Arnold, who had done a short interview on KRLD on the ``Seals'' be allowed to discuss the Seals with Koresh--PERMISSION DENIED. Arnold later does short interview with Ron Engelman over KGBS, also on Revelation and the ``Seals.'' Five Audio Tapes dropped off at MtCC from relatives of those inside. FBI Agent Richard Lynn calls Dr. Arnold, asks about getting tapes of the radio programs to send in to MtCC. Last direct contact between Dr. Arnold and the FBI. Wednesday, March 17 FBI begins to broadcast Audio Tapes over PA system; messages from those who had exited about how they had been well treated. Later broadcasts tapes from relatives over PA system. Sage talks firmly with Koresh, demands surrender, questions Koresh' sincerity. Koresh totally refuses, Schneider claims that no one wants to come out, all want to wait. Thursday, March 18 Schneider makes it clear again, no more individuals would be coming out, all want to stay. Sage begins to speak to those inside over PA system, urging them to exit, promising fair treatment, etc. ARMORED VEHICLES REMOVE DIESEL AND GASOLINE STORAGE TANKS. Friday, March 19 9:45am Package of Materials delivered to MtCC: letters from Attorneys; audio tape from Phillip Arnold (FBI report does not note in their daily ``Chronology'' (Justice Dept. Report) that the tape was from Dr. Arnold, or that Schneider demanded to talk to Arnold on March 16), several magazine articles, etc. These created a positive effect. 10:59am Koresh says some people are coming out and eventually everyone will. He is extremely astounded by the ``Guitar Comet,'' and considers it related to the whole situation. He clearly thinks it is a sign from God regarding his validity.

Brad Branch and Kevin Whitecliff exit. Held in jail as material witnesses. Conversations that evening: Koresh says he and the others were not going to stay in that much longer. Sabbath, March 20 Koresh talked with Branch and Whitecliff. Schneider said two others would come out next day. Sunday, March 21 12:15am

Victorine Hollingsworth and Annetta Richards exit. Koresh preaches (3 hours), FBI calls RAMBLING RELIGIOUS DISCUSSIONS at one point he says, I told you that my God says wait, actually I asked for it. He then explains: because I didn't want Him to destroy you. 11am

Rita Riddle and Gladys Ottman exit 2:15pm

Sheila Martin, James Lawton (70), Ofelia Santoya (62) exit. FBI BULLDOZES ``OBSTRUCTIONS'' FROM ONE SIDE OF THE MtCC FBI BEGINS PLAYING LOUD MUSIC OVER THE PA SYSTEM. Schneider and Koresh very angry, say because of this, no one is coming out. Monday, March 22 9:03 FBI calls Schneider, he is still very angry about the music, which had included Tibetan chants. Negotiators blamed the tactical agents. FBI STRATEGY SESSION CALLED BY JAMAR: NO HOPE FOR MANY MORE COMING OUT; ``STRESS ESCALATION'' MEASURES DISCUSSED; *TEAR GAS OPTION DISCUSSED* FOR FIRST TIME, IF NO PROGRESS. Jamar sends in letter: Koresh can have freedom to preach in jail, also make a worldwide broadcast--if everyone will come out by noon 23rd. Live media coverage of their exit promised. Tuesday, March 23 Koresh says he threw letter away. 10:05


Louis Alaniz sneaks into MtCC Thursday, March 25 General conversations with eight different people over 5 1/2 hours. FBI DEMANDS 10-20 PEOPLE OUT BY 4:00PM OR THREATENS ACTIONS 4:00PM ARMORED VEHICLES REMOVED MOTORCYCLES AND GO CARTS Friday, March 26 FBI GIVES NOON DEADLINE FOR SENDING OUT TEN OR MORE 12:10PM ARMORED VEHICLES REMOVED EIGHT VEHICLES No one would answer the phone that night in the MtCC--FBI called six times letting it ring twenty times (it was Sabbath!) 11:00pmff MDBO/

Jesse Amen sneaks into MtCC LIGHTS, MUSIC, AND HELICOPTERS FLYING OVER ALL NIGHT Sabbath, March 27 FBI GIVES UNTIL 1:45PM TO SEND OUT AT LEAST TEN PEOPLE. Schneider reacts: You can kill us, burn us, whatever. 1:45PM ARMORED VEHICLES BEGIN CLEARING FRONT OF MtCC Schneider says no one is coming out, no suicide, denied Koresh was Christ, said FBI should set the building on fire (?). Sunday, March 28 FBI DEMANDS AT LEAST 10 PEOPLE COME OUT BY 12:50PM 2:56pm Koresh preaches (2 hours). Koresh says he has no intentions of dying, that he was still waiting for word from God. Koresh asked to speak with Dick DeGuerin, his lawyer. FBI CLEARED AWAY CARS, FENCES, TREES, AND ALL OBSTRUCTIONS FROM AROUND COMPLEX ALL AFTERNOON 6:10pm Call from DeGuerin put through to Koresh. Koresh talks with FBI later, is upbeat, discusses surrender, promises to do something definite soon. 3rd. Videotape from BD sent out, showed 19 children being interviewed by Koresh. Monday, March 29 Dr. Phillip Arnold hears about Gas Attack Plan, decides to move immediately to formulate plan--contacts Dr. James Tabor with radio program idea, sets it up with Ron Engleman, KGBS. 4:12pm 1st Meeting with between Koresh and DeGuerin (2 hours), through front door of Complex. Tuesday, March 30 10:00am 2nd Meeting between Koresh and DeGuerin (inside? 2 hours) 2:00pm 3rd Meeting with DeGuerin. Schneider spoke with his attorney, Jack Zimmerman, by phone. Wednesday, March 31 9:35pm 4th Meeting with DeGuerin (2 1/2 hours) 3:07pm 5th Meeting with DeGuerin (3 hours) Thursday, April 1 Ray Jahn appointed as senior prosecutor by Attorney General. 11:30am Radio Broadcast to Koresh and BD via KGBS by Dr. Phillip Arnold and Dr. James Tabor regarding Book of Revelation, entire situation. Lawyers fully alerted to broadcast, worked with Arnold and Tabor to arrange and encourage BD to listen, FBI also informed and aware of this attempt, although it is noted nowhere in the Justice Dept. Report. 9:53pm 6th Meeting: DeGuerin goes back in, but this time with Jack Zimmerman. At 12:55pm DeGuerin calls FBI and asks for more time, reports positive results. They come out at 6:00pm (8 hours!!) Lawyers report Koresh will come out in connection with Passover, not clear on dates. Not planning to go back in again. Mention Sabbath and Passover coming up. Friday, April 2 Koresh reported by Schneider to be asking God to tell him when he should come out. That evening they report they will come out ``after Passover,'' but do not give a date, telling FBI to ``figure it out.'' (This has to do with the fact that they had to count it from the New Moon) Sabbath, April 3 Attorneys ask to go back in, are told it is the Sabbath. Dr. Phillip Arnold has long meeting with DeGuerin, discusses Revelation, the importance of the Radio interview, plan formulated to take tape in the following day. Sunday, April 4 10:35pm Attorneys go back in with ``important religious information,'' (Tape from Arnold and Tabor from April 1st. broadcast). FBI knows of this, although it is not mentioned in the Justice Department Report. Stay almost 6 hours. Everyone to come out after Passover, though date was not clear to lawyers or FBI. 5:38pm

Jesse Amen exits Monday, April 5 No relevant activity according to FBI report Tuesday, April 6 Little activity, 8pm Schneider calls to COMPLAIN ABOUT MUSIC AND NOISE DISTURBING THEIR PASSOVER, asks that it be turned off in honor of the religious holiday--threatens never to speak to them again otherwise. FBI CONTINUED BROADCASTING THROUGH THE NIGHT. Wednesday, April 7 FBI told that Passover would last Seven Days Thursday, April 8 Schneider confirmed that everyone would come out after Passover, also predicted a chain of events which would surprise everyone. (Probably means the earthquake) Friday, April 9 Schneider tells FBI again that Koresh will not come out until told to do so by God. 3:35pm Schneider send out a LETTER (#1) which he says Koresh dictated to Judy Schneider. Says the message at the end is particularly important. Had to do with earthquake. FBI REPORTS THAT THEIR ``EXPERTS'' LOOKED AT THIS AND SUBSEQUENT LETTERS TELLING THEM KORESH WAS A FUNCTIONING PARANOID-TYPE PSYCHOTIC, HE HAD NO INTENTION OF SURRENDERING. Vital content of letter, from the standpoint of understanding Koresh's religious message, was completely missed. FBI FINISHED PLANS FOR INSERTING CS GAS INTO CENTER. Discussion began in DC with Attorney General. ``If'' and ``when'' discussion. Sabbath, April 10 3:30pm 2nd LETTER was sent out, contains many Scripture quotations, especially two attachments A & B quoting out Psalm 45 and Revelation 19--the center of the group's theology and self- understanding. FBI SAYS IT HAS NO CLEAR SIGNIFICANCE TO THE SITUATION AT HAND. FBI misses this entirely, fails to see the importance of the content of these letters. FBI ``EXPERT'' SAYS LETTER HAD LITTLE SIGNIFICANT, CONSISTING ONLY OF BIBLICAL QUOTATIONS. Actually, the quotations were very systematically and carefully chosen an outlined the BD understanding of the entire situation. Later (when?) 3rd LETTER sent out, identical in content to 1st. So-called ``EXPERTS'' (WHO KNOW NOTHING OF SCRIPTURE OR RELIGIOUS STUDIES, AND WHO OBVIOUSLY WOULD HAVE CLASSED ISAIAH OR JEREMIAH AS PSYCHOTIC, NOT TO MENTION JESUS), CLASSIFY ALL THREE AS PSYCHOTIC PRODUCTS, STRESSED KORESH WOULD NOT SURRENDER, ALSO SAID KORESH WANTS TO FIGHT, WILL NOT KILL HIMSELF OR GO FOR SUICIDE. Sunday, April 11 LIGHTS, NOISE, MUSIC CONTINUE NIGHT AND EARLY MORNING 4th LETTER sent out, nearly identical to 2nd letter, with attachments from Psalm 45 and Revelation 19. Note: four letters, alternately repeating each other, as final warnings to the Outside. This was intentional, in both sequence and content. Monday, April 12 Attorney General briefed on CS Gas Plan Tuesday, April 13 Koresh preaches (5 hours!--until nearly 6 in the morning). FBI CALLS IT RAMBLING, DISJOINTED, SAY ``EACH TIME THE NEGOTIATORS WOULD TRY TO STEER THE CONVERSATION TO SUBSTANTIVE MATTERS, KORESH WOULD SIMPLY KEEP PREACHING HIS BIBLE BABBLE.'' Koresh repeats his position that God told him to wait, and he was not coming out until he heard from God. [EVENTS ON APRIL 14TH ARE VITAL TO NOTE CAREFULLY. JUSTICE DEPARTMENT REPORT DOES NOT EVEN

MENTION A LETTER (they previously mention it on p. 100, with the first three letters, thus marginalizing it and putting it off as psychotic!). FBI APPOINTED ``EXPERT'' WHO ANALYZED ALL THE LETTERS TOTALLY MISUNDERSTOOD THIS LETTER AND ITS VITAL SIGNIFICANCE--MISTAKES DR. ARNOLD AND TABOR FOR BOOK PUBLISHING AGENTS!! THAT VERY DAY THEY ARE FINALIZING PLANS IN DC FOR THE CS GAS ATTACK-- CLEARLY ARE IN NO MOOD TO BACK OFF. THEY UTTERLY FAIL TO SEE APRIL 14 AS A BREAKTHROUGH--ALTHOUGH FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ALL THESE WEEKS DAVID FINALLY SAYS HE HAS WHAT HE HAS BEEN WAITING FOR: HIS WORD FROM GOD!!!] Wednesday, April 14 10:21am Koresh and Schneider give their BREAKTHROUGH MESSAGE TO LAWYERS: WAITING PERIOD IS OVER, WRITING MANUSCRIPT OF THE SEVEN SEALS, TO BE GIVEN TO DICK DEGUERIN, THEN JAMES TABOR AND PHILLIP ARNOLD--THEN WILL EXIT. THIS IS THE WORD FROM GOD THEY HAD BEEN TALKING OF FOR WEEKS. (It is not clear from Justice Report how the letter was delivered--dictated to DeGuerin, or what--since a signed copy appears in Appendix of Justice Dept Report.) FBI BLOWS IT TOTALLY BY CHARACTERIZING THIS AS A ``NEW PRECONDITION'' FOR COMING OUT, WHEN IN FACT IT IS THE ONE AND ONLY PRECONDITION--GOD'S WORD TO KORESH. Schneider asks for typewriter and/or typewriter ribbon to be sent in. Thursday, April 15 FBI records no relevant activity, interested mainly in water supply, how long it would last, since AG Reno had asked about that, before approving CS GAS attack. Friday, April 16 KORESH TELLS FBI HE HAS COMPLETED WORK ON THE FIRST SEAL--ON HIS MANUSCRIPT. Justice Dept Report strangely silent on all this. IN WASHINGTON FINAL PLANS ARE MADE FOR THE CS GAS ATTACK, ATTORNEY GENERA REQUESTS DOCUMENTATION ON OPERATION AND ALL ITS ASPECTS IN WRITING, TO BE DELIVERED THE NEXT DAY Judy Schneider requests Sharp Word Processor ribbon cassettes, print wheel, lift-off tape, battery typewriter, ribbon cartridge, 12 D-size batteries, battery operated lamp (presumably for David's Manuscript production) Sabbath, April 17 3:50pm

Louis Alaniz exits. ATTORNEY GENERAL APPROVES CS GAS ATTACK PLAN FOR MONDAY; WACO NOTIFIED, BEGINS PREPARATIONS Requests for typewriter and ribbons, batteries repeated. Also they ask for Laptop computer. Steve Schneider promises to send out the First Seal in exchange for the materials they need. Sunday, April 18 ATTORNEY GENERAL NOTIFIES PRESIDENT CLINTON OF PLAN, HE CONCURS. ARREST WARRANTS OBTAINED FOR ALL INSIDE 1:53pm Armored vehicles began removing all remaining vehicles from area, including Koresh's prized Camaro, in preparation for raid. Koresh calls them, is very angry. 5:32pm Typewriter materials, batteries, and other requested materials sent in (except for Laptop computer). Monday, April 19th 5:59am Call to MtCC informing them of CS GAS attack; Phone thrown out the window 6:24am Banner hung by BD asking for phone communications 9:10am Request to fix phone 12:07pm Fire noticed; Ruth Riddle exits from MtCC with Computer Disk in her jacket containing the Manuscript on the Seven Seals. RANDOM OBSERVATIONS ON JUSTICE DEPT REPORT Report claims negotiations began almost immediately (after 9:30 assault) to effect a cease fire (p. 21). Two phone channels mentioned: ATF Agent James Cavanaugh with Koresh; 911 line between Lt. Lynch and Schneider and Martin. Koresh also speaks with Lynch. The report does not clarify that it was the BD who initiated these calls--tends to leave the implication that ATF immediately tried to call it off, also does not note early time of the 911 call. The 911 tapes make it clear that quite the opposite was the case, that Wayne Martin called just minutes after the shooting (9:48am), and that Lt. Lunch had great trouble even getting hold of the ATF command. Shooting continued for some time. Constant emphasis throughout report of all the many times that Koresh or the BD said there would be no suicide. Obviously intended to absolve guilt for what transpired on April 19th: pp. 30 (two times); p.50; p. 60; p. 65 (Kathy Schroeder); p.88, et al. FBI Reactions to Koresh Preaching/Religious Perspective of Branch Davidians ``long and rambling sermon'' (p. 38) ``This "Bible Study," as with Koresh's other preaching and sermonizing, rambled and made little sense, except perhaps to his followers. As always, the focus was on "unlocking" the Seven Seals and interpreting God's intentions about the end of the world.'' (pp. 39-40) After 71/2 hours with Koresh on March 4, ``Excerpts from these conversations serve to highlight the difficulty faced by the negotiators when dealing with Koresh.'' Following are 6 pages of quotes designed to show how off the wall and hard to follow Koresh was (pp. 43-49). In fact, if one knows the Bible and has some clue as to what Koresh was all about, the quotes are highly informative and could have offered many fruitful avenues for negotiators, who simply answered with bored "um-hum's" and "yes" every few paragraphs. FBI note that they compliment David on his understanding of the Bible, but urge him to come out and preach to the world. March 6, FBI report quotes Koresh claiming to be Christ, also long section they pick to ``demonstrate the FBI's frustration in attempting to negotiate with Koresh.'' It turns out to be a quotation from Nahum, quite relevant and understandable to anyone who knows Koresh, and the Bible (pp.55-57). March 7, FBI says Koresh's religious rhetoric was ``so strong that they could hardly interrupt him to discuss possible surrender'' (p.57). Letters: one on April 9, two on April 10, one on April 11, and one on April 14th--all dismissed by FBI on the advise of ``experts'' as product of a psychotic mind, also that he had no intention of surrender. All four letters were lumped together, despite the decidedly different tone and manner of the April 14th letter. The Justice report either groups them like this consciously, to downplay attention to the April 14th letter, or this treatment actually reflects their utter inability to see the absolute BREAKTHROUGH on April 14th. NB: at this very time they were moving ahead with full plans for their CS GAS attack!! Perhaps there was no mind or will at this time to think of other alternatives, if they involved more ``waiting.'' The Justice Department chronology becomes strangely silent on April 14th and following about any activity regarding the writing of David's manuscript--the requests for typewriter materials, batteries, etc. made on the 14th, 16th, and 17th are not mentioned--nor their delivery on April 18th--Sunday night, the evening BEFORE THE ATTACK. It seems they definitely want to downplay any reference to the MANUSCRIPT or the April 14th Letter! It is clear that in meeting in Washington D.C. April 12-16th AG Reno kept asking about the arguments for waiting, taking more time. She was never told about the April 14th ``Breakthrough'' as expressed in the Letter, that David now said he had his ``Word from God,'' after waiting since March 2nd, that he had responded directly to the Arnold-Tabor tape message, and that he had completed the First Seal and the group was asking diligently for writing materials. Instead she was told about the likelihood of child abuse and that all indications were that negotiations were at a standstill and Koresh would never be coming out. Compiled by James D. Tabor May be circulated freely with appropriate credit given FAX 704-841-3828 E-mail jdtabor@unccvm.uncc.edu //end//