Abraham as Exemplar, in Philo On Abraham

(270) But not only do the oracles bear witness to his faith -- the queen of all the virtues -- in the Existent One,  but also he is the first whom they dub as "elder" [Gen 24.1], though those who preceded him had lived three times as long or even more, none of whom we recognize as worthy of the appellation. (271) And this is as it should be. For the one who is an elder in truth is considered such not with reference to length of lifetime, but to a praiseworthy and perfect life.  Those then, who have reached a great age in bodily existence without beauty and goodness are to be called "aged children," having never been schooled in the learning which is worthy of grey hairs. But the one who has been a lover of sound judgment and wisdom and faith towards God, one may justly consider to be "elder," a similar designation to "first." (272) For the wise man is the "first" of the human race in existence, as a pilot in a ship, a governor in a city, a general in a war, indeed soul in body, mind in soul; or again, heaven in world, God in heaven.
(273) . . . God no longer talked with him only as a god might with a man, but even as a friend with an aquaintance. . . .
(274) "Elder" then, and "first" let the worthy one be and be called. . .  .
(275) Let these things suffice on this subject. But to these great and many items of praise of the wise man is added as a crowning point, it says that "this man fulfilled the divine law, and all the commandments of God" [Gen 26.5], not having been taught by writings, but by what is unwritten in nature, hastening to obey all healthy and untainted impulses. And with regard to the things that God promises, what should people do but to believe them most firmly? (276) Such is the life of the "first" and  founder of the nation -- as some will say, law abiding,  but, as my discourse has shown, himself law and unwritten code.