Lesson 2B Negation; Place Names, Locations; Interrogative Sentences;



Lesson 2B-1: Negation
English gloss Transliterated Tamil »¾Õ°
3. no, not



Lesson 2B-2: Negative Sentences
a. No, that is not a book. ille, adu pustakam ille
ɧ×Á, Çâ äöÓ»´£ ɧ×Á.
b. No, this is not a window. ille, idu jannal ille
ɧ×Á, Éâ ÷¨Æ§ ɧ×Á.
c. No, this is not a cabinet. ille, idu alamaari ille
ɧ×Á, Éâ ÇÁ¾ÔÀÕ É§×Á.
d. No, this is not a door. ille, idu katavu ille.
ɧ×Á, Éâ ´»é ɧ×Á.
e. No, this is not a pen. ille, idu peenaa ille.
ɧ×Á, Éâ ؽÆÔ É§×Á.
f. No, these are not glasses. ille, idu kaNNaaDi ille.
ɧ×Á, Éâ ´ýºÔÜ É§×Á.
g. No, this is not a saree. ille, idu poDave ille.
ɧ×Á, Éâ ×½Ô¹× ɧ×Á.
h. No, this is not a shirt, it's a saree. ille, idu caTTe ille, idu poTave.
ɧ×Á, Éâ ¶¥×¹ ɧ×Á, Éâ ×½Ô¹×Â.
i. No, this is not a table, it's a room. ille, idu meece ille, idu ruumu.
ɧ×Á, Éâ ؾ׶ ɧ×Á. Éâ òå.
i. No, this is not a door, it's a cabinet. ille, idu kadavu ille, idu alamaari.
ɧ×Á, Éâ ´»é ɧ×Á. Éâ ÇÁ¾ÔÀÕ.



Lesson 2B-3: Place Names, locations
4. America amerikkaa Ç×¾ÀÕ¡´Ô
India indyaa Éÿ»Õ¿Ô
England inglaaNDu ÉõÁýà
Germany jarmani ÷¯¾ÆÕ
France fraans ½ÕÀÔ¨öú
Russia rashshaa ÀøÓøÔ
Office aapiis, aafiis Ȥ½ÖöÓ
post office

poosT aafiis, tabaal aafiis

ؽÔöÓ¥ Ȥ½Ö

öÓ, »½Ô§ Ȥ½ÖöÓ




Lesson 2B-4: Interrogative Sentences
a. Are you (an) American? niinga amerikkan-aa?
¼Öõ´ Ç×¾ÀÕ¡´ÆÔ?
b. Is s/he (an) Indian? avaru/avanga indyanaa?
ÇÂç or ÇÂõ´ Éÿ»Õ¿ÆÔ?
c. Am I a teacher? naan vaatyaaraa?
¼Ô¨ ÂÔ¢¿ÔÀÔ?
d. Is s/he the Professor? avaru aaciriyaraa?
e. Is this America? idu amerikkaa-v-aa?
Éâ Ç×¾ÀÕ¡´ÔÂÔ?
f.Is this India? idu indyaa-v-aa?
Éâ Éÿ»Õ¿ÔÂÔ?
g. Are you a student? niinga maaNavaraa?
¼Öõ´ ¾ÔºÂÀÔ?
h. Is she a student? avanga maaNaviyaa?
ÇÂõ´ ¾ÔºÂÕ¿Ô?




Lesson 2B-5: Interrogative Sentences
English gloss Transliterated Tamil »¾Õ° 
5. in (locative suffix) -le -×Á
in the room ruum-le ç£×Á
in the cabinet alamaari-y-le ÇÁ¾ÔÀÕ×Á
in America amerikkaa-v-le Ç×¾ÀÕ¡´Ô¬×Á
in India indiyaa-v-le Éÿ»Õ¿Ôé×Á
in, on the table/desk meece-y-le ؾ׶¿Õ×Á



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