Exercise: Lesson 21.

Consult transliteration table
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I. Translate the following phrases into Tamil using adjectival participles and participial nouns:
1. The water buffalo which was there

2. That which was there

3. The sorcerer who was there

4. He who was there

5. The plan which Panji understood

6. That which Panji understood

7. The mango which she gave to the water buffalo

8. That which she gave to the water buffalo

9. The water buffalo which killed the sorcerer

10. That which killed the sorcerer

11. The sorcerer whom the water buffalo killed

II. Translate the following sentences into Tamil using adjectival participles and participial nouns:
1. The children who were in the house went outside.

2. She gave vadais to the children who were in the house.

3. I don't know the children who were in the house.

4. They who were in the house are my relatives.

5. Did you see them who were in the house.

6. The boy who took and ate the vadais said, "I didn't take (them)."

7. She saw him who took and ate the vadais and laughed.

8. The guru cursed the student who touched his wife.

9. He who went with the guru's wife didn't do wrong (i.e. "do a mistake").

10. Tell that man to kill the cockroach.

11. They told me to sit in the line.

12. Please let me eat.

13. The sky didn't let the tree grow.