Works of mine influenced by Joshua Fishman

Harold Schiffman

June 14, 2005

University of Pennsylvania


            1. Book-length manuscripts:

  • (1979) A Grammar of Spoken Tamil. Madras: Christian Literature Society. Pp. i-viii, 1-104.
  • (1982) Language and Society in South Asia. (With Michael Shapiro.) Delhi: Matilal Banarsidass. Pp.i-x, 1-283.
  • (1983) A Reference Grammar of Spoken Kannada.  Seattle: University of Washington Press and School of International Studies Publications on Asia, Vol. 39. Pp. i-xx, 1-182.
  • (1991)  Geolinguistics: Language Dynamics and Ethno-Linguistic Geography. Translation of La Géographie des Langues. (Roland Breton, Les Presses Universitaires de France, 1983.) Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa. Pp. i-vii, 1-155.
  • (1996) Linguistic Culture and Language Policy. Politics of Language Series, Routledge (London). Pp. i-x, 1-356.
  • (1999) A Reference Grammar of Spoken Tamil ,  Cambridge University Press. Pp. i-xxii, 1-232.
  • (1999) Les langues régionales de France: un état des lieux à la veille du XXIe siècle/The Regional Languages of France: an Inventory on the Eve of the 21st Century. Philippe Blanchet, Roland Breton, and Harold Schiffman (eds.). Louvain-la-Neuve: Éditions Peeters: Bibliothèque des Cahiers de l'Institut de Linguistique de Louvain. Pp. 1-201.


2. Articles, Chapters and Reviews:


·        (1974) ``Language, Linguistics and Politics in Tamilnad." in Edwin Gerow and Margery Lang, (eds.) Studies in the Language and Culture of South Asia. University of Washington Press, and Publications on Asia, No. 23, of the Institute for Comparative and Foreign Area Studies, pp. 125-34.

·        (1978) Review of Kloss, H. and G. C. McConnell, Linguistic Composition of the Nations of the World: Vol. I, Central and Western South Asia. Québec: Les Presses de l'Université Laval, 1975. in The Modern Language Journal, Vol. LXII, 4, pp. 216-7.

·        (1978) ``Diglossia and Purity/Pollution in Tamil." In Contributions to Asian Studies, Vol. II: Language and Civilization Change in South Asia. Clarence Maloney (ed.). Leiden: E. J. Brill. Pp. 98-110.

·        (1979) Chapter: ``The Coimbatore Dialect". in Brenda Beck (ed.), Perspectives on a Regional Culture: Essays about the Coimbatore District of South India. Carolina Academic Press and Vikas (New Delhi), pp. 111-128.

·        (1981) ``Handling Variation in South Asian Dialectology: Is there a Forest among the Trees?" in M. Arumachalam (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference-Seminar of Tamil Studies. Vol. I, pgs. (1)29-(1)36. Madras: International Association of Tamil Research.

·        (1982): Review article: Emeneau, Murray B., Language and Linguistic Area: Essays by Murray B. Emeneau. (A. S. Dil, ed.) Language Science and National Development Series. Stanford University Press, 1980. In Language 58, 1 (March 1982), pp. 185-93.

·        (1985) ``Diglossic Variation in Tamil Film and Fiction." (with S. Arokianathan) in Bh. Krishnamurti, Masica, and Sinha (eds.), South Asian Languages: Structure, Convergence, and Diglossia. Delhi: Matilal Banarsidas. Vol. 3, MLBD Series in Linguistics. Pp. 371-381.

·        (1985) Chapter: ``South Indian Linguistics Today." In R. Frykenberg and P. Kolenda (eds.), Studies of South India: an Anthology of Recent Research and Scholarship, pp. 295-307. Madras: New Era Publications.

·        (1986) ``Deferential Speech Acts and the Pragmatics of Politeness in Tamil: from Case to Aspect." In Joshua Fishman et al. (eds.), The Fergusonian Impact. Vol. II, Sociolinguistics and the Sociology of Language., pp. 23-33. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

·        (1987) ``Losing the Battle for Balanced Bilingualism: The German-American Case." 1987. in J. Pool (ed.), Linguistic Inequality. Special Issue of Language Problems and Language Planning (Vol 11, No. 1, Spring, 1987). pp. 66-81.

·        (1988) ``The role of the Tamil Film in Social and Political Change." In M. Jayazery and Werner Winter (eds.), Languages and Cultures: Studies in honor of Edgar C. Polomé. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 581-90.

·        (1988) _________ and George L. Dillon, Doyle, A., Eastman, C., Silberstein, S., & Toolan, M., with Kline, S. & Philipsen, G.  `Analyzing a Speech Event: The Bush-Rather Exchange. A (Not Very) Dramatic Dialogue.' Cultural Anthropology, 4, 73-94.

·        (1989) ``Language Loyalty in South Asia: Some Problems and Approaches." In Berliner Indologische Studien., Vol. IV (1989), pp. 215-228.

·        (1990) Review of Paul Hockings, Council from the Ancients: A Study of Badaga Proverbs, Prayers, Omens, and Curses. Berlin; New York; Amsterdam: Mouton de Gruyter, 1988. In Language in Society. 19(4), 607-9.

·        (1991) ``Swiss-German Diglossia." In A. Hudson (ed.), Studies In Diglossia., Southwest Journal of Linguistics. 1991, 10(1), pgs. 173-188.

·        (1992) `` `Resisting Arrest' in Status Planning: Structural and Covert Impediments to Status Change." Language and Communication 12(1), 1-15.

·        (1993) ``The Balance of Power in Multiglossic Languages: Implications for Language Shift." 1993. Language and Power, Carol M. Eastman (ed.), International Journal of the Sociology of Language 103:115-148.

·        (1994) ``Diglossia, Linguistic Culture and Language Policy in Southeast Asia." In K. Adams and T. Hudak (eds.), Papers from the Second Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 1992. Tempe: Southeast Asia Program, Arizona State University. Pgs. 279-307.

·        (1995) ``Language Shift in the Tamil Communities of Malaysia and Singapore: The Paradox of Egalitarian Language Policy." Southwest Journal of Linguistics Language Loss and Public Policy, I. (G. Bills, ed.) Vol. 14, Nos. 1-2

·        (1996) ``Reconfiguring Language Policy in Malaysia; Colonialism, Post-Colonialism, or Neo-Colonialism?" Paper presented at workshop on ``Post-Colonial Language Problems and Language Planning: Assessing the Past Half Century." Fifth Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, Utrecht, August 1996.

·        (1997) ``Diglossia as a Sociolinguistic Situation." In Florian Coulmas (ed.), The Handbook of Sociolinguistics. London: Basil Blackwell, Ltd.

·        (1998) ``Standardization and Restandardization: the case of Spoken Tamil." Language in Society, Vol. 27 (3) 359-385.

·        (1999) ‘South and Southeast Asia’. In Joshua A. Fishman (ed.), Handbook of Language and Ethnic Identity, 431-443. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.

·        (1999) Review of Foley et al., English in New Cultural Contexts: Reflections from Singapore. In Language and Education, Vol. 13:3 (1999), pgs. 228-231.

·        (1999) "Language, Primordialism and Sentiment." In G. Palmer and D. Occhi (eds.), Languages of Sentiment. Volume 18 of Advances in Consciousness Research. Philadelphia and Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Pp. 25-38.

·        (1999) Chapter: South and Southeast Asia. In Joshua Fishman (ed.) Handbook of Language and Ethnic Identity. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. Pgs. 431-443.

·        (2000): Review of Gopinathan et al., Language, Society and Education in Singapore. In Language and Education, Vol. 14:1, pgs. 64-68.

·        (2001) Review of Tariq Rahman, Language, Education and Culture. Oxford and New York : Oxford University Press, and Sustainable Development Policy Institute, 1999. Pp. xvi, 318. In Language in Society, Vol. 30(2), June 2001.

·        (2001) Review of Roland J.-L. Breton, Atlas of the Languages and Ethnic Communities of South Asia. Walnut Creek, London, New Delhi : Altamira Press, 1997. Pp. 231. In Language in Society, Vol. 30(2), June 2001.

·        (2001)``Malaysian Tamils and Tamil Linguistic Culture," in Language and Communication, Vol. 22:2, pp. 159-169, April 2002.

·        (2002) "Tongue-Tied in Singapore: A Language Policy for Tamil?" Journal of Language, Identity and Education, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 105-125.

·        (2002) "French Language Policy: Centrism, Orwellian dirigisme, or Economic Determinism?" In Li Wei, Jean-Marc Dewaele, and Alex Housen, (eds.) Opportunities and Challenges of Bilingualism. in Contributions to the Sociology of Language 87, 2002.

·        (2002) Review of Tariq Rahman Language, Ideology and Power: Language-learning among the Muslims of Pakistan and North India. Karachi and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. Pp. xix, 689. In Language Policy.

·        (2003)  ‘Linguistic Tolerance Policies: Can a Viable Model be Constructed for Moldova?’  in A. Gremallschi, (ed.) Educating Tolerance in Multicultural Societies, Chişinau (Moldova): Soros-Foundation Moldova and Institute for Public Policy. 2002.

·        (2004) Co-editor  (with Philippe Blanchet)  “Sociolinguistics of Southern “Occitan” France, Revisited.” Contributions to the Sociology of Language. n° 169.

·         (2004) Review:  Fighting Words: Language Policy and Ethnic Relations in Asia. Edited by Michael E. Brown and Šumit Ganguly. BCSIA Studies in International Security. Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press, 2003.  Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 63, No. 4 (2004)  pgs. 1069-71.

·        (2005) Chapter: ‘Language Policy and Linguistic Culture.’ In T. Ricento (ed.),

                  An Introduction to Language Policy:  Theories and Methods.  Blackwell                 

                  series 'Language and Social Change.' July 2005.

·        (2005) Bilingualism in South Asia: Friend or Foe? The persistence of English in Post-Colonial Societies: Structural Reasons vs. Neocolonial `Hegemony' or Linguistic `Imperialism')  Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Bilingualism. Cascadilla Press.

·        (2005) ‘The Grammaticalization of Aspect in Tamil and its Semantic Sources.’ In Salikoko Mufwene, E. Francis, and R. Wheeler (eds.) Polymorphous Linguistics: Jim McCawley’s Legacy.   Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 83-108.