Imperative sentences


A. Drop the infinitive -vu&, is to get an imperative form of a verb. Examples:


1.     rme=, rm.

‘Ramesh, (you) play.’


2.     nIla, kerI kap.

‘Nila, cut the mango’.


However, if the addressee are more than one use plural marker -Ao with the verb. Examples:


3.     rme= Ane nIla, kerI kapo.

‘Ramesh and Nila, (you) cut the mango.’


4.     mIna, nEna Ane inlIma, rmo.

‘Mina, Naina and Nilima, (you) play.’


Use plural to be polite. Examples:


5.     mInaben, rmo.

‘Minaben, (you) play.’


6.     rme=-a;, kerI kapo.

‘Rameshbhai, (you) cut the mango.’


Gujarati has future imperative forms also. We use such forms to request to do things in future. Examples:


7.     mIna, rmje.

‘Mina, play (future).


8.     mInaben, rmjo.

‘Minaben, play (future).


In present and future imperative forms, we also use -ne, a ‘request’ form.’ Examples:


9.     mIna, rmne.

‘Mina, please play.’


10. mIna, rmjene.

‘Mina, please play’ (future).


11. mInaben, rmone.

‘Minaben, please play.’


12. mInaben, rmjone.

‘Minaben, please play’ (future).


B.     Exercise:


Fill in the blanks with appropriate imperative form.


a.       rme= kale rmva ma4e ………………………………. (Aavvu&)

b.      rme=kaka kale rmva ma4e …………………………(Aavvu&)

c.       mIna kerI ……………………..(`avu&)

d.      mInamasI kerI ……………………..(`avu&)


Fill in the blanks with appropriate ‘request’ imperative form.


e.       m8Iben kale kerIe ………………………………. (pa6vu&)

f.        kml, kale kerI…………………………(kapvu&)

g.       jya, pelI cop6I ……………………..(lavvu&)

h.       jyaben, 9o6I ca ……………………..(Aapvu&)