Department of Romance Languages
Center for Italian Studies
Center for Africana Studies
Cinema Studies Program
at the University of Pennsylvania


Italian, University of Pittsburgh

who will present

Spencer Williams and Dante:
An African American Filmmaker at the
Gates of Hell

Thursday, December 2, 2004

Cherpack Lounge
543 Williams Hall
University of Pennsylvania

Reception @ 5:30 pm
Talk @ 6:00 pm

Dennis Looney (PhD, 1987, Comparative Literature, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) is based in the Department of French and Italian at the University of Pittsburgh.  He is an associate professor of Italian with a secondary appointment in the Department of Classics, and he currently serves at Assistant Dean in the Humanities.  He teaches courses on the classical tradition in European literary culture, with a focus on the relationship between Italian vernacular culture and classical culture as articulated through Renaissance Humanism.  He has published articles on Dante, Petrarch, Boiardo, Ariosto, Tasso, Herodotus, and Ovid, among others.  His book, Compromising the Classics: Romance Epic Narrative in the Italian Renaissance (Wayne State UP, 1996) was Finalist for the MLA’s Marraro-Scaglione Prize for Italian Literary Studies, 1996-1997.  He is co-editor (with Deanna Shemek) of Phaethon’s Children: The Este Court and Its Culture in Early Modern Ferrara (forthcoming from MRTS, 2004).  He is President of the Association of Departments of Foreign Languages, 2004.