Sentences for Translation: Reader Lessons 40, 41 and review

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I. Write the following sentences in Tamil:
1. Because Ramesh (ÀؾøÓ) and Rajan grew up (were raised) in the same house, they felt affection for one another (between them there was affection). Âį (W) be raised vs. Âį (S) raise (a child)

2. In order to view the procession, we stood on the roof of my sister's husband's house. ̯ÂÁ£: procession; ¾ÔÜ upper storey of a building, roof terrace; Ç¢»Ô¨: brother-in-law (also ¾«¶Ô¨)

3. So that everyone would hear what he said, he spoke forcefully. ½Á£: strength, force

4. While everyone watched with amazement, the child sat on the lion's back. È«¶ÀÕ¿£: wonder, amazement; ¶Õõ´£: lion; åâÞ: back

5. He behaved as if he hated his family. ×Âì (S): hate, feel disgust; ¼¹ (S) behave

6. As soon as his mother left the room (and went outside), Murti ate all the vadais which she had fried. ßà (W): fry, be hot

7. Yesterday I worked all day long (all of yesterday) without speaking to anyone. x åêÂâ£: all of x, the whole of x

8. Because I was out of town (in an "outside town") last week, I wasn't able to come to see you. ×ÂÄÕæÛ¯: "outside town"

9. One and only one person in this town knows where I was (the place where I was) the day before yesterday. åÿ»Ô¼Ôª: day before yesterday

10. Valli called (to) her friend and began to talk about her new job, her sister's wedding and other matters. Õà (W): call, ¶Õؼ´Õ»Õ: female friend, ¶Õؼ´Õ»¨, ¼ý½¨: male friend