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Other variations, other deictic sets.

We list ɤ½ ippa etc. for `now' etc. but the form of this set varies widely in ST. The older LT form ɤ׽Ôêâ ippo= to0pt.25ex ##= by .25ex utu does not occur in ST, but a more modern form ɤؽÔâ ippoodu `now' is used by some in ST. Other speakers use É¤×½Ô ippo `now' (Ç¤×½Ô appo `then', and Í¤×½Ô eppo `when'?; some others have the forms ɤ½£ ippa, Ǥ½£ appam, and ͤ½£ eppa `when'?

LT is capable of making other sets of words by prefixing É i, Ç a and Í e to nouns of various sorts (and doubling the first consonant): ɨ¼Ôª innaal `this day', É¡´ÔÁ£ ikkaalam `this time; the contemporary period', etc. This is rare in ST, but some dialects of ST may occasionally produce such forms.
