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. When two
similar constituents in a sentence are affixed with หฃ ... หฃ um
... um , the meaning is X `and' Y.
- วย็ฃ ผิํฃ ุฝิุลิฃ avar-um naan-um pooroom `He AND I are going.'
- ผิจ ืภ�เ ผิฤิ ถิคฝีน้ฃ โฺ๕ด้ฃ ษงืม naan rendu
naalaa saappidavum tuungavum ille `I didn't sleep or eat for two
The constituents must be of the same type in order for them to be
conjoined, i.e., two nouns, two verbs (infinitives, or AVP's), two adverbs,
etc. can be conjoined, but not one noun and one adjective, for example.
Sentences cannot be conjoined with หฃ ... หฃ; another method, discussed
in § [xxx], must be used.