Lesson 3a: Interrogative Sentences



Lesson 3a-1: Interrogative Sentences
this (adj.) Éĸŧ
that (adj.) Įĸŧ
a. This book is in the room. Éĸŧ äöÓŧīĢ ōĢŨÁ ÉįĄÞ.
b. This table is in this room. Éĸŧ ØūŨķ Éĸŧ ōĢŨÁ ÉįĄÞ.
c. That cabinet is here. Įĸŧ ĮÁūÔĀÕ ĮõŨī ÉįĄÞ.
d. You are in this room. žÖõī Éĸŧ ōĢŨÁ ÉįĄīÖõī.
e. Are you in that room? žÖõī Įĸŧ ōĢŨÁ ÉįĄīÖõīÄÔ.
f. Is this table here? Éĸŧ ØūŨķ ÉõŨī ÉįĄīÔ?
g. Is that door there? ĮĸŧĄ īŧé ĮõŨī ÉįĄīÔ?
h. This window is not there. Éĸŧ ũĻƧ ĮõŨī ɧŨÁ.
h. Where is that pen? ĮĸŧĪ Ø―ÆÔ ÍõŨī ÉįĄÞ.



3A-2: New Vocabulary: Pronouns
my ÍĻ
your (polite) Ëõī
his (pol.) ĮÂį, ĮÂØĀÔŨđ

her (pol.) ĮÂõī, ĮÂõīØÄÔŨđ

name Ø―į
house ÂÖā
glasses īýšÔÜ



3A-3. Questions: Location
3.a. Where is your pen? Ðõī Ø―ÆÔ ÍõŨīįĄÞ?
3.b. Where are my glasses? ÍĻ īýšÔÜ ÍõŨī ÉįĄÞ?
3.c. What is his name? ĮÂį Ø―ŨĀĻÆ?
3.d. Where is your house/home? Ðõī ÂÖā ÍõŨīįĄÞ?
3.e. Is my house/home here? ÍĻ ÂÖā ÉõŨī ÉįĄīÔ?
3.f. Is your name John? Ðõī Ø―į ũÔÆÔ?
3.g. His name is not Ramaswamy. ĮÂį Ø―į ĀÔūķÔūÕ É§ŨÁ



3A-4: New Vocabulary: Dative Case with verbs of Motion
I go/I'm going žÔĻ Ø―ÔØÅĻ
he goes ĮÂį Ø―ÔÅÔį
(you) go žÖõī Ø―ÔÅÖõī
to, toward -ËĄÞ, ĄīÕ (dative suffix)

to the room ōåĄÞ
to(ward the table) ØūŨķĄīÕ



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