Translation of 4Q387-390 "Moses" materials

GM = Garcia Martinez
V = Vermes
W = Wise in Wise, Abegg, Cook

4Q387a [GM "Pseudo-Moses\b(?)", 2 frgs]

[ . . . ] . . . so they serve me with all their heart
and with a[ll . . . ] you will instruct them
in the service of the deeds [ . . . ] until ten
jubilees of years are complete. And I will bring them to madness [ . . . ] . . . and confusion
{5}of heart and the destruction of the generation. I will liberate the kingdom from the hand of the powerful ones.
[ . . . ] . . . [ . . . ] others of the people. Afterwards, he will govern
. . . [ . . . ] all the country and the kingdom of Israel will perish in those
days [ . . . ] a blasphemer and will perform abominations. And I will split
[the] kingdom apart [ . . . ] the kings, and my face the hidden ones of Isra<el>
{10} [ . . . ] many peoples [ . . . ] Israel the cries
[ . . . ] to them

[4Q387 overlaps with 4Q388 = "ps-Moses\c" and 4Q389 = "ps-Moses\d"]
{1} [ . . . ] . . . [ . . .]
{2} [ . . . ] and the reign will r eturn to the peop[les . . . ] . . . and the children of Israel
{3} [ . . . ] a heavy yoke in the lands of their exile, and there will not be {blank} a savior for them
{4} because and only because they have rejected my precepts and their soul despised my law. For this I hid
{5} my face [until] they make good their faults. {blank} And this will be the sign for them that they have made good
{6} their faults [ . . . ] I have abandoned the earth because they hardened their hearts against me and did not know
{7} [ . . . ] and they did evil. {blank} From [the] first [days] {1} . . . [ . . . ]
{2} the covenant which [I established] with Abraham, with Isaac [and with Jacob. In] those [days]
{9}{3} a blasphemous king will arise [for the na]tions and will do evil things. [ . . .]
{10}{1}{4} [ . . . to Isra]el from the people. [In his days] I will destroy the kingdom of [Egypt]
{2}{5} [ . . . ] and I will destroy Israel [and Egypt and deliver them up to the sword . . . ]
{3}{6} [ . . . coun]try, and I have removed the ma[n and I have abandoned . . . ]
{4}{6} [ . . . ] the country into the hands of the angels of destruction. And I will hide [ . . . ]
{5} [ . . . Is]rael. And this will be the sign for them in the day of abandonment of the la[nd . . . ]
{6}{7} [ . . . ] the priests of Jerusalem to serve other gods. [ . . . ]
{7} [ . . . ] house of [ . . . ]
{8} three who will re[ign . . . ]
{9} [the] sanctuary [ . . . ]
{10} [what is upr]ight and what is just [ . . . ]




