Religious Studies 135: Christian Origins Some Suggested Research Paper Topics (R.A.Kraft, J.C.Treat) 1. Topics relating to Jesus' Life and Teachings --Primary focus on how materials were reported or preserved: Literary relationships between the Gospel of John and the Synoptic gospels Comparison of the hypothetical "Q" source and the Gospel of Thomas Comparison of "Sermon on the Mount" material in Matthew 5-7 and in Luke The "Little Apocalypse" of Mark 13 and parallels Matthew's use of Jewish Scriptures Internal organization of Matthew Influence on Jewish Scriptures on development of the death- resurrection accounts (including Gospel of Peter, and Gospel of Nicodemus) Discipleship as a theme in Matthew The "Messianic Secret" in Mark Luke's use of geographical detail The Jerusalem orientation of Luke-Acts Non-Markan aspects of Luke's account of Jesus' last days The purpose of the Gospel of John discovered from within The Johannine Jesus compared with the Jesus of the Synoptics Gnostic elements in the picture of Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas Characteristics of Jesus in "Jewish Christian" sources Traditions about the Last Supper and the Eucharist --Primary focus on the historical situation in Jesus' life: Jesus' birth (comparison of Matthew, Luke, etc.) Jesus between Birth and Maturity (Infancy Gospel of Thomas, etc.) Chronology and Geography of Jesus' Ministry Jesus' Relationship to John the Baptist Traditions about Jesus and about "Divine Men" in the Greco-Roman world Jesus and the Essenes Jesus and the Pharisees Jesus and the Zealots Jesus and Hellenistic Mystery Cult practices Jesus as a timeless Gnostic revealer Jesus' teachings on marriage, family, and divorce Jesus' proclamation of the Kingdom of God Jesus' teachings about the Messiah (did he see himself as a Messiah?) Jesus as a miracle-worker in a world full of miracle-workers Jesus' use of parables Jesus' use of the term "Abba" as an address to God Table-fellowship in the ministry of Jesus Jesus as exorcist Jesus' Gospel as good news for the poor Jesus' attitudes towards Jewish worship Jesus' attitudes towards social justice Jesus as an apocalyptic preacher Was Jesus a revolutionary? The roles of women in Jesus' life and ministry The circumstances of Jesus' death (or trial) Traditions of Jesus' resurrection Traditions about Judas Iscariot 2. Topics relating to Earliest Christianity --The earliest sources and traditions (Paul, Acts, etc.) The earliest Jerusalem community (as seen especially in Acts of the Apostles) Early Christian preaching according to Acts of the Apostles Stephen's speech in Acts 7 Early Christians as "the Poor" The social setting of early Christianity Paul's attitude to Jewish law (or to Judaism, or to Jesus) Paul's use of Jewish scriptures Is "Justification by Faith" the center of Paul's thought? Evidence in Paul's writings of earlier Christian materials Paul's turn to Christianity according to Paul and according to Acts Paul and Corinth: their problems, his writings, his opponents Paul's opponents at Galatia The purpose of the letter to the Galatians Who wrote the Pastoral Epistles? Setting and analysis of 3 Corinthians Paul's Attitudes towards Jewish eschatology and apocalyptic Did the author of Acts know Paul's letters? Paul's travels and death according to Acts of Peter and Paul Paul's correspondence with Seneca Peter's travels and death according to Acts of Peter James, the brother of Jesus The influence of Judas Thomas on Christianity John's travels and death according to Acts of John Women leaders and heroes in early Christian traditions Patterns of power and authority in early Christianity --Topics relating to early Christianity after 70 C.E. The purpose of Epistle to the Hebrews (or Epistle of Barnabas, or Shepherd of Hermas, or Justin's Apology, or 1 Clement, or another book) The relationships between Jude and 2 Peter Hospitality and excommunication in 1 John Attitudes to Jewish scriptures in Gnostic Christian circles Marcion's view of God (of or Paul, or of his Christian rivals) Ebionite Christianity, its Origins and Developments Montanus and Montanism Christian attitudes about sex and marriage in the second century Early Christian reverence for martyrdom as evidenced in the Martyrdom of Polycarp The Didache and the development of Christian rules Jesus in the Apocalypse of John Development of early Christian apocalypses Gnostic Christian views of God (or of Judaism, or of the origin of this world) Worship and ethics in 2 Clement Justin's attitudes regarding Hellenistic religions and cultures Barnabas' view of Judaism and its scriptures Epistle to Diognetus regarding Judaism and Hellenistic culture 1 Clement's use of Jewish traditions Christian worship according to Justin and Pliny's letter Irenaeus' primary problems with Gnosticism Tertullian's critique of Marcion Miracles in the canonical and apocryphal Acts Early Christian attitutudes toward slavery (or pacifism) /end/