[format adapted 9/2003 content needs updating]
1. Bibliographies and Bibliographical Surveys:
2. Collections of Various Sorts (texts, translations):
3. General Reference Works, Series, etc.
4. Overall Treatments: History, Literature, Thought
1. Primary Sources (not exhaustive)
present themselves as though dealing with Jewish "history," sometimes
expanding or revising biblical materials, sometimes recording other folk
traditions or speaking of more recent events, sometimes creating "historical"
accounts for specific purposes; for an overview, see G.W.E.Nickelsburg in
JWSTP chs. 2-3, and H. Attridge in JWSTP chs 4-5:
JOSEPHUS, Antiquities of the Jews (from creation to the start of
the revolt in 64-73 ce) and Jewish War (on the causes and course
of the revolt). Greek text ed. B. Niese (7 vols, 1890-94; repr. 1955). LoebCL
text and ET by H.St.J. Thackeray, R. Marcus, and L. Feldman (9 vols, 1926-65).
An often reprinted ET by W. Whiston appeared first in 1737. For general
introduction see
BIBLICAL ANTIQUITIES of ps-Philo (Delling 2177ff);Latin text ed. G. Kisch (1949); ET by M.R. James (1917). Traces Israel's history from creation to the death of Saul.
JUBILEES, or the Little Genesis (Delling 2153ff; PSEUDEPIG.); supplements the material in Genesis-Exodus, with apocalyptic interests at points; emphasis on Jewish solar calendar.
last words of the tribal patriarchs (Jacob's sons).Similar 'testaments'
attributed to other famous persons
also are preserved--e.g. TESTAMENT OF JOB (Delling 2042ff), the Greek text
of which has recently been edited by S. Brock (PsVTGr 2, 1967). For a general
survey of "Testaments," see J.J. Collins in JWSTP ch.8.
ASSUMPTION (or Testament) OF MOSES (Delling 2060ff; PSEUDEPIG.); claims to preserve the last words of Moses.
LIVES OF THE PROPHETS (Delling 2144ff; Greek text ed. C.C. Torrey, JBL Monograph Series (1946).
MARTYRDOM OF ISAIAH (Delling 2052ff; PSEUDEPIG.); now incorporated into a work known as the Ascension of Isaiah.
LETTER OF JEREMIAH (Delling 1729ff; APOCRYPHA); against idolatry.
BARUCH (Delling 1729ff; APOCRYPHA); Israel's guilt, divine wisdom, etc.
PARALIPOMENA JEREMIAH (Or, Rest of the Words of Baruch) (Delling 2139ff; RIESSLER); tells of last days of Jerusalem, Jeremiah with the exiles of Babylon (!), return of the exiles.
DANIEL Cycle (Delling 1834ff; biblical book and APOCRYPHA); various tales glorifying Daniel; also some additional apocalyptic works.
TOBIT (Delling 1689ff; APOCRYPHA); set in Nineveh, piety vindicated.
JUDITH (Delling 1673ff; APOCRYPHA); God delivers Israel from Assyrian(!) threat through courage of pious Judith.
see also such works as the ADAM AND EVE cycle (PSEUDEPIG.) or the GENESIS APOCRYPHON (Qumran).
1.2 BIBLICAL TRANSLATIONS: The story of who made translations into what languages at what times and places is still unclear. Almost certainly there was translational activity from Hebrew and Aramaic into Greek in Palestine before the middle second century CE, as attested by the stories about "Aquila" and "Theodotion," but now even more clearly with the Nahal Hever Minor Prophets Roll (DJD 8, ed. E. Tov).
1.3 BIBLICAL COMMENTARY and ANTHOLOGIZING: Qumran provides various examples of selfconscious collecting and interpreting of specially revered literature, as in the "pesharim" and the "testimonia/florilegia" collections. Probably this is also the category for the "sayings of Moses" (1QDM) and the "blessings of the fathers" (4QPatrBl).
1.4 ETHICAL AND RELIGIOUS LORE: As in the scriptural collections
of Proverbs, and works like Job and Ecclesiastes (parts of which may come
from the Hellenistic period), Judaism maintained a strong interest in such
materials (see also some of the above; for a survey of such "Wisdom
Literature," see M. Gilbert in JWSTP ch.7).
WISDOM OF JOSHUA BEN SIRA (Or Jesus son of Sirach) (Delling 1631ff.;
APOCRYPHA); also called 'Ecclesiasticus' and 'Sirach' -- practical advice
from 3rd century bce Palestine.
PIRKE ABOTH (PSEUDEPIG.); sayings of Palestinian Jewish sages from pre-Christian times remembered in the Rabbinic-Pharisaic tradition and preserved in the Talmud.
MISHNA (ET by H. Danby, 1933); early Palestinian material preserved
in the Rabbinic-Pharisaic Talmud.
1.6 HYMNS AND PRAYERS: see also the scriptural Psalms, some of which
may come from the hellenistic period. Some of the other literature also
contains hymns and prayers; see D. Flusser in JWSTP 551-578 for a general
survey; also
THE HYMNS OF QUMRAN, and the extra-canonical Psalms.
1.7 AUTOBIOGRAPHY: Josephus' short, apologetic account of his life (Vita) is preserved.
1.8 LETTERS: See P.S. Alexander in JWSTP ch.14 for a survey.
1.9 APOCALYPSES (see M.E. Stone in JWSTP ch.10 and also IV below):
It is not always possible to determine where these materials originated,
or when, or in what language. Those listed below probably were composed
in a Semitic langauge. Several other apocalypses might be added to this
list; the material in Daniel 7-12 also has its place here.
1 ENOCH (Delling 1925ff; PSEUDEPIG.) an anthology of of materials associated with the names Enoch, Methusaleh, Noah, often dealing with apocalyptic matters. Greek frags. being edited by M. Black (PsVTGr3).
2 BARUCH (Delling 2017ff; PSEUDEPIG.); revelations mediated by Baruch.
4-5-6 EZRA (Delling 1987ff; PSEUDEPIG.) and RSV APOCRYPHA under '2 Esdras'); revelations mediated through or associated with Ezra.
See also the apocalyptic material in such works as the BOOKS OF ADAM AND EVE, the MOSES cycle, the WAR SCROLL from QUMRAN, as well as later material such as 3 ENOCH (medieval Hebrew; ed. H. Odeberg, 1928; repr. 1970) and the non-canonical apocalypses attributed to Daniel (ed. F. Macler, 1895).
1.10 APOLOGETIC LITERATURE: the best preserved example from Palestinian Judaism is Josephus AGAINST APION, written in a Greek setting (see below, part 3)
2. General Modern Treatments
3. Some Particular Aspects
1. Primary Sources (not exhaustive)
2. General Treatments (see further Delling 227ff.)
3. Some Particular Aspects (see Delling #227ff.)
4. SOME SPECIAL TOPICS (see further Delling, passim).
1. Art (see Delling, #502ff.; and esp. SYMBOLS).
2. Chronology, Chronography
3. Eschatology and Apocalyptic Literature (Delling 1858ff.)
4. Ethics and Theology
5. Gnosticism and Judaism
6. Magic (see Delling, 2212 ff.)
7. Pagan Attitudes to Judaism (see Delling, #547ff.; and esp. REINACH
now superceded by STERN).