Language Loyalty: Fishman's Contributions to the Sociology of
Chair: Ofelia García
Volume 1: Language Loyalty, Language
Planning, and Language Revitalization: Recent Writings and Reflections
from Joshua A. Fishman (Multilingual Matters)
Nancy H. Hornberger

Nancy H. Hornberger is Professor of Education at the University of
Pennsylvania, USA. She investigates multilingual language and education
policy and practice, combining methods and perspectives from
anthropology, linguistics, sociolinguistics, and policy studies. Her
special focus is comparative work on indigenous and immigrant heritage
language education, grounded in her in-depth and long-term experience in
Andean South America and urban Philadelphia (US). Three-time Fulbright
Senior Specialist Awardee, Hornberger has also served as consultant
under the U.S. Department of State, UNICEF and the United Nations
Development Program and has taught, lectured, and advised on
multilingualism and education throughout the world. Author/editor of a
dozen books and over 100 articles and chapters, recent volumes include
Continua of Biliteracy: An Ecological Framework for Educational Policy,
Research, and Practice in Multilingual Settings (Multilingual Matters,
2003), and
Heritage/Community Language Education: US and Australian
Perspectives (Multilingual Matters, 2005). Professor Hornberger
co-edits an international book series and is General Editor for the
forthcoming 10-volume
Encyclopedia of Language and Education
Martin Pütz

Martin Pütz is Professor of English Linguistics at the University of
Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau (Germany). His current research interests
include sociolinguistics, languages in contact, cognitive linguistics and
foreign language teaching. He has done extensive fieldwork in Great
Britain, Namibia and Australia and has published around 50 articles and
books on a variety of topics such as e.g. cognitive linguistics,
intercultural communication, code-switching, pidgins and creoles,
and foreign language teaching. He is a member of the Board of Consulting
Editors of the journal
Cognitive Linguistics, of the Editorial
Advisory Board of the journal
Current Issues in Language Planning,
of the Editorial Board of the
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural
Development, and of the Editorial Board of the
Journal of
Intercultural Pragmatics. In 1992, he obtained the Bennigsen-Foerder
Prize (North-Rhine Westphalia) for a project entitled
Languages in
Contact and Conflict in Africa. Recently he was appointed External
Examiner for the Language and Communication Programme at the University of
Hong Kong.
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Volume 2: Language Loyalty, Continuity,
and Change: Joshua A. Fishman's Contributions to International
Sociolinguistics(Multilingual Matters)
Ofelia García

Ofelia García is Professor at Columbia University´s Teachers College
in the Department of International and Transcultural Studies. She co-directs
the Center for Multiple Languages and Literacies, with JoAnne Kleifgen.
García has been Dean of the School of Education in the Brooklyn Campus
of Long Island University and professor of bilingual education at The City
College of New York. She is co-editor of
Spanish in Context and was
the editor of
Educators for Urban Minorities. Among her books
The Multilingual Apple: Languages in New York City, co-edited
with Joshua Fishman (Mouton, 2nd edition 2001);
Policy and Practice in
Bilingual Education: Extending the Foundations (Multilingual Matters,
English Across Cultures: Cultures Across English, A Reader in
Cross-Cultural Communication, co-edited with Ricardo Otheguy (Mouton,
U.S.Spanish: The Language of Latinos (Mouton, 1989). In
addition, she has published numerous academic articles in the areas of
bilingualism, sociology of language, U.S. Spanish, the education of
language minorities and bilingual education. She has been a Fulbright
Scholar at the Universidad de la República, Montevideo (1996) and a
Spencer Fellow of the National Academy of Education (1985-88).
Her books currently in press include
Imagining Multilingual Schools:
Languages in Education and Glocalization (co-edited with Tove
Skutnabb-Kangas and María Torres-Guzmán) and
Education: A
Reader (co-edited with Colin Baker) along with this volume honoring
Joshua Fishman.
Rakhmiel Peltz

Rakhmiel Peltz is the Director of the Judaic Studies Program and Professor
of Sociolinguistics in the Department of Culture and Communication at
Drexel University. His specialization is the social history of Yiddish
language and culture. He has published on language and culture planning in
the Soviet Union, Yiddish cultural expression of immigrants, language and
identity over the lifespan, and urban neighborhood life. For more than
twenty years, he has been researching aging and ethnicity, and has
developed an expertise in designing and carrying out intergenerational
ethnic educational programs. His book,
From Immigrant to Ethnic
Culture: American Yiddish in South Philadelphia (Stanford University
Press, 1998) is the first book on spoken Yiddish in America and provides a
fresh look at ethnic culture in the contemporary USA. He serves on the
editorial board of
Yivo-bleter and the Board of Directors of the
Society for the Social Scientific Study of Jewry, HIAS and Council
Immigration Service of Philadelphia, and Hillel of Greater Philadelphia.
Harold Schiffman

Harold Schiffman is Professor of Dravidian Linguistics and Culture at the
University of Pennsylvania. His research interests focus on the
linguistics of the Dravidian languages, especially Tamil, and to a lesser
extent, Kannada, and in the area of language policy. He has published in
these two areas where overlapping interests in sociolinguistics
(diglossia, language standardization, multilingualism) intersect with
language policy and the politics of language. He is also director of the
Consortium for Language Policy and Planning, and Pedagogical Materials
Director of the newly constituted National South Asia Language Resource
Center. Recent publications include
Linguistic Culture and Language
Policy (Routledge 1996) and
A Reference Grammar of Spoken Tamil
(Cambridge University Press, 1999).
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