Inventory Catalog of the Papyri Collection at the Center for Judaic Studies of the University of Pennsylvania

This is a work in progress, coordinated by Robert A. Kraft (Professor of Religious Studies),
based on a preliminary inventory created in 1994 under the direction of Jenni Sheridan and presented, along with digitized images on CD-ROM and corresponding photographs, to Robert Kraft on his 60th birthday by his graduate students.
For a brief history of the collection see Kraft....
[revised blue project booklet (1994)]
update 08/16/96 [8/11/98] rak

The papyri have been assigned archival numbers as follows: in first position (col 1), the page number of the mylar container in which the papyri were found already mounted in 1994, followed by "." and the number of the papyrus on the page -- numbers begin at the top left-hand corner of the page and continue vertically by rows. Adhesive labels were also attached to each fragment for the photographing process. After each number, the indicator "-" or "|" has been added to indicate the direction of the writing: "-" along the fibers (horizontally) or "|" against the fibers (perpendicular).

A renumbering will be needed as joins between some fragments are found and the collection is conserved better and organized more consistently (e.g. by language). [Much reorganization has already been done by Kraft in July-August 1996, and it continues.]

NOTE: microfilm 1A.31x seems to contain all or most of the fragments mounted as pp. 1-3, while microfilm 1A.71x contains most or all of the fragments mounted on p. 4. [Does this tell us anything about the acquisition of the materials? Probably not, since there are joins between materials on pp.1-4 and elsewhere.]

[There are 132 separate frgs, by count taken by Kraft on 5 August 1998, including some blank, plus "PReich #1" consisting of 3 Greek pieces (= 135), plus a separate Coptic codex treated as a unit (= 136).


# 001 / Gk 001

01.4| Greek Homer, Od 4.803-817 [ID by RAK]
2.9 x 8.3 cm.;
15 lines (including one blank);
written against the fibers (|);
central fragment, lower margin intact;
medium color with some damage;
[visible in microfilm 1A.31x].
CD 1.025 (neg 1.26)
((transcription notes in green booklet))



02.1| + 09.1| (small piece) Greek document. 12.3 x 18.2 cm.; 21 lines <|>; central fragment (plus one large and 3 or 4 smaller fragments to the side, some of which may be related); darkened papyrus with surface abraded in many places; probably Ptolemaic [RAK]; further conservation work done by rak 8/96 -- problems removing the backing, but cleaned up sections, rejoined and remounted -- see detailed notes [see microfilm 1A.31x for earlier state] CD 1.001 (neg 1.02), CD 1.002 (neg 1.03), CD 1.020 (neg 1.21) 01 NH KAI ID() ANTIGR() ..EWI 02 QEWI XAIREIN 03 POU E ..EMTI 04 05 TW PARESTWTOU 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 U KOYAN 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ((transcription notes in green notebook)) 02.1b|/- + 09.1| Greek document(s). 4 lines written perpendicular to reverse, starting in middle; between 11 and 19 lines parallel to reverse, starting on left; Ptolemaic (RAK), possibly originally two different documents that had been joined together for reuse on the other side? conservation work performed by rak 8/96 (see above note) [see microfilm 1A.31x for earlier state] CD 1.003 (neg 1.04), CD 1.021 (neg 1.22), CD 3.070 (inf 1.21)


02.2- + 09.1- Greek document. 13.5 x 13.4 cm.; 11 lines <->; top and left margins intact (reused as cartonnage, with 09.1 torn away and lying ink to ink on top of the lower part of 02.2); light colored papyrus; Ptolemaic, 2 bce? [RAK & SP]; reverse appears blank in earlier photos, with spot of reddish plaster/paint, but additional fragments were found stuck to back, including two in the same Greek Ptolemaic hand, possibly from the same document (separated by RAK in July/August 1996) [visible on microfilm 1A.31x] CD 1.004 (neg 1.05), CD 3.065 (neg 2.04), 2.080-1-2-3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ((transcription notes in green notebook, etc)) ((conservation notes scattered)) 02.2| (contained cartonnage layering & paint) CD 3.001 (neg 9.X), CD 3.002 (neg 9.00); before and during separation and restoration by rak in 8/96, numerous notes and annotated xeroxed images were made, including a map of fiber-line patterns (see separate file)


03.10| (plus 01.7| ?) Greek. 5.5 (plus?) x 5.8 cm.; 3 lines [possibly joins to 1.7] (||) (reverse blank); bottom margin intact; medium-dark color; Ptolemaic, 3-2 bce [RAK] [visible on microfilm 1A.31x]. CD 1.053 (neg 2.21) CD 2.036 (neg 8.10) 1 ...ARG]URIKOU [ 2 ]ENNIOS Q[ 3 ALWNOFUL() DIA QOTO[ ]RTAIA[ ((transcription notes in green notebook))


04.9- Greek. 3.5 x 7.0 cm.; 19 lines of tiny hand (--); central fragment; medium-dark color with some surface shredding; date undetermined [probably Ptolemaic (RAK)] [[not cleanly mounted, but very fragile]] [identified on microfilm 1A.71x] CD 1.058 (neg 2.26) 09.1 (group). three small fragments mounted together; light color [not yet identified on microfilm 1A] Ptolemaic(?) [RAK]


09.1.1- (see 02.2 join). 4.5 x 7.5 cm.; [[required further separating, conservation]]


09.1.2| (see 02.1 join). 1.5 x 2.2 cm.; [[required removal of backing]]


09.1.3- Greek. 5.3 x 7.2 cm. plus two (three?) small strips; parts of at least 2 lines <-->, possibly lower left corner; pale tan surface, black ink (much damage); 2. ...XRU... [[required further separating, conservation]] no evidence of writing on reverse


11.5| Greek. 4.0 x 11.6 cm.; central parts of at least 7 lines <||>, bottom margin intact; grey and stained, almost bluish, with black ink, and papyrus fibers stuck diagonally atop lower surface; date undetermined [Ptolemaic (?) RAK] CD 2.093-4-5 [[needs further separation, conservation work]] 1 EGEN MOU N 2 TOKE 3 4 [empty?] 5 GW IAWRA 6 OUK 7 8 11.5- Demotic (and plaster/paint) (6.1, 8.7.1) at least 3 lines of writing <-->, and a large plaster/paint area [


] 06.1- Greek or Demotic. 3.1 (7.2) x 5.6 cm. plus two smaller pieces (layers); traces of probably 4 lines (ends?); evidence of being torn from adjacent layer 06.1| Greek or Demotic (8.7.1, 11.5). 3.1 x 5.6 cm.; traces of at least 2 lines <||> (with more under the plaster); greyish cast to papyri (see 11.5), black ink; plaster and traces of red paint on much of the piece; 08.7 Greek & Demotic collage. [


] 08.7.1- Demotic (see 6.1, 11.5). 3.7 x 9.2 cm.; portions of at least 6 lines at right margin <-->; 08.7.1| Greek. parts of 9 lines <||> badly abraded; greyish surface with black ink, upside down to reverse(?);


08.7.2| Greek(?). 1.4 x 3.5 cm.; at least 2 lines of mutilated text <||>; no evidence of writing on reverse


08.7.3| Greek. 2.3 x 7.0 cm.; parts of at least 3 lines <||>; dirty surface, black ink; reverse has plaster and red paint


"Reich Papyrus 1" (1)- Greek Letter Parts of 12 lines, written with the fibers in black ink Ptolemaic hand; large, heavy cursive with few ligatures Right margin barely present in lines 4-5, 8-9 1 [ ].........A TA[ ]EIN[ 2 [ ]WSPER KAI TON ADE[L]FON[ 3 [ ]QFEA KAI SOU GRAYANTO[S 4 [ ]LWFANEI EIS AQASTIN 5 [ ANA]GAGEIN AUTOUS EPE[..]EN 6 [ ]UTWN FNEFERWS SUNEXE[ 7 [ ]EN AQASTEI UPO TOU AP[ 8 [ ]ANOUS ACIW EAN SOI FAINH 9 [TAI SU]NTACAI GRAYAI AUTWI 10 [ ] AU[ ]N KAI TOUS AL[ 11 [LOUS ]ARAN ERW P[ 12 [ ]AS [ Translation: 1 ... 2 ...[name] and (your) brother 3 [name]. And when writing you 4 ... to Athastin 5 ... lead them ... 6 ... of them Fneferos. Hold 7 ... Athastei under the ... 8 ... I hope(?) that if it pleases you 9 that you take charge to write him 10 ... and the others 11 ... 12 ... Paleography: note especially early forms of Q H K N R W, suggesting 2nd century bce or earlier. Language and idiom: aciw ean (soi) fainhtai suntacai grayai (+ dative) is frequent in 3-2 bce documents; kai sou grayantos is in a Theb doc of 2 bce; sunexe(in, etc.) abounds in 3bce docs and later anagagein auton also appears in 3-2bce docs Names: Athastin, Fneferos "Reich Papyrus 1" (1)| Greek Parts of 12+ lines, written against the fibers in black ink Sloppy appearance, Ptolemaic cursive traits, ligatured Poorly preserved and conserved; needs special attention Left margin seems intact for the top 10 lines, with the next two lines extending to the left into that margin


"Reich Papyrus 1" (2)| Greek Parts of 5 lines, written against the fibers <||> in black ink. Separated from the next fragment by RAK. 1 D DRY N ARA[ 2 ]FARA[ 3 N[ 4 ]USOU AF[ 5 ]RHIS (blank) (lower margin ?)


"Reich Papyrus 1" (3)- Greek Parts of at least 3 lines written with the fibers <--> in black ink. Separated from the previous fragment by RAK. 1 ] EPIRIYON TAS EK[ 2 3 KEN[ (large lower margin?) "Reich Papyrus 1" (3)| Greek Parts of at least 4 lines written against the fibers <||> in black ink (somewhat blurred) (upper margin?) 1 2 3 4 (lower margin?) Other Greek 01.4- Greek document. 2.9 x 8.3 cm.; different hand from reverse; about 6 lines, three faint and obstructed <-->; [identified in microfilm 1A.31x] CD 1.026 (neg 1.27) 1 2 OU 3 4 AIR 5 6 TLESE 7 SKAIT 8 ((transcription notes in green booklet))


01.1- + 01.3- + 06.6- Greek document. 5.7 x 5.8 cm (joined); 7 lines; top and left margins intact; medium color in legible if broken conditon; dated 1-2 ce (RAK); reverse uninscribed [identified in microfilm 1A.31x] CD 1.022 (neg 1.23), CD 3.063 (neg 1.24), etc CD 1.024 (neg 1.25)


01.2- Greek. 3.6 x 5.4 cm.; 4 lines (3 above, then room for two more, then one); written along the fibers; left, and perhaps bottom margin intact; medium-light color in good condition; dated 2-4 ce (RAK); reverse uninscribed [identified in microfilm 1A.31x] CD 1.023 (neg 1.24) 01.3- (see 01.1)


01.5- Greek. 5.1 x 7.0 cm.; central parts of 12 lines <-->; dark color with abraded surface; 3rd-4th century ce? [identified in microfilm 1A.31x] CD 1.031 (neg 1.32) 1. 2. ... QOSAN... 3. A 4. ARGUROLOGHSAS 5. OIS 6. LLAH 7. ROUF 8. FWST 9. EIU 10. 11. 12. ((transcription notes in green booklet))


01.6- Greek. 3.0 x 2.1 cm.; central parts of 4 lines (--); light color with some abrasion; date undetermined [identified in microfilm 1A.31x] CD 1.030 (neg 1.31) [possibe traces of ink on reverse] 1. 2. 3. ORW 4.


01.7| Greek (see 03.10|). 2 x 2.2 cm.; 1 line (||) similar to 03.10; might preserve bottom margin; medium-dark color; date undetermined [not yet identified on microfilm 1A] CD 1.028 (neg 1.29), CD 1.029 (neg 1.30)


01.8- (see 03.11- joins) [not yet identified in microfilm 1A.31x] CD 1.027 (neg 1.28)


01.9- Greek. 5.1 x 8.7 cm.; 11 lines <-->; left margin intact, significantly abraded, holes; medium-light color; dated 3-4th ce (RAK); [identified on microfilm 1A.31x] CD 1.032 (neg 1.33)


01.10- + 03.12- Greek archival legal record(?). 5.7 x 8.5 cm.; 9 lines of text between guidelines <-->; central fragment with top margin; medium brown color; dated 1-2 ce (Humm & Treat); reverse uninscribed [identified in microfilm 1A.31x] CD 1.018 (neg 1.19), CD 3.064 (neg 2.03), CD 1.019 (neg 1.20) 02.3 Hebrew (paper) [removed from papyri collection]


03.1- Greek. 8.4 x 3.9 cm.; 4+ lines with one interlinear word/correction; central fragment; light color; date undetermined [identified in microfilm 1A.31x] CD 1.035 (neg 1.36)


03.2- Greek. 10 x 4.1 cm.; 4 lines in 2 columns <-->; bottom and right margins intact, possibly also left; medium-dark color with brownish ink, well preserved; date undetermined [identified in microfilm 1A.31x] CD 1.036 (neg 1.37)


03.3| Greek. 9.0 x 3.5 cm.; 5 lines <||>; appears to be on column in wider page; light color with abraded surface; 4th century?; [identified in microfilm 1A.31x] CD 1.043 (neg 2.11) 03.3- Greek. 4 lines <-->; top, left and right margins preserved; medium light colored material, thin blak ink strokes; date ? CD 1.044 (neg 2.12) CD 2.033 (neg 8.07)


03.4- + 04.10- Greek. 4.2 x 9 cm.; 11 lines (joined) <->; central fragment; medium-light color, legible; date undetermined; [visible on microfilm 1A.31x] CD 1.047 (neg 2.15) 03.4b- + 04.10b- Demotic (?) 3 lines of text <-->, perpendicular to reverse side writing; [visible on microfilm 1A.31x] CD 1.048 (neg 2.16)


03.5- + 04.12- Greek. 5.8 x 4.6 cm.; 4 lines with top margin, 6 lines of center <-->; top margin intact; medium-light color; 4th century? [visible in microfilm 1A.31x] CD 1.049 (neg 2.17), CD 2.034 (neg 8.08) 03.5b traces of ink on back (illegible; blotted?) CD 1.050 (neg 2.18), CD 2.035 (neg 8.09)


03.6- (see 03.11- and joins) [identified in microfilm 1A.31x] CD 1.056 (neg 2.24)


03.7- Greek. 3.6 x 4.7 cm.; 6 lines <-->; bottom margin intact; dark color with small brown spots all over; date undetermined [identified in microfilm 1A.31x] CD 1.055 (neg 2.23)


03.8- Greek. 2.6 x 6.5 cm.; 8+ lines <-->; top margin intact; dark color with prominent fibers; date undetermined reverse uninscribed [identified in microfilm 1A.31x] CD 1.057 (neg 2.25)


/Latin 001 03.9- Greek. 6.5 x 8.3 cm.; 12 lines; bottom margin intact; dark color, lumpy, and dirty [[needs better conservation]]; date undetermined; text on reverse side [identified in microfilm 1A.31x] CD 1.045 (neg 2.13), CD 1.051 (neg 2.19) 03.9| Latin? 8 lines <||>, bottom margin intact; [[poorly conserved and mounted]] CD 1.046 (neg 2.14), CD 1.052 (neg 2.20) ((some transcription notes loose in green booklet))


03.11- (with 01.8-, 03.6-, 11.3b-) Greek list. 7.1 x 3.9 and 3.8 x 3.6 cm.; 5 lines and 5 lines <-->; left and right margins intact in larger piece; medium color; date undetermined (1-4 ce RAK) [not yet identified in microfilm 1A.31x] CD 1.054 (neg 2.22) 03.12 (see 01.10) [not yet identified in microfilm 1A.31x] CD 1.017 (neg 1.18) 04.1-2 Arabic (paper) [removed from papyri collection] 04.3 joined fragments 10.8 x 6.5 cm. plus 3 loose fragments; montage of attached fragments separated by RAK 7/96 [needed to be mounted and numbered separately] [identified on microfilm 1A.71x] CD 1.069 (neg 3.06)


04.3.1- 1.0 x 2.6 cm; from upper right side (as on CD-ROM), upside down; 4 (or 5) lines <-->, small hand and format


04.3.2- 2.1 x 3.8 cm; from right side below #1, upside down; 6 (or 7) lines <-->, small hand and format note also small uninscribed piece from back of #2


04.3.3| 1.3 x 1.8 cm; from upper middle below #5, upside down ?; 2 (or 3) lines <||>, medium size letters 04.3.3- 2 lines <-->, medium sized letters; upside down to reverse?


04.3.4- 2.9 x 3.4 cm; from right middle below #3, upside down; 5 lines <-->, medium-small size letters


04.3.5- 2.1 x 3.8 cm; from upper middle above #3 3 lines <-->, small hand 04.3.5| 2 lines? (plus mirrored ink?) <||>


04.3.6- 1.9 x 2.6 cm; from left side under #7 5 lines <-->, smallish hand; reverse uninscribed


04.3.7- 2.2 x 2.7 cm; from far left side above #6, upside down?; 4 (or 3) lines <-->, with symbols?; reverse uninscribed note two very small pieces removed from left side


04.3.8- 4.8 x 4 cm; from center below #6, above #9 8 lines <-->, smallish hand and format 1 AR 2 MISTAIRAG 3 DRAXMW 4 TOUH 5 ROSDETAPANH 6 EOUK 7 TRW 8


04.3.9- 1.2 x 1.0 cm <-->; from left center below #8, upside down?; 4 lines, small hand and format


04.3.10- 1.3 x 2.1 cm; top large frg (sideways on microfilm); 2 (or 3) lines <-->; medium sized hand; inscribed on reverse 04.3.10| 2 lines <||>, symbols?


04.3.11| 0.7 x 1.2 cm <||>; was attached to back of 04.3.10- traces of ink on both sides


04.3.12- 0.6 x 1.4 cm <-->; was on surface in microfilm, but mounted separately in CD-ROM image; evidence of 2 letters on same line; traces of ink on back


04.3.13- 0.4 x 0.9 cm <-->; was on surface in microfilm, but mounted separately in CD-ROM image; part of a single letter (theta?)


04.3.14- 0.6 x 0.6 cm <--> ; was on surface in microfilm, but mounted separately in CD-ROM image (probably upside down); probably letters from one line


04.3.15- 2.2 x 1.8 cm <-->; from area of frg #4; uninscribed(?) 04.3.misc more than 14 tiny and/or uninscribed scraps (two are relatively larger than most = 16, 17, etc.) 04.3b CD 1.070 (neg 3.07) 04.4-5 Arabic (paper) [remove from papyri collection] 04.6 Language unclear (2 small papyrus fragments not from same document)


04.6a- (see 06.8 joins) 2.7 x 2.7 cm. 2+ lines [not yet identified on microfilm 1A] CD 1.062 (neg 2.30)


04.6b- (see 09.3). [identified on microfilm 1A.71x] CD 1.063 (neg 2.31) 04.6b| (see 09.3). [identified on microfilm 1A.71x] CD 1.064 (neg 2.32)


04.7- Greek official register (?). 9.7 x 11.7 cm.; top margin and middle parts of at least 9 lines <-->; surface layer gone at bottom; light color, very fine texture, thin strokes in black ink; dated 176-192 ce, Hermopolite nome (?) (Todd Hickey) [identified on microfilm 1A.71x] CD 1.005 (neg 1.06), CD 1.037 (neg 2.05), CD 3.004 (neg 9.01)


04.8 Greek. 4.5 x 9.2 cm.; parts of 4 lines <-->, mirror writing after vacat(?); central fragment, perhaps lower margin intact; medium brownish color with ink abrasions; date undetermined [identified on microfilm 1A] CD 1.074 (neg 3.11)


04.10a- (see 03.4). 2.8 x 4.3 cm.; [identified on microfilm 1A.71x] CD 1.059 (neg 2.27), CD 2.037 (neg 8.11) 04.10b- (see 03.4b). written perpendicular to other side; [identified on microfilm 1A.71x] CD 1.060 (neg 2.28), CD 1.061 (neg 2.29)


04.11- Greek. 3.5 x 7.9 cm.; 13 lines (--); central fragment; medium yellowish color, petite hand; date undetermined [late 2nd c? RAK] [[is a small extra layer adhering to bottom lines?]] [identified on microfilm 1A.71x] CD 2.038 (neg 8.12), CD 3.067 (neg 2.35) 1 2 3 4 OSKOROUS 5 PROSPOK 6 MA]RKOU AURHLIOU [KOMMODOU 7 ANTWN]INOU KAISAROS LOUK[IOU 8 # OEA EC 9 NPRO AUTOUS KAI 10 TWOR 11 12 13 ((see green scratchbook for transcription))


04.12- Greek. 6.0 x 4.8 cm.; parts of 6 lines <-->; light-medium color, black ink; 4th century [hand very similar to 03.5] [visible on microfilm 1A.71x; reverse seems blank] CD 3.066 (neg 2.36) 1. ]?WNP?[ 2. ??KAIMETRIATASD? 3. ?IS?ROKONTOUKAITAME? 4. ESFHME EIPEN DEOM 5. USIATROF 6. ...] \?? UI+OU


05.1| Greek. in three joined pieces (formerly a, b, c); 10.6 x 6.9 cm; 6 lines from central portion, possibly lower margin <||>; dark reddish color, upright cursive; late; no evidence of writing on reverse


05.1d blank 1.6 x .9 cm.; no letters (a line) [not the same papyrus as 05.1a-c]


05.2- Greek 5.5 x 8.6 cm.; 5 visible lines (possibly 7), lower right corner <-->; possibly more traces of writing beneath Japanese Paper 05.2| Greek 5.5 x 8.6 cm.; 4 lines, left margin and upper and lower (?) <||> fine black strokes, highly abbreviated 05.3 Demotic & Greek collage (cartonnage?). 10.1 x 8.1 cm.; 14 or more lines; some 20 adhering fragments of various shapes and sizes; treated and separated by rak in 7/96 (see separate notes) scanned and printed as separated pieces 8/98 CD 1.0082 (no back?)


05.3.01- Demotic 4.0 x 1.7 cm; one line, possibly top margin <-->; possible ink blot (or dirt) on reverse 05.3.02 (see 04)


05.3.03- Demotic? (perhaps joins 10) 1.1 x 1.3 cm; two lines <-->; some evidence of ink on reverse


05.3.04- (joined with 02) Greek 1.6 x 4.0 cm; parts of 9 or 10 lines, petite script <--> (upside down); RAK: 3-2 bce 1 2 ST 3 MAP 4 OU 5 6 [blank?] 7 E 8 THO 9 clear ink marking (one or two letters) on reverse


05.3.05 Greek or Demotic 1.0 x 1.5 cm; parts of 3 or 4 lines, petite script <--> no evidence of ink on reverse


05.3.06 Greek 1.4 x 3.1 cm; parts of 6 or 7 lines <-->; 1 2 E 3 KO- 4 5 E 6 some evidence of ink (blotted?) on reverse


05.3.07a- Greek or Demotic? 1.4 x 0.5 cm; traces of one line (?) <-->; no evidence of writing on reverse


05.3.07b Greek 3.3 x 2.4 cm; parts of 4 lines <-->; RAK 1st ce? 1 EX 2 HMENWP 3 K(/B)AP 4 some evidence of ink (blotted?) on reverse


05.3.07c Demotic? 3.8 x 2.5 cm; the ends(?) of 4 lines if <||>, or one line if <-->; no evidence of writing on reverse


05.3.08 Greek 1.4 x 2.0 cm; parts of two lines <-->; 1 D/X AI 2 parts of 3 lines on reverse <||>, different hand


05.3.09 Greek 1.3 x 2.2 cm; parts of 3 lines <-->; one line perpendicular to this on reverse (Greek?)


05.3.10- Demotic? (possibly joins 03) 1.0 x 1.2 cm; two lines <-->; some evidence of ink on reverse


05.3.11- Demotic 1.8x2.9 cm; part of 4 lines and some red marking <-->; some evidence of ink on reverse


05.3.12 Greek? 1.7 x 2.4 cm; parts of 2 lines, with surface abraded <-->; some evidence of ink (blotted?) on reverse


05.3.13 Greek 1.7 x 2.7 cm; traces of 4-5 lines, thin writing <-->; 1 2 TH 3 4 U 5 slight evidence of ink on reverse


05.3.14a| Greek [incompletely separated from 14x] parts of 2 lines (upside down) 1 TAAL 2 ER


05.3.14x- Demotic? [incompletely separated from 14] parts of 3 lines


05.3.15 Greek? 4.0 x 1.6 cm; part of a single line <--> (upside down); no evidence of ink on reverse


05.3.16 Greek 3.5 x 2.5 cm; parts of 3 lines, very fragile <-->; evidence of writing on reverse


05.3.17 Greek? 1.5 x 2.0 cm; parts of 4 lines (abbreviated?) <-->; no evidence of writing on reverse


05.3.18- Demotic? 1.7 x 1.3 cm; traces of start (?) of 2 lines (?) <-->; no evidence of ink on reverse


05.3.19 mostly blank 3.2 x 6.3 cm; slight traces of ink; no evidence of writing on reverse 05.3.20 etc. miscellanous scraps


05.4| Greek 8.1 x 5.3 cm.; parts of 3 lines <||>; left margin intact, and possibly lower; medium color with light ink; date undetermined; Coptic text on back, written perpendicular to this side 05.4| Coptic 8.1 x 5.3 cm.; start of 5 lines <||> (perpendicular to lower part of other side); left margin intact, and possibly upper; 05.5 (Five pieces from different texts).


05.5a Greek [ed RAK] 6.6 x 5.9 cm.; 3 lines; bottom intact; medium color; 4th ce or slightly earlier (RAK) [not yet located on microfilm 1A] CD 1.086 1 2 HLQEN ERRWSQAI 3 (indent) SE EUXOMAI 4 (indent) KURIE PATER ((transcription notes in green booklet))


05.5b- Greek. 2.2 x 3.0 cm.; parts of at least 4 lines <-->, central fragment; light brownish color, black ink, fine material; date undetermined


05.5c- Greek. 8.7 x 1.5 cm.; at least 2 lines <--> of central fragment; light color, fine dark ink, split surface layer?; date undetermined


5.5d- Greek. 12.3 x 15.1 cm.; right margin and parts of at least 5 lines <-->, top part badly abraded but evidence of at least 4 more lines (room for 15 total); light color, grey-black ink; date undetermined


5.5e- Greek. 7.0 x 15.0 cm.; left magin and parts of at least 14 lines <-->; medium-light color, grey-black ink of varying thickness; date undetermined


06.2| (see 06.8 joins) 2.0 x 4.8 cm.; 3 lines; right margin intact; medium color;


06.3 Greek. 3.5 x 8.0 cm.; 4+ lines; right margin intact; medium-light color; 4th century or later


06.4- Greek. 5.8 x 5.8 cm.; middle parts of 2 lines <-->, lower margin intact; "left handed" orientation of letters, large neat hand 06.4| Greek. 5.8 x 5.8 cm.; middle parts of 3 lines <||>, top margin intact; medium brownish color, thick black ink; 4th century; 1. HRWNEITWD? 2. I- XAIREIN 3. ?QTON


06.5| Greek. 6.6 x 12.5 cm.; 9 lines <||>; top and left margins intact; medium-light yellowish color, thick material, dark ink; date undetermined; traces of writing on reverse 06.5- Coptic(?) 6.6 x 12.5 cm.; parts of 2 lines <-->, written upside down to the reverse 06.6- (see 01.1)


06.7 Greek. 12.3 x 9.4 cm.; start of 6 lines <||>; left margin intact; medium-light brownish color, thick material, brownish ink; late; no traces of writing on reverse


06.8- (joins 04.6a, 06.2, 08.6) Greek. 12.0 x 17.0 cm.; ends of at least 6 lines <-->, with large right margin; medium brownish color (with discoloration); black ink, highly abbreviated content; date undetermined 06.8| (joins 04.6a, 06.2, 08.6) Greek. left and lower margins with beginnings of at least 7 lines <||>; badly abraded, medium brown color with discolored areas, black (brownish?) ink; date undetermined


06.9- Greek loan of money. 16.0 x 2.4 cm.; 4 lines <-->; left margin intact; color varies light-medium; dated 5-7th ce (Todd Hickey), probably 6th ce (JS); possibly Arsinoite nome (Hickey)


06.9b (additional piece) dark brown color; apparently uninscribed does not seem to be related to 06.9-


/Latin 002 06.10- Latin. 10.2 x 6.5 cm.; right portions of 7 lines <-->(?), right margin intact(?); medium reddish color with dark spots; date undetermined (writing identified by Sigrid Peterson) CD 1.007 1 2 missit ascr()o et ipse te dixit 3 septem et dimidium quicum 4 alia quos a septem 5 nec ferrium 6 et terminum 7 nec ((transcription notes in green booklet))


06.11- Greek. 7.0 x 2.8 cm.; parts of 6 lines from a single column (?) <-->; medium-light color, dark ink; date undetermined (traces of ink on reverse; fiber layer badly damaged) 1. ARTOUWIDWRWN 2. PALEI+ PANI?.Z 3. ??????DREA? 4. WRIWSARPA???? 5. AMMWPISM??W????? 6. . . .


07.1- Greek. 9.9 x 9.0 cm.; parts of at least 9 lines <-->, possibly left margin; dark color, pitted worm holes, shredding, fibers off-grain; date undetermined; [poorly mounted]


07.2- Greek. 18.0 x 13.0 cm. plus 4 smaller fragments; at least 12 lines <--> with left margin intact (?); dark color, pitted, worm holes, shredding, fibers off-grain; date undetermined; [very poorly mounted]


08.1- Greek. 10.3 x 9.0 cm. (irregular); central parts of 6 lines <-->; light color, black ink, highly abbreviated; date undetermined; text on back 08.01| Greek parts of 8 lines <||>, perhaps at right margin; highly abbreviated (account?)


08.2| Coptic (joined with 08.3). about 12.5 x 7.4 cm. (badly mounted); central parts of 6 lines <||> medium-light color, orange-brown ink (bleeding); date undetermined; no evidence of writing on reverse side 08.3 Coptic (see 08.2).


08.4- Greek. 5.4 x 13.4 cm.; traces of at least 5 lines <-->, possibly left margin; light color, black ink; date undetermined; no evidence of writing on reverse 08.5 Melange of small pieces. 4.2 x 5.9 cm. plus two small fragments;


08.5.1- [language undetermined] 1.0 x 2.1 cm.; traces of ink (from 3 lines?) <-->; possible traces of ink on reverse


08.5.2| [language undetermined] 1.0 x 1.2 cm.; traces of perhaps 2 letters <||>; no evidence of writing on reverse


08.5.3- Greek(?). 1.7 x 2.2 cm.; parts of at least 1 (possibly 3) lines <-->; dark brown surface with black ink (like 08.5.4); no evidence of writing on reverse


08.5.4- Greek. 2.4 x 1.9 cm.; central portions of 3 lines <-->; dark brown surface with black ink (like 08.5.3)


08.5.5- or | (?) Demotic(?). 2.3 x 3.3 cm.; appears to be a single letter <-->(?); no evidence of writing on reverse similar in physical appearance to 08.5.6


08.5.6- or | (?) Greek(?). 1.5 x 3.2(+) cm.; perhaps one line if <||>, as seems probable; similar in physical appearance to 08.5.5


08.5.7 [uninscribed] 1.9 x 2.8 cm.; small piece removed from face, traces of ink both sides


08.5.8 [uninscribed] 1.1 x 2.0 cm.; possibly some layering remains


08.5.9 [language undetermined] 0.7 x 0.6 cm.; traces of ink on one side 08.5.10, 11, 12, 13 small fragments from back of 08.5.4 and 7; some traces of ink 08.6 Greek (see 06.8 joins). 6 x 5.7 cm.; 4+ lines;


08.7.4- [undetermined] 1.5 x 4.0 cm.; trace of ink <-->; reverse has plaster and red paint, joined to 08.7.3b


08.7.5| [undetermined]. 1.5 x 1.5 cm.; trace of ink <||>; reverse uninscribed


08.8- Greek. 5.1 x 10.4 cm.; traces of at least 11 lines <-->, central(?); medium color, black ink; date undetermined; text on back 08.8| Greek(?). traces of at least 7 lines <||>, badly abraded;


08.9| Greek. 10.9 x 2.5 cm.; 2+ lines <||>, probably left margin; medium-light color; date undetermined; very thick (possibly 2 or more layers) 1 XARPEUMENONMOIX 2 THNARXOU WMENOS 3 W no ink visible on reverse <-->


09.2| Greek. 8.9 x 10.8 cm.; parts of 13 lines <||>, with right margin intact; medium-light color, many worm holes; date undetermined; text on back in 2 colors of ink 09.2- Greek 8.9 x 10.8 cm.; parts of at least 9 lines <-->; mostly redish-brown ink, but also black; a few letters obstructed by backing


09.3- + 04.6b- Greek grain transaction. 7.5 x 19 cm (with 04.6b joined by RAK 7/96); lower and left margins with parts of 15 lines <-->; medium-light color; dated mid-2nd ce (Evans & Chan); [not yet identified on microfilm 1A] [being edited by Kass Evans and Frank Chan] traces of writing on reverse in two separate areas


09.4| Greek. 10.9 x 5.2 cm.; leftmost parts of 4 lines <||> with left margin intact; medium- light color, fibers off-grain; evidence of text on back 1. [part of one letter] 2. EFAPANT? 3. ???TOUGRIS? 4. K?????????N 09.4- Greek or Demotic text partially covered by backing; date undetermined


10.1| Greek account. 5.5 x 11.5 cm.; 7 (+?) lines <|> in one column with upper and left margins, and possibly lower (large space); medium color, black ink; dated 1st-2nd ce (Kass Evans). 10.1- Greek. at least 8 lines <-->, with left (irregular) and lower margins; written upside down in relation to other side, highly cursive; 1st ce ?(rak) 1, ? 2. ? 3. OUH?UI? 4. W? 5. KAI? 6. WB? 7. XAIRINQ 8. GL


10.2- Greek. 9.7 x 7.8 cm. (plus two smaller uninscribed pieces); parts of 2 or 3 lines <--> with lower (and top?) margin intact; medium color, dark brown ink (abraded surface); date undetermined; (no evidence of writing on the reverse)


10.3a| Greek?. 0.8 x 2.2 cm.; probably the letter T <||>; light color, black ink; traces of ink on the reverse


10.3b-d- Greek?. three small fragments, largest 2.1 x 2.0 cm; badly preserved remnants of at least 2 lines <-->; light color with orangish tinge, medium brown ink; reverse seems to be blank


10.4- Greek. 5.0 x 25 cm.; ends(?) of 5 lines in two columns <-->; medium color, black ink (fine strokes, abbreviated); date undetermined; (actually multiple layers at the top; separated 22au1996 rak)


10.4b- blank (middle layer) 10.5 x 3.8 cm.; possibly a trace or two of ink (nothing legible)


10.4c| blank (lower layer) 5.1 x 4.0 cm.; no trace of ink


10.5- Greek. 5.0 x 2.3 cm.; small fragment with some letters, probably 2 lines <-->; medium dark, black ink (blurred); some traces of ink on reverse


11.1- Greek. 7.8 x 6.3 cm.; middle parts of 5 lines <-->, upper margin intact; dark reddish-brown color, brownish ink; date undetermined; small unattached piece included; reverse side appears to be blank


11.2- Greek. 9.5 x 5.5 cm.; left sides of 6 lines <-->, left and lower margins intact; medium-light color, grey "Latin-like" hand; date undetermined (reverse seems blank)


11.3a- Greek. 3.8 x 5.7 cm.; central parts of 9 lines <-->; medium-light color; date undetermined (reverse seems blank) [for 11.3b see 03.11 and joins]


11.4| Greek divorce (or marriage) deed. 5.4 x 20.4 cm; 30 (32) lines <-->; top margin intact, and probably bottom and right; medium-light color; dated first half of 4th ce (Kirkegaard & Lisi). Note that the pattern of damage suggests that two or three pieces had been glued together in antiquity and rolled up and/or folded (crushed?) from below: lines 1-21 (hand 1), then two blank lines, then 24-(29?)-32 (smaller hand 2, then larger hand at end). Possibly two separate documents. [11.6 undetermined language (paper); removed from papyri collection]


11.7- Greek. 8.8(8.3) x 5.9 cm.; center parts of 5 lines plus underline <--> bottom margin intact; medium-dark orangish color, dark brown ink, decorated margin; date undetermined [seems to have multiple layers in upper left corner]


11.8- Greek land contract(?). 9.2 x 8.2 cm (frgs joined by RAK 7/96); 13 lines <-->; central fragment (no visible margins); light color; dated 4th ce (Miller & Whitesides)


12.1| Coptic (joined with 12.2 and 12.7). 19.7 x 15.2 cm.; 11 lines <||>, left and right margins intact; text on back in different hand, upside down to reverse side 12.1- Greek at least 7 lines <-->, perhaps intact margins; appears to be highly abbreviated in spots 12.2| Coptic (see 12.1|).


12.3- + 12.4- Coptic(?). 7.2 x 3.0 cm.; parts of 3 lines <-->, possibly on left margin; has a small adhering layer on the back text on back written in same direction; 2 lines; central fragment 12.4- (see 12.3-)


12.5 [multiple layers] Coptic (?) left margin intact; 8+ lines; text on back has 2 lines


12.6| Arabic (?). left margin (possibly top also) and parts of 5 lines <||>; 12.7 Coptic (see 12.1).

---[paper materials]---


IV.1 Arabic on paper [remove from papyri collection]. 10.3 x 20 cm. 6+ lines; light tan color; left and bottom margin intact [identified on microfilm 1A.71x] CD 1.065 (neg 3.02)


IV.2 Arabic on paper [remove from papyri collection]. 18.3 x 11.5 cm.; 12.4 12.3 x 15.9 cm.; 13 lines with interlinear line; text on back has 8 lines with first 2 damaged [identified on microfilm 1A.71x] CD 1.066 (neg 3.03), CD 3.003 (neg 9.0 )


IV.2b CD 1.072 (neg 3.09)


IV.4 Arabic on paper [remove from papyri collection]. 10 x 20.5 cm.; 21 lines with decorative marks; text on back has 23 lines [identified on microfilm 1A.71x] CD 1.067 (neg 3.04)


IV.4 CD 1.073 (neg 3.10)


IV.5 Arabic on paper [remove from papyri collection]. complete; 18.3 x 11.5 cm.; 9 lines; text on back has 6 lines with 3 each written in opposite directions [identified on microfilm 1A.71x] CD 1.068 (neg 3.05)


IV.5b CD 1.071 (neg 3.08)


XI.6 Undetermined (paper). fragments of paper with undetermined language & symbols


XIII.1 Undetermined (paper); 5+ lines; back has lines of triangles; may be palimpsest; triangles and lines suggest may be mathematical or magical text; same as XIII.2-3


XIII.2 Undetermined (paper); 1 line plus triangles


XIII.3 Undetermined (paper); 2 lines plus line of triangles

-----[Hebrew Materials]-----


II.3 Hebrew on paper; cursive hand; text on back is bookhand; German provenance; late Hebrew paper page with a verse from Psalms and some cursive notes (reference to Ettinger family) [[remove from papyri collection]] [identified in microfilm 1A.31x] CD 1.033 (neg 1.34), CD 1.034 (neg 1.35)


XIV.1-2 Hebrew text of Genesis on leather, "Torah Scroll" 2. Genesis 35.27 - 36.39 (all column margins intact) 1. Genesis 36.39 - 37.28 (all but lower column margin intact)


XIV.3 [is there a XV.3 ??] Biblical


XV.1-4 Hebrew text of Exodus on leather, "Torah Scroll" 4. Exodus 30.8-21 (only left margin intact) 3. Exodus 30.35b - 31.17b (left and right margins intact) 2. Exodus 34.1-12a (left and right margins intact) 1. Exodus 34.26-35 (left and right margins intact)


XVI.1 Hebrew text of Leviticus on leather [Robert Kraft]


Leviticus 6.5b-14a (top and right margins intact)


XVI.2 - XVII.1-2 Hebrew text of Leviticus on leather [Sigrid Peterson; 10th c]


17.1 Leviticus 14.21-36a (left and right margins intact) 16.2 Leviticus 14.45 - 15.7a (left and right margins intact) 17.2 Leviticus 15.15c - 15.29 (left and right margins intact) XVII.1-2 (see above)


XVIII.1-4 Hebrew text of Deuteronomy on leather, "Torah scroll" 4 Deuteronomy 24.13-19 (all but lower margin intact) 2 Deuteronomy 24.20 - 25.13 (left and right margins intact) 3 Deuteronomy 25.19 - 26.17 (all but lower margin intact) 1 Deuteronomy 27.2-18 (all but lower margin intact)


XIX.1-2 Hebrew text of Deuteronomy on leather, "Torah scroll" [Frederick Knobloch] 2 Deuteronomy 28.48-63 (all but lower margin intact) 1 Deuteronomy 31.1-28 midsentence (all but top margin intact; nearly 2 feet long)


XX.1a-b Hebrew on paper; Shavuot Ritual (?) [Max Grossman] black Rashi script, red pointing, highlighted headings; sheet/page from book, written both sides; has year 1807 written on it (later hand?)


XX.2a-b Hebrew on paper; folded sheet from book with 2 pages on front (one on left is blank) and 2 on back (one on left is blank); Rashi type script; page number on side b


XX.3 Hebrew on paper; Poem for Marriage [David Sandmel] 3 columns; has German words in same ink below middle column; very late (pertains to Amsterdam family of ca 1795) written only on one side; has pointing in red/brown ink; Rashi script on lower left reads: "The most joyous of the joyous, Abraham son of Daniel of Abbevilla"


XXI.1a-b and 4a-b Hebrew on paper; two double pages from book, written front and back; same as XXI.4 [photos mislabeled]


XXI.2a-b Judeo-Arabic on paper [Frederick Knobloch]; folded double page from book; side b has blocks drawn around text; "Ms 332" written at bottom of a (left page)


XXI.3a-b Hebrew on paper; Names of Months [Sigrid Peterson]; single page with text on both sides, "Ms 331" at bottom of a XXI.4 (see above to XXI.1)

First draft 1994; expanded and updated 1996 (latest update 13 August 1998)

Robert Kraft (