Exercise based on Reader lesson three.

I. Translate into English:

1. Éÿ»Õ¿ÔÂÕ¨ ¼´Àõ´ÄÕ§ ¾âÙÀÙ¿ ÂÕ¹« ׶¨ÙÆ ×½ÀÕ¿ ¼´À£.

2. ͨ »£½ÕÙ¿ ÂÕ¹ ˨ »£½Õ ¶Õ¨Æ¤ Ù½¿¨.

3. ͨ ÂÖ¥Ù¹« ß±ÅÕ ¾Àõ´ª Éç¡´Õ¨ÅÆ.

4. ͨ ¾´í¡Þ¤ ½Ô¹ äöÓ»´£ (book) Ø»ÙÂ.

5. Çÿ»¤ Ù½¿¨ ˨ »£½ÕØ¿Ô Ë¨ ¾´ØÆÔ?

6. Éÿ»¡ ÞÄ¢»Õ§ ¾Ö¨ ɧÙÁ.

7. Éÿ» ¼Ô¥Ü¨ ¾¡´ÄÕ§ å¡´Ô§ÂÔ¶Õ¤ ؽ¯ ×½ÀÕ¿ ¼´Àõ´ÄÕ§ Éç¡´ÕÅÔ¯´ª.

II. Translate into Tamil:
1. That job (ØÂÙÁ) is more important than this job.

2. Surrounding Sri Lanka (ÉÁõÙ´) is the sea.

3. I need money.

4. Surrounding Sri Lanka (ÉÁõÙ´) is the sea.

5. In India the population is great. In Bangladesh (Âõ´ÔÄ¢ Ø»¶£) also, the population is very great.
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