This page has a link to the transcripts of the
radio play "Aru ManikkuL" broadcast by the Trichi Radio station. The
transcript and the audio files are originally part of the monograph
"Reader for Advanced Spoken Tamil" produced by Prof. Harold F.
A tagged text generated by a Tamil tagger accompanies the spoken and
written part of the transcript in order to search specific type of
sentence patterns. Only the first and second scenes of this play are
included in this search engine. However, in the other sections of this
site facility to listen to the entire play has been made possible.
You can listen to the spoken part of the transcript using any Java enabled
browser via the server belonging to the Linguistic Data Consortiom of the
University of Pennsylvania.
We are thankful to Prof. Mark Libermann, David Graff and Zhibiao Wu of LDC
for giving us permission to use their facilities and for their
II. Select verb and other tense
forms from this list:
Other combinations for verbs:
Adjectival Participle
Participial noun