South Asia Regional Studies
Hindi Program: Web based Hindi Materials
Chat Page Hindi student
projects-98 Hindi student projects-99
directors Dr. Surendra Gambhir Student
assistant Nidhi Chawla Funding
sources Consortium for Language Learning and Teaching Instructional Computing Development Fund (University of Pennsylvania) South Asia Regional Studies, U. of Penn. Project
hosted by
University of Pennsylvania
Alphabet|Videos|Audio files|Student
projects(99)|Student Projects
(2002|Download XDVNG font
for Windows(|
Download Xdvng font for Mac|Download Jaipur font for Windows|Download Jaipur font for Mac|Read document for Jaipur Key assignment|
Jaipur Unicode NFLC and Keyman phonetic keyboard
and Jaipur Unicode font|
Hindi Alphabet
Hindi video lessons
Hindi audio lessons
Dr. Vijay Gambhir
Technology Director