P.Drexel (University of Pennsylvania Museum), initial transcription and
translation by Janet Timbie (with help from ...); final edition by R.A.Kraft
[updated 20 April 2001; html file 14de2006]

Order for Grain and Wine
late 6th or early 7th century

In the collection of the University of Pennsylvania Museum is a papyrus
document that previously belonged to the private collection of Anthony
J. Drexel and was later given to the Museum. The background of this
document is otherwise unknown. It is an order for grain and wine to be
provided to the bishop Senuthes annually, at the request of the
Flavius Dioscorus.

The order is written against the fibers on medium-brown papyrus in black
ink, in three different hands. The body of the document (lines 1-8a)
is written in a smooth cursive hand, while a brief summary and
authorization of the order is written in a larger, rougher hand (lines
8b-12), and a label on the other side, written with the fibers and
noting the quantities in the order is written in a third hand.

The writing (very faint) on the label side along the fibers begins on the far left of the
papyrus to state the contents of the document, but breaks off in the
middle. The writing begins again in the middle of the papyrus and
completes the label of the document on the right half of the papyrus. The
document seems to have been folded once vertically, in the middle, and
several times horizontally (possibly rolled up from the bottom, then at
some point it became crushed). The writer probably began to write the
label on the left half of the back side, found that it would not fit the
dimensions of the folded document, and thus wrote a smaller, complete
label on the right half of the folded piece.

Text (below, by Janet Timbie)
Notes on text (in process)
Translation (below, by Janet Timbie, revised by RAK)
Content notes (in process)

1. + Fl(a/ouios) Dio/skor(os) . . su\n \q(ew=|)/ trakteuth\s th=s
u(mete/ras e)cousi/as toi=s lampro(ta/tois) Mhna=|
2. dioik(hth=|) kai\ A)nastasi/w| trakt(euth=|) po/lews A)po/llwnos
kai\ toi=s meq' u(ma=s paralhyome/n(ois)
3. th\[n] fronti/da kai\ th\n dioi/khsin th=s au)th=s po/lews. qelh/sate
parasxei=n tw=| o(si/w|
4. e)piskopw| A)bb(a=|) Senouqh=| u(+pe\r th=s ui(ei/as th=s
megalopre(pou=s) mou a)delfh=s th=s
5. kura=s Marou=tos kaq' e(/kaston e)niauto\n a)po\ th=s parou/shs
6. i)nd(ikti/onos) kai\ e)fech=s si/tou a)rta/bas penth/konta kai\
ne/ou oi)/nou a)ggi=a e(kato/n, gi/(netai) si/(tou) (a)rta/bai) N
(kai\) oi)/(nou) ne/ou a)g(gi=a) R
7. kai\ ei)s u(mw=n a)sfa/leian pepoi/hmai to\ paro\n kaqoliko\n
8. meq' u(pografh=s e)mh=s w(s pro/k(eitai). ((2nd hand)) + Fl(a/oui)os
Dio/skoros su\n \q(ew=|)/ trakteuth\[s
9. th=s u(me(te/ras) e)cousi/(as), stoixei= mou to\ paro\n kaqoliko\n
10. e)pi/stal(ma) tw=n tou= si/(tou) a)r(ta/bwn) penth/konta kai\
11. a)ggi/(wn) e(kato\n a)po\ e(bdo/mhs i)nd(ikti/onos) kai\ e)fech=s w(s
12. pro/keitai.

Other side (with the fibers)

1. ((blank first half)) + e)pi/stalm(a) t(ou=) ku(ri/ou ((blank))
Diosko/ro(u) si/(tou) (a)rta/bai) N kai\
2. ((blank to about 3/4 of the line)) a)(ggi=a) oi)/no(u) R

Notes on the text:

line 1: between the R of DIOSCOR(os) and the expected SUN are what appear
to be two other letters, resembling LL or LA or LD; above the K of DIOSCOR
is a decorative mark (or abbreviation mark?) similar to some later in the
same line; above the UN of SUN is a supralinear Q (see also line ?); the
letters K and H of TRAKTEUTHS have decorative loops in the upper margins
as also the subsequent H in THS; there is a gap of about three letters
width after ECOUSIAS; the abbreviated LAMPRO(tatois) appears to end with
two rhos, each with a supralinear O above it and connected beneath with a
slightly slanted horizontal abbreviation stroke;

body of the order (against the fibers):

1. + Fl(avius) Dioscor(us), with \G(od)/, the supply-agent of your office,
to the illust(rious) Mena
2. dioic(etes) and Anastasius age(nt) (?) of the city Apollonos and to
those who share with you
3. the administration and authority in the same city: Please supply the
4. bishop Abb(a) Senouthes for the health of my magnifi(cent) sister the
5. lady Marous each year from the present seventh
6. ind(iction) and following fifty artabai of grain and one
hundred bottles of \my/new/ wine, be(ing) 50 a(rt.) gr(ain) & 100 bo(t.)
of my/new wine;
7. and for your security, I have drawn up the present general order
8. with my signature as here pr(esented).
((2nd hand)) + Fl(avius) Dioscorus, with God, supply-agent
9. of yo(ur) offic(e), confirms the above general
10. ord(er) for fifty ar(t.) of gr(ain) and of win(e)
11. one hundred bott(les) from the seventh indiction and following as
12. stipulated.

Other side (with the fibers):
+ Orde(r) of t(he) lo(rd) Dioscor(us) for gr(ain), 50 (art.), &
win(e), 100 b(ottles).

[[revised by RAK 20 April 2001]]

parallels (names):

Fla/ouios Dio/skoros -- many parallels, mid 6th c.
check Leslie S. B. MacCoull, Dioscorus of Aphroditio, His Work and His
World (Berkeley/Los Angeles/London, 1988).
PCair, Mas 1, 67087, 1 (Aphrodito, Aphroditopolis; AD543)
PCair, Mas 1, 67094, 5 (Aphrodito, Aphroditopolis; AD553)
PCair, Mas 1, 67096, 7 (Aphrodito, Aphroditopolis; AD573)

Abba Senouqhs = Apollonopolis Magna
PGrenf, Vol 1, 66, r, 2 (ApollMag?; VI/VIIspc) -qou
PGrenf, Vol 2, 93, v, 6 (?; VI/VIIspc) abba| Senouqh| episkopw|
SB, Vol 16, 12869, r, 3 (Apollonopolis Magna; VI/VIIspc) -qh|
SB, Vol 16, 12869, r, 26 (Apollonopolis Magna; VI/VIIspc) -qou
cf PGrenf, Vol 1, 63, r, 6 (ApollMag; VI/VIIspc) -qios

Marous/Maroutos (3 times in gen.)
StudPal, Vol 20, 233, r, 3 (?; VI-VIIspc) -- H( GA\R KURA\ *MAROU=S

trakteuth (mainly 6th c term; 29 times in 6-7th c via Perseus)

lamprotat- (2nd century ce onward)

megaloprep- (mainly 5th-8th centuries)

e(bdo/mhs i)nd(ikti/onos) [dated by editors]

SB, Vol 4, 7369, r, 8 (Hermoupolis Magna; AD512)
SB, Vol 4, 7369, r, 24 (Hermoupolis Magna; AD512)
SB, Vol 14, 11373, r, 1 (Hermoupolis Magna; AD513)
PCollYoutie, Vol 2, 90, r, 3 (Hermoupolis Magna; AD513)

PCair, Mas 3, 67300, 7 (Aphrodito, Aphroditopolis; AD527)
PLond, Vol 5, 1689, 17 (Aphrodito, Aphroditopolis; AD527)
PLond, Vol 5, 1690, r, 8 (Aphrodito, Aphroditopolis; AD527)
PMich, Vol 13, 670, 11 (Aphrodito, Aphroditopolis; AD527)
POxy, Vol 16, 1900, r, 25 (Oxyrhynchus; AD528)

PCair, Mas 2, 67139, Fol3, r, 1 (Aphrodito, Aphroditopolis; AD541-546)
repr. cfPCairMasp2
PCair, Mas 3, 67286, 16 (Aphrodito, Aphroditopolis; AD542/3/543/4)
PAnt, Vol 1, 42, r, 18 (Antinoopolis; AD542)
StudPal, Vol 20, 142, r, 2 (Arsinoite; AD543)
PAthXyla, , 10, r, 3 (Hermopolite; AD543)
PFlor, Vol 3, 292, B, 11 (Aphrod; AD543/4)
PCair, Mas 1, 67087, 3 (Aphrodito, Aphroditopolis; AD543)
PGenova, Vol 1, 30, 2 (?; AD543)
POxy, Vol 16, 1985, r, 22 (Oxyrhynchus; AD543)

PHeid, Vol 5, 352, r, 6 (Hermopolite; AD558)
PLond, Vol 3, 1007a, c, 3 (Antaeop nome?; AD558) repr. pg264-5
PLond, Vol 5, 1766, r, 2 (Hermopolite; AD559)

SB, Vol 6, 9293, 13 (Arsinoiton Polis, Krokodilopolis,
Ptolemais Euergetis; AD572)
PCair, Mas 1, 67096, 3 (Aphrodito, Aphroditopolis; AD573)
PSI, Vol 1, 67, 3 (Oxyrhynchus; AD573-575)
PCair, Mas 1, 67097, v;A, 3 (Aphrodito, Aphroditopolis; AD573/4)
PCair, Mas 1, 67121, r, 3 (Aphrodito, Aphroditopolis; AD573)
POxy, Vol 16, 1894, r, 10 (Oxyrhynchus; AD573)
PMuench, Vol 1, 1rp, r, 3 (Syene; AD574) repr. PMonac1

PRossGeorg, Vol 3, 40, 3 (Hermoupolis Magna; AD589)

PRossGeorg, Vol 5, 42, 6 (Hermopolite; AD602?)
PErl, , 73, r, 28 (Herakleopolis; AD604)

BGU, Vol 3, 725, r, 23 (Arsinoite; AD618)
PEdfou, Vol 1, 2, r, 4 (Apollonopolis Magna; AD619)

SB, Vol 6, 9461, r, 17 (Arsinoiton Polis, Krokodilopolis, Ptolemais
Euergetis; AD632)
PLond, Vol 3, 1012, r, 12 (Hermopolite; AD633) repr. pg265-7
StudPal, Vol 3, 391, 6 (?; AD633/4/648/9)

BGU, Vol 3, 737, r, 3 (Arsinoiton Polis, Krokodilopolis, Ptolemais
Euergetis; AD642-)
BGU, Vol 1, 310rp, 13 (Arsinoite; AD642-) repr. SB1

StudPal, Vol 8, 1198, 5 (Herakleopolis; AD664/679)

Very similar document =
PGrenf, Vol 1, 63, r, 3 (ApollMag; VI/VIIspc)


† *l(a/ouios) *qeo/dwros su\n qew=| i)llou/strios ui(o\s *)iwa/nnou
tou= th=s e)ndo/cou mnh/mhs genome/nou strathla(tou)
† *l(aoui/w|) *mhna=| tw=|lampro(ta/tw|) dioikhth=| th=s
*)apollwnopol(itw=n)1 1.184 ,
kai\ toi=s meta\ sou= paralhmyome/nois th\n
dioi/khsin kai\ fronti/da *)apo/llwnos.
qelh/sh| parasxei=n a)bba=| *senouqi/w| tw=| o(siwt(a/tw|)
mou despo/th| kai\ patri\ kai\ e)pisko/pw| *)apo/llwnos,
xwri\s2 tw=n didome/nwn au)tw=| para\ tou=
e)n a(gi/ois mou despo/tou kai\ patro/s,
a)po\ e(bdo/mhs i)nd(iktio/nos) kai\ au)th=s
kai\ e)fech=s kai\ e)pi\ to\ dihneke\s si/tou a)rta/bas
penth/konta modi/w| *)apo/llwnos, kai\ oi)/nou a)ggei=a3
e(kato/n, gi/(nontai) si/(tou=) (a)rta/bai) 50 oi)/(nou) a)g(gei/ou) 100.
† kai\pro\s u(mete/ran a)sfa/leian pepoi/hmai
to\ paro\n kaqoliko\n e)pi/stalma grafe\n
xeiri\ *)iwa/nnou tou= e)mou= notari/ou met'
u(pografh=s e)mh=s w(s pro/k(eitai).
e)gra/(fh) *(aqu\r 8 i)nd(ikti/onos) e(/kths.
† *l(a/ouios) *qeo/dwros ui(o\s {uios} *)iwa/nnou tou= th=s
e)ndo/c(ou) mnh/mhs stoixw= tw=| paro/nti kaqo-
likw=|4 e)pista/lmati tw=n tou= si/tou a)r(tabw=n) penth/-
konta kai\ oi)/nou a)ggei/wn5 e(kato/n , w(s pro/-
keitai, † e(bdo/mhs i)ndiktio/nos) kai\ e)fech=s.
† e)pi/stalma tou= o(siwta/to) e)pisko/pou.

1 *)apollwnopo/l(ews) Original ed. 2 xwiris
Pap. 3 aggia Pap. 4 koqolikw Pap. 5 aggiwn Pap.