!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">

why does it display the above material? -- underline works!

e.g. "Forsbergs in Ethiopia" -- why automatic double ""?

experiment with apostrophe and double dash; Bob's file -- to try! or quotes, do this; now try apostrophe's `

Now what? Bob`s is awkward, but IF it works, why not?
Yes, it worked! mostly -- but not the line breaks
try again br not bm!
As for the "emdash", use — or perhaps &#emdash; apparently. Here goes ...
The former ""& # 8212 ; "" works, but I can't yet do search/replace with it in the DeLange review. Bummer.

so I added html to the file name. What does that accomplish?

SIM changing the extension to html helped with the Forsberg Letters files. Now I need to remember how to code things so I can link to a specific spot, like a letter. I think the number sign might be the clue?
You can either put an anchor in your document as follows: Or else you give an id to a any HTML element:


Then simply append the hash #ref to the URL of your link to jump to the desired reference.
Example: Jump to ref in document.html if there is an tag or any tag with an id (e.g.,
), then you can simply append #foo to the URL.
Otherwise, you can't arbitrarily link to portions of a page.
Here's a complete example:
Jump to #foo on page.html Linking content on the same page example: Jump to #foo on same page
Let's try this Letters #2
OK, works
NOTE -- caps are needed in that file name, but the ##2 didn't work; simplify to #2?
nope -- doesn't jump to #2 in Letters; try name #two; nope
Let's try this MAL3 to #3
Let's try this SameAgain to #4
Let's try this OnceMore to #5
now Letters #2
nope; none work! tried
div id ™2" and it worked!! tried more; ok -- now tag main file

---[letter #5 (in main file, main file p. 42, with a note explaining that Marian Kraft started her planned book on "American Girl in Africa: a Book of Letters" with this one)]
ok; somehow got it to work using name and id together -- probably overkill!
How to create pix links or even embed pix in file? (1) do an images file? How?? now find
sisters OK
and also sisters OK
now I've dragged images to this file -- doesn't work --
tried to create ForsbergImages in same directory; no go Marian Augusta Northrop was born 1935-03-14-ForsbergWed-5.jpeg wedding5 nope -- URL not found -- needs to be in miller file
so I tried to create file or container "ForsbergImages" but it disappeared; try again; made "images"
How to move images to web file?
done, but still not working
Nope, & nope
1931-Edith Wed1 1931-enid insert enid pic 1931-enid 23mr2020; 29-31mr; 20ap2020