Goa became an important port under the Portuguese, although even at its height in the 17th century, it was still outpaced by Surat for local trade. Linked with Daman and Diu, these ports remained Portuguese beachheads and possessions until 1961?.

Short Bibliography:

Boxer, C. R. Portuguese India in the Mid-Seventeenth Century. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1980.

Dhume, Anant Ramkrishna Sinai. The cultural history of Goa from 10000 B.C.-1352 A.D. Panji, Goa: Ramesh Anant S. Dhume, 1986.

Mathew, K. S. Portuguese and the Sultanate of Gujarat, 1500-1573. Delhi: Mittal Publications, 1986.

Pearson, M. N. Coastal Western India. New Delhi: Naurang Rai, 1981.

Pearson, M. N. The Portuguese in India. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.

Pinto, Celsa. Trade and finance in Portuguese India: a study of the Portuguese country trade, 1770-1840. New Delhi: Concept Publishing Co., 1994.

Richard, J. M. Goa. London: C. Hurst & Co., 1982.


Web Resources:

Government of Goa


Kamkat's Potpourri on Goa